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一、超文才本(hypertext)   is ˂stoptext ˂/strang 一种全局性的信息结构,它将文来自档中的不同部分通过关键字建立链接,使信息得以用交互方式搜索。它是超级文本的简称[1]?。 A glob...



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A global information structure that allows information to be searched in an interactive manner through links to from different parts of


II, supermedia


Hypertext is a combination of hypertext and multimedia in an information viewing environment. It is a acronym for supermedia. Users can not only jump from one text to another, but can also activate a sound, displaying a graphic, . They can even play an animation [2] .


Internet uses hypertext and hypermedia information organization to extend information links to the entire Internet. Web is a hypertext information system, and Web's owner , which allows text not

三、超文本传输协议(HTTP)Hypertext Transfer Protocol超文本在互联网上的传输协议。

andfer Protocol supertext transfer protocol on the Internet.


The term is now referred to as .


For the interpretation of the “global network”, the web site /a>, the designer is the technical summary of a series of , the back desk procedure, four-hundrix frequency , general description of the technology in the field of databases, etc.).

现在在你眼前,出现在显示器上的这个 “ 东西 ” ,就是一个网页。网页实际是一个文件,他存放在世界某个角落的的某一台计算机中,而这台计算机必须是与互联网相连的。网页经由网址( URL )来识别与存取,当我们在浏览器输入网址后,经阿关运耐过一段复杂而又快速的程序,网页文件会被传送到你的计算机,然后再通过浏览器解释网页的内容,再展示到你的眼前。

Now, in front of you, the web page , which appears on the monitor, is a page . The web page is actually a document that is stored in one of the


Text and pictures are two of the most basic elements of a web page

在网页上点击鼠标右键,选择菜单中的 “ 查看源文件 ” ,就可以苗呀铁混致通过记事本看到网页的实际内容。可以看到,网页实际上只是字周题正赶矿哥一个纯文本文件,它通过各们技式各样的标记对页面上的文字、图片、表格、声音等元素进行描述(例如字体、颜色、大小),而浏览器则对这些标记进行解释并生成页面,于是紧体北若缩环危做属因就得到你现在所看到的画面。 为什么在源文件看不到任何图片? 网页文件中存放的只是图片的链接位置,而图片文件与网页文件是互相独立存放的,甚至可以不在同一台计算机百带后上。

Clicking on the web page to select from the menu the actual content of to view source files >span= "uu66j0721qp" via to see the actual content of the page spans. Seeing a mere text from the mine > > >s s <

常我们看到的网页,都是以 htm 或 html 后缀结尾的文件,俗称 HTML文件。不同的后缀,分别代表不同类型的市环附述浓花乐题网页文件,例如以 CGI 、 ASP 、 PHP 、 JSP 甚至其他更多。

Pages , ending with . Different suffixes represent different types of pages, e.g., in CGI, ASP, PHP, JSP


design software;


Every time you access the Internet, you leave a record (cookies) in the history record, which is stored in a document of the C-domain key clicks on the 'ie properties', on browsing


The earliest network architecture . Although this is very different from the World Wide Web that we now use, they have many of the same core ideas, and even some of the Bernards-Li’s web sites include the idea of the next project synthesical web that is suitable for .

1989年3月,伯纳斯-李撰写了《关于信息化管理的建议》一文,文中提及 ENQUIRE 并且描述了一个更加精巧的管理模型。[3]1990年11月12日他和罗伯特·卡里奥(Robert Cailliau)合作提出了一个更加正式的关于万维网的建议。在1990年11月13日供第滑他在一台NeXT工作站上写了第一个网页以实现他文中防操把质受标原的想法.

In March 1989, Bernards-Li wrote "Proposal on , referring to ENQUIRE and describing a more sophisticated management model.[3] In November 1990, , he and Robert Calliau collaborated on a more formal proposal on the World Wide Web.


On that Christmas holiday, Bernard Lee produced all the tools necessary for a webwork: the first web browser (also


On August 6, 1991, he posted an article in the alt.hypertext News Group on the web site profile of the Van

万维网中至关重要的概善战观丝绝善除般永念超文本起源于1960年代的几个从前的项目。譬如泰德·尼尔森(Ted Nelson)的仙那都项目(Project Xana殖象范金了好充du)和道格拉斯·英格巴特穿构父谁备民医(Douglas Enge升交套力办lbart)的NLS。而这两个项目的灵感都是来源于万尼瓦尔·布什在其1945年的论文《和我们想得一样》中为微缩胶片设计的“记忆延伸”(memex)系统。

The most important features of the World Wide Web, such as Project Xana /strang


Tim Burns-Li's other genius, >, explained that in his book Weaving , he had repeatedly suggested to users of both technologies that their combination was > > who responded to his suggestion >, and that he had finally solved the plan . He invented a unique system for the certification of network resources : a unified resource >.


The World Wide Web and other hypertext systems have many differences:

* 万维网上需要单项连接而不是双向连接,这使得任何人可以在资源拥有者不作任何行动情况下宜将求感该资源。和早期的网络系统相比,这一点对析九解司得门执看基时于减少实现网络服务器和网络浏览器的困难至关重要,但它的副作用是产生了坏链的慢性问题。

* The World Wide Web requires a single link , which allows anyone to use

* 万维网不像某些应用软件如HyperCard,它不是私有的,这使得服务器和客户端能够独立地血移拿发展和扩展,而不受许可限制。

* Unlike some applications such as HyperCard, the World Wide Web is not privately owned, which allows servers and clients to independently develop and expand


On April 30, 1993, the European Organization for Nuclear Research announced that the World Wide Web would be opened free of charge to anyone . Two months after fees would no longer be waived, resulting in a large number of users moving from Go

万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium,简称W3C),又称W3C理事会。1994年10月在麻省理工学院计算胡什局够准染达往赵机科学实验室成立。建立者是万维准光成微刑网的发明者蒂姆·伯纳斯-李。

The W3C Board of Directors (World ium, also known as W3C). In 1994, the Hush Bureau was set up in , created by the inventor of the .


i. Web is a map of the test protagonist shaped and easy to navigate (navigate) /strang >

Web 非常流行的一个很重要的原因就在于它可以在一页上同时显示色事销还克压呢布彩丰富的图形和文本的性能。在Web之前Internet上的信息只有文本形式。Web可以提供将图形、音频视频信息集合于一体的特性。同时,Web是非常易于导航的,只需要从一个连接跳到另一个连接,就可以在各页粉完陈境环席粒花各站点之间进行浏览了。

The important reason why can display colour at the same time on one page the performance of colour-rich graphics and text. The information on is important because Web can provide a video of , >, which connects to >, is also needed to connect .

无论你的系统平台是什么,你都可以通过Internet访问WWW。浏览WWW对你的系统平台没有什么限制。无论从Windows平台、UNIX平但议气密蒸议套台、Macintosh还是别的什么平台我们都可以访问WWW。对WWW的访问是通过一种叫做浏览器(browser)的软件实现的。如Netscape 的Navigator、NCSA的Mosaic、Micro义坚始种满识用标友肥soft的Explo火晶室调往做速rer等。

Whatever your system platform is, you can visit the WWW via the Internet. We can visit any platform of your system . The WWW access is achieved through a soft /spanlas="tea9kis" browser , but it's such as Netscape's Na >, NCSA's mosaic, Microchis> bloss=200h > >.


A great deal of graphics, and will take up a lot of disk space, and we can't even predict how much of


Finally, since the information on each Web site contains information on the site itself, information providers can update the information on the site on a regular basis. For example, the status of an agreement, company advertisements, and so on. Information sites generally try to ensure the timeliness of the information. Information on the Web site is dynamic. It is often updated. This is guaranteed by the provider of the information.


The interactive nature of Web is expressed first and foremost on its superconnection, with the user’s browsing order and the location to be determined entirely by himself. In addition, dynamic information can be obtained from the server through the FORM format. The user can submit a request to the server by filling in the FORM, and the server can return the corresponding information at the user’s request.

当你想进入万维网上一个网页, 或者其他网络资源的时候,通常你要首先在你的浏览器上键入你想访问网页的统一资源定位符(Uniform Resource Locator),或者通过超链接方式链接到那个网页或网络资源。这之后的工作首先是URL的服务器名部分,被名为域名系统的分布于全球的因特网数据库解析,并根据解析结果决定进入哪一个IP地址(IP address)。

When you want to access a web page on the World Wide Web , you usually have to type on your browser the unified resource locator (Uniform Resources Locator) that you want to access to your web page, or link it to that web page or web resource by hyperlink.


The next step is to send a HTTP request to the server working on the IP address.


The web browser will then show users what HTML, CSS and other accepted documents describe, together with images, and other necessary resources.


Most web pages themselves contain hyperlinks pointing to other relevant pages, and possibly downloads, source literature, definitions, and other web resources. By organizing useful and related resources together through hyperlinks like this, they form the so-called "net of information." The Internet is easily accessible and constitutes what Tim Bernards-Lee first described as the World Wide Web in the early 1990s.




With the increased commercialization of the grid, the demand for real-time monitoring of , analytical decision-making, information dissemination and training of personnel has also increased and information interactions between sectors, people and people have increased and become more frequent, while requiring reading and writing of data in different geographical areas have become an outstanding problem. Information and different readings of data.

2 WEB方案的提出

2 WEB proposal

2.1 从对数据的共享需求来看

2.1 From the demand for data sharing


The data-sharing classification is broadly divided into two categories: 1) only data are required for querying, browsing and being shared at the front desk; 2) data need to be reprocessed and used for back-office sharing.

这里涉及到的需求都可以通过前台共享(WEB模式)来实现。而前台共享实现的方式主要有两种:Client/Server模式 和Browser/Server模式(WEB发布)。现将两种模式的对比如下:

The needs involved can be achieved through front desk sharing (WEB mode). There are two main ways forward: the Client/Server model and the Brownserver/Server model (WEB release).


(1) The Client/Server model, which is the traditional , is highly competent in some traditional applications, but it is a bit overstretched for today's needs. The relationship database management system has a limited number of co-users (the average number of twenty or thirty co-users is significant). But as the network expands dramatically, there are many traditional methods that are no longer sufficient to cope with the rapid increase in demand.


(2) Using traditional models, each client machine is required to install application software, resulting in significant human, material, and financial costs in software development, installation, upgrading, maintenance. Brownser/Server at hardly requires any modification, system hardware and software installation, upgrades, maintenance concentrated only on server end and web browsers have a single user interface, simple form and ease of operation.

(3)Client Server模式在共享区域上也有很大的局限性,它不能打破企业中各信息系统各自为政,互相独立的局面。而Web技术(基于Browser/Server模式)带来了新的企业网络解决方案——Intranet。Intranet是一个以 TCP/IP为基础,集成Web技术而形成的企业内部信息网络,主要提供信息服务,避免了信息孤岛现象。企业用户无论在企业内部,还是在家中,甚至在外出差,都可以通过局域网,或通过电话线运用远程访问服务(RAS)进入Intranet,真正实现内部信息的唾手可得。

(3) The Client Server model also has significant limitations in the sharing area, and it does not break down the fragmentation and interdependence of information systems in enterprises. Web technology (based on the Brownser/Server model) has brought a new enterprise network solution, Intranet. The Intranet is an intra-business information network based on TCP/IP, integrated into Web technology, which provides information services and avoids information silos.


Based on the broad and dispersed coverage of the target groups, we have decided to use the Brownserver/Server model (i.e. Web release technology) to achieve data sharing.

2.2 从对数据读写的类型来看

2.2 In terms of type of reading and writing of data


The classification of data can also be divided into two categories: 1) number, character type; 2) file, chart type.


Read and write needs for numbers, character types can be achieved in the WEB mode. The key to the file, chart type is the storage mode of the information. While data can be recorded manually, the web storage of files can be perfected through third-party software, and no conversion is required. The operation management of this software is also based on the WEB server mode, that is, Web publishing technology.

3 系统设计思想

3 System Design Thought


We have designed programmes for different data storage, reading and writing requirements.

3.1 关于写入

3.1 about writing

3.1.1 历史数据处理

3.1.1 Historical data processing


(1) Document scanning, uploading and processing of data that does not need to be updated or reprocessed;


(2) Data to be updated is stored on a WEB server and can be edited again online;


(3) Manual entry of data to be processed.

3.1.2 新数据处理

3.1.2 New data processing


(1) Real-time data can be obtained through the SCADA system for direct automatic storage;


(2) Data to be updated is stored on a WEB server and can be edited again online;


(3) Data that do not need to be updated and that do not need to be reprocessed can be scanned for documents and uploaded;


(4) The data to be processed are filled in by manual entry.

3.2 关于读取

3.2 About reading


You can save a lot of effort by providing diversified data entry, reading and sampling patterns that meet the various data reading and writing requirements.


(1) LAN users have direct access to server sites through IE;


(2) Remote users have dial-up access to server sites.

4 系统技术实现

4 System technology realization

4.1 WEB结构

4.1 WEB Structure

Web结构的核心是一台Web 服务器,它一般由一台独立的服务器承担,数据库服务器为信息管理系统数据库服务器,各客户机数据请求均由Web服务器提交给数据库服务器,再由Web服务器返回发给请求的客户机。

The core of the Web structure is a Web server, which is generally carried out by an independent server, a database server is an information management system database server, and each client data request is submitted to the database server by the Web server, which returns the client to the request.


The Web server here can be set up as a gateway , with one end of the information management system Intranet and the other end of the enterprise Intranet, thus avoiding direct external exposure to the Intranet and allowing internal access to Web sites.

4.2 WEB的软硬平台

4.2 WEB soft and hard platform

大多数Web服务器都是为一种操作系统进行优化的,所以选择Web服务器时,需要和操作系统联系起来考虑。IIS(Internet Information Server)是微软Windows 2000/NT自带的Web服务器,具有与操作系统的亲和性,并继承了Microsoft产品一贯的用户界面。所以,我们采用以下Web平台:

Most Web servers are optimized for an operating system, so when selecting Web servers, they need to be linked to the operating system. The IIS is a Microsoft Windows 2000/NT own Web server, which has an affinity to the operating system and inherited a consistent user interface for Microsoft products. So, we use the following Web platform:

(1)硬件:服务器(PII300以上,128MB 以上RAM,100 Mbit/s网卡),客户机(PII200以上64 MB以上RAM,100Mbit/s网卡) ;

(1) Hardware: server (RAM above PII300, RAM above 128MB, 100 Mbit/s

(2)软件:服务器(Windows 2000/(NT Server4.0)中文版,建议Server Pack 5.0以上,IIS 4.0 ),客户机(Microsoft Win 9X中文版,IE 4.0以上浏览器) ;

(2) Software: Server (Windows 2000/(NT Server 4.0), recommended Server Pack 5.0, above IIS 4.0), Client (Microsoft Win 9X Chinese, IE 4.0 browser);


(3) Networks: It is recommended that 100 Mbit/s Ethernet.

4.3 WEB开发

4.3 WEB development

4.3.1 开发工具

4.3.1 Develop tool


(1) ASP is a technology used by Microsoft to generate dynamic , such as JavaScript, PerlScript, and VBScripts, which can be used to produce HTML versions.

(2)以Microsoft 公司出品的SharePoint软件作为网络文件存储的基本结构。可通过WEB页直接进行文件(Word,Excel,PowerPoint,Txt,Html)的网络存储、修改。通过对其中源码的修改,使之适应我们的实际使用情况。同时,对其WEB共享文件夹的安全权限进行设置,达到网络安全的功能。

(2) Use the SharePoint software produced by Microsoft as the basic structure for the storage of web files. The web storage and modification of files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Txt, Html) can be done directly on the WEB page. By modifying the source code, it can be adapted to our actual usage. Also, its WEB security privileges to .

4.3.2 网络用户管理?

4.3.2 Network user management?


Network users are created on the basis of the server's home user account. All permissions are focused on the server in one body, so that maintenance personnel can centrally manage it. Upon leaving the house, maintenance staff can order each user to allow or prohibit the user to read and write. To facilitate user changes in personal network accounts and passwords, we provide system account password changes through webweb technology, making it as easy for users to work in an office as if they were able to access the WEB server wherever they are.

5 系统安全

5 System Security

除了平台、开发环境和功能设计外,网站的安全性问题也不容忽视。从硬件的安全角度考虑,我们为主服务器设置了一台备份服务器,同时将WEB服务器设为网关使用双网卡,对内部机器IP进行合理规划。在软件方面,凡是用于客户端的脚本(主要是响应客户端时间)全部采用JavaScript脚本编写。服务器端脚本(主要是用户权限设置及数据库操作)均采用运行于服务器端的 VbScript脚本编写,ODBC接口及用户权限跟踪进行独特加密。这样,对数据库操作及用户身份验证的脚本在服务器端编译执行,相对于客户端是看不见的,同时传递时进行了多次加密、校验。

In addition to the platform, development environment and functional design, the security issues of the web site


The use of active software on * protection is maintained and constant care is taken to upgrade the * library in order to prevent its occurrence.

6 结语

6 Concluding remarks

基于WEB的电网信息管理及办公应用系统不但具有易于开发、使用和维护的特点,而且易于和其他系统接口及协同工作,同时向下和向上兼容过去和将来的办公模式。OFFICE文挡的网络存储和基于网络数据库的数据存储方式,既保留了以前的工作习惯,同时提供了网络数据存储的工作方法。能通过此系统,使得工作人员向完全网络办公模式转化,有一个循序渐进的过程。 ? ?

WEB-based web-based information management and office applications are not only easy to develop, use and maintain, but also easy to interface with other systems and work in synergy, while at the same time enabling down and up-to-date compatibility with past and future office patterns. The web storage and data storage methods of web-based databases of OFFCE files both retain previous working habits and provide web-based data storage of .


The traditional Web database system generally achieves connectivity and application of the Web database system by providing to connect the Web server and the database server, by providing client end of

CGI是WWW服务器运行时外部程序的规范,按照CGI编写的程序可以扩展服务器的功能,完成服务器本身不能完成的工作,外部程序执行时间可以生成HTML文档,并将文档返回WWW服务器。CGI应用程序能够与浏览器进行交互作用,还可以通过数据库的API与数据库服务器等外部数据源进行通信,如一个CGI程序可以从数据库服务器中获取数据,然后格式化为HTML文档后发送给浏览器,也可以将从浏览器获得的数据放到数据库中。几乎使用的服务器软件都支持CGI,开发人员可以使用任何一种WWW服务器内置语言编写CGI,其中包括流行的C、C 、VB和Delphi等。

CGI is the norm for external procedures when the WWW server operates. The program prepared by the CGI can expand the server's functionality, complete the work that the server itself cannot perform, and external program execution time can generate HTML documents and return them to the WWW server. The CGI application can interact with , and can communicate with external data sources such as the API and database server in the database, such as a CGI program that can obtain data from the database server and then format it into a HTML file and send it to the browser. The almost-used server software supports CGI, and developers can use any of the WWW server's internalized language to prepare CGI, including popular C, C, VB, and Delphi.


From the structure of the system, users enter query information through the Web browser. The browser sends a request with query information to the Web server through the HTTP protocol. The Web server activates the external CGI program in accordance with the CGI protocol, which returns to the Web server after sending SQL requests to DBMS and converting the results to HTML. The Web server returns to the Web browser. This structure reflects the three-storey model of the client/server approach, in which the Web server and the CGI program actually perform


Web-based database access uses available information resources and servers. Its frequency of access is high, especially hotspot data. Its main disadvantage is that: (a) client-to-back database server communications must pass through the Web server, and Web servers must switch data to HTML files. When multiple users simultaneously send requests, they must create information and release bottlenecks on Web servers. 2CGI applications need to be opened and closed for each operation, inefficient and time-consuming; (d) 3CGI applications cannot be shared by multiple clients and, even when new requests are coming, another CGI application will be activated, and as user access controls are increased, the server will generate an increasing number of processes.


To overcome the limitations of CGI, another intermediate solution emerged, , based on server extension of API structures. Compared to CGI, API applications are more closely integrated with Web servers, with much fewer system resources and much more efficient operations, while providing better protection and security.

服务器API一般作为一个DLL提供,是驻留在WWW服务器中的程序代码,其扩展WWW服务器的功能与CGI相同。WWW开发人员不仅可以API解决CGI可以解决的一切问题,而且能够进一步解决基于不同WWW应用程序的特殊请求。各种API与其相应的WWW服务器紧密结合,其初始开发目标服务器的运行性能进一步发掘、提高。用API开发的程序比用CGI开发的程序在性能上提高了很多,但开发API程序比开发CGI程序要复杂得多。API应用程序需要一些编程方面的专门知识,如多线程、进程同步、直接协议编程以及错误处理等。目前主要的WWW API有Microsoft公司的ISAPI、Netscape公司的NSAPI和OReily公司的WSAPI等。使用ISPAI开发的程序性能要优于用CGI开发的程序,这主要是因为ISAPI应用程序是一些与WWW服务器软件处于同一地址空间的DLL,因此所有的HTTP服务器进程能够直接利用各种资源这显然比调用不在同一地址空间的CGI程序语句要占用更少的系统时间。而NSAPI同ISAPI一样,给WWW开发人员定制了Netscape WWW服务器基本服务的功能。开发人员利用NSAPI可以开发与WWW服务器的接口,以及与数据库服务器等外部资源的接口。

API is generally provided as a DLL. The program developed with API is much more robust than the program developed with CGI, but the development of an API program is much more complex than the development of a CGI program. The API application requires a number of programming expertise, such as 数据库系统,但这种结构的缺陷也是明显的:①各种API之间兼容性很差,缺乏统一的标准来管理这些接口; ②开发API应用程序也要比开发CGI应用复杂得多; ③这些API只能工作在专用Web服务器和操作系统上。

While a server-based extension of the API structure can easily and flexibly achieve a variety of functions, connecting all 32 ODBC-supported , the shortcomings of this structure are also evident: 1 API-based systems are poorly compatible and lack uniform standards to manage these interfaces; 2 API applications are also much more complex to develop than CGI applications; 3 These APIs can only work on dedicated Web servers and operating systems.


Java was launched with a dynamic and moving view of the WWW page. Internet users can download Java applets from the WWW server to run them on a local browser. These downloads are like local applications, which provide independent access to local and other server resources. Java did not have database access functionality in the original Java language, and as the application went further, there was an increasing demand for Java to provide database access. To prevent an expansion of Java's different access to the database, JavaSoft appointed JDBC to access API as Java's database.

采用JDBC技术,在Java Applet中访问数据库的优点在于:直接访问数据库,不再需要Web数据库的介入,从而避开了CGI方法的一些局限性;用户访问控制可以由数据库服务器本地的安全机制来解决,提高了安全性;JDBC是支持基本SQL功能的一个通用低层的应用程序接口,在不同的数据库功能的层次上提供了一个统一的用户界面,为跨平台跨数据库系统进行直接的Web访问提供了方案。从而克服了API方法一些缺陷;同时,可以方便地实现与用户地交互,提供丰富的图形功能和声音、视频等多媒体信息功能。

Using JDBC technology, the advantage of accessing the database in Java Apple is that direct access to the database will no longer require the involvement of the Web database, thus avoiding some of the limitations of the CGI methodology; that user access controls can be addressed by the local security mechanism of the database server, which enhances security; that JDBC is a universal low-level application interface that supports basic SQL functions, providing a unified user interface at different levels of database functionality to cross the platform for direct Web access, thus overcoming some of the shortcomings of the API methodology; and that it can easily interact with users and provide rich graphic functions and sound, 驱动程序低层的JDBC Driver API。JDBC完成的工作是:建立与数据库的连接;发送SQL语句;返回数据结果给Web浏览器。

JDBC is the Java application interface for SQL, which consists of categories and interfaces in Java language. Java is an object-oriented, multiline programming language that is not related to the platform and has a strong portability, security and robustness. JDBC is a norm that provides developers with standard database access classes and interfaces that can easily send SQL to any relationship database, while JDBC is a low-level application interface that supports basic SQL functions, but actually also supports a high-level database access tool and an API. All of this work is based on X/Open SQL CLI. JDBC's main task is to define a natural Java interface to define abstract layers and concepts as defined in X/Open CLI. The two main interfaces of JDBC are the JDBC API interface for application developers and the


The weakness of the JDBC-based Web database structure is that it can only perform simple database queries, etc., and cannot carry out OLTP; that security, buffer mechanisms and connection management are still incomplete; and that the functions and standards of the fully cross-platform cross-database system promised by UN are far from being achieved.

Web 1.0 是关于来自一些主要的公司,如:eBay, and Google 的杀手级的应用程序的出现。我们一直认为它们仅仅是网站,但它们实际上是一些令人惊讶的应用程序:功能丰富,容易上手,扩展性强,这些特性以前很少被普通消费者看到过。交易,不仅仅是针对货物的,还有知识的,变的普遍和即时。效率,透明,这个曾经是全球金融市场的领域,现在被个人消费者和商业者占领。 Web 1.0在今天依旧是很大的推动力并且在将来持续很长时间。

Web 1.0 is about the emergence of killer-grade applications from some major companies, such as eBay, and Google. We've always thought they were just , but they are actually some of the amazing applications: they are rich, easy to handle, and they are so extensive that they were rarely seen before by ordinary consumers. Trades, not only for goods, but also knowledge, are universal and instant. Efficiency, transparency, which was once the domain of global financial markets, is now occupied by individual consumers and businessmen.

Web 2.0是关于互联网上的下一代应用程序,特点是用户产生内容,合作化,社区化。任何人可以参与到内容的创建中。在YouTube上上传一个视频,在 Flickr上上传参加聚会的照片,或者在Blogspot上写自己的政治见解,所有这些都不需要专门技术,仅仅需要连接上互联网。参与改变了我们对于内容的理解:内容不是固定在发布商那里,它是活动在任何地方的。Google的AdSense带来了一个即时的商业模式,尤其对于博客作者,并且视频共享网站已经重写了流行文化和内容过滤的规则。

Web 2.0 is about the next generation of applications on the Internet, characterized by user-generated, collaborative, community-based content. Anyone can participate in the creation of content. Uploading on YouTube , uploading photos of parties on Flickr, or writing their own political opinions on Blogspot, all of which do not require specialized technology, but simply to connect to the Internet. Participation in changing our understanding of content: content is not fixed at the publisher and it's active anywhere. Google's AdSense has brought an instant business model, especially for bloggers, and video-sharing

当你围绕Web1.0或者2.0创业的时候,建设一个安全的,可扩展的数据中心并不是一项容易的工作。对于进入把软件当成服务的行业,大量的时间和资本依 旧是进入的一个门槛。而且,传统的客户端-服务器的软件开发依然复杂。并且创建一个成功的应用程序还需要辛勤的部署和维护。

When you start a business around Web1.0 or 2.0, building a secure, scalable is not an easy task. A great deal of time and capital are an old threshold for entering a service industry. And traditional client-server software development remains complex.

Web 3.0通过改变传统软件行业的技术和经济基础来改变现有的一切。新的Web 3.0强调的是任何人,在任何地点都可以创新。代码编写,协作,调试,测试,部署,运行都在云计算上完成。当创新从时间和资本的约束中解脱出来,它就可以欣欣向荣。

对于企业来说,Web 3.0意味着SaaS程序可以比传统的C-S软件更快,更高效的开发,部署,升级。

For enterprises, Web 3.0 means that SaaS programs can be developed, deployed and upgraded faster and more efficiently than traditional C-S software.

对于开发者来说,Web 3.0意味着他们需要创建一个理想的应用程序东西需要的仅仅是一个想法,一个浏览器。因为世界上的每一个开发人员都可以访问强大的云计算,Web 3.0是全球经济的推动力。

For developers, Web 3.0 means that what they need to create is just an idea, a browser. Because every developer in the world has access to powerful cloud computing, Web 3.0 is the driving force of the global economy.

对于独立软件开发商,Web 3.0意味着他们可以花费更多的时间专注提供给客户的核心价值上,而不是支持它的基础架构。因为代码生长在云计算上,全球的精英可以为它做贡献。因为它运行在云计算上,全球的市场都可以把它作为服务来订阅。

For independent software developers, Web 3.0 means that they can spend more time focusing on the core values that they provide to their clients, rather than supporting their basic architecture. Because codes grow on cloud computing, global elites can contribute to them. Because they run on cloud computing, global markets can subscribe to them as services.


在Web3.0里,人类可以随心所欲地获取各种知识,当然这些知识都是先人们即时贡献出来的。这里的即时性,指的就是学堂里老师教学生的即时性。从Web3.0开始,网络就具备了即时特性。 但人们并不知道自己应该获取怎样的知识,即自己适合于学习哪些知识。比如一个10岁的孩子想在20岁的时候成为核物理学家,那么他应该怎样学习知识呢?这些问题就是Web4.0的核心--知识分配系统所要解决的问题了。 

In Web3.0, humans can acquire all kinds of knowledge as they please, although this knowledge is readily available. In this case, instantity means that teachers teach students instantaneous nature. From Web3.0, the network has immediate characteristics. But people don’t know what they should acquire, that is, what they can learn. A 10-year-old, for example, wants to become a nuclear physicist when he's 20 years old, so how should he learn? These are the issues at the heart of Web4.0 -- the problems that the knowledge distribution system has to solve.


说到语用网,才真正进入了我的研究领域。技术的发展虽然令人眼花缭乱,但其背后的本质却十分简单。现有的计算机技术都是图灵机模型,简单地讲,图灵机就是机械化、程序化,或者说算术,以数据和算符(算子)为2元的闭合理论体系。图灵机是研究和定义在数据集上的算子规律或法则的数学科学。 在网络世界里,这个封闭系统都要联合起来,成为一个整体,所谓的整个网络成为一台计算机系统了。而这台计算机就不再是图灵机了,而是Petri网了。早在20多年前,Petri就说过,实现Petri网的计算机系统技术叫语用学。因此语用网才是这台计算机的技术基础。

The current is not really in my research field. The development of technology, though confusing, is simple.




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