
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:37 评论:0
凤凰网财经讯 火币网于今日(10月30日)晚间发布公告,火币网创始人李林表示,火币中国继续由火币中国业务团队负责运营,将全面转型成为区块链领域的综合资讯及研究服务平台。火币韩国和火币全球美元站将提供...



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凤凰网财经讯 火币网于今日(10月30日)晚间发布公告,火币网创始人李林表示,火币中国继续由火币中国业务团队负责运营,将全面转型成为区块链领域的综合资讯及研究服务平台。火币韩国和火币全球美元站将提供基于韩元、美元的数字资产交易服务。火币将在10月31日24时全面停止所有数字资产兑人民币的交易业务。火币将在10月31日24时全面停止所有数字资产兑人民币的交易业务。

In an announcement issued this evening (30 October) by Li Lin, the founder of the network, Li Lin, said that the China currency would continue to be operated by the Chinese business team, which would transform it fully into a platform for comprehensive information and research services in the area of block chains. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the United States dollar station will provide digital asset-trading services based on Korean won and United States dollars.




Distinguished User, Partner, Coworker:


On 4 September 2017, seven ministries and departments, including the People's Bank of China, issued a bulletin on the prevention of the risk of financing the issuance of money in currencies, which requires the financing of transactions in currencies and virtual currencies in China to undertake a comprehensive clean-up exercise.


On 15 September 2017, the China team received formal notification and guidance from the regulatory authorities, and on that day suspended the registration and collection of the renminbi.


Tomorrow, 31 October 2017, at 24:00 p.m., China will stop trading all digital assets against the renminbi.


We believe that this will not only be an important milestone in the history of the development of the gun, but will also be a memorable day in the history of the development of digital assets in China, and indeed in the history of the development of digital assets in the world.


The Internet has promoted de-information intermediation in the media, humans have entered the media age, and digital money and block chain technology are promoting de-credit intermediation in financial transactions, and humans will enter the financial age. For the foreseeable future, worldwide regulation of financial activities will be extended from legislation and regulation of a single licensed institution to legislation and regulation of individual financial behaviour.


The digital currency of


Since the second half of 2015, China’s financial sector has entered a strong regulatory cycle of de-false financial risk control, and we believe that strict control of Bitcoin transactions is consistent with China’s current situation and current situation. Key statements by the General Secretary of Xi Jinping at the National Conference on Financial Security have further clarified the direction and objectives of financial sector development & mdash; & mdash; & & & ldquo; deepening financial institutional reforms to enhance the economic capacity of financial services entities; improving financial regulatory systems to keep the bottom line of non-systematic financial risk & ldquao;


In this larger historical context, every employee of the gun should be aware that the efficiency and convenience of digital assets is an & ldquo; a double-edged sword & ldquo; a sword that allows for efficient financial services while being used for illegal activities, such as money-laundering fraud. So, whatever business we do and which country we operate, we must remember and practice the value orientation of the proper integrity and innovation of the gun. We should insist on & & ldquo; do not do evil & & rdquo; and as a minimum code of conduct, insist on compliance, safety, quality products and services for users.


In the recent month, news reports of changes in China's market have been mixed, and in various circles, such as Weibo and Weibo, the phone calls of 400 people serving in China have been blown up on several occasions by & Hellip; & Hellip; and in the face of various outside concerns and questions, the Chinese team has been quick to make decisions and has been active in dealing with the issues properly. Once again, China's trading platform has been operating steadily in a sudden state.


In the past, in China, the brand was an important symbol and symbol of the digital asset industry; now that the 1.0 era of digital assets has come to an end, it will continue to actively participate in and rewrite developments and changes in the global digital asset industry landscape.


After four years of development and accumulation, it has grown into a globally competitive and influential digital asset integrated service provider, providing high-quality services to millions of users from more than 130 countries around the world, with independent trading operations or operations centres in Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, mainland China, and elsewhere.


Currently, the worldwide operations of the gun include:

1. 火币全球专业站,服务于全球专业交易者的创新数字资产交易平台,致力于发现优质的数字资产投资机会,目前提供近十个数字资产品类的交易及点对点投资服务,总部位于新加坡,在香港设有子公司,由火币全球业务团队负责运营。

1. The Treasure Global Professional Station, an innovative digital asset trading platform for global professional traders dedicated to identifying high-quality digital asset investment opportunities, currently provides nearly 10 digital asset class transactions and point-to-point investment services, based in Singapore, with a subsidiary in Hong Kong and operated by the Gunn Global Operations Team.

2. 火币韩国,基于韩元的数字资产交易平台,专注于为用户提供优质、便捷的韩元兑数字资产交易服务。总部位于韩国首尔,由火币韩国业务团队负责运营。

2. Democratic Republic of Korea, a Korean Won-based digital asset trading platform, focuses on providing users with high-quality, easy-to-use Korean Won-to-digit asset trading services.

3. 火币中国,将全面转型成为区块链垂直领域的专业综合资讯及研究服务平台,专注于为中国大陆地区用户提供专业、深度、前沿的区块链技术研发和应用类资讯信息,集行业咨询、研究和教育培训等服务于一体。总部位于中国北京,将继续由火币中国业务团队负责运营。

3. China has fully transformed itself into a platform for specialized integrated information and research services in the vertical areas of the block chain, focusing on providing users in mainland China with specialized, in-depth and cutting-edge block-chain technology research and development and application-related information, and bringing together services such as industry advice, research and education training. The headquarters, located in Beijing, China, will continue to be operated by the China business team for the currency.

4. 火币钱包,专注于为用户提供安全、易用、便捷的数字资产管理服务。运营及管理团队在区块链及加密技术拥有多年经验的积累,产品在使用多重安全保障措施保护用户资产,支持多种数字资产存储的同时,也致力于提供极致、易用、便捷的用户体验。总部位于中国北京,由火币钱包业务团队负责运营。

4. Fire money wallets, dedicated to providing user security, easy-to-use, and easy-to-use digital asset management services. Operating and managing teams have accumulated many years of experience in block chains and encryption technology, and while products use multiple security measures to protect user assets and support multiple digital asset storage, they are also committed to providing excellent, easy-to-use and easy-to-use user experiences.

5. 火币全球美元站,在完成中国大陆地区用户清退工作后,将向全球合格投资者提供基于美元的数字资产交易服务。

The Dollar Global Dollar Station, which will provide United States dollar-based digital asset trading services to eligible investors worldwide upon completion of the clearance of users in mainland China.


Don't think about the future.


Many years later, when we were old, looking back today, faced with challenges and uncertainty, we were filled with expectations and dreams of changes in financial science and technology and left our names in history with passion and blood.


致敬这个时代! 致敬每一位“火伴“!

salutes this era!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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