
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:42 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 红杉树森林,(https://xueqiu.com/6604106891/168427614)为什么比特币需要挖矿很多人很好奇,为什么人们说比特币是挖出来的?下面我给你解释下,为什么比特币这样的区块链项目需要“挖矿...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 红杉树森林,(https://xueqiu.com/6604106891/168427614)



A lot of people wonder why people say that bitcoin is dug up. I'll explain next to you why bitcoin's kind of block chain projects need to be “mining”? It starts with the authenticity of traditional companies or state accounts.


We know that a company needs to account for its transactions and the total value of the benefits to the country, so who is most credible? If every transaction made by a company in a country is recorded in a three-party account without credibility, then it is possible to record and change the false accounts of each transaction at will, and tax evasion and currency abuse are always prevalent.


Similarly, in order to enter into a transaction, the parties to the transaction need a trusted person or institution to account for and clear the transaction.


For example, by


But if someone or institution exploits information asymmetries, there will inevitably be many problems, such as the constant use of money bank mortgages on loan loans held during the 15-day credit payment period, and currency overpayment, counterfeiting, such as tax evasion, the authenticity of money distribution, etc., so that the authenticity of the transaction is too important to be recorded, and practice has proven that in the real world, who is used as a third party (the record here is broad in nature, not a single type of transaction and the credit on which the money is issued), and we are not reassured, even by the country (as the country is also a handful of people can manipulate it)..


But Bitcoin was born without


Bentley, the inventor, designed anyone who can help with the bookkeeping, and the billing can get bitcoin as a reward. But the question is, there are many people who want to help with the billing to get bitcoin, and who has a low probability of miscalculation. This is a real information asymmetry.


The Bitcoin system wants to select a credible person to keep the accounts, but it does not know the many players who want to do the accounts. To solve this problem, many block chain projects have come up with different options.


In order to make the bookkeeper credible:


A. One type of block chain project, using the technology of block chain technology, is simply left to individual users to account for themselves, which is called a private chain, which in practice is less useful;


B. Another block chain project, using block chain project technology, which requires prior approval by other members prior to accession, is called a trading union launched in 2019 by ;


The C, III block chain project, which is to use block chain technology to allow anyone free access to bookkeeping, is known as the public chain, and Bitcoin belongs to this category. But, as long as the accuracy of your bookkeeping is recognized by more than 50% of the public, you can get a one-time bitcoin reward, which is because your bookkeeping is accurate and you get a bitcoin, which is a bitcoin, which is a bitcoin mining process, which is actually a block bag and a set of 01 code for every day of Bitcoin's transactions according to the required number of transactions, and whoever solves a piece of code consisting of block 01 that you pack every day, you get that part of the package, and you get a true and complete record, which represents a work-load reward, and you get a HHK value, which is a lump sum of chain 01, which is a packaged account, which is a package, naturally captured by you.


Let's talk about mining.


Mining reduces information asymmetries


The public chain addresses the information asymmetry of “reliability of bookkeepers” by a number of means. In fact, the way they dig each other is by finding a solution to the problem.


The following is a brief description of commonly used mining techniques and the rationale for addressing information asymmetries.


i>1, workload certification (POW)

POW是Proof of Work的简称,参与者需要证明自己确实花费了足够工作成本。

The POW is the acronym of Proof of Work, and participants need to prove that they actually cost enough work.


To solve the puzzle, it takes a lot of calculations, equipment, electricity, time. Whoever solves the puzzle first proves that he actually spends a lot of money, so lets him take charge of the bookkeeping and get a reward. Then starts a new round of puzzles, and so on. This is a process in which you drive machines (computers) and search for treasures in countless numbers, and people describe them as “mining mines”.


POW is actually a common means of reducing information asymmetries in life. For example:


It's self-harm. It's a self-inflicted act to show each other that they pay a “work” cost, to find someone famous and expensive to speak out for trust, or to advertise their high-end and expensive production equipment, rich production experience. It's also to show the public that they pay a “work” cost.


You must have thought that the Pow proved not to be so solid. Even at the cost of early years, when real power was taken, it could be a mess, with humanity. The corresponding bitcoin designed certain anti-attack measures, such as accounting for more than half of the arithmetic.


i>2, certificate of interest (POS)/b>

POS是Proof of Stake的简称,参与者需要证明自己拥有足够的份额。

POS is the acronym of Proof of Stake, and participants need to prove that they have a sufficient share.


The assumption is that you have a significant stake in the system, which makes you more credible.


POS is also a common means of reducing information asymmetries in life. For example:


When a listed company holds a general meeting of shareholders, it proves its right to travel to a number of countries in proportion to its shareholding, requiring you to produce a certificate of the bank's assets, or to carry enough cash to prove that it has a strong financial strength to show its position among the population in a less time-consuming manner.


3, POI, DOS, other methods


In addition to the above-mentioned methods of addressing information asymmetries, some projects combine the above-mentioned methods and refine some of the new methods. For example:

NEM使用了一种叫做POI(重要性证明,Proof of Importance)的方法来解决信息不对称问题。大概做法是把余额、稳定性、历史表现等因素综合加权来衡量,而不仅仅看其当前余额BTS、EOS使用的是DPOS(委托权益证明,Delegated Proof of Stake)的方法来解决信息不对称问题。有些类似人民代表大会,实际记账的是代表们,而代表们则被通过POS的方式投票选出来ETH早期使用POW,后续计划逐渐转向POS。当前是二者结合混用

NEM uses an approach called POI (Proof of importance proof) to address information asymmetry. This is probably done by measuring balances, stability, historical performance, and not just by using the current balance BTS, EOS, which addresses information asymmetry using the DPOS (delegated certificate of rights, Delegated Proof of Stark). Some like the People’s Congress, where delegates actually account for the accounts, and delegates are elected by means of the POS to use the ETH at an early stage, with subsequent plans gradually turning to POS.




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