Contrary to the expression in the mainstream media, new studies have found that the prices of Bitcoin and Lightcoin are not affected by the halving of block incentives.
Looking for causality
But everything that happens in the crypto-currency market is often contrary to what people want – crypto-digital money, a near-perfect random and volatile speculator. Nonetheless, the desire for causality leads the mainstream media to build their views around possible random price changes.
Forbes wrote: “After the Libra hearing, bitcoin prices began to rise.” According to Reuters, “mysterious orders” triggered the start of the cattle market in 2019. QZ said that the release of USDT was a major potential factor in Bitcoin’s recent recovery.
独家|比特币24h链上交易量上升50.75% 未确认交易数超过5.5万笔:金色财经消息,据欧科云链OKLink链上数据显示,比特币24h链上活跃地址数逾81.71万,环比下降5.63%;链上真实交易量近59.38万BTC,环比上升50.75%;链上交易笔数逾25.2万笔,环比上升1.88%。
The number of transactions in the exclusive bitcoin 24h chain rose by 50.75 per cent, and the number of unconfirmed transactions exceeded 55,000: the golden financial news, according to the data on the Okoun chain OKLink, showed that the number of active addresses in the 24h chain exceeded 8.17 million, a 5.63 per cent decline in the ring ratio; the real volume of transactions in the chain was close to 59.38 million BTC, a 50.75 per cent increase in the ring; and the number of transactions in the chain exceeded 252,000, a 1.8 per cent increase in the ring.
As at 10 a.m., Bitcoin had a full Internet difficulty of 20.00 T, a full Web capacity of 130.75 EH/s, a decrease of 0.75 EH/s from the previous day, with an unconfirmed number of transactions amounting to 5.52 million. [2020/10/27]
However, even if there is a logical basis, it may be easy to find causality. It is generally accepted by encoded currency fans that the block incentive is reduced by half, leading to higher prices. Moreover, the logic is reasonable.
动态 | 安全公司:新西兰Cryptopia交易所被盗ETH再次发生异动:据成都链安Beosin-AML反平台监测分析结果显示,近日以来,新西兰Cryptopia交易所一月份被盗ETH再次发生异动,关键地址0x9481bd在向多个地址分散转移了共600余枚ETH之后,沉寂了一段时间。近日,这些分散地址中,地址0x211d4向币安充币地址转入247个ETH,地址0x094b67a将14.68ETH通过层层转移和混合流入Yobit交易所,另有20个ETH经过0xd0595b地址资金混合之后,转入Kraken和火币充币地址。通过成都链安持续追踪分析发现,黑客分散和转移资金的过程繁杂而有序,通过庞大的地址数量进行资金拆分并通过资金混淆及其他洗白资金的方式意图逃避追踪。[2019/12/4]
Security company: The theft of ETH from the Cryptopia Exchange in New Zealand has reoccured: according to the results of the monitoring analysis of the Beosin-AML counter-platform in the Chengdu chain, the theft of ETH in January by the Cryptopia Exchange in New Zealand has reoccured for some time since the key address 0x9481bd was transferred to more than 600 ETHs at multiple addresses. In recent days, these scattered addresses, 0x211d4 were transferred to ETHs, 0x094b67a, 14.68 ETHs were separated through layer transfers and mixed inflows into Yobit Exchange, and 20 ETHs were transferred to Kraken and the pyroche repository addresses after a combination of 0xd0595b addresses. Through continuous follow-up analysis in Chengdu, it was found that the process of dispersing and transferring funds was complicated and orderly, dispersing funds through large addresses, and attempting to evade tracing them by confusing and other means of laundering funds [2019/12/4]
From a low of $22 in December 2018, Lettco jumped to a new height of $480 to $130 in July – becoming one of the few assets to win bitcoin in the cattle market. Publications, including CryptoSlate, attribute price increases to about half of what is coming.
行情 | BTC对法币中交易日元占比为51.75%:据coinhills数据,当前BTC对法币交易中,日元占比已经超过一半达到51.75%,美元占比为43.08%,随后韩元占比2%、欧元占比1.17%、英镑占比0.65%。但如果将USDT列入统计,USDT对BTC交易仍占绝大部分达到69.66%,日元占比将降至10.89%、美元占比降至10.80%。[2019/2/4]
BTC accounts for 51.75% of transactions in French: according to Coinhills, the current BTC accounts for more than half of transactions in French currency, 51.75% in Japanese yen and 43.08% in United States dollars, followed by 2% in Korean won, 1.17% in euro, and 0.65% in pounds sterling. If USDT is included in the statistics, USDT accounts for the majority of transactions in BTC, 69.66% in Japanese yen, 10.89% in Japanese yen and 10.80% in United States dollars. [2019/2/4]
Study on the impact of halving prices
A study carried out by Nico Cordeiro and AvaMasucci of the business start-up company Strix Leviathan from Seattle, which specializes in engineering and transactional algorithms in the crypto-currency market, challenged the idea of a significant impact of halving on currency prices.
Researchers analysed and compared 32 of the 24 encrypted currencies by half with the overall market benchmark. The price of each currency was assessed before and six months after the reduction, and the price of the encrypted currency that did not experience the halving event within the same time frame was compared.
“disagreements and seemingly random results, both before and after halving, indicate that the underlying factors driving prices are not shifts in the dynamics of supply and demand.”
And then Strix Leviathan compares the encrypted digital currency that he has studied. Historically, price changes should increase during the halved period. However, researchers found that the encrypted digital currency that experienced the halving event had not experienced significant fluctuations or returns before or after the halving.
“We find that the distribution of returns between the halving of assets and the distribution of returns beyond the halving of their time shows that they are statistically identical at 99% of the confidence level. In other words, we have no evidence that halving events could lead to abnormal pricing behaviour, and we are dealing with indirect errors.”
In sum, researchers conclude:
“We have found no evidence to suggest that in the months before and after the miner's incentives were reduced, the encoded currency assets had a better performance than the one that had been halved.”
“Although the idea of halving is certainly feasible as a logical theory, it is equally possible that we are dealing with an illusion of effectiveness, whereas the former cattle movement merely increased the level of speculation in asset classes.”
Live in a world of noise-filled encrypted money.
Ultimately, the crypto-currency market is dominated by causality that seeks to force most random market changes. “The world of financial markets is full of tens of thousands of theories of logic and ideology that are not real in practice,” said Cordeiro and Masucci succinctly.
Many market movements that are alleged to have been triggered by large news events may be merely random. There is also a possible suspicion, for example, that the price of Tether is actually manipulated and has been pushing the $15 billion bitcoin market, and that they may wrongly use halving the causal link to prove this upward effect.
In a world of noise, it is important to remain skeptical. But, if you think that bitcoin will continue to rise, the most reasonable explanation is that the average dollar or value cost of entering the market will increase over a long period of time, so ignore the noise around you and learn to understand long-term trends.
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