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Before we know a digital currency, we are used to trying to get to know its founders, like Bitcoin, the first encrypted currency in human history, whose founders were full of legends. We can see in him the spirits of freedom, technocrats, code punks, etc.


波卡的创始人是Gavin Wood,Gavin Wood出生于1980年,是一名英国人。

The founder of Poca is Gavin Wood, born in 1980 and a British national.

1998年至2002年,Gavin Wood在约克大学就读,专业是计算机系统/软件工程。

From 1998 to 2002, Gavin Wood studied at York University in computer systems/software engineering.


From 2002 to 2005, he received a doctorate from the university. In addition, he can speak Italian, a little French and Spanish, and, if he has time, he can play photography.

8岁的时候,Gavin Wood就已经在朋友的电脑上开始编程了。后来,他逐渐迷上了游戏,包括棋盘类游戏和视频类游戏。

When he was eight, Gavin Wood started programming on a friend's computer. Later, he became obsessed with games, including board games and video games.

“我很喜欢用编程做游戏,我做的其中一个游戏还在一本杂志上得到了很多好评。”后来,Gavin Wood还开发了一款游戏,叫Milton Keynes。

& ldquo; I love programming for games, and one of my games got a lot of appreciation in a magazine. ” subsequently Gavin Wood developed a game called Milton Keynes.

此外,Gavin Wood曾经在意大利一所学校给孩子们教过艺术课程。

In addition, Gavin Wood taught art courses to children in a school in Italy.

2011年,Gavin Wood第一次听说了比特币,但那时的比特币并没有引起他的注意。

Gavin Wood heard bitcoin for the first time in 2011, but the bitcoin at that time did not attract his attention.

2013年时,Gavin Wood再次听说了比特币。这一次,他开始做了点研究,发现比特币背后的一些思想跟博弈论似乎有某种关联。于是,他便进行了深入的研究,这一下抓住了他的眼球。

In 2013, Gavin Wood heard of Bitcoin again. This time, he started a little research and found that some of the ideas behind Bitcoin seemed to have some connection to the game theory. So he did an in-depth study, and this caught his eye.

后来,经朋友介绍,Gavin Wood认识了V神,开始了他的以太坊之旅。

Later, a friend introduced Gavin Wood to God V and began his trip to Etheria.

在以太坊做了两年后,也就是2015年的下半年,Gavin Wood离开了以太坊社区。

Two years after Ether's work, in the second half of 2015, Gavin Wood left Ether's community.

至于Gavin Wood离开的原因,我们不得而知。有消息认为,当时以太坊的资金已经入不敷出了,必须对人员进行“合理优化”,甚至某些项目也要被砍掉。作为一个有理想、有抱负的程序员,Gavin Wood希望能实现自己的想法,而缺乏资金的以太坊无法完成他心中的理想。于是,他选择了离开。

We don’t know why Gavin Wood left. The news is that the Etherms were already under-funded, and that they had to do & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; and that even some projects had to be cut off. As an ideal and ambitious programmer, Gavin Wood wanted to realize his own ideas, while the Etherms, who lacked the funds, could not fulfil his vision. So he chose to leave.

Gavin Wood离开后,在自己的博客上发表了一篇告别文章,有网友指出,Gavin Wood这篇文章中感谢了很多人,但是没有感谢V神。其中的原因,我们只能猜测。

After Gavin Wood left, he published a farewell article on his blog, and some of his readers said that Gavin Wood thanked a lot of people, but not God V. The reason for this is that we can only guess.


In 2017, with the success of Etheria, the price went up and the market value went to second place, after Bitcoin. At this point, Etheria will no longer be in need of money.


It's been almost the second most stable market since 2017.

离开了以太坊之后,Gavin Wood也没有闲着,他开发了一个以太坊客户端:Parity。Parity功能十分强大,一度垄断了以太坊钱包市场。

After leaving Etheria, Gavin Wood was not free, and he developed an ether client: Parity. Parity was powerful and once monopolized the Ether wallet market.


After the development of the Etherm, he became more aware of the chain of blocks. Fewer knew the advantages of Etherm and none knew the shortcomings of Etherm.


As early as 2014, when he was still in Etheria, he tried to solve the problem of Ether's expansion. For a variety of reasons, it was not possible to complete it. By 2016, after discussions with a number of friends, all ideas were integrated and the Pokadot project was born.

除了解决扩容问题之外,Gavin Wood还想解决跨链的问题:让各自独立的区块链能进行通信。

In addition to addressing the issue of enlargement, Gavin Wood would also like to address the issue of cross-chains: enabling communications in their respective separate block chains.

2016年,波卡白皮书完成;2017年,波卡完成了首次融资。Gavin Wood在波卡项目中,提出了“中继链”和“平行链”的概念,为了专心开发,Gavin Wood给波卡设定了两年的封闭开发期。

In 2016, the Boca White Paper was completed; in 2017, the first financing was completed. Gavin Wood introduced & ldquao; trunking & rdquao; & & & ldquao; parallel & rdquao; and the concept that, in order to focus on development, Gavin Wood set a two-year closed development period for Boca.


Pocca is a multi-chain project that follows the cosmos, and the main network has not yet been connected, and private out-of-the-field fund-raising has been fired for over a thousand coins. The project was set up in 15 years, launched by the WEB3 Foundation, in October 2017, for the first time and for a regular period of two years. The project’s vision is to integrate the chains of isolated blocks through the main chain, thus enabling communication and data transmission between the different chains.

项目开发团队非常的华丽,由30位顶级开发人员组成,包括系统编程、密码学以及分布式系统方面的各类专家。项目创始人Gavin Wood是以太坊的联合创始人和前CTO,撰写了以太坊的技术黄皮书,并发布了奇偶校验比特币技术堆栈,是币圈大神级的存在。

The project’s founder, Gavin Wood, was a co-founder and former CTO, and authored a technical yellow book on Ether, and released a doll to verify the Bitcoin technological stack, which is the conglomerate of the conglomerates.


A total of 10 million dollars is spent on project development, 3 million on financing, and 2 million on the development of the main network. At present, the market is dominated by local currencies and some of them are futures.


The most important feature of the project is a strong multi-chain accompaniment structure that allows for the efficient interaction of numerous parallel chains, while ensuring network performance, with lower entry thresholds, with only a certain proportion of Dot pledged to participate in the construction of parallel chains, with a more pronounced expansionary advantage.

社区上目前国外用户比较多,国内的话还没有建立正式的社区,不过Gavin Wood之前刚刚在国内做完几场Meeting up,效果不错,国内社区也已经开始启动建设,预计不久将会上线。

There are currently more foreign users in the community and there is no formal community in the country, but Gavin Wood has just completed a few meetings in the country, which have worked well, and the country's community has started building and is expected to meet soon.


On the whole, Poca, as a cross-chain star project, is currently very hot, and with the strong technical strength of its founders and development teams, as well as the impending entry of the main network, there should be good market performance in the latter.


In conclusion, it is the Little Editor of the Currency Circle who answered the question of who the founder of Pocahontas is and who the founder of Pocahontas is. It is hoped that this answer will help investors to understand more thoroughly the founders of Pocahontas.




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