Last night, the final wrap-up was with the doctoral students.
目前在香港一所高校任教的大海同学,介绍了自己这一个学期对开源软件的研究,从Moodle,到 WordPress,再到Ubuntu,他对开放源代码、开源软件、以及开源软件的教育应用,有了更加深刻的理解和认识。
The students who are currently teaching open-source software at a high school in Hong Kong, from Moodle to WordPress to Ubuntu, have a better understanding and understanding of open-source, open-source software and open-source software educational applications.
In the course of his reporting, he referred to their universities and, in response to the epidemic, the use of SEB for the online final examination, which reminded me of the fact that a number of teachers mentioned the issue of the online examination at home school when they shared online public goods with their teachers in their home countries.
Later, I also wrote a special article entitled ".
In conjunction with the ocean report, I went to retrieve information about the SEB and found that the SEB was a real solution to some of the real needs of the distributed online examination.
安全考试浏览器(Safe Exam Browser,SEB) 是一款定制的、开放源代码的 Web 浏览器,可用于 Windows(7、8.1、10)、macOS(从 10.7 开始,推荐使用 10.11 或更高版本)和 iOS(9.3.5 或更高版本)。
Safe Examination Browser (Safe Exam Brownser, SEB) a custom-made, open source browser that can be used in Windows (7, 8.1, 10), macos (from 10.7, recommended version 10.11 or higher) and iOS (9.3.5 or higher).
目前,在 Android 上,SEB不可用。
Currently, on Android, SEB is not available.
The security examination browser application must be downloaded and installed on the equipment of students attending the online examination, who are studying at home.
Students study at home, and school online examinations face many difficulties, one of which is the supervision of examinations.
Although teachers and parents can use two cameras to make students and their computers public in places where students are tested at home, it is also difficult for teachers in supervisory examinations to quickly view so many cameras.
At the time of the examination, some students may use online access to network computers to connect to the Internet in order to obtain information that will help them gain a higher score. This will not only render online examinations ineffective, but will also affect students’ academic integrity.
安全考试浏览器 (SEB) 可以帮助避免此问题,因为它可以通过浏览器操作控制,来控制 Internet 接入和对特定应用程序的访问。
The Security Examination Browser (SEB) can help to avoid this problem because it can control Internet access and access to specific applications through browser-operated controls.
Teachers can configure safety examination browsers for different behaviors for each examination.
When students enter their online exams:
浏览器窗口将没有 URL 或搜索字段;
The browser window will not have a URL or search field;
Teachers can disable backward/future navigation and reload; & nbsp;
The student cannot close the security examination browser before submitting an online examination response. & nbsp;
Win+Tab、Alt+Tab、Ctrl+Alt+Del、Alt+F4、Print Screen、Cmd+Tab 等快捷键被禁用,或不能用于关闭 Safe Exam Browser ,或切换到计算机上的其他用户帐户。
Win+Tab, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Alt+Del, Alt+F4, Prince Screen, Cmd+Tab etc. are disabled or cannot be used to close Safe Exam Browser or to switch to another user account on the computer. & nbsp;
The ability of a computer screen with a SEB browser was disabled.
启动和退出 Safe Exam Browser时会清除剪贴板。
Clears the clipboard when starting and withdrawing from Safe Exam Brownser. & nbsp;
Browser context menu is disabled. & nbsp;
使用 URL 过滤器将特定网站/页面/资源配置为在考试期间可访问。
Configure a particular website/page/resource with a URL filter to be accessible during the examination. & nbsp;
Spell check and dictionary search can be set to disable or allow.
By default, disables switching to other applications and can create custom configuration files by using configuration tools to allow access to related applications.
比如,通过设置允许学生使用 Word 或 Excel 等应用程序。
For example, students are allowed to use applications such as Word or Excel through settings.
There is no 100 per cent security in the world.
In the traditional classroom, there is no guarantee of 100 per cent fraud, even with the placement of five supervisory teachers.
Security is only relative, and absolute security is almost non-existent.
Yes, the security exam browser is open source software, it's free.
安全考试浏览器 ? 2010-2021 苏黎世联邦理工学院教育发展和技术中心(ETH Zurich, Educational Development and Technology,LET),基于吉森大学(University of Giessen)Stefan Schneider 的的最初想法设计开发的。
Security Examination Browser? 2010-2021 Centre for Educational Development and Technology of the Zurich Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich, Economic Development and Technology, Let), designed and developed on the basis of the original ideas of the University of Giessen Stefan Schneider.
安全考试浏览器(SEB)源代码受Mozilla 公共许可证 1.1 版(“许可证”)的约束;使用者只能按照许可使用这些文件。
The security examination browser (SEB) source code is subject to the Mozilla public licence version 1.1 (“licence”); users can only use these documents in accordance with the licence.
A copy of the licence can be obtained by anyone at .
Examination safety browsers apply to any type of Web-based examination system and any Web-based learning management system, such as MOODLE.
There are also a number of learning management systems that offer specific test models compatible with the Security Examination Browser (SEB).
Isn't it wonderful to use a secure examination browser to use open-source software to solve the pressing need for your line examination?
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