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The currency ring is playing towards the rice ring #xff08; the fan circle #xff09; extending?
日前,韩国最大的娱乐公司 SM(S.M.Entertainment)公开对外宣发了一项新业务——计划发行自己的货币。
Formerly #xff0c; Korea's largest entertainment company SM( S.M. Enterprise) publicly announced a new business - plans to issue its own currency.
From a stigmatized group of #xff0cs to a culture of rice circles that is increasingly accepted by the general public; the #xff0c; and the #xff0c. When people realize that the fan economy is actually a cake with huge driving power, purchasing power, and economic power, everyone wants to take a bite of it.
SM 在韩国娱乐圈走过 20 年,韩国娱乐业的市场正在不断被新兴经纪公司分羹。与此同时,韩国暂时失去了中国市场这块肥肉。
SM walked through the South Korean entertainment business for 20 years & #xff0c; the South Korean entertainment industry’s market is constantly being divided by emerging brokers. At the same time, #xff0c; and South Korea has temporarily lost the fat in the Chinese market.
从常年霸榜韩国娱乐业榜首,SM 在 2018 年时净利润已下滑至排行榜第三位。更有数据显示,从 2018 年 11 月以来,SM 公司的股价已下跌 43%。
From year to year, the top & #xff0c; SM net profits fell to third place in 2018. More data show & #xff0c; & #xff0c since November 2018; SM stock prices have fallen 43 & #xff05;
SM 发币真的能帮 SM 稳固第一王座吗?当饭圈偶遇币圈,SM 会让饭圈成为币圈的新流量池吗?
#xff1f; #xff0c; SM will make the #xff1f;
"Can you care about my beans first #xff1f;"
SM 算是韩国娱乐业里的独角兽,也是分羹韩国最大支柱产业娱乐业这块蛋糕的三大娱乐经纪公司之一。
SM is considered to be a unicorn in the Korean entertainment industry & #xff0c; it is also one of the three largest entertainment brokers in Korea's largest industrial entertainment industry.
从 1995 年开始,SM 开始耕耘偶像市场。在韩国娱乐圈深耕的 20 多年,SM 将偶像培养做成了彻底的工业化,成熟的爱豆选拔、培养体系让 SM 孵化出了不少顶级爱豆组合。
Since 1995, xff0c; SM has been plowing the idol market. For 20 years, xff0c; SM has cultivated idols into complete industrialization xff0c; mature bean selection, culture systems have enabled the SM to hatch a lot of top-level bean combinations.
从初代偶像团体 HOT、东方神起、神话到 Super junior、少女时代、EXO、f(x),再如国人们熟知的流量小生鹿晗、吴亦凡、黄子韬……这些名声在外的流量明星、团体,大多都由 SM 一手塑造。
From the original idol group HOT, the Orient, myths to Super Junior, the teenage age, EXO, f(x) & #xff0c; as well as the country's well-known flows of small deer, U Yvonne, yellow and yellow these famous traffic stars, groups #xff0c; mostly shaped by the hands of the SM.
SM 连接着两头,一边是源源不断的优质偶像资源,另一边是常年为爱豆买单的粉丝们。
SM connects two sides #xff0c; on the one hand, there is a steady flow of high-quality idolic resources #xff0c; on the other, there are fans who often pay for beans.
xff0c xff0c xfff0c xfff0c
SM 毫无预兆的新业务决策让粉丝感到不悦,在粉丝看来,SM 这并不是在专注于艺人管理,反而在做一些和职责并不相干的“副业”。
SM New business decision-making without warning displeases fans & #xff0c; #xff0c; SM is not focusing on artist management & #xff0c; rather, it is doing “sub-practices” that are irrelevant to their duties.
当日,“SM 将发行自己的货币”话题登上微博话题榜第 12 位,在这一话题下,吐槽 SM 的评论获得热门高赞。
On that day, #xff0c; the topic “SM issues its own currency” was placed on the microblogging list at 12th & #xff0c; under this topic & #xff0c; comments from the chute SM were popularly praised.
有人吐槽 SM 不管艺人反而搞起副业的举动可以上“迷惑行为大赏”;有人希望“SM 能少搞点幺蛾子,多对爱豆好一点” ;还有人认为“SM 越来越飘了,这是要脱离韩国自己做国家了。”
There are SMs who, regardless of the artist's act of doing the side business, can be given a "difficult act" & #xff1b; there are those who hope that "SM can make fewer moths & #xff0c; be nicer to love beans" & #xff1b; there are also those who think that "SM is getting more and more drifting #xff0c; this is about leaving Korea to be a nation of its own."
在韩国当地媒体 IT Chosun 报道中,韩国娱乐巨头 SM 技术部门 CT-AI 实验室主任 Joo Sang-sik 则是道出了其中更深层次的原因:推出加密货币并建立区块链网络的目的,是应对股东抗议和提振股价。
In the local Korean media, IT Chosun & #xff0c; Joo Sang-sik, Director of the CT-AI Laboratories of the South Korean entertainment giant SM Technical Department, explained the deeper reasons for this & #xff1a; the purpose of introducing encrypted currency and creating a network of block chains & #xff0c; and responding to shareholder protests and boosting stock prices.
strong> chooses the back of the currency xff1a; SM Empire goes downhill
很长的一段时间里,SM 被喻为 SM 帝国,这一称谓是源于 SM 背后管理着庞大的艺人体系。
For a long time, #xff0c; SM is referred to as SM Empire & #xff0c; this term is derived from the huge SM-run artist system behind SM.
除了培养偶像爱豆团体外,SM 的盘子里还管理着歌手、搞笑艺人、运动员、演员、模特等多种职业演艺人。
In addition to developing an idolater group for beans, #xff0c; SM's plate also manages a variety of professional performers such as singers, entertainers, athletes, actors, models, etc.
繁荣的娱乐业让 SM 获得了高额营收。有数据显示,2017 年时,SM 的专辑销量一度占据韩国全年专辑销量的四分之一,位居全韩国第一。
The booming entertainment industry has given the SM a high yield. Data show that & #xff0c; 2017 & #xff0c; SM's album sales once accounted for one quarter of Korea's album sales throughout the year & #xff0c; it is the country's number one.
而帝国二字,除了预示着 SM 家大业大,还暗喻着 SM 想要瓜吞一切的野心。
And the imperial word #xff0c; besides heralding the great SM #xff0c; implying the SM's ambition to swallow everything.
SM 目前构造的商业帝国的业务五花八门,除了培育演艺人,SM 还将商业版图触达到了科技领域及餐饮、生活等领域,AI、5G、食品饮料等领域 SM 均有涉猎,如 SM F&B 旗下餐厅、SM C&C 旗下旅行社、The Celebrity 杂志、超市 SUM market 等等。
SM’s business in the commercial empire currently being constructed is varied; in addition to nurturing performers & #xff0c; SM has also reached the fields of technology and catering and living & #xff0c; AI, 5G, food and beverages SM are involved in hunting & #xff0c; for example, the SM F&B restaurant, the SM C& C travel agency under the flag, The Celebity magazine, supermarket SUMmarket etc.
但这也却加重了粉丝和经纪公司 SM 之间的芥蒂。
But it also increases the mustard between fans and the brokering company SM.
“SM 不知名的副业太多了,反正最不上心的副业就是爱豆了。” 一些粉丝对于 SM 的重心偏移愤愤不平,要求 SM 先好好管理艺人,别老想着弄副业。
“SM's unknown side business is too much #xff0c; the worst side business is to love beans.” Some fans are angry at the SM's focus #xff0c; demand that SM manage the artist #xff0c first; and don't think about doing side business all the time.
粉丝、爱豆与经纪公司的三角关系矛盾,是长久存在又难以根除的难题。SM 虽在韩国娱乐业称霸,但 SM 的决策却常常引起粉丝的诟病。经纪公司成为了粉丝们为自己爱豆维权、讨伐的对象。
Frustrations between fans of
在国内娱乐业体系尚未完善的时候,不少练习生选择赴韩出道,SM 也是首选。但 SM 公司对艺人的严苛条款也使得不少爱豆选择出走,撕破脸解约回国。
While the country’s entertainment system is not yet complete, many practice students choose to travel to Korea & #xff0c; SM are also the preferred ones. But the SM’s harsh terms on artists have also led a number of beans to leave & #xff0c; and tear their faces off and return home.
从最早的韩庚到鹿晗、吴亦凡和黄子韬,大多数出海的爱豆最后都选择与 SM 解约,理由也多是不堪忍受 SM 对待艺人的经济、资源压榨。
From the earliest Hang to the deer, Wu Yafan and yellow xff0c; most sea-going beanes eventually choose to work with the SM to dissolve xff0c; and many of the reasons are unbearable for the SM’s economic and resource squeeze on artists.
事实上,SM 并非所有的副业都是盈利的。日前,SM F&B 被 KB 资产运营公司提出质疑:“在美国加利福尼亚与本业无关的葡萄酒庄、度假村、餐厅事业正在损害股东利益”,同时 SM F&B 还被曝出累计赤字达 211 亿韩元(约 1.22 亿人民币),在是否继续运营副业上,SM 和股东之间出现了巨大的争议。
In fact xff0c; SM is not always profitable. Before xff0c; SMF&B was challenged by KB Asset Operators xff1a; xff1a; xff0c: “The Wines, Resorts, Restaurants in California, United States of America, are undermining shareholders' interests”; xff0c; while SMF&B was exposed to a cumulative deficit of 21.1 billion won xff08; about 122 million yuan xff09; xff0c; xff0c; there is a huge controversy over whether to continue to operate a side business xff0c; SM and shareholders.
面对股东的质疑,SM 方面则依旧坚持继续运营,并拒绝股东的提升企业价值提案。据 money today 报道,由于拒绝股东提议,SM 当日股价下跌 6.78%。而据 Businesspost 报道,投资者们对 SM 公司为股东提交的资产运营的回复书表示非常失望。
In the face of shareholder challenges & #xff0c; in the case of SM, they continue to insist on continuing to operate xff0c; and reject shareholder proposals for business value enhancement. According to money today & #xff0c; due to rejection of shareholder offers & #xff0c; SM stock prices fell by 6.78% on that day. And according to Businesspost & #xff0c; investors expressed great disappointment at SM’s response to asset operations for shareholders.
有数据显示从 2018 年 11 月以来,该公司的股价已下跌 43%。SM 的成绩也不如过往亮眼。2018 年的数据显示,SM 在销售额上达到了 6122 亿韩元,在韩国经纪公司中排名第一;但在营业利润及净利润上,SM 不再稳坐王座,分别以 466 亿韩元及 234 亿韩元的成绩排名第二及第三位。
Data show that the company's share price has fallen since November 2018; 43 & Xff05; SM has not performed as brightly as before. SM data for 2018 have reached 61,222 million won & #xff0c in sales; first xff1b in Korean brokerage companies; second and third in turnover and net profit xff0c; SM no longer sits on the throne #xff0c; and second and third in 46.6 billion won and 234 billion won, respectively.
The decline in performance is also closely linked to the international situation and policy environment.
有数据显示,此前在国际市场中,日本和中国曾是 SM 收入来源的主要力量,分别为 SM 公司带来 25% 和 12% 的收入。限韩令出台后,SM 正在渐渐脱离肥美的中国市场。
There are data on xff0c; before xff0c in the international market; Japan and China were the main sources of SM revenue xff0c; xff0c 25% and 12% of SM, respectively. xff0c; SM is gradually leaving the fat Chinese market.
“Primarily & #xff0c; otherwise some of the country's semi-Korean groups with limited business capacity would probably be blood-smoking by the Koreans.” According to some analysts, , #xff0c under the Korean regime; #xff0c with fewer channels of communication in the interior; #xff0c with activities to promote #xff0c, mostly in areas such as Hong Kong and Avota; this creates new opportunities for the emergence of national groups of icons.
韩流明星逐渐被本土偶像所替代,正在加剧 SM 当前的困境。
#xff0c; is exacerbating the SM's current predicament.
One indication of the weakening of the voices of Korean idols is xff0c; some new groups xff0c, launched after the Korean decree; and almost no distribution to the Chinese market.
“很少有公司能同时推两三个团,像 SM 这样的大公司,都只能三四年培养一个。”一位长期关注韩国娱乐业的人士认为:“现在大家饭爱豆的取向变了,SM 的运营也有点跟不上的感觉。”
"There are very few companies that can push two or three groups of #xff0c at the same time; big companies like SM & #xff0c; all grow one in only three or four years." A long-term entertainer in Korea thinks & #xff1a; “Now the direction of eating beans has changed #xff0c; the SM is not running well enough.”
Lidio Cultural Changexff0c; from "Visive,
does not disturb to
When he was blocked by force majeure, #xff0c; home-grown bean love ushered in a golden period of development. #xff0c won't be able to catch up with South Korean fans & #xff0c; he started searching for walls and meals in the country.
This has led to the rise of the culture of the domestic rice industry. From Illusion Practice, Creation 101 to Youth with You & #xff0c; a big show #xff0c; a generation of native Chinese beans based on the program & #xff0c; universal star creation, and a revival of the follow-up movement.
How much energy can a fan economy have #xff1f; in fact #xff0c; in spending money for idols #xff0c; fans are never ambiguous.
真正意义上的第一次全国民追星运动,或许还要追溯至 2004 年夏天的超女,全民使用发送短信的形式参与大众评选,让国人们第一次看到了来自粉丝群体的公共驱动力。
For the first time in the real sense of the national race, #xff0c; perhaps dating back to the summer of 2004; popular participation in the popular selection of #xff0c in the form of text messages; and for the first time, public power from fans.
如今 15 年过去,为爱豆打 call 的主力军逐渐转移至了 95、00后身上,饭圈也演进出了全新的追星模式。
Now, 15 years later xff0c; the main force fighting for beans is gradually shifting to 95 xff0c after 00; and the rice ring is in a completely new way.
Kryptonium #xff0c; is a common feature of the current rice industry. In the past #xff0c; people do not have to spend a lot of real silver and silver on idols in pursuit of stars. Now xff0c; not only kryptonite #xff0c; xff0c after the success of the beans; xff0c for the maintenance of the beans flow; and it is the bulk of the sales of the rings.
流量,是当下这个时代对于明星影响力的数据化表达方式,目前如百度指数、微博数据以及各种第三方榜单、代言的销量均是衡量爱豆人气指数、粉丝质量关键判断因素。因此,饭圈也热衷于制造数据, 从打榜、控评、刷数据都由饭圈粉丝自发组织,有条不紊。
Flows & #xff0c; a digital expression of star influence in the current era & #xff0c; current sales such as the 100 degree index, microblogging data and various third-party lists, spokespersons are key judgement factors in measuring the Bean Gas Index, fans quality.
“这是一种很畸形的流量制造。很多时候爱豆的国民度高不高无所谓,只要人气够旺,就是能够帮助爱豆流量变现的最直接的形式。”一位专粉国内偶像圈的饭圈女孩告诉 Odaily星球日报,为了爱豆数据好,氪金冲榜、“搬家”、冲代言销量都见惯不怪,讲究真金白银地追星才是政治正确,不付出财力的追星皆是“白嫖”。
"it's a very deformed flow. It doesn't matter how high the people who love beans are. #xff0c; as long as they are strong enough #xff0c; is the most direct form that can help the flow of beans." , a rice-circle girl who specializes in the country's idolatry, tells Odaily Daily & #xff0c; good #xff0c for the data on beans; kryptonium troup, `move home', #xff0c; true silver chasers are the political right #xff0c; non-financial chasers are the white sex.
The flow is tied to human #xff0c; and there is the repeated purchasing power of fans. The sale of the first electronic issue of the fashion magazine Red Show is a straightforward example.
8 月 23 日,红秀发售首期电子刊,该期电子刊主题人物是近来爆火的网剧《陈情令》主演肖战。期间,因抢购人数过多,红秀电子刊的销售页面服务器崩了三天,一度短暂下架。两周后,红秀公布首期电子刊战绩,共销售 99 万余册,累计销售额近 700 万元。
August 23rd xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xyf0c; xy ; two weeks later; ;
粉丝经济的驱动力,让濒死的纸质时尚刊物重获新生。除了红秀外,流量小生带货的电子刊物不在少数,如刊登朱一龙、白宇的《给镇魂女孩的一封情书》的《时尚芭莎》、以及销售额破 200 万的李现首本电子刊《时装L`OFFICIEL》……
The drivers of the fan economy & #xff0c; rejuvenation of the dying paper fashion journal. Except for the red show & #xff0c; the flow of #xff0c electronics are not in the minority & #xff0c; e.g. Fashion Bassa, a love letter for the town's girls, is published by Chu Yilong, Bai Woo, and Lee's first electronic edition, L#96; OFFICIEL.
一直以来,韩国经纪公司的成熟生意经就是围绕着角色经济展开的。据大韩贸易投资振兴公社统计,早在 2016 年韩国明星 IP 衍生品产业规模约 750 亿韩元。
All along, #xff0c; South Korean brokerage companies have matured their businesses around the role economy. According to the Korean Trade Investment Revitalization Commune statistics & #xff0c; as early as 2016, the size of the Korean star IP derivatives industry was about 75 billion won.
SM 的生意经也是围绕着自己手握的偶像资源在偶像周边商品市场等领域发力,从专辑唱片到演唱会、见面会再到明星IP 的周边、代言产品、时尚服饰等等,多得是让饭圈女孩们氪金的爱豆IP 衍生品。
SM's business also revolves around its own endowment of idolic resources in areas such as commodity markets around idols; from albums to concerts, meetings to star IP rims, speech products, fashion costumes, and so on #xxff0c; most of them are bean IP derivatives from kryptonite girls.
“以前我们追星虽然也接、送机,但总会恪守距离感。今时不同往日,现在大家追求的是我家爱豆干啥我说了算的参与感。”从 2008 年开始追韩团的饭圈女孩小桐切实感受到了追星文化的演进。
"We used to pick up, sender #xff0c; but we always stick to the sense of distance. Today it's not the same day #xff0c; now you're looking for what I'm saying about what I love about my bean." The girls from the Korean family who started in 2008 actually sensed the evolution of their culture.
The `strung' media gave such a view in their story #xff1a; today's fans have far greater loyalty to and control over idols than the “pre-digital age”.
#xff0c, a popular fan of Yang, who has been burning #xff0c; #xff0c, a coalition against Yang's home-made play from the company #xff0c on the line; and the idea that a crude play would affect Yang's performance.
This reflects the fact that fans are no longer satisfied with the model of controlling evaluation to protect beans; that fans are beginning to want to gain brokering power over beans; and that they are making better performance choices for beans from their own perspectives.
strang> has block chain tokensxff0c; what do fans and beans can do?#xff1f;
实际上,SM 这次要发行的货币,不是挑战国家法币主权的国家型货币,而是基于区块链发行一种流通的加密货币(token)。
In fact xff0c; SM the currency to be issued this time xff0c; not the national currency that challenges the sovereignty of the national French currency xff0c; but rather the circulation of a circulated encrypted currency based on the block chain xff08;tokenxff09;
SM 在媒体采访中公开表示,自己的目标是开发一个区块链网络,通过加密货币投资艺人的作品,让粉丝更多地参与到娱乐生态系统中:“区块链可以作为连接虚拟世界和现实世界的最佳工具。目标是创建一个模型,让艺术家和粉丝互相双赢。?”
SM publicly expressed xff0c in media interviews; its goal was to develop a network of block chains xff0c; to invest in artists through encryption xff0c; to increase the participation of fans in entertainment ecosystems xff1a; and to “block chains can be the best tool to connect the virtual and the real world. The goal was to create a model xff0c; to make artists and fans win-win?”
在 2019 年第一期的《晓说》中,高晓松曾解读过区块链技术在未来内容生产业上的可能。
In xff0c, No. 1, 2019; Ko Xiaozon had read about the potential of block chain technology in the future content production industry.
他以娱乐业举例:“文娱产业里有一个金字塔,实际上只有 20% 的粉丝能够花钱,通常情况下,金字塔顶那 1% 的粉丝是花了 80%~90% 的钱。”
He gave the example of xff1a in the entertainment industry; “There's a pyramid in the entertainment industry xff0c; in fact only 20% of fans can spend xff0c; usually xff0c; 1% of fans at the top of the pyramid spend 80% xff5e; 90% of the money.”
Xiaoxong once thought xff0c; past data are too thick xff0c; it's very difficult to measure individual fans' contributions to stars xff0c; and give back fans according to contribution values.
比如说,拥有 4200 万粉丝的微博帮助推广和 42 个粉丝的微博帮助推广,区分他们之间的推广贡献值是很简单的。但是拥有 42 个粉丝的微博帮助推广和 39 个粉丝的微博帮助推广,这就很难衡量价值贡献的高低了。
For example, xff0c; microblogs with 42 million fans to help promote xff0c; microblogs with 42 million fans to help spread xff0c; it's easy to distinguish the value of outreach from one another. But microblogging with 42 fans to help spread xff0c with 39 fans to help spread xffc; this makes it difficult to measure the value contribution.
加入了 token,则有助于用以衡量、记录非常细微的贡献价值。
Token, has been added; it helps to measure and record very minor contribution values.
This is true of xff0c; xff0c for a large number of fans of real silver and silver trackers; the current lack of a well-developed contribution assessment system xff0c; raising weights for them. After adding weight xff0c; also helping brokerage companies to xff0c in future adjoining commodity sales; increasing fan sticky xff0c through different set-up models; and serving as a solid powder.
“I would like to add to the block chain xff0c; to record in an undisguised manner the value of my contribution to my beans xff0c; to appear later in some of the votes-grabbing or underline activities, in the surrounding commodities xff0c; and to be able to have a higher weight than the usual fans of `electing with love'.” She is very supportive of such applications.
除了能够为粉丝细化贡献值,为不同粉丝赋予权重外,市场上常见的另一种代币挂钩明星本人的玩法是,为购买 token 的粉丝提供独家的福利,如换购和艺人的独处时间、独家活动、稀有物品等等。
In addition to being able to contribute value to fans & #xff0c; giving weight to different fans & #xff0c; xff0c, another popular token-linked star in the market & #xff0c; providing exclusive benefits for fans buying token & #xff0c; e.g. buy-over and artist exclusive time, exclusive activities, rare items, etc.
此外,我们或许还能想得再遥远一些。譬如未来有关爱豆出新专、爱豆的出道名次、爱豆的站位顺序等需要决策的事务,可以放到区块链上,由粉丝们通过 token 进行投票,把爱豆的部分经纪决策交给粉丝和市场决定。
In addition, xff0c; we may still be far away from it. For example, matters that will need to be decided in the future, such as a new specialty in beans, a new reputation in beans, and a sequence in beans; can be placed on the block chain xff0c; be voted by fans through token xff0c; and leave part of the brokering decisions on beans to fans and markets.
举个例子,日本人气火爆的 AKB48 女团就是使用粉丝购买 CD 投票的方式确定 AKB48 group 成员的人气排名,以此来决定下一张单曲的录制阵容。同时每张专辑赠送握手券或写真券,是把粉丝与爱豆近距离的接触机会、周边产品与 CD 的销量强绑定了。
To give an example xff0c; the AKB48 women's group, who are angry with the Japanese, are using fans to buy a CD vote to determine the personal ranking of AKB48 group members xff0c; to determine the next single song's record. Each album is given a coupon or a real coupon xff0c; it is a close contact with a fan, the surrounding product and the sales of a CD.
AKB48 提出的这类偶像商业模式,最终都有可能通过 token 来完成。
The kind of iconic business model AKB48 suggests & #xff0c; eventually it's possible to do it through token.
The block chain is used to vote for xff0c; it also solves some of the pains of the data fraud. Whether the vote for the website or the vote for the show xff0c; the data counterfeiting is a popular topic that has been torn apart by the big food rings of the day.
“Whomever the host wants xff0c; his personal data can be added directly up xff0c; leading the list ranking data to be untrue.” In her opinion, xff0c; the current ticketing chain is very deep xff0c; and there is an urgent need for correction.
如果使用区块链 token 的模式,每一票都呈现在链上可见,至少票选环节能做到公开和透明。
If the block chain token mode xff0c; each vote is visible on the chain xff0c; at least the voting process is open and transparent.
In fact xff0c; the above-mentioned approach is not confined to imagination xff0c; it is two years ago xff0c; there are many projects that tell similar stories.
这些故事中,除了讲重塑娱乐圈经济、IP 变现的愿景外,基于明星IP 发币的最大的作用,还是为其背后的币价背书。
In these stories xff0c; xff0c; apart from the vision of reshaping the entertainment world economy, IP realization; xff0c, which is based on star IP's best value for money xff0c; or the endorsement of the price behind it.
It's just #xff0c; these projects are often flashy sparks in the cattle market #xff0c; #xff0c, which really becomes a new economic model for the industry and improves the relationship between fans and beans; very few.
在一众基于单个明星IP 发币的项目中,ENT 曾经声势浩大,想要成为娱乐圈通用的支付手段,让娱乐圈中涉及粉丝经济的商业行为均基于 ENT 来运行。
In a single-star IP-based project xff0c; ENT xff0c xff0c xff0c ,
当时,韩国顶级女团 T-ara 就曾基于 ENT 主链在韩国发行了其专属的“T-ara币”,购买了“T-ara币”的粉丝可以用该币购买 T-ara 的一切演唱会、周边。不仅如此,BIGBANG 队长权志龙在荷兰和德国举办的两场演唱会中也增加了 ENTcash 购票的窗口,进行了小范围支付尝试。
At the time, xff0c; T-ara, the top Korean women's group, had issued its exclusive “T-araco” & #xff0c in Korea on the basis of the ENT main chain; a fan who purchased “T-araco” could buy all T-ara concerts and surroundings in that currency. Not only that xff0c; BIGBANG captain Xinglong added the ENTcash window to two concerts in the Netherlands and Germany xff0c; and a small payment attempt.
除此之外,ENT 在宣传材料称,由于 Running Man 队长金钟国站台,ENT 还得名“跑男币”,现已公开上线交易,演员黄景瑜在爱奇艺直播的生日会也是由“跑男币ENT”是独家冠名赞助。
In addition to this, xff0c; ENT in promotional material called xff0c; thanks to Captain Running Man's Golden Bell National Station xff0c; ENT's also known as Run Men's Coin xff0c; now on-line trading xff0c; and an actor's Yellowview Yoga's birthday broadcast in Aichi culture is also sponsored by the Run Men's Monsignor ENT.
即便在如此众多的明星IP 加持之下,ENT 也难逃归零结局。如今,ENT 也从最高点接近 2 元人民币跌至近人民币 7 厘,交易量也是少得可怜。
Even under so many star IPs xff0c; ENTs cannot escape to a zero-end outcome. Today xff0c; ENTs also approach 2 yuan from the highest point to the RMB7 xff0c; trade volumes are poor.
当然,在 2017 年时,还曾有过一波名人时间交易热。如秒啊、e秒等等名人时间交易平台的模式涌现。而这些时间交易平台中,真正通过兑换和名人独处时间的人是少之又少,大多销售名人时间的交易场所,都成为了投机者炒作、薅羊毛的天地。
Of course xff0c; in 2017 xff0c; and there was a wave of celebrity time trading hot. The pattern of celebrity time trading platforms such as seconds, e-seconds, etc. has emerged. In these trading platforms xff0c; there are very few people who actually go through exchange and celebrity time xff0c; most sales of celebrity time trading places xff0c; and they all become the scenes of speculators and wool.
回归到饭圈,一个偶像从练习生到真正出道需要经历 5~6 年的漫长时间,过程中,偶像也在逐渐累积起自己的人气、粉丝资源。但爱豆是否出道,并不取决于粉丝,而是由经纪公司的发团节奏决定的。
Back to the dining circle #xff0c; an idol needs to go through 5~ from practice to real excursion; 6 years of long time xff0c; xff0c; idols are also building up their own human and fan resources. But whether or not the beans go out xff0c; not depending on the fans #xff0c; it is determined by the rhythm of the brokering company.
In addition to kryptonium's genuine support for peas, is it possible for fans to participate directly in decision-making about the peas? #xff1f;
值得想象的是,SM 发行代币后,面向的投资者群体是饭圈粉丝,他们购买并支撑了其代币价值。也就是说,未来粉丝将有可能更多地参与到明星经纪的决策之中。
What is conceivable is #xff0c; SM after the issuance of the token & #xff0c; the investor-oriented group is a rice-circle fan & #xff0c; they buy and support the value of their tokens. That is, #xff0c; future fans are likely to be more involved in the decision-making of star brokers.
With tokens #xff0c; the era of #xff0c for fans seems to be nearing #xff0c; and future fans will be more systematic in terms of rewarding their bean contributions, buying perimeters, performing tickets and raising crowds.
But it's not easy #xff0c; economic companies still determine how much power they will delegate. The stakes are bigger #xff0c; the business and idols are easier to influence #xff0c; the interests are smaller #xff0c; fans don't buy.
Currently, the SM has not published specific currency rule xff0c; whether there will be fans to buy xff0c; but star IP43; the pattern of block chains is bound to be driven by IP value xff0c; and much attention has been paid.
而 SM 这一手,是一门稳赚不赔的好生意,即赚足了脸面,名义上为粉丝们拓展了新的投资爱豆的方式,实际上又能圈起一波热度和财力。
This hand #xff0c, on the other hand, is a good business that earns no money & #xff0c; that earns face #xff0c; that nominally expands the way fans invest in beans & #xff0c; and that actually allows for a wave of heat and financial resources.
当娱乐巨头 SM 发币,是“粉丝做主”时代的到来还是又一把镰刀麾下,都有待时间的检验。
as entertainment giant SM #xff0c; is it the time for fans to decide, or another sickle #xff0c; all are subject to time tests.
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