In the early hours of 14 hours of local time, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards used ballistic missiles and drones to launch military strikes against Israeli territory in retaliation for the bombing of the Iranian embassy earlier in Israel. In the early hours of the morning, it was reported that Israel’s defense spokesman, Daniel Haghari, had said that Iran had fired around 200 missiles and drones into Israel, most of which had been intercepted outside Israel and, to a lesser extent, had fallen into Israel. An Israeli military base in southern Israel had suffered “negative losses” in the attack.
Middle East "powder drums" continue to ignite, political tensions are re-heated, and the latest developments in high-profile events around the globe are being followed. For investors, although the attack happened on weekends, the financial market is in a state of retreat, but the nervous nervous state has begun to stagger to wait for Monday's opening hour. As a result of almost every major clash, it is inevitable that the global financial market is inflammated.
This may be seen from the round-the-clock trading of digital currency. After 3 a.m. 14 days, influenced by Iran’s massive assault on Israel, Bitcoin fell into a high-level dive of $7,000, falling from $67181 to $60,000 below, the largest fall since March 2023, with the price of transactions falling close to $64,500 by the time of the release; at one time, the Taipan fell from $3,200 to $2,800, and up to $3074, with other digitized currencies on the line. CoinGlass figures show that in 24 hours, the virtual market had more than 250,000 blasts and a total of $957 million.
map source CoinGlass
The gold's going up again?
In the case of past risky events, the conflict has often led to a spiral of capital towards safe havens, while gold and crude oil tend to benefit, and major global stock markets have suffered a significant fall in pressure. It is precisely because of geopolitical tensions that Iran has been threatening to retaliate to Israel, and gold and crude oil have exploded.
First of all, gold, the rise of the Golden Festival since mid-February, has caused many analysts to be dismayed by the fact that, last Friday, the price of gold in cash broke the threshold of $2430 per ounce, then jumped from high heights, with many profit-making catalysts, and more than $90 per day. Nevertheless, the price of gold has remained high, perceived by many past investors, and last Friday, close to $2343 per ounce for cash gold, which has risen by nearly 14% since the beginning of the year.
As a traditional risk-free asset, gold has recently been pursued, in addition to factors such as constant tension with the Middle East, the increase in gold by the central banks, and the Federal Reserve's expectations, a large part of which is the result of investment, which may be the reason many analysts find it impossible to understand the recent rise in gold. Under the rumours, crazy capital is pouring in one wave, and the same gold is being pushed up to the sky. Of these, a mysterious force from the East — the Chinese Grandmother — is undoubtedly an important push, with the buying boom being a non-buyer's psychological advance, and the current “selling money” is once again becoming national.
now that Iran has paid off Israel's promise, what will happen to the gold price after tomorrow's opening?
Kmap for Golden Futures Day
As for the price of crude oil, it goes without saying that the situation in the Middle East is one of the most important forces in shaping the price of crude oil. When the fighting burns in the middle and east of the Middle East, where oil resources are abundant, investors will think that it will shape the global supply pattern of crude oil, leading to a steady rise in the price of crude oil.
whether the three oil crises that have been recognized so far were related to the Middle East War in 1973, 1979, and 1990, respectively, pushing the price of crude oil up sharply and leaving an indelible mark on the crude oil market. The Russian war of February 2022 was no exception, pushing the price of crude oil up to $130 a barrel, leading directly to a global high market that took more than a year.
& nbsp; & nbsp; will warm up ? ? /strong >
In terms of risk-free knowledge, the dollar, the dollar, and the yen are important traditional options, in addition to the king of risk-free gold. In recent times, strong economic statistics and the explosion in the market market have been released in the United States, which has caused the market to cool off its expectations, the dollar index has gained strong momentum, and the dollar’s return on debt has re-emerged. Last Friday, the United States dollar rose by 0.72% to the dollar of the six major currencies, at 106.338 in the end of the market.
全球高度矚目的以伊衝突已然發生,但好在全球金融市場有大概一天的時間來消化相關信息。往往來講,全球股市最怕大型戰爭的爆發,比如,上一輪俄烏衝突令全球股市大幅下挫。本輪以伊衝突會否令全球股市承壓呢?就美股來講,近期美股在降息預期降溫的背景下,已經從創歷史紀錄的高位回落不少,如果戰事升級,美股或會再迎來重拳一擊,從而帶動全球主要股市回落,投資者需要為此做好心理準備。 The global high-intensity conflict has taken place in Iran, but there is about one day in the global financial market to absorb the relevant information. Often, the global stock market is most afraid of large wars, for example, the last round of Russian-Russian conflicts has caused the world’s stock markets to collapse. 截至發稿,距離伊朗向以色列發動大規模軍事行動已經過去了近12個小時,從各方消息來看,伊朗方面說伊朗軍事行動已經結束,但武裝部隊處於戒備狀態。如果以色列採取行動襲擊伊朗在敘利亞的利益,伊朗將予以還擊。以色列已進入戰時狀態,歐美等西方多國已發表了聲援以色列的措辭,但美國似乎並不希望以色列進行報復令事態升級,拜登和他的高級顧問高度擔心,以色列的反擊或將導致一場具有災難性後果的地區戰爭。那麼,以色列是否會「以牙還牙,以眼還眼」呢?投資者不妨拭目以待。(記者
朱輝豪) 頂圖:路透社圖片
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