从历史上看,ETH 空头在七个多月的时间里一直表现出从趋势线阻力位回调的意图。
Historically, ETH has shown its intention of turning back from trend-line resistance for more than seven months.
此外,1,648 美元的上限再次点燃看跌压力,削弱了近期突破该趋势线的涨势。结果,ETH 在其 20 EMA(红色)和 50 EMA(青色)的限制下方下滑。
In addition, the ceiling of $1,648 rekindled the downward pressure, weakening the recent upward trend of breaking the trend. As a result, ETH fell below its 20 EMA and 50 EMA (Cyan).
最近的价格走势在每日时间框架内形成了一个看跌的三角旗状结构。此外,如果趋势线阻力和 20 EMA 继续构成障碍,ETH 可能会跌破其直接支撑。在这种情况下,1,095 美元区域可能会继续支撑反弹。
Recent price trends have formed a watchful triangular flag structure over a daily time frame. Moreover, if trend-line resistance and 20 EMA continue to act as barriers, ETH may fall into its immediate support. In this case, the $1,095 area may continue to support a rebound.
另一方面,在趋势线阻力和近期均线上方立即反弹将确认看跌无效。为此,买家必须突破 1,360 美元的上限。
On the other hand, an immediate rebound over the trend-line resistance and the near-term average will confirm that the drop is not effective. To do so, buyers will have to break the ceiling of US$ 1,360.
相对强度指数 (RSI) 从超卖区域反转,表明抛售压力有所缓解。但移动平均线趋同散度 (MACD) 跌破零标记暗示更广泛的势头转向卖家。
The relative strength index (RSI) reverses from the oversale area, suggesting that the selling pressure has subsided. But the moving average line convergence (MACD) drops into zero marks suggest a broader shift towards sellers.
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交易所是注册在的一家交易所,目前团队有70多人,人员分布在不同国家进行本土化运营。相较于其他交易所,其特点非常明显,它可以说是主攻矿币的交易所,并且是世界首家的POS staking交易所,有着普通交易所没有的特点,这也是它能成功孵化如此多百倍币的主要原因。
The exchange is a registered exchange, with a team of more than 70 people operating locally in different countries. Compared to other exchanges, its characteristics are very clear, and it can be said to be the dominant currency exchange, and the world’s first POS staff exchange, with characteristics that are not found in the ordinary exchange, and this is the main reason why it succeeds in hatching so many hundred times.
It is a large United States digital currency exchange with high global visibility, with a combined strength fourth in the world, a high volume of transactions and a very good depth of transactions in currencies, followed by the Platform's compliance operations, and the United States'
安全做的非常到位,成立至今也没有爆发过盗币事件。用户数量较多,而且体验也非常不错。目前服务全球100多个国家和地区。交易所成立至今获得了多家大牌机构的投资。并且有专业评估机构估值高达80亿美金,也是美国最具价值投资企业之一。 The exchange has been established to date and has been invested in a number of major institutions. It has been valued at $8 billion, and it is one of the most valuable investment firms in the United States. 官方宣传其注册用户突破2500万,24小时的成交额也高达10亿元,但是该交易所成立至今对于上币审核较为严格,所以可交易的币种不多。也正因为如此,其币种的交易深度很好,口碑也非常的好。 Officially, its registered users are over 25 million, and 24-hour transactions amounting to $1 billion, but since the exchange has been set up to date, it has been subject to a more rigorous examination of the upper currency, so that the amount of money that can be traded is small. And that is why its currency is well traded in depth, and its reputation is very good. 4.爱币网 4. 它是比较安全可信赖的比特币交易平台,运行一直非常稳定,截止2016年末,累计成交额达20000亿人民币。致力于打造安全可信赖的比特币交易平台,团队拥有多年金融风控经验。所以说团队还是值得信赖的,也是顶尖的比特币平台。 It is a more secure and trusted Bitcoin trading platform that has been operating very steadily, with a cumulative turnover of RMB 200 billion by the end of 2016. The team is committed to building a secure and trusted Bitcoin trading platform, with many years of financial control experience. 5.Lermex 是全球领先的加密数字货币交易平台之一,从2013年即开始针对个人用户提供交易。平台的核心的匹配引擎是同类产品中最先进的技术产品之一,包括实时结算、先进的委托单匹配算法等,其容错性、正常运行时间和高可用性在内的创新功能备受好评。 It is one of the world’s leading encrypted digital money trading platforms, offering transactions to individual users starting in 2013. The core matching engine of the platform is one of the most advanced technology products of the same kind, including real-time settlements, advanced bill matching algorithms, etc., whose innovative features, including faulty tolerance, normal running times and high availability, are well received. 现已成为北欧最大主流资产交易所,除交易数字资产、代币和ICO外,还提供适当的平仓交易市场,包括美元和欧元交易对。平台开发始于600万欧元的风险投资协议,由软件
It is now the largest mainstream Nordic asset exchange and provides an appropriate market for silos, including dollar and euro transactions, in addition to trading digital assets, tokens and ICO. The platform's development began with a venture investment agreement of Euro6 million, which was completed in collaboration with software, financial professionals and experienced traders. Its core matching engine is one of the most advanced technical products of its kind, achieving innovative functions such as real-time removal, advanced order matching algorithms, etc., and is well assessed for its faultyness, normal operating hours and high availability.
是一家注册成立于塞舌尔的区块链数字资产交易所,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、以太坊、莱特币等数字资产的撮合交易服务,由新加坡pte. ltd.经营。数字币交易所是由国内顶尖技术团队和专业的数字资产爱好者创办,核心团队来自迅雷、腾讯等知名企业,旨在为用户提供更加安全、便捷、优质透明的区块链资产交易和兑换服务,聚合全球优质区块链资产,致力于打造世界级的区块链资产交易平台。
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