What's the meaning of the block chain chain ?
Does the block chain really destabilize the corporate system?
How do you set up the block chain age?
Block chain technology is a social revolution that engulfs the world, redefining the cooperative relationship between all people and organizations. In the past, block chain discussions focused too much on technical details or specific applications, and technology made people seem to understand it, and the scene felt evasive.
Today, from a revolutionary perspective, do we understand the significance of block chain technology for human society?
1. 人类文明史是一部分散的历史
1. The history of human civilization is part of the scattered history
2. 市场经济是一种智能合
2. The market economy is an intelligent combination
3. 区块链协议将取代资本家,实现共产主义
3. Block chain agreements will replace capitalists and achieve Communism
4. 数字货币的发展
区块链从历史的角度来看 The chain of blocks from a historical point of view. 人类的历史是分散的,从君主制到共和制,从计划经济到市场经济。 The history of humankind is fragmented, from monarchy to republicanism, from planned to market economies. 托马斯霍布斯是政治哲学的鼻祖,他写的利维坦主张君主制。臣民忠于君主,君主负责维持秩序。 Thomas Hobbs is the nominee of political philosophy, and he writes that Leviathan advocates monarchy. The subjects are loyal to the monarch and the monarch is responsible for maintaining order. 但很快人们发现他们不需要君主。君主实际上是一个中介。支持一个挥霍无度的君主中介费太高了。共和政府也可以维持秩序,社会契约论类似于智能合约,以防止统治者胡说八道。 But people soon find that they do not need a monarch. The monarch is actually an intermediary. It is too expensive to support a profligate monarchic broker. The republican government can also maintain order. Social contract theory is similar to smart to prevent rulers from making nonsense. 托克维尔写的《关于美国的民主》很好地阐述了美国是一个区块链国家,在美国的乡镇,没有政府官员,都是社区自治。 The “Democracy in the United States”, written by Tocqueville, is a good illustration of the United States as a contiguous country, with no government official in the United States townships, all of which are community self-governing. 这种结构非常相似 Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO,分散的自治组织),从区块链的角度来看,美国的独立战争是分散的,不再被英国国王剥削,也没有美国国王。 This structure is very similar to the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO, a decentralized self-governing organization) and, from the point of view of the chain, the war of independence in the United States is fragmented and no longer exploited by the British King, nor is there a King of the United States. 区块链取代了公司的中心。与区块链协议相比,公司制度是一种落后的生产关系。 The block chain replaces the centre of the company. The corporate system is a backward production relationship compared to the block chain agreement. 如果君主制是为了最大限度地发挥皇帝的利益,那么公司制度是为了最大限度地发挥股东的利益,其代价是工人接受更低的工资,消费者支付更高的价格。 If the monarchy is intended to maximize the interests of the Emperor, the company system is designed to maximize the interests of shareholders at the expense of workers receiving lower wages and consumers paying higher prices. 股权就是皇权。创始人一旦创业成功,就是终身制和家族制(除非出售股权),不断向市场吸引资金。 Equity is royal. Once the founder succeeds in starting a business, it is lifelong and familial (unless the equity is sold) and constantly attracts money to the market. 区块链协议更像是总统制,创始人完成后可以退出。与中本聪和华盛顿相比,它们都属于刷衣服,隐藏功名,把利益还给公众,而不是代代相传。 Block chain agreements are more like presidential ones, and the founders can exit when they are finished. They are all clothes brushes, hides their titles, returns their benefits to the public, rather than passing them on from generation to generation, as compared to China and Washington. 而现在公司制下的创始人,更像是唐宗宋祖,打江山坐江山,垄断市场,这么多影响大众的企业被巨头垄断。 And now that the founders of the company, more like Tang Jong-Jo, are monopolizing the market, so many of the businesses that affect the public are monopolized by giants. 如果说计划经济是国家垄断,那么在公司制度的背景下,市场经济已经演变成军阀混战和寡头垄断。区块链是通过市场经济的自由竞争挤出私有巨头,实现世界为公。 If the planned economy is a State monopoly, the market economy has evolved into a warlord and oligopoly in the context of the corporate system. The chain of blocks is made universal by crowding out private giants through free competition in the market economy. 通过自由竞争实现一个更加公平的社会,左右两派都非常满意,因此区块链是比公司系统更先进的生产关系。 Achieving a more equitable society through free competition is highly satisfactory for both the right and left parties, and therefore the chain of blocks is a more advanced productive relationship than the corporate system. 接下来,我将用一个具体的例子来解释区块链如何挤出公司: Next, I will use a specific example to explain how the chain of blocks crowds out of the company: 像Uber、AirBnB这样的业务本质上是一个信息中介,帮助匹配乘客和司机、租户和房东。现实是,集中的公司管理这些信息和数据,公司从交易量中提取20个%手续费。但区块链协议可以完全实现信息管理和匹配。 Businesses like Uber, AirBnB are essentially an information broker that helps match passengers and drivers, tenants and landlords. The reality is that a centralized company manages this information and data, and the company extracts 20 per cent of the transaction volume. 区块链协议没有股东,没有盈利导向,没有业绩增长的压力,从而实现低手续费,让租户和房东受益。核心原因是去掉了以盈利为导向的公司。Uber股东收入的来源是中介费的持续上涨。 Block chain agreements do not have shareholders, are not profit-oriented, and do not have pressure for performance growth, thus achieving low fees and benefiting tenants and landlords. The central reason is that profit-oriented companies have been eliminated. Uber shareholders receive revenue from the continuous rise in intermediary fees. 区块链协议打击了公司股份制,把原本被股东方吃掉的利润还给了乘客、司机、房东、租客。 The block chain agreement struck the company's equity system and returned the profits that had been eaten by the shareholders to passengers, drivers, landlords and tenants.
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