In basic IT terms, what is a network “node”? Techopedia describes as `crossing points/connection points in the data communication network'. In an environment where all devices can be accessed through the network, these devices are considered nodes. The individual definition of each node depends on the type of network to which it refers.
Interestingly, the definition contains a warning that the node can be defined by the network's creator according to the type of network it operates. Curiously, in
? ? 好吧,那“诚实的节点”是什么呢? Well, what's the "honest node"? ? 比特币系统是一个共识网络,其目的是用工作量证明解决拜占庭将军问题。如果这听起来很疯狂,那么很抱歉。幸运的是,这并不像听起来那样疯狂。想象一下,在古代的拜占庭时代,五位将军围绕着一座被围困的城市。他们不能直接地进行交谈,所以他们只好遣派骑手或通过其他一些技术含量低的通信手段相互交流。当消息被送达时,他们不知道它是否被篡改了,所以他们的通信存在着基本的信任问题。 is a consensus network that uses workloads to prove that solves the problem of the Byzant Court. ? 解决这个问题(以及比特币系统通过公共网络所能够解决的其他一些问题)的方法是工作量证明,这本质上是在骑手身上添加一个支线任务。如果骑手能够解开一个只有拜占庭人才知道的复杂谜题,那么他更有可能是一个诚实的骑手。或者,至少,如果他不诚实,他将努力表现得像其他将军麾下那些其他诚实的骑手一样。这就像一个不良行为者的过滤器,在实际应用中,它运行得近乎完美。 The solution to this problem (and some of the other issues that the Bitcoin system can solve through the public network) is , essentially by adding a support task to the rider. If the rider is able to solve a complex mystery known only to the Byzantine, he is more likely to be an honest rider. Or, at least, if he is not honest, he will try to act like the other honest riders of the generals. ? 但这则寓言的问题在于:针对一个纯粹的技术官僚(就像一个BTC小区块支持者)来说,他们的运作是基于这样的假设:将军们是不诚实的,或者随着时间的推移,他们获得了产生更多工作量证明的能力,于是他们变得不那么诚实。这导致他们想要网络上更加新的“将军”或节点,这些节点不能产生工作量证明,因为,出于某种原因,他们已经决定:沟通渠道中大量的利他主义使他们更强大。这简直不可理喻。 But the problem with the metaphor is that, for a purely technocratic bureaucrat (like a BTC block supporter), they operate on the assumption that generals are dishonest, or that over time they acquire the ability to produce more proof of workload, and they become less honest. This leads them to want newer “generals” or nodes on the network, which do not produce proof of workload, because, for some reason, they have decided that a lot of altruism in the channels of communication makes them stronger. ? 几年前我意识到拜占庭的将军们是互相认识的。为了成为拜占庭军队的一名将军,他们必须联合起来。他们本可以在战斗中互相保护,并且可能在整个职业生涯中直接或间接地拯救对方的生命。将军们不太可能不诚实。他们可以互相信任。他们赢得了对方的信任。他们绝大多数的信任问题都与沟通渠道本身有关。如果他们有直接的点对点连接与千兆以太网,他们就不会出现任何问题。为什么?因为它们是“诚实的节点”。 I realized a few years ago that the generals of Byzantine knew each other. In order to be a general of Byzantine's army, they had to unite. They could have protected each other in combat and possibly saved each other's lives directly or indirectly throughout their careers. Generals were unlikely to be honest. They could have trusted each other. They had earned each other's trust. Most of their trust had to do with the channels of communication themselves. If they had a direct point-to-point connection with the gigabyte network, they wouldn't have had any problems. Why? ? 在攻击、压力或战斗中,对真相达成共识是“诚实节点”的工作。比特币系统的其余功能可以简单地由“节点”管理。 In an attack, pressure, or battle, reaching consensus on the truth is the work of an “honest node.” The remaining functions of the Bitcoin system can simply be managed by a “node”. ? 在意识到拜占庭将军是人的同时,我也意识到“节点”是计算机,而“诚实的节点”实际上是人。一个节点会做任何它被编程来做的事情。它不能选择诚实或不诚实,就像汽车本身不能导致事故的发生,枪本身不能射人一样。奇怪的是,人们似乎都认为恶意的或攻击者的节点肯定是由人类运行的,但为什么不去认为诚实的节点也是由人运行的呢? While I realize that General Byzantine is a human being, I realize that the “node” is a computer, and the “node of honesty” is actually a human being. A node does anything that it is programmed to do. It cannot choose honesty or honesty, as if the car itself could not cause an accident and the gun itself could not shoot. Strangely, people seem to think that the node of malicious or attacker must be run by humans, but why not think that the node of honesty is also run by humans? ? 只有人类具有行动能力。 Only human beings have the capacity to act. ? 中本聪不相信那些用IP地址而不是工作量证明来投票支持真理的人,并且描述了比特币系统中的sybil攻击问题,同时假设只要“诚实的节点”掌管着大部分的CPU,网络即使受到攻击也会持续存在下去的。 Nakamoto did not believe those who voted for the truth using IP addresses rather than workload proof, and described the Sybil attack in the Bitcoin system, assuming that the network would continue even if the “honest nodes” controlled most of the CPUs. ? ? 但是,如果比特币系统使用IP地址来进行投票,并且大多数CPU不是由诚实的节点控制的呢?UASF就是这样的一个例子。这是一种破坏共识的sybil攻击,大多数节点都遵循一个不诚实的信号,即一个IP地址在没有任何工作量证明的情况下在某一特定的日子进行投票。因此出现了比特币内战与作为具有诚实节点的链(BSV)的出现。 But what if the Bitcoin system uses an IP address for voting, and most CPUs are not controlled by honest nodes? This is an example of UASF. This is a consensus-busting sybil attack, where most nodes follow an dishonest signal that an IP address votes on a given day without any workload proof. As a result, the Bitcoin Civil War and the chain as an honest node (BSV). ? 所以行动起来吧,人类们! So let's do it, humans! ? 在攻击下,节点的运行者成为共识的重要组成部分。正是在这些时刻,网络才见证为什么节点运营商要花大把的钱来确保网络的巡航控制安全,因为他们关心的是网络数据的完整性与自己业务/节点的声誉。但在日常生活中,节点根据协议定义的一组规则来保护自己的网络。 It is at these moments that the network has witnessed why node operators spend a lot of money to ensure the safety of their network’s cruise controls, because they are concerned about the integrity of the network’s data and the reputation of their own operations/nodes. In everyday life, however, nodes protect their networks according to a set of rules defined by the protocol. ? 这就是诚实的节点会分割网络以保留IP/sybil攻击中的UTXO集的原因,并且这正是BSV问世以中本聪所描述的方式解决拜占庭将军问题的原因。 That is why honest nodes divide the network in order to preserve the UTXO collection in the IP/sybil attack, and that is why the BSV came to the world to resolve the issue of General Byzantine in the manner described by BSV. ? 以下是大区块支持者与小区块支持者在世界观上的分歧: The following is the difference in world view between supporters of the big blocks and supporters of the small blocks: ? ? ? ? ? 最后总结一下,一个比特币节点是一台提供工作量证明并通过构建区块来验证区块的计算机。但是一个诚实的节点与一个攻击者的节点都是由人的行为控制的,比特币白皮书在协议中假设了这种人的行为!所以我们应该欣然接受节点的存在,我们也许还应该诚实地运行一个比特币节点。 In conclusion, a bitcoin node is a computer that provides proof of workload and supports blocks by building blocks. But an honest node and an attacker's node are controlled by human behavior, and the Bitcoin White Paper assumes the behavior of such people. So we should be happy to accept the node, and perhaps we should run an honest bitcoin node. ? 这只是需要您进行思索的一些事物。 It's just something you need to think about. ? 2020年2月4日的“创世”协议升级是比特币历史上的一大里程碑,将见证BSV最大程度地回归到中本聪原先设想的协议。请访问“创世”硬分叉页面以了解更多信息。 The upgrading of the Genesis agreement on 4 February 2020 is a major milestone in the history of Bitcoin and will witness the greatest possible return of the BSV to the original agreement in China. Please visit https://weibo.cn/sinaurl?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbitcoinsv.io%2Fgenesis-hard-fork%2F>.
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