Block chain technology has now entered a high-speed development period xff0c; there are generally two options for enterprises xff1a; bottom chain technology xff0c; or block chain application.
For the vast majority of enterprises or individuals, xff0c; neither technology nor finance can afford bottom-chain development xff0c; and the costs and thresholds of developing block chain applications are much lower.
xff0c; as a technician xff0c; also focus on the selection of block chain technology xff0c; for example, what options we should make for an application.
区块链应用也叫去中心化分布式应用?Decentralized Application,简称 DAPP。
Block chain application is also called decentralised distribution application? Decentralized Application, short DAPP.
(1)纯粹的 DAPP架构
& #xff08; 1xff09; pure DAPP architecture
纯粹的 DApp 是不受公司运营与否的限制,不依赖于某个独立的服务器,即使公司关闭依然可以运行。它的架构很简单,只需要前端加一条链就可以了。
Pure Dapp is not subject to the company's operation or otherwise xff0c; it is not dependent on an independent server xff0c; it can still run even if the company closes down. Its structure is simple xff0c; it just needs a chain at the front end.
(2) 混合 DAPP 架构
(2) Mixed DAPP architecture
At this stage, it is not possible to store all the data in the block chain because of the high consumption of xff0c; most are therefore a structure that combines decentralization with centralization.
(3) 开发需要的角色
& #xff08; 3) Development of required roles
从技术角度分析, DAPP 开发需要不同开发者角色,主要有以下几种:
Analysis from a technical point of view of xff0c; DAPP development requires different developers roles xff0c; there are mainly the following xff1a;
- 前端工程师:需要掌握区块链原理及相关 SDK
- 后端工程师:需要掌握区块链原理及相关 SDK
- 智能合约工程师:主要设计智能合约,开发智能合约
- 产品经理:需要掌握区块链原理及区块链应用设计思想与通证设计思想
区块链发展导向在主要分为两大方向:公链和联盟链。比特币,以太坊,EOS这些都属于公链, Hyperledger Fabric,Quorum ,各Baas 平台这些都属于联盟链。
The development of the block chain is directed in two main directions: xff1a; public and union chains. Bitcoin, Etheria, EOS, all of which belong to the public chain, Hyperledger Fabric, Quorum & #xff0c; and each of the Baas platforms, all of which belong to the union chain.
公链需要对矿工节点进行激励,一般都会设有 coin,类似 BTC, ETH 这种,联盟链则是一个团体组织建立的私有网络,不需要在区块链系统上体现激励。
The public chain requires incentives for miners'nodes xff0c; there are generally coin, similar BTC, ETH, xff0c; the coalition chain, a private network of a group xff0c; and there is no need to reflect incentives on block chain systems.
对于开发者来说,选哪个平台结合自身技术特点。由于 DAPP 需要智能合约及 SDK 调用,所以主要是看智能合约如何开发。?
There are more nodes in the public chain & #xff0c; there are no limits on nodes & #xff0c; there are fewer nodes in the chain & #xff0c; there are clear access mechanisms.
For developers & #xff0c; choose which platform to combine with their own technical characteristics. Because DAP requires smart contracts and SDK calls & #xff0c; so it is mainly about how smart contracts are developed.
以太坊第一个提出了智能合约的概念,并推出 solidity 语言,因此 solidity 也是目前大多数平台的开发语言。
Ether was the first to introduce the concept of smart contracts & #xff0c; and to introduce the language of soliity & #xff0c; so so so so so so much is the current development language for most platforms.
对于大多数开发者而言,选择 solidity 都比较合适,熟悉一个平台 SDK 后,相似的其他平台也可以快速上手。
xff0c for most developers; selection of soliity is more appropriate xff0c; familiarization with a platform after SDK xff0c; other similar platforms can be launched quickly.
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