SoundOn原創節目【寶博朋友說】Podcast EP154特別邀請到台灣微軟首席營運長陳慧蓉 Flora,聊聊由天下文化出版的「元宇宙」一書。本書的作者是馬修.柏爾(Matthew Ball),他是元宇宙的定義者,也是全球最早、最全面介紹元宇宙的趨勢家。他長期發表元宇宙文章,不但在業內引起討論,還發行成NFT以高價賣出,深刻影響科技企業巨擘的下世代技術佈局,這本書也獲得了相當多的專家推薦。本集節目希望能以書會友,與台灣微軟首席營運長陳慧蓉Flora談談元宇宙如何全面改變我們的工作、生活與思維模式,同時邀請大家一窺大企業是如何規劃元宇宙佈局、取得元宇宙世界的先機。
The book is written by Matthew Ball, who is the defining man of the metaspace and the world’s first and most comprehensive promoter of the meta-cosm. His long-term presentation of the meta-cosm article has not only generated debate in the industry, but has also been sold at a high price by NFT, deeply influencing the next generation of technology boards of technology companies, and has been recommended by quite a few experts. It is to be hoped that this event will speak with fellow readers and with Flora, the CEO of Taiwan’s microsoft business, about how the meta-cosm will change our work, life and thinking patterns in a comprehensive manner, and invite everyone to explore how major corporations can shape the universe’s universe and win the world’s champions.
完整Podcast精彩內容,請至: 【寶博朋友說】聽微軟如何佈局元宇宙 Ft.台灣微軟首席營運長陳慧蓉Flora?收聽。
Full Podcast: .
00:00【寶博朋友說】Podcast Intro&當集Highlight
00:00 >
03:00 歡迎台灣微軟首席營運長陳慧蓉 Flora
0300 Welcome to Taiwan's Microsoft Chief Operator, Chen Hua Wai Yong
05:00 陳慧蓉 Flora 自我介紹
0:00 Chen Wai Yong Flora introduces herself to
09:00 微軟與元宇宙的關係
09% Relationship between microsoft and meta-cosm
14:30 營運長對本書內容印象深刻之處
20:30 元宇宙時代來臨,可以做哪些準備?
20:30. What are the preparations for the time of the universe?
30:00 台灣微軟的元宇宙實績?
30:00 Taiwan microsoft meta-cosm?
43:30 未來可以期待的微軟元宇宙佈局?
44:00 結尾
44:00 at the end
答:微軟的企業使命為賦能地球上的每一個人和每一個組織,都能實現更多、成就非凡,也就是透過提供豐富的技術與平台,賦能客戶打破限制,創造並實現更多的新機會。 我們將持續打造跨平台技術服務並壯大生態系,賦能更多夥伴,將元宇宙的開發能量帶給更多產業客戶。元宇宙的未來其實非常仰賴創新和想像,在台灣我們也成立新創加速器、跟經濟部合作IoT專案等,希望透過雲端能量的賦能,推動更多新商業模式的誕生。?
: Microsoft’s corporate mission is to give every individual and every organization on the planet much more, much more success, i.e. through the provision of a rich technology and platform that allows clients to break restrictions and create and realize more new opportunities. We will continue to build multi-platform technology services and build up a large number of partnerships that can bring more energy to the creation of the meta-cosmos to more productive clients. The future of the meta-cosm is, in fact, very much based on innovation and imagination, on the creation of new accelerators in Taiwan, working with the Ministry of the Economy, the Iot project, and so on, hoping to build more new business models through the power of clouds.
答:第一個是道德層面必須注意的,微軟法務長Brad Smith有一本書叫「未來科技的15道難題」,裡面提到自從AI發行,很多事必須要有道德標準去規範,因此絕對必須考慮到公平性、可靠性、安全性、透明性等等道德層面的問題。 The first is a moral imperative. 第二個是凡事都要講求零信任,所以要把資安層級提到最高,這也是為什麼微軟近年來一直在提倡資安的概念。 The second is zero trust in everything, so bring the security level to the top, which is why Microsoft has been promoting the concept of equity for years. 第三件事情就是整個產業,特別是新創產業,要去思考自身的信任度,去想上下游廠商如何一起擔負資訊安全這件事,因為一旦你的信任被打破,就很難恢復了。 The third thing is that the whole industry, especially the new start-up industry, has to think about its trust level and how upstream and downstream manufacturers can work together on information security, because once your trust is broken, it's hard to recover. 答:這邊簡單分成三個產業來說明:
製造業:近期我們最經典的是HoloLens+ digital twins 工業元宇宙案例 。以往日本川崎的重工機器人行為異常時, 一旦停工會造成很大的損失,,再加上專家也無法一天24小時待命,所以我們利用透過 Azure Digital Twins ,自動化控制及工業用AI 打造工業元宇宙, 透過虛擬的數位雙生的場景,快速監控及查看機械手臂實際狀態,也能夠在虛擬空間中,動態調整各項參數以達到最佳化,有效提升效能。 如果若真的出了問題, 可以用頭戴式裝置 HoloLens 2 和專家連線,即時獲得專家建議與協助完成裝機,並能遠端聯繫查找與排除故障,快速完成維修程序。 has recently been the most classic case of the HoloLens+digital twins industrial cosmodrome. In the past, when heavy engineering robots in Kawasaki, Japan, have done an unusual job, and when they stop working 24 hours a day, we can use the Azure Digital Twins, autochemical control and industrial AI to build the industrial cosmopolitan universe, the virtual digital binary landscape, rapid surveillance and observation of the state of the robotic arm, and, in a virtual space, the dynamic adjustment of the parameters to optimize and improve effectiveness effectively. 醫療業:由於大體取得不易,人體器官結構又極其複雜,加上大體解剖空間通常狹小,醫學生們難以在小樣本的大體中獲得充分的訓練。運用HoloLens學生們可以在實體的空間看到虛擬的解剖器官,而且可以透過手勢搬移來做不同角度的立體觀察,對身體的器官的立體三維空間結構,將有更深的認識。而在外科手術訓練上也可以有很好的運用,對於以技巧為主的外科手術訓練,從簡單如中心靜脈導管的置放,到複雜的腦部癌症手術切除,虛擬實境都可以幫助外科醫師們縮短訓練的時間。而且還有最新的魔術手套技術,對於精細技術的訓練例如眼科手術,有更貼近真實情境的體驗。 the medical profession: has been difficult to acquire from , the structure of the body's organs is extremely complicated, as well as the large dissecting spaces are usually small, and medical students have difficulty obtaining adequate training in small samples. Using HoloLens students can see virtual dissecting organs in physical space, and they can move from a different angle to a more permanent visualization of the body's body structure in a three-dimensional structure. 文創產業:台灣夢想動畫於高雄所打造的夢境現實 Moondream Reality 為全球首座沉浸式劇院,其運用微軟 HoloLens 2 混合實境裝置,將互動創意和混合實境技術完美融合,帶來多維度、多層次的新型態互動式娛樂體驗。而最近也有聽說利用類似技術打造密室逃脫的概念,我覺得非常有意思! Taiwan's dream is animated by the reality of the dream created by Gao-Hung. 答:這邊要講兩個點:第一個是創新,我覺得很棒的是以前是微軟自己創新,現在則是大家一起創新。微軟將持續打造跨平台技術服務並壯大生態系,賦能更多夥伴,將元宇宙的開發能量帶給更多產業客戶。元宇宙的未來仰賴創新和想像,在台灣我們也成立新創加速器、跟經濟部合作IoT專案等,希望透過雲端能量的賦能,推動更多新商業模式的誕生。?
至於第二個則是隱私跟資安的部分,元宇宙不斷擴張,但是大家需要確保這個技術能夠維護用戶隱私及數位安全、防止假消息和議題操作,目前常見的資安攻擊和詐騙皆有可能延伸到元宇宙,因此特別提醒大家要重視身份驗證安全的重要性。? and the second is a private and secure part of the universe that expands, but one needs to ensure that this technology is able to maintain privacy and digital security for users, prevent false information and problem operations, and that the current common security attacks and fraud can extend to the meta-cosm, thus reminding you of the importance of security for identification. 最後想跟大家談的是,元宇宙並不是未來,而是現在進行式。從工作到生活,從產業到遊戲、甚至是教育,它將徹底改變我們看待世界和互動的方式,大家可以用開放學習的心態,去思考在這裡面what can be! The last thing I want to talk to you about is that the universe is not the future, but the way it is now. From work to life, from industry to games, and even education, it will completely change the way we see the world and the way we interact, and you can think about what can be! 完整Podcast精彩內容,請至: 【寶博朋友說】聽微軟如何佈局元宇宙 Ft.台灣微軟首席營運長陳慧蓉Flora?收聽。問:元宇宙時代來臨,營運長對於元宇宙的狂想或擔憂?面對元宇宙時代可以做好哪些準備?
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