中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto),或者叫中本哲史,这位传说中的 37 岁日本中年男性一直自称是比特币的发明人。不过这个名字也一直被人怀疑,大家都觉得这是个假的身份。
Satoshi Nakamoto , or Nakamoto, a 37-year-old Japanese middle-aged man who has always claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin. But the name has also been suspected, and everyone thinks it's a false identity.
2008 年,中本聪在网上发表了一篇名为《比特币:一种点对点式的电子现金系统》(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)的论文,这为比特币的出现打下了基础。后来,到了 2009 年,他开发出了第一版比特币客户端程序 Bitcoin v0.1,获得了自己的第一笔比特币,这也标志着比特币金融体系的诞生。到当年年底,世界上一共产生了 160 多万枚比特币。
In 2008, Nakamoto published an online paper entitled Bitcoin: a point-to-point electronic cash system (Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System), which laid the groundwork for the emergence of Bitcoin. Later, in 2009, he developed his first version of Bitcoin v. 0.1, which received his first bitcoin, which also marked the birth of the Bitcoin financial system. By the end of the year, the world had produced more than 1.6 million bitcoins.
Although bitcoin is no longer as hot as it was then, curiosity and inquiry about this man, or the inventor of bitcoin, have not stopped.
今天,《连线》杂志发表了重磅文章,称 Craig Steven Wright,这位来自澳大利亚的 45 岁金融奇才很可能就是比特币真正的发明者。这引起了世界范围内的广泛关注,我们也来看看这位澳大利亚人究竟是不是我们要找的人。
Today, Wired.com/2015/12/bitcoins-creator-satoshi-nakamoto-is-probably-this-unknown-australian-genius/"target="_blank" is published in Wireless magazine , called Craig Steven Wright, a 45-year-old financial genius from Australia who is probably the real inventor of Bitcoin. This is a worldwide concern, and we look at whether this Australian is the person we are looking for.
(此君就是 Craig Steven Wright)
在过去的数年中,寻找比特币真正的发明者一直是媒体和比特币爱好者努力的事。其中在去年的时候,《新闻周刊》记者 Leah McGrath Goodman 发表文章称自己已经找到了中本哲史,是一个居住在加利福尼亚州的日裔美国人,名叫多利安·中本聪,或者是多利安·中本哲史。不过随后这个消息受到了广泛的质疑,而中本聪本人后来也发声称自己「不是多利安·中本聪」。
In the past few years, the search for the true inventors of Bitcoin has been the work of the media and Bitcoin fans. Last year, Leah McGrath Goodman, a journalist for Newsweek, wrote that he had found Chinese philosophy, a Japanese American living in California called Dorian Chungbong, or Dorian Chungbong.
However, the evidence of this Connect seems to be more convincing.
- 2008 年 8 月的时候,在据中本聪正式发表有关比特币论文前 3 个月,Wright 在自己的博客上发表了相关的内容,其中提到了他将会发表有关「密码货币(Cryptocurrency)」的论文。尽管《连线》也承认这有可能是 Wright 自己让它看起来望那边靠。
- 还是在 2008 年的这篇博文中,他要求那些希望与他保持联系的读者去使用 PGP 公共密钥加密他们发给他的信息,而这个 PGP 公共密钥显然与中本聪有关。PGP 公共密钥是一串独特的字符,它能让加密软件的用户接收到加密邮件。当查询这个数据存放的 MIT 数据库时,它的邮箱地址是 satoshin@vistomail.com,这与中本聪发表论文的邮箱 satoshi@vistomail.com 非常相似。
- 从 Wright 在 2009 年 1 月 10 日一封被删除了的邮件归档副本中,我们读到了「比特币的测试版将会在明天上线」。
- Wright 有一个好朋友 David Kleiman,此君是一位计算机科学家。在 2009 年 1 月比特币上线之前,他们在一起工作。在透露出来的相关文件中,David Kleiman 拥有和中本聪一样多的比特币,都在 100 万以上。而这位 David Kleiman 先生与 2013 年去世,在他去世以后,他所拥有的比特币都给了 Wright,而这些比特币在最高值的时候大约价值 10 亿美元。
不过,虽然有了很多类似的证据,但我们还不能完全肯定这位 Craig Steven Wright 就是中本聪。
But, while there's a lot of similar evidence, we're not quite sure this Craig Steven Wright is Chinese.
「尽管有大量的证据,但我们还不能说已经彻底解决了这个秘密」,文章作者 Andy Greenberg 和 Gwern Branwen 说道,「不过有两种情况的可能性要远超其他:要么就是 Wright 发明了比特币,要么他就是一个非常好的恶作剧玩家,费尽心思想要我们认为他是比特币的发明者。」
"Although there is a lot of evidence, we cannot say that this secret has been completely solved," the authors Andy Greenberg and Gwen Branwen say, "but there are two things that are far more likely than anything else: either Wright invented Bitcoin, or he was a very good prank player who worked hard to think that he was the inventor of Bitcoin."
而另一家媒体 Gizmodo 也在昨天发表了相关文章,他们认为 Wright 和我们上文提到的那位去世了的计算机科学家 Dave Kleiman 一起发明了比特币。
Another media medium, Gizmodoro, also published yesterday , which they believe was invented by Wright together with the deceased computer scientist, Dave Kleiman, who we mentioned earlier.
Gizmodo 说他们在 11 月收到了多封匿名邮件。其中显示 Wright 曾用 satoshi@vistomail.com 的邮箱发送过几封邮件,而这个邮箱是中本聪曾经给比特币用户发送过邮件的邮箱,而邮件的签名也显示的是「中本聪」,而电话号码则是 Wright 的。
Gizmodo says they received several anonymous emails in November. It shows that Wright sent several emails in the mailbox of satoshi@vistmail.com, which is a mailbox that was sent to Bitcoin users by mid-to-medium, while the signature of the mail also shows "blindness" and the phone number is Wright.
不过,这些推测都来源于这些文件和邮件,因此,确实还无法判定 Craig Steven Wright 究竟是不是中本聪。就像上面所说的那样,这有可能只是一个恶作剧。
However, these speculations are based on these documents and on mail, and it is indeed impossible to determine whether Craig Steven Wright is a mid-blind. As stated above, this could be a prank.
However, it is believed that people will continue to explore the question of "who invented the bitcoin" and "who is the middle-breathing," because it is true that someone with such a brilliant idea is worth a lot of effort for him. And we, the crowds, want to see whether such a person will be found or will become an unsolvable mystery.
本文参考了 Business Insider, The Guardian 等信息源
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