On 11 December, Beijing time, the Chicago options exchange began to offer the Bitcoin futures contract, while the price of the bitcoin soared just the week before.
On 7 December, Bitcoin once broke the $19,000 mark, which means that the price of a bitcoin is higher than the average annual income of its counterpart.
According to statistics, the market value of Bitcoin has exceeded $288.6 billion. With price hikes, the market value of Bitcoin has also exceeded the market value of well-known listed companies such as Nayfei, Damo, Goldman Sachs, Disney, General Electric, etc.
Some once said, “Telling ordinary people what bitcoin is, is as difficult as telling people in the '80s what the Internet is.” And now Google's search for the word “bitcoin” exceeds “Trump”.
After the various regulatory baptisms, Bitcoin went all the way from less than $1,000 at the beginning of this year to $19,000 today. What did Bitcoin go through this year?
国是直通车 许桂宝 制图
Extortion virus
5月12日开始在全球蔓延的WannaCry勒索病毒席卷了至少150个国家的20万台电脑。病毒要求用户在被感染后的三天内交纳相当于300美元的比特币,三天后“赎金”将翻倍。七天内不缴纳赎金的电脑数据将被全部删除。此后,Petya、Bad Rabbit、Gryphon等勒索病毒接连上演。
The worldwide spread of the WannaCry extortion virus, which began on May 12, has swept over 200,000 computers in at least 150 countries. The virus requires users to pay the equivalent of $300 in bitcoins within three days of being infected, and in three days the “remort” will be doubled. All computer data on non-payment of ransoms will be deleted.
These blackmail virus attacks have nothing to do with the Bitcoin itself, but, as a means of payment, the character of Bitcoin's “custody transaction” has been highlighted in several incidents, not only in terms of the price that has not fallen, but also in the form of a wave of cyber-security collective “crowds”.
Bitcoin splits.
在比特币原有的主链上,硬分叉产生的新货币诞生了。8月1日,比特币现金(Bitcoin Cash)创建。交易第三天,比特币现金交易价格飙升,涨幅达到了将近200%,一度成为市值第三高的数字货币。半个月后,受比特币可能二次分裂的消息影响,BCC一天内暴涨80%,涨势之疯狂,让分析师措手不及。
On the old chain of Bitcoin, a new currency created by hard splits was born. On August 1, Bitcoin Cash was created. On the third day of the deal, Bitcoin's cash transactions rose sharply, reaching nearly 200%, once the third highest-market digital currency. Six months later, under the influence of news that bitcoins might split twice, BCC surged by 80% a day, stunned by the madness of its analysts.
Although the market screamed at each time before the split, the price of the bitcoin was always on the rise.
Bitcoin futures.
The Chicago Futures Exchange (Cboe) launched its Bitcoin futures contract on 10 December, and the Chicago Business Exchanges (CME) will launch its Bitcoin contract on 18 December. This is considered to be good news for Bitcoin, not only that Bitcoin has begun to be regulated, but also that it has become more accepted in the mainstream.
But before that, Wall Street was trying to stop Bitcoin futures. The American Futures Association pointed out that there was a lack of transparency and regulation of the assets of the subject matter of the Bitcoin futures contract, and expressed concern about the proper management of the exchange to ensure that the subject matter was not manipulated, fraudulent, and exposed to operational risks.
中新社发 井韦 摄
India: Not recognized as French
12月1日,印度财政部长Arun Jaitley对媒体表示,印度不承认加密货币是法定货币。同一天,比特币矿业公司ASIC芯片的主要生产商Bitmain称,由于印度政府禁止进口加密货币采矿设备,他们自12月1日起停止向印度客户提供服务。
On 1 December, Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley stated to the media that India did not recognize the encrypt currency as the legal currency. On the same day, Bitmain, the main producer of the ASIC chip by Bitcoin Mining Company, stated that they had ceased to provide services to Indian customers since 1 December as a result of the Indian Government’s ban on the import of encrypted money mining equipment.
Although the official ban on the use of encrypted currency is still pending, Bank of India has so far not issued any licence or authorization to any entity dealing with digital currency.
United Kingdom: Elaboration of New Rules
EUROPOL found that £27 million (approximately RMB 240 million) of the stolen money was transferred through digital currency last week. The organization stated that 90 per cent of the 1,719 confirmed illicit transactions were related to cybercrime and that digital currencies such as Bitcoin were increasingly being used for money-laundering.
The United Kingdom Treasury Department indicated that anti-money-laundering regulations should include information on virtual currency such as bitcoin, for example, that traders would no longer be allowed to operate anonymously, and that all participants in digital currency transactions would be required to disclose identity information and report transactions.
At present, the British Government's proposal is in the process of being discussed together with plans to update some of the relevant EU provisions, and the new encrypt currency provisions are likely to be implemented by the end of 2018.
United States: Stand by.
比特币市场正在迅速升温,芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE)和芝加哥商品交易所(CME)两大交易所本月将发行比特币期货,对此美国政府严阵以待。白宫发言人桑德斯Sarah Huckabee Sanders最近在媒体会上提及比特币是现在投资产业最热的话题之一,因此也受到美国国土安全部的密切关注。
The Bitcoin market is warming rapidly, and the two major Chicago Stock Exchanges (CBOE) and the Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME) are about to issue Bitcoin futures this month, which the US government has been waiting for. White House spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders recently mentioned at a media conference that Bitcoin is one of the hottest topics in the current investment industry, and is therefore closely followed by the US Department of Homeland Security.
On 1 December, for the first time, the White House took a stand against Bitcoin and admitted that the United States Government was monitoring encrypted currency.
Russia: development of a new currency
近期,俄罗斯对比特币的立场再次出现了转变。俄罗斯通信和大众传媒部长 Nikolai Nikiforov 11月发表声称莫斯科永远不会合法化比特币。此前,另一位俄罗斯政府部长却表示考虑合法化比特币。随着政府不断改变加密货币政策的立场,比特币和各种加密货币在俄罗斯经历了动荡的时期。
Russia’s Minister of Communications and Mass Media, Nikolai Nikiforov, announced in November that Moscow would never be legalized by bitcoin. Earlier, another Russian government minister said that he was considering legalization of bitcoin.
Last month, Russia announced that it would issue its own encrypted currency, Cryptoruble. But CryptoRuble is not free to exploit, but only to be issued, managed, and maintained by the authorities.
Japan: Bitcoin Heaven
Japan is the world’s largest market in bitcoin, and the only market that provides a national licence for encrypted currency exchanges. As of 8 December, 15 digital currency exchanges in Japan had been approved.
However, the industry has another voice: the Japanese Government has given the exchange more freedom in its regulatory policy of encrypting monetary easing, but the effectiveness of its consumer protection is questionable.
中新社发 渝友 摄
6th Wall Street.
8月底,巴克莱、瑞士信贷、加拿大帝国商业银行、汇丰银行、MUFG和State Street这六家世界上最大的银行加入了此前瑞银开启的一个名为“Utility Settlement Coin”的项目,即创建新数字货币。瑞银方面表示,该货币将在明年年底以有限的方式“上线”。
At the end of August, Barclay, Swiss Credit, the Imperial Commercial Bank of Canada, HSBC, MUFG and State Street, the world’s six largest banks, joined a project called “Utility Security Coin,” which had been launched by silver to create a new digital currency. The silver side said that the currency would be “online” in a limited way by the end of next year.
The inclusion of the six major banks means that the project will move into the next phase of its transformation and that encrypted currency is beginning to move into the mainstream of the financial sector.
Earlier this month, PwC, one of the four largest global auditors, stated that the Hong Kong office had accepted Bitcoin as a means of paying for advisory services. But Bitcoin’s payment for advisory services is currently limited to Hong Kong, and the Mainland does not support it.
Morgan Chase.
作为美国四大银行中规模最大的摩根大通的董事长、总裁兼首席执行官,Jamie Dimon一直以来声称比特币为欺诈性资产,并声称购买比特币的人都是愚蠢的。
As Chairman, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the four largest banks in the United States, Jamie Dimon has consistently claimed that Bitcoin is a fraudulent asset and that the purchasers of Bitcoin are stupid.
但近日摩根大通正扭转其观点,并将比特币与黄金进行了比较。摩根大通全球市场战略的常务董事Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou认为数字货币可能会成为一种新的资产类别,并坚信数字货币有潜力进一步发展下去。
But Morgan Chase has recently reversed its view and compared Bitcoin to gold. Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, Managing Director of Morgan Chase’s Global Market Strategy, argued that digital money could become a new asset class and was convinced that digital money had the potential to develop further.
Some compare the insane bitcoins with the 17th century tulip bubble: at the highest price of tulips, the price of the tulip runners was a large piece of land, 10 times the annual income of the Dutch skilled workers, and after the bubble burst, the price of the tulip runners was as low as onions.
But Nobel Laureate Heller also said, "Gold is a bubble, but it lasts for thousands of years."
The price of bitcoin changes no one can guess, but it is certain that the chain of blocks is reshaping the financial industry.
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