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On August 1, 2017, Bitcoin's cash BCH was born, leading to the split of Bitcoin's miner's tyrannical head. /Strong's original aim was to change Bitcoin's crowded transactions and high processing fees, which led to a solution for the big blocks. One year of growth, BCH's volume has risen and its market value has risen to the top four, becoming the dominant currency recognized by the public, with some arguing that the ultimate goal of BCH is to split with Bitcoin.

2017年8月1日,北京时间下午2点14分,矿池 Viabtc 挖出了第一个 Bitcoin Cash 区块。

On 1 August 2017, at 2.14 p.m. Beijing time, the mine pond Viabtc dug up the first Bitcoin Cash block.

欢迎来到这个世界”,Viabtc 在区块上写下这句话,在经历了长达两年的纠缠撕扯,裹挟了矿工、开发团队、交易所、用户后,比特币迎来了第一个分叉,而BCH也正式诞生。

Welcome to the world”, Viabtc wrote on the block, after two years of entanglement and blackmailing miners, development teams, exchanges, users, Bitcoin had the first fork, and BCH was officially born.

BCH,英文全称 Bitcoin Cash,中文是比特币现金”,代币是BCH,而BCC”是更常用的称呼。

BCH, fully known in English as Bitcoin Cash, Chinese as Bitcoin cash, and the token as BCH, while BCC is the more commonly used term.

而 BCH 的诞生,源于历经了两年的比特币扩容战争”。

The birth of BCH was born after two years of the Bitcoin Enlarged War.”


It has been said, “If we compare the initial bitcoin block chain to a road with only one lane, every bitcoin deal is a car that runs on the road.” When this road was first repaired, there were few cars, so the road was enough.”


With the bursting of the Bitcoin deal, the Bitcoin network became crowded and the concept of expansion began to emerge.

2015 年 6 月,前 Bitcoin core 开发员就提出了一个扩容方案,移除 1MB 区块上限,保留 32MB 的限制,增加一个浮动的区块”。

In June 2015, the former Bitcoin core developer proposed an expansion scheme to remove the 1MB block cap, retain the 32MB limit and add a floating block”.


However, the programme did not enjoy the support of the community and the ensuing discussion on the expansion of the Bitcoin was very slow and delayed.

因为此时,比特币世界已经出现了两个最为尖锐的阵营,以吴忌寒为代表的大矿池”一派,和以 Core 为代表的比特币核心开发团队”。Core 团队主要是一些技术人员,自比特币诞生以来就做着技术维护的工作。而吴忌寒所代表的大矿池在对方眼中,被看作追逐利益的商人”。

Because by this time, the world of Bitcoin has emerged two of the sharpest pits, represented by the great ponds of U Xiaoqiao, and by the central development team of the Bitcoin, represented by Core.” The Core team, mainly technicians, has been doing technical maintenance since Bitcoin was born. And the great pond represented by Wu Xueqyu, in the eyes of the other, is seen as a profit-seeking businessman.

这两个最有话语权的阵营对于扩容的问题有着截然不同的看法:Core 团队支持保持1M的区块大小不变,而在比特币上层使用隔离见证,并在区块上多搭一层闪电网络来解决拥堵问题,这相当于在公路上修一座高架桥来分流;而以吴忌寒为代表的大矿池希望能扩大区块大小,相当于,直接把马路”建宽。

The two most vocal blocs have a very different view of the question of magnanimity: the Core team supported keeping the size of the 1M block unchanged, using isolation witnesses in the upper bitcoin and building an additional lightning network on the block to address congestion, which is equivalent to building a high-stair bridge on the road to split the flow; and the large pond, represented by U Nyay, wants to expand the block to the size of the block, which is equivalent to a direct wide road.


The dispute between the two sides was very intense.


The Wu tyrannical big pond programme is stunned and requires hard splits” and there is a risk that all exchanges, wallets and users will need security upgrades.


For example, if users did not upgrade their wallets and left them on the old bitcoin, they would find their bitcoins incompatible with the upgraded bitcoins, and the system would be in disarray.

而 Core 团队被质疑的地方在于,他们主张的见证隔离并不具备去中心化的特征,一旦被中心化的机构控制,就会导致比特币陷入中心化的僵局。

The Core team, on the other hand, was challenged by the fact that the witness isolation they advocated did not have a decentralized feature, which, once controlled by centralized institutions, could lead to a central deadlock in Bitcoin.

双方吵了一年,到2016年,双方在香港见面商讨出一个最终方案:建设见证的同时,把区块容量扩大两倍。但这是 Core 团队少数成员出面达成的妥协方案,并不被其他人所接受。

One year later, by 2016, the two sides met in Hong Kong to agree on a final solution: to double the capacity of blocks while building witnesses. But this was a compromise reached by a small group of Core team members and was not accepted by others.


This became the trigger for a complete confrontation between the two sides.

2017年5月,58个公司代表从22个国家抵达纽约的一家酒店,准备讨论新的解决方案。但是这一次,在这个以吴忌寒为代表的大矿池主场中,Core 代表却被拦在了门外。

In May 2017, 58 company representatives arrived in a hotel in New York from 22 countries to discuss new solutions. But this time, the Core representative was stopped at the main site of this big pond, which is represented by U Xiaoqing.

Core 团队的首席战略官繆永权(Samson Mow)后来说,他们只想相互妥协,不想开发者参与,因为开发者参与了就无法达成共识”。而开发者正是指他们自己,与吴忌寒所代表的商人所对立。

The Core team's chief strategic officer, Samson Mow, said that they wanted to compromise with each other and that they did not want the developers to participate, because the developers were involved and they could not reach consensus.” The developers were themselves, opposed to the merchants represented by U Xiaoqing.

之后,Core 提出了一个激活用户的软分叉方案 UASF,打算强制实施见证隔离软分叉,与吴忌寒素来所主张的硬分叉技术路线对立。

Subsequently, Core proposed a soft fork for the activation of the user, UASF, which intends to enforce the witness isolation soft fork against the hard fork technical route advocated by Wu typhoid.


Wu is uncompromising, and he launched the UAHF hard-fork programme at the Chengdu Miner's Congress — after all data on the Bitcoin original chain were backed up, the programme removed the upgrading of the isolation witness and the size of the 1MB block, using the dynamic block size to a maximum of 8MB.

当时,吴忌寒已经拥有了比特币的绝大算力,他是世界上最大比特币矿业公司比特大陆 (Bitmain) 的创始人,比特大陆拥有世界最大的比特币矿池蚁池 (AntPool),截止 2017 年 3 月,蚁池占据全网近 15% 的算力份额。

At that time, Wu Xiaoqin had the great power of bitcoin, the founder of the world's largest Bitcoin mining company, Bitmain, the world's largest Bitcoin mineral pond (AntPool), which, as of March 2017, accounted for nearly 15 per cent of the world's arithmetic share.


This means that he already has the right to vote, and that he does not need to consult the Core team to make a decision about the bitcoin split. Since then, Wu has become the decision maker of the bitcoin since mid-sight.


BCH was born. It was said that, with some modifications to open sources, Wu Xiaoqin created a network worth $5 billion in a few days.


In September 2017, a month after the birth of BCH, Wu Xiaoqin announced on the air that he had sold the entire bitcoin to buy BCH when it was 25,000 dollars in Bitcoin.


BCH, begins to turn the new history of the Bitcoin world.




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