
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:107 评论:0
Tags:虚拟货币钱包虚拟货币交易平台比特币交易 OKPay数字钱包是全球知名的数字交易平台,钱包采用了全新的安全加密技术,能够实时保障用户的资产和交易安全,OKPay钱包支...



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The OKPay Digital Wallet is a well-known global digital trading platform, with a brand-new security encryption technology that provides real-time security for users'assets and transactions. The OKpay Wallet Payment Platform also provides a variety of life functions, such as fee-filling, along with a wealth of welfare and surprise events, round-the-clock hospitality and professional counselling services for you.


欢 迎 您 使 用 线 上 数 字 货 币 交 易 平 台 0Kpay 钱 包

Let's welcome you to hand over the money package of the 0Kpay counter with the number of words on the line.

OKpay 钱 包 官 方 提 示 : 尊 敬 的 用 户 , 您 好 ! 我 司 为 了 保 证 用 户 资 金 不 被 受 骗 , 特 温 馨 提 示 以 下 几 点 不 氵 去 分 子 常 出 现 的 骗 单 手 法

The OKpay Money Packer offers: "How do you do, a noble user? My division will not be deceived by the money of the bond holder, but it will be nice to give instructions for a few things that will not be divided between the current scheme and the current scheme.

务 必 提 高 警 惕 : 1 , 近 期 骗 子 利 用 百 度 贴 吧 , 论 坛 以 及 其 他 渠 道 添 加 用 户 好 友 进 行 诈 骗 , 请 勿 相 信 避 免 给 您 造 成 不 必 要 的 损 失

And it shall come to pass, that thou shalt not believe in one another, that thou shalt not cause unto thee any loss which it shall not be necessary, that thou shalt not be deceived, and that thou shalt not be deceived in the course of the court, and in the course of its channels and in the way of its good friends.

2 . 在 交 易 过 程 中 买 家 已 馓 信 / 支 付 宝 无 法 进 行 扫 码 为 由 , 谲 求 卖 家 好 友 进 行 转 账 请 广 大 用 户 不 要 相 信 一 切 买 卖 在 OK 平 台 进 行 操 作 , 私 下 联 系 都 是 骗 子 , 用 户 在 核 实 资 金 是 否 到 账 请 认 准 支 付 宝 / 微 信 / 网 银 的 余 额 变 动 请 不 要 相 信 短 信 通 知 。

2. In the course of the easy journey, buyers who have paid letters/supports for possessions are required to go in and clean the books by asking for good friends of sellers to go in and transfer the books, and do not believe in the sale of any surplus of treasures/micro-letters/net money for the performance of work on the OK stand, and all private connections are frauds, and use the account to verify the actual money to pay the treasures/micro-letters/net money not to believe in short letters.

3 . 在 OK 钱 包 市 场 售 卖 的 用 户 , 一 定 要 仔 细 查 看 自 己 的 收 款 方 式 的 余 额 变 动 不 要 相 信 到 账 提 示 , 请 到 您 的 收 款 方 式 页 面 上 查 询 是 否 到 账 成 功 , 如 果 未 收 到 或 者 与 您 售 卖 的 金 額 不 匹 配 的 , 请 第 一 时 间 暂 停 打 币 并 联 系 OK

3. Ask on the page of your collection whether it has been done in the account, if the result has not been received, or if the remainder of your receipt is not matched to the gold you sold, whether it should not be trusted to the account.

客 服 客 服 投 诉 邮 箱 : okpaykeful68@gmail.com

Mailbox: Okpaykeful68@gmail.com


OKPAY was the first third-party guaranteed payment platform to support Bitcoin, with no risk of real name certification, and could write off very conveniently at any time.


OKPAY正式启用比特币系统: 使用比特币给您的OKPAY账户充值,通过比特币取款,并且将比特币作为一种支付方式来进行网上支付商品或者服务。

OKPAY has officially launched the Bitcoin system, which uses bitcoin to fill your OKPAY account, collects by bitcoin, and uses bitcoin as a payment method for online payment of goods or services.



使用比特币给OKPAY账户充值,将电子货币即时兑换为美金、欧元、英镑、瑞士法郎以及卢布。 一旦接收到资金,并且完成确认信息后,OKPAY的电子钱包会被自动充值。申请一张预付款的OKPAY借记卡 MasterCard® ,在世界上的任何一个自动取款机都可以取现或者刷卡。

The electronic wallet of OKPAY is automatically charged when the funds are received and the confirmation information is completed. MasterCard®, which requests an advance payment, is available for any ATM in the world.


Take the bitcoin.

作为商家,接受比特币支付极其的简单!您甚至不需要下载比特币的软件,或者操作任何转账程序,OKPAY的比特币支付程序都是自动进行的。OKPAY会自动将比特币转换成OKPAY 美金或OK 欧元,从而进行即时支付,并且完全不收取任何手续费。

As a businessman, it is extremely simple to accept bitcoin payments. You do not even have to download bitcoin software or operate any transfer program, and the bitcoin payment program of OKPAY is automatic.


Bitcoin withdrawal.


When you use bitcoin for purchases, or when you transfer it, you can use the bitcoin withdrawal function in the OKPAY account.

1、比特币-OKPAY 兑换汇率是由主流比特币兑换商提供的,OKPAY提供客户准确的比特币地址

1. Bitcoin-OKPAY Exchange Rates are provided by mainstream Bitcoins and OKPAY provides the customer's accurate Bitcoin address


2. A new address can be created for each operation, thereby maximizing the security and anonymity of the transaction


The OKPAY account has the most advanced security measures: sending different PIN security codes to mobile phones or mailboxes, IP access filters, etc.

4、不受时间及国界限制 无论何时何地都能完成交易 安全高效,不可追踪,无法冻结,以零手续费发送和支出加密货币

No time limit, no time limit, no time limit, no place, no place to finish a transaction, no security, no tracking, no freezing, no fee for sending and spending an encrypted currency.


1. A comprehensive compliance management structure under the supervision of a compliance expert team, following strict compliance standards and agreements, is in place for effective identification, assessment, implementation and evaluation.


2. Actively detect and identify external and internal risks and take necessary remedial measures to work with local regulatory bodies to ensure that our compliance standards meet local requirements


3. The use of electronic identification (eKYC) to protect the platform and reduce potential fraud and illicit risk, as well as sanctions and anti-money-laundering (AML) policies to comply with all relevant jurisdictions and to prevent counterfeiting or other criminal activities on the platform


You can access all information about the current rate of exchange and the current account.


In order to use your credit card, you need to verify your identity and phone number.


The payment system is like a new hand and experienced investor.


This is the most serious protection of international law and investment funds, and you can be sure that your identity will not be exposed.




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