牛市的繁榮很大程度取決於兩個主要因素,外部資本的湧入和內部資本槓桿的增強。像貝萊德這樣有影響力的金融實體在推動外部資本方面發揮關鍵作用,尤其是隨著比特幣現貨ETF 的預期可能會改變加密市場的遊戲規則。
The prosperity of the cattle market depends to a large extent on two main factors, the inflow of external capital and the growth of internal capital poles. An influential financial entity such as Belede plays a key role in pushing external capital, especially as the currency’s current ETF is expected to change the rules of the encrypted market.
2020 年,受惠於DeFi Summer 的創新推動,一眾CEX 先後推出「新幣挖礦」功能,這是一種將IEO 與DeFi 的流動性挖礦相結合的新玩法,CEX 上線新項目時,用戶不需要再「花錢」搶籌,質押交易平台規定的資產即可獲得新資產。相較於現貨交易,上幣打新的週期更短,且投資報酬率也更加驚人,也因此平台幣一度被譽為獲得新資產的「金鏟子」。
In 2020, benefiting from the innovations of DeFi Summer, a group of CEX introduced the "new currency mining" function, a new game that combines the fluid mining of IEO with DeFi, and the new CEX project, in which users do not need to "spent money" in order to secure new assets from the trade platform. Compared to the current trade, the upper currency has a shorter period and a higher rate of reward, so that the platform currency is once honoured as a "gold mound" for new assets.
隨後,以太坊上的LSD、Restaking 等DeFi 創新應用激增,但比特幣生態尚未出現大規模的類似金融應用。目前,銘文已經順利從一級市場走入二級市場,進一步就是思考如何利用銘文的市場熱度為比特幣生態金融設施持續賦能。
After that, DeFi’s innovative applications, such as LSD, Restaking, and others, have surged, but Bitcoins have yet to emerge as a large financial approximation. The next step is to think about how to use the popular market heat for Bitcoins to sustain their financial viability.
BlockBeats 整理了目前市場上一批新的「金鏟子」,它們目前正為加密產業,尤其是比特幣生態持續注入資本槓桿活力。
BlockBeats has organized a new set of "gold shovels" in the current market, which are continuing to inject capital into the encryption industry, especially the Bitcoins.
Bounce Brand(AUCTION)
Bounce Brand(原為Bounce Finance)是一個去中心化的拍賣協議,整合了流動性挖礦、去中心化治理和質押機制,為用戶提供在多個區塊鏈網路上創建和參與各種類型的拍賣的能力。
Bounce Brand (formerly Bounce Finance) is a de-centralized auction agreement that integrates dynamic mining, de-centralized governance and pledge mechanisms to provide users with the capacity to create and participate in auctions of all kinds on multiple sector chains.
11 月12 日,Bounce Brand 完成了橋接協議MultiBit(MUBI)的Launchpad,IDO 單價0.00047 美元,募資88 枚ETH,在此期間回報超80 倍。 11 月29 日,Bounce Brand 開啟了以比特幣為基礎的跨鏈DeFi 協議Bitstable 專案代幣BSSB 的公售;12 月4 日,BSSB 突破1.6 美元,24 小時漲幅達89.58%,創歷史新高。
On November 12, Bounce Brand completed the sale of the bridge agreement, Launchpad (MUBI), at the price of US$ 0.00047 and raised 88 ETHs, over 80 times more. On November 29, Bounce Brand opened the Translinker DeFi agreement, based on Bittable, BSSB; on December 4 BSSB broke out by US$ 1.6, with a 24-hour hike of 89.58 per cent, which was the highest in history.
這兩場成功的代幣拍賣讓加密社群意識到Bounce 是有備而來。 12 月1 日,Bounce Brand 推出BounceBit,旨在為比特幣生態系統設計的DeFi 解決方案,將基於Binance 比特幣(BTCB)並由AUCTION 提供動力。 BTCB 是一種與比特幣1:1 掛鉤並鎖定在比特幣區塊鏈上的BEP2/BEP20 資產,使比特幣持有者能夠在保持其比特幣投資的同時,參與DeFi 生態。
On December 1, Bounce Brand launched the BounceBit DeFi solution designed for the Bitcoins ecosystem, which will be based on Binance Bitcoin (BTCB) and powered by AUCTION. BTCB is a BEP2/BP20 asset with the Bitcoin 1:1 hook-up and lock-in on the Bitcoins chain, enabling Bitcoins holders to participate in DeFi at the same time as they maintain their Bitcoins investments.
12 月15 日,Bounce Brand 開啟了新一期Launchpad 項目,該項目為BTC L2 上的DID 服務平台Bdid(BDID)。共有三種參與模式,分別是使用AUCTION 購買抽獎券進行抽獎、使用AUCTION 質押並按比例獲取分配額、使用穩定幣DAII 質押並按比例獲取分配額。拍賣結束後BDID 在Uniswap 上市,其DEX 交易量超過1,200 萬美元。
On December 15, Bounce Brand opened a new issue of Launchpad, a DID service platform on BTC L2, Bdid (BDID). There are three modes of participation, which are based on the use of AUCTION for the purchase of draw tickets, the use of AUCTION to pledge and receive proportional allocations, and the use of a stable currency DAII to secure and receive proportional allocations. After the auction, BDID is listed on Uniswap with a volume of more than $12 million worth of DEX transactions.
今日,Bounce Brand 發文表示Bounce Launchpad 即將採用「一石二鳥」策略推出代幣發行,由兩個獨立團隊共同發行一個代幣。專案身分保密,採用AUCTION 和BitStable 的穩定幣DAII 參與,設有兩個拍賣池。受此消息影響,AUCTION 價格大幅上漲,24 小時漲幅為47.5%,截至發稿前幣價為37.82 美元。
Today, Bounce Brand sends a message that Bounce Launchpad is about to launch a coin launch using the "One Stone Two Bird" strategy, with two independent teams issuing a coin. The project is confidential, with the participation of AUCTION and BitStable's stable currency DAII, with two auction pools. As a result, AUCTION prices have risen significantly, at 47.5 per cent in 24 hours, and at $37.82 as of the date of publication.
TurtSat 同Bounce Brand 扮演的角色很相似,是一個新誕生的資產發行平台,其由社區主導的Ordinals 開放平台,使命是成為Ordinals 世界的Gitcoin,任何人都可以透過Turtsat 建構、捐贈Ordinals 生態協議,參與到Ordinals 的生態建設並從中獲益。其原生代幣為TURT。
TurtSat, which has a similar role to that of Bounce Brand, is a new-born property development platform led by a community-led Ordinals Open Platform with the mission to become the Gitcoin of the Ordinals world, where anyone can participate in and benefit from the Ordinals ecosystem through the Tortsat construction, donation of Ordinals policy agreements. Its original currency is TURT.
上線至今,TurtSat 平台已累積發射了多個專案(BRC 20 資產協議CHAX、BRC 20 跨鏈橋MUBI、Ordinals 聚合平台NHUB、Ordinals 借貸平台DOVA、比特幣生態系統遊戲平台RAIT 等),這些專案都是早期的BRC 20 基礎建設平台,且在工程發射後都有不錯表現。
To date, the TortSat platform has accumulated several projects (BRC 20 Property Agreement CHAX, BRC 20 Cross Link Bridge MUBI, Ordinals Convergence Platform NHUB, Ordinals Loan Platform DOVA, Bitconet Ecosystem Game Platform RAIT, etc.), all of which were early BRC 20 Foundation Building Platforms and performed well after the launch of the project.
12 月初,TurtSat 宣布上線質押系統TURT POOL。根據TurtSat 介紹,這將是用戶在TurtSat 平台上參與專案上線的全新方式,平衡了公平與效率,同時也將有效杜絕機器人利用腳本掠奪大量捐贈份額的行為,讓TURT 持有者能夠參與並獲得應有的權益。
In early December, TortSat announced the online security system TURT POOL. According to TortSat, this would be a new way for users to join the project online on the TortSat platform, balancing fairness and efficiency, and would also allow effective draconian robots to exploit scripts for large amounts of donated action, allowing TURT holders to participate and gain the benefits they deserve.
用戶完成TURT 質押後,TURT POOL 將即時記錄對應地址的質押代幣數量和質押時間(區塊確認時間/網路確認時間),並即時計算並釋放EGGS。 EGGS 是TurtSat 發行的全新資產,EGGS 的應用場景包括但不限於專案上線投票、直接兌換合作代幣禮包等,或許未來EGGS 會成為換取新專案白名單額度的重要途徑。
After the user completes the TURT pledge, TURT POOL will immediately record the number and time of the deposit against the address (time/network confirmation time), and calculate and release the EGGS in time. EGGS is a brand-new asset for TurtSat, and the EGGS application site includes, but is not limited to, on-line voting on the project, direct conversion of the cooperative currency package, etc., or may in the future become an important way to change the white list of new projects.
BitStable(BSSB)是一個基於比特幣網路的去中心化資產協議,任何人都可以透過該平台在任何地方產生針對比特幣生態系統抵押資產的DAII 穩定幣。 BitStable 具有雙代幣系統和跨鏈相容結構,其代幣為DAII 和BSSB。
BitStable (BSSB) is a decentralised asset agreement based on the Bit currency network, through which anyone can generate DAII stability anywhere for collateral against the Bits’ ecosystem. BitStable has a dual-generation system and cross-linkage-compatibility structure, with a proxy currency of DAII and BSSB.
DAII 是BitStable 所發行的美元穩定幣,DAII 的總供應量為10 億枚。用戶可以在BitStable 官網透過質押ORDI 或MUBI 獲取,專案方也在以太坊上發行了部分DAII,可直接購買。
DAII is a stable dollar currency issued by BitStable, with a total supply of 1 billion dollars. Users can access ODI or MUBI via the BitStable official network, and the project has also launched a portion of DAII in the Tails that can be purchased directly.
隨著BitStable 在Bounce 上的Launchpad 大獲成功,DAII 也更多的參與進了Bounce 的更多相關專案。前文提到,質押DAII 是Bounce 上參與Bdid(BDID)Launchpad 的選擇之一,而Bounce 上最新的一期Launchpad 也可以選擇透過質押DAII 獲得參與資格。
With the great success of BitStable Launchpad on Bounce, DAII has been more involved in more relevant projects in Bouncé. As mentioned earlier, the pledge of DAII is one of the options for Bouncé to participate in Bdid Launchpad, and Bouncé's last issue of Launchpad can also choose to be eligible for participation through the pledge of DAII.
Saga 手機最初在2022 年5 月8 日以1000 美元的價格上市,定位為Solana 生態系統的旗艦Android 手機。這款手機擁有512 GB 的儲存空間、兩個後置相機、6.67 吋的OLED 顯示器和指紋解鎖功能。更重要的是,它具備專門用於加密應用程式的dApp Store 和一個安全元件,用於儲存加密用戶的私鑰,從而將這些敏感資料與手機的其他資料分開。 8 月10 日,Saga 手機宣布將價格從1,000 美元降至599 美元。
The Saga cell phone was originally marketed at $1,000 on 8 May 2022, and was positioned as the flag ship Android for the Solana ecosystem. This cell phone has 512 GB storage space, two rear cameras, and 6.67 inches of OED monitors and fingerprinting. More importantly, it has a dapp Store and a security component dedicated to encryption applications that saves the private keys of encryption users and separates these sensitive data from other data on phones. On August 10, Saga's mobile phone announced that it would reduce the price from $1,000 to $599.
直到近日,基於Solana 的MEME 代幣Bonk 暴漲,而每款Solana Saga 手機都有權獲得高達3000 萬枚BONK 代幣空投,其在eBay 上溢價已飆升500%,售價高達3,000 美元。
Until recently, the MEME coin based on Solana was soaring in Bonk, and each Solana Saga cell phone had the right to 30 million BONK inflated, with a surcharge of 500 per cent on eBay and a sale price of up to $3,000.
12 月17 日,Multicoin Capital 的共同創辦人Kyle Samani 在社群平台上表示,預計未來12 個月內Solana 手機Saga 擁有者將獲得大量空投活動。昨日,Solana 生態Meme 專案Samoyedcoin 宣布將為Saga 手機持有者發放SAMO 代幣空投,具體空投詳情尚未公佈。
On December 17, the co-founder of Multicoin Capital, Kyle Samani, stated on the social platform that the owner of Solana's mobile phone Saga was expected to get a lot of air drops in the next 12 months. Yesterday, Solana's biological Meme project, Samoyedcoin, announced that it would launch SAMO coin drops for Saga mobile phone holders, and that the details of the drops had not yet been made public.