Both Bitcoin and Ether are distributed account systems based on block chain technology, which are based on the following principles.
Decentralization: The Bitcoin network no longer relies on a central agency to maintain books and validate transactions.
2 .分布式账本:所有交易记录都记录在区块链上,成为不可篡改的公共账本。每一笔交易都会被广播到网络上,由网络内的节点进行验证,并添加到区块链中。
2. Distributed books: All transaction records are recorded on the block chain and become undisguised public accounts.
3 . Proof of Work (PoW):比特币在交易验证和创建新区块时使用PoW机制。挖矿者需要解决一个复杂的数学难题(散列计算)来验证交易并创建新的区块。这就是所谓的挖掘。解决问题的矿工可以获得新创造的比特币作为报酬。
3. Proof of Work (PoW): Bitcoin uses the PoW mechanism when trading to validate and create new blocks. Miners need to solve a complex mathematical problem (scatter calculation) to validate transactions and create new blocks. This is what they call excavations. Miners who solve problems can be rewarded with newly created bitcoins.
4 .智能合约:比特币本身不支持智能合约,但可以用于支付、转账以及执行简单的逻辑条件。
4. Smart contracts: Bitcoin does not itself support smart contracts, but can be used to pay, transfer and execute simple logical conditions.
Ether's principles.
1 .去中心化:以太坊也是基于去中心化的区块链网络,智能合约的执行?把重点放在构筑上被设计着。
1 - Decentralization: Ether is also based on decentralised network of block chains, implementation of smart contracts? The focus is on construction being designed.
2 .可编程性:以太坊的区块链不仅可以进行交易,还可以执行智能合约。所谓智能合约,是指满足特定条件后自动执行预先制定的条款,即自我执行?是自动执行的计算机程序。
2. Programmability: Ether’s block chain allows not only transactions, but also intellectual contracts.
3. PoW(工作量证明)和PoS (Proof ofStake):以太坊最初采用的是PoW机制,但计划转移到PoS机制,减少对计算资源的需求,从而降低能耗。PoS系统不需要进行复杂的计算,而是允许拥有足够数量的数字货币(以太币)的用户验证交易,创建新的区块。
PoW (Certificate of Work) and PoS (Proof of Stock): The Etheria initially introduced the PoW mechanism, but plans to move to the PoS mechanism to reduce the need for computational resources and thereby reduce energy consumption. The PoS system does not need to perform complex calculations, but allows users with a sufficient number of digital currencies (in TT) to authenticate transactions and create new blocks.
Gas: Etherwood? When you carry out smart contracts and transactions on the Internet, you consume a certain amount of tas as Gas, which is used to calculate resources and services.
5. Scalability: Using the Shalding technique and state channel (StateChannels) among others, the Taiwan team is looking at ways to increase network scalability.
These two pillars are the provision of a secure, transparent, decentralized economic system using block chain technology for transparency, irreversibility, and decentralisation. Bitcoin is the first successful block chain project, focusing mainly on monetary and financial transactions, while Ether is going further, and the programable bro in support of broader smart contracts aims to be a chain platform.
Etheeum is an open-source public block chain platform with smart contract functions.
用专用加密货币以太币(Ether)提供去中心化虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine),积分?two ?处理积分合同。
Decentralised virtual machine (Etherium Virtual Machine) in special encrypted currency (Ether), points? two? Processing points contract.
以太坊的概念是在2013 ~ 2014年受到比特币启发的程序员维塔里克?buterin提出了“下一代加密货币和去中心化应用平台”的概念,于2014年通过ICO众筹开始。
The Etherkom concept was developed by Vitalik Buterin, a programmer inspired by Bitcoin in 2013-2014, on the concept of “the next generation of encrypted currency and decentralized application platforms”, which began in 2014 with ICO crowd-sourcing.
On 17 May 2018, China made the first issue of a public chain technical evaluation index and ranking, ranking it first.
Ether is an easy-to-use chain for anyone to write smart contracts, program, visualize and issue tokens.
As in Bitcoin, Ether's is centralized and can be recorded online, transparent and non-distorted.
It is a P2P digital virtual currency that emerged in 2009. Unlike the electronic and cash currencies that we use on a daily basis, it is calculated by the Internet node and anyone can participate in digging.
以太坊(Ethereum)是具备智能合约功能的开源公共区块链平台,通过专用加密货币以太币(Ether)提供去中心化虚拟机。四、要点?two ?处理积分合同。
Etheeum is an open-source public block chain platform with smart contract functions that provides decentralised virtual machines in a dedicated encrypted currency in the Teen currency.
The Ethio concept was first proposed by Programmer Vitalik from 2013 to 2014 by Buterin and developed through ICO crowds in 2014.
Bitcoin was a pioneer in decentralizing the crypto-currency, and over a period of more than five years, the feasibility and security of block chain technology was fully validated.
Bitcoin's block chain is actually a decentralised database, and if a bitcoin is added to it to create an agreement that doesn't trust third parties and safely transmits it, bitcoin becomes a money transmission system. The network is complete.
But bitcoin's protocols are not sufficiently expansive, as in the bitcoin network, where only the symbol “bitcoin” is available, and users can customize symbols such as symbols representing their own company shares or debt certificates. No, they lose some of their functions.
The Bitcoin agreement, which uses stubble-based script language, although flexible in its multi-letter nature, is not sufficient to construct advanced applications such as distributed exchanges.
It was designed to address the problem of the insufficient expansion of bitcoin.
Its greatest advantage is that it circulates around the world, can be traded at any time, cannot be identified by outsiders in the course of the transaction, and the personal information of the users of the transaction cannot be read, thus safeguarding the safety of the transaction.
It supports not only the purchase of virtual products but also actual payments.
As the number of people investing in it increases, I see that the number of people investing in it also increases. You can see the possibility of investing in it.
The investment-trading process in Ether is strictly regulated by a web-based regulatory platform, but investors still need to pay attention to the security of their investments.