data source: Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Trade and Communications, People's Bank, etc.
In recent years, local ministries and departments have been determined to deploy the Party’s central decision-making efforts, with unprecedented intensity and action, to further their efforts to control the various areas, and the number of cases of wire fraud throughout the country has declined for 11 months, with a similar rate of detection and effective containment of the continuing trend of Internet fraud.
A number of readers have written about the complex social governance problem of countering the criminal fraud of the network, which involves financial, telecommunications, Internet, etc., and the need to put in place relevant measures on the basis of a comprehensive overview of successful governance practices, using a variety of policy instruments, including credit sanctions, to maintain a high level of pressure on the network fraud, and to maintain and deepen its effectiveness.
誠信是社會關系發展的基礎,完善的社會信用體系是良好營商環境的重要組成部分。電信網絡詐騙的危害性不僅在於造成個人經濟損失,更侵蝕了社會誠信的根基,嚴重破壞了社會平穩運行的基本規則和道德底線。 True faith is the foundation of social relations, and a well-established social credit system is an important component of a good business environment. The danger of Internet fraud is not only to cause personal economic losses, but also to undermine the foundations of social honesty and seriously undermine the basic rules and ethical boundaries of social stability. 江蘇省蘇州市讀者馬玉蘭有一個在外地上學的朋友。犯罪分子通過社交平臺得知這一情況後,偽造了她朋友的個人賬號,主動聯系馬玉蘭,說自己在外地買機票時出了問題,請她幫忙代買,並且給馬玉蘭提供了航班代理的聯系方式和偽造的聊天記錄。『我看到這些信息後,非常擔心朋友,忽視了核實信息,很快就把錢給騙子打了過去。事後想一想,其實整個過程中有很多明顯漏洞,但因為基本信息能夠對上,加之騙子一個勁地催促,就沒有細想,放松了警惕。』馬玉蘭說,這次被騙的遭遇讓她蒙上了心理陰影,很長時間裡都不敢相信別人,總覺得會不會又是騙局。 When I saw this information, I was very worried about my friend, ignoring the truth, and quickly hit the money with a con man. After thinking about it, there were a lot of obvious flaws in the whole process, but because the basic information was able to get on top of it, and the cheater was quick enough, she didn't even think about it, so she took her mind off. And she said, "Matyrann said, she was being deceived, and she couldn't believe it for a long time. 近年來,電信網絡詐騙手法不斷翻新,詐騙集團緊跟社會熱點,隨時變化詐騙手法和話術,迷惑性強,人民群眾很容易上當受騙。 In recent years, telecommunication network fraud has been constantly retrenched, the con syndicates have kept up with social passions, changing their deception tactics and tacts at any time, becoming confusing, and the masses are vulnerable to deception. 山東省日照市讀者王原經常玩一款網絡游戲。有一次,在打游戲的過程中,突然彈出來一條廣告,顯示王原中了大獎,獎品是一臺筆記本電腦和此款游戲的一些稀有裝備。『這款游戲確實設置了中獎的環節,而且獎品都是我很想要的。』王原沒多想就點進去一個網站,登記了資料後,系統告訴王原,需要繳納800元的服務費纔能領取獎品。『我猶豫了一下,但那個網址和頁面與游戲官方網站特別像,加上獎品也很誘人,我還是按照系統告知的方式,給一個賬戶轉了800元錢。』王原說,不久,他和朋友聊起這件事,朋友覺得不對勁,建議他向官方客服詢問,這纔發現被騙了。 On one occasion, during the course of the game, an ad was popping up, showing that Wang had won a great prize, and that the prize was a laptop and some of the rare equipment for the game.’” The game did set the winning link, and the prizes were all I wanted. He didn’t want to go into a website, entered the data, and the system told Wang that he needed to pay $800 for the service.’” I hesitated, but the special image of the site and page and game official website, and the prizes were attractive, and I turned 800 dollars into an account in a way that the system informed me. Wang said that he and his friends would not talk about it soon enough, and suggested that he should ask the official guests about it. 有些詐騙分子盯上了急需融資的小微企業,打著『無抵押』『免征信』『無息低息』『快速放款』等幌子,以事先收取手續費、保證金、驗資、交稅等為由,或以檢驗還貸能力、調整利率、降息、提高征信等為借口,誘騙具有貸款需求或曾辦理貸款業務的受害人轉賬匯款,實施詐騙。這樣的騙局,嚴重破壞了市場的法治和誠信基礎,乾擾了正常的金融秩序,推高了正常信貸業務的識別門檻,也無形中增加了企業交易的成本支出。 Under the guise of “no mortgage” and “no credit” and “no interest, no interest, no interest,” “quick loans”, some fraudsters are targeting micro-enterprises in dire need of financing, using the pretext of pre-charges, guarantees, tests, taxes, etc., or, under the pretext of testing the ability to repay loans, adjust interest rates, reduce interest rates, raise letters, etc., to lure victims who have a loan demand or have worked on a loan, to transfer money, and to do so. Such frauds seriously undermine the rule of law and the foundations of good faith in the market, disrupt normal financial order, raise the profile of normal credit and increase the cost of business transactions. 前不久,廣東省東莞市一家企業的負責人樊某接到一通陌生來電,詢問是否有貸款需求。樊某因為生意不景氣,急需資金周轉,於是表達了想要貸款的意願。在添加對方聯系方式後,樊某按照要求下載了某貸款APP,並按照提示在APP上申請貸款。隨後,對方以交會員費、解凍金、證明還款能力等為由要求轉賬,樊某通過手機銀行進行了4筆轉賬,共13.7萬元,但對方仍稱貸款條件不滿足不能放貸。樊某想要放棄貸款,向對方索要之前轉賬的資金。結果,對方告知其需等貸款審核通過纔能返還資金,隨後便失去聯系,APP也無法登錄。 Recently, the head of an enterprise in Dongjung City, Guangdong Province, received a strange call to ask if there was any need for a loan. After adding a relationship, the owner downloaded an APP as required and applied for a loan on the APP. After requesting a transfer through a mobile bank, a bank made four transfers totalling $137,000, but claimed that the loan was not enough to lend. One wanted to give up the loan and to transfer the money before the claim was made. 電信網絡詐騙形成了一條潛在的黑色產業鏈,增加了打擊難度 個人信息泄露通常是被電信網絡詐騙的開始。據統計,有超過七成的電信網絡詐騙與個人信息泄露或被竊取有關。一些企業機構和個人隨意收集、違法獲取、過度使用、非法買賣個人信息。犯罪分子獲得這些個人、企業信息後,針對不同群體量身定制詐騙劇本,實施精准詐騙,令人防不勝防。 Some businesses and individuals collect, illegally, overuse, and illegally buy and sell personal information. As criminals gain access to information from individuals, businesses, tailor the script to different groups of individuals, and use it in a sophisticated manner. 重慶市讀者潘女士反映,最近她在電商平臺下了訂單,隨後自稱是店鋪客服的賬號告知她購買的商品缺貨,要把貨款退還給她。在潘女士同意後,對方隨後打來電話,指導她如何退款。按照對方要求,潘女士提供了自己的銀行卡號,手機上很快收到一條驗證碼,這讓潘女士產生了懷疑。『對方信誓旦旦地說,這只是驗證銀行卡在不在有效期內,驗證成功後會把轉賬的錢以及退款都打回來。』在對方的勸說下,潘女士最終卸下防備,把驗證碼發了過去,銀行賬戶中的金額被迅速轉出。意識到不對的潘女士趕緊報警,但錢已經無法追回了。『我本來覺得詐騙離我很遙遠,我在生活中也很注意這些。但一旦相信了騙子的話,就很容易一步步走進圈套,直至最終被騙。』潘女士說。 Ms. Pan, a rejoicing reader, stated that she had recently placed an order on the electric counter, and then told her that she had bought the missing goods and returned them to her. After Ms. Ban agreed, she called and instructed her to refund the money. As requested, Ms. Pan provided her bank card, and soon received a certificate on her cell phone, which made Ms. Pan suspect. ”I swore that it was just to verify that the bank card was not in service and that the money transferred and refunded would be returned after the test had been successful. 記者調查發現,電信網絡詐騙背後往往是多種犯罪相互關聯,存在一條潛在的黑色產業鏈。其中,有的專門從事盜賣公民個人信息,有的負責提供電話卡、銀行卡等,有的負責網絡和通信技術支持,各個環節相對獨立作案,加大了偵破難度。針對這一情況,公安部會同最高法、最高檢、工信部、人民銀行和電信運營商積極開展『斷卡』等行動,有針對性地限制相關銀行卡、電話卡的注冊和販賣,特別是強化對存量卡的清查,有效降低了電信網絡詐騙案件的發案率。 Reporters have found that wire fraud is often associated with multiple types of crime, and that there is a potential black chain. Some of them are involved in the theft of citizen personal information, some are responsible for providing telephone cards, bank cards, etc., some are responsible for network and communication technology support, and separate cases are being carried out against each other. In this case, the Ministry of Public Security has been working with the Supreme Court, the Supreme Prosecutor, the Ministry of Trade and Communications, the People's Bank and the telecom operators to launch a `break-card' campaign. 目前,公安機關發現的詐騙類型已經超過50種,其中網絡刷單返利、虛假投資理財、虛假網絡貸款、冒充公檢法、冒充客服是5種主要的詐騙類型。公安部有關負責人表示,圍繞電信網絡詐騙犯罪的攻防對抗仍在不斷加劇昇級。詐騙集團利用區塊鏈、虛擬貨幣、人工智能、虛擬撥號設備、遠程操控、共享屏幕等新技術新業態,不斷更新昇級犯罪工具。『公安機關會同相關部門不斷研究調整打擊防范措施,確保始終掌握主動權。』該負責人表示。 At present, more than 50 types of fraud have been discovered by public security agencies, among them Internet-based retrenchment, false financial investments, counterfeit Internet lending, pseudo-censorship practices, and counterfeiting of passenger uniforms are the five main types of fraud. According to the Ministry of Public Security, the fight against fraud around the Internet is still growing. With new technologies such as block chains, virtual currency, artificial intelligence, virtual design equipment, remote control, and shared screens, fraud syndicates use new techniques to keep up-to-date crime tools. 注重源頭治理、綜合治理、全鏈條治理,建立健全信用懲戒制度 面對嚴峻復雜的電信網絡詐騙犯罪活動形勢,各地各部門強化系統觀念,注重源頭治理、綜合治理、全鏈條治理,充分利用技術手段等開展預警防范打擊,同時開展有針對性的宣傳教育,推進反詐宣傳進社區、進農村、進家庭、進學校、進企業。 In the face of the complex phenomenon of cyber-fiction and criminal activity, various ministries and departments have strengthened their systems, focusing on source governance, integrated governance, whole chain governance, making full use of technical tools, etc., in order to prevent early warning and counter-attacks, and have also launched awareness-raising campaigns aimed at promoting anti-fraud awareness in the community, in rural communities, in families, in schools, in enterprises. 中共中央辦公廳、國務院辦公廳前不久印發《關於加強打擊治理電信網絡詐騙違法犯罪工作的意見》,對加強打擊治理電信網絡詐騙違法犯罪工作作出安排部署,要求加強行業監管源頭治理並提出建立健全行業安全評估和准入制度,建立健全信用懲戒制度,將電信網絡詐騙及關聯違法犯罪人員納入嚴重失信主體名單等。 The Central Office of the Communist Party of China and the Office of the State Council recently published an Opinion on Strengthening the Fight against Telecommunication Networks for Criminal Offences, arranged for the deployment of the Telecommunication Network for Criminal Offences, called for the strengthening of the Governance Network for Criminal Offences, and proposed the establishment of a sound industry security assessment and access system, a robust credit penalty system, and the inclusion of wire network fraud and association with perpetrators of serious breach of trust in the list of principals. 對此,國務院打擊治理電信網絡新型違法犯罪工作部際聯席會議辦公室有關負責人表示,打擊治理電信網絡詐騙違法犯罪必須把行業治理作為重要內容。要建立實施電話用戶在網積分管理和行業黑名單制度,嚴格落實網絡賬號實名登記等安全管理制度和技術措施,同時建立健全行業主管部門、企業、用戶三級責任制,建立電信網絡詐騙嚴重失信主體名單制度,為做好打擊治理工作提供重要遵循。 In response, the head of the Inter-Agency Conference Office of the Department of State for Counteracting Telecommunication Networks on New Offences has stated that combating Telecommunication Network fraud must include business governance as an important element. The establishment of a system for applying telephone users to blacklist management and businesses, as well as security management systems and technical measures, such as the effective registration of Internet accounts, should also be implemented, and a system of good line executives, businesses, users, and third-tier accountability should be established, and a system of Internet frauds must be established to provide an important guide for breaking down governance efforts. 電信網絡詐騙等失信行為嚴重擾亂正常市場秩序,破壞市場信用環境,增加交易成本,對市場經濟的持續健康發展造成不利影響。 Unbelief, such as wire fraud, seriously disrupts the normal market order, disrupts the market credit environment, increases transaction costs, and has a negative impact on the continued health development of the market economy. 山東省臨沂市讀者何勇表示,一些地方銀行為提高安全性,開戶需要的證明材料繁瑣復雜,工作人員還反復詢問開卡原因、用途等。『為了遏制高發的電信網絡詐騙犯罪,設置一些審查舉措,群眾都能理解。由此可見,電信詐騙犯罪帶來的不僅僅是個人的經濟損失,也破壞了社會信用體系的根基,使得個人、企業的辦事成本大幅增加,工作效率也下降了。』何勇說。 In order to improve security, some local banks need a lot of proof to open their doors, and workers ask questions about the reasons for the opening of cards, their use, etc. "In an effort to curb high-profile wire fraud, there are censorship measures that can be understood by the public. As can be seen, e-mail fraud is not just a human economic loss, but also undermines the foundations of the social credit system, thereby increasing the cost and efficiency of individual and business operations. 如果有完善的誠信檔案,或者健全的公共信用信息系統,一些繁瑣的審查程序本來都可以簡化甚至避免。浙江省湖州市讀者陳浩在來信中說:『電信網絡詐騙案件多發暴露出社會信用體系建設仍然存在不完善的地方,不少地方共享平臺尚未建立起來,覆蓋全社會的征信系統未形成,守信激勵和失信懲戒機制尚不健全。信用手段、信用方法等對打擊治理電信網絡詐騙具有十分重要的作用。』他建議,下一步應著眼於健全完善社會信用體系,健全失信懲戒制度,建立各行業黑名單制度和市場退出機制。將與電信網絡詐騙相關的行為都納入失信聯合懲戒機制,建立聯合懲戒措施清單,動態更新並向社會公開。對被列入失信聯合懲戒對象名單的主體,依法依規進行失信懲戒,並將相關失信行為記入信用記錄,斬斷電信網絡詐騙的產業鏈條。 In a letter from Chen Ho, a reader in Lake City, Zhejiang Province, the “Telelink Network fraud case” revealed that the social credit system still exists in an imperfect state, that a number of shared platforms have not yet been established, that the entire community has not yet established its credit system, that it has not yet established a system of anti-trust incentives and anti-trust mechanisms. Credit instruments, credit methods, etc., have been instrumental in stifling Internet fraud. He suggested that the next step should be to improve the social credit system, improve the system, establish a black list system for businesses and market exits. 貴州省貴陽市讀者王翔表示,應充分發揮『互聯網+』、大數據、人工智能等新技術的作用,建立健全預判預警機制,主動發現和識別違法違規線索,有效防范電信網絡詐騙犯罪的新動向新手段。 Wang Shang, a reader from Guiyang City, Guiyang Province, said that new technologies such as the Internet+, big data, and artificial intelligence should be fully deployed, and that a sound system of warning should be put in place to detect and identify violations of the law, and to prevent new developments in the Internet fraud. 湖南省永州市公安局電信網絡違法犯罪偵查支隊支隊長唐海波表示,通過對電信網絡詐騙犯罪受害人的回訪,發現70%左右的受害人事先都接受過反詐宣傳,但沒有引起足夠重視。『建議定期向群眾通報本地電信網絡詐騙犯罪發案情況,不定期開展與群眾面對面的入戶宣傳,用身邊事例提醒群眾識騙防騙。』唐海波說。 According to Tang Haibo, head of the police investigation unit for criminal offences in Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, about 70% of the victims of fraud have received anti-fraud propaganda in advance, but not enough attention. ‘It is recommended that local wire frauds be regularly reported to the public, that they be circulated to and from the public on an ad hoc basis, and that examples be used to alert the public to fraud.’ (臧林熙參與采寫) (Kinlin-hee participating in the writing)
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