国内医疗行业长期存在数据安全不足,患者无法为个资与体徵数据确权,又因信息传递缺乏共识,用户跨院就医时存在信息遗漏,需重复检验等额外成本负担,而这些问题造成了看病难、看病贵、医疗服务满意度低、医患关系紧张等现象。也因服务品质缺乏评价标准,造成基层医院无人问、三甲医院挤破头,药品与治疗辅助器械真实效用的缺失也让民众缺乏信心。医疗行业无论是服务端或研发端都因信息的不对称面临著各种各样问题。 了解国人就医...
There is a chronic lack of data security in the country’s health-care sector, patients’ inability to confirm data on their own, and the lack of consensus on the transmission of information, information gaps in inter-hospital visits by users, and additional costs such as repeated testing, which have resulted in problems of access to health care, high cost of medical care, low levels of satisfaction with medical services, and stress on health-care relationships. There is also a lack of evaluation criteria for the quality of services, which has left basic hospitals unchallenged, tri-a-hospitable, and a lack of confidence in the real utility of medicines and treatment aids.
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