
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:80 评论:0
近段时间,比特币一次又一次的登上热搜,即便是很多希望能够快速变现的平台,或者小量出售的平台,成交价格也能够到达16万元人民币一枚,所以比特币目前的情况总结一下来说就是俩字——值钱!In recent...



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In recent times, Bitcoin has gone on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.


The only way to get to bitcoin, which everyone knows is to dig, is for a lot of people to see bitcoin up and up, and then to think about how long they'll be able to dig up a bitcoin if they're digging at home.


What the hell is Bitcoin?


Before telling you how long Bitcoin will be able to dig it up on his home computer, tell you what bitcoin is. In general terms, there is one person who has X answers in addition to one subject, which is a fixed value, that is, the total number of bitcoin, and you need to use your computer to figure out that answer.


In addition to the requirements for CPUs, the speed with which computers calculate their speed is very demanding, and the better the card is the better, so the notebooks basically leave the industry, because most of the cards in the notebooks are powerless.


The answer is unique, that every answer can't be copied, and the answer you calculate is that it belongs to you and it can't be counted again. Let's just say it's a game of numbers and algorithms.


How long does it take for a home computer to dig a mine?


This is calculated using absolute data, for example, a 1080-Ti card, so that the ability to calculate a card is 1.8 GH/S, which translates into a fixed value of bitcoin that takes about 40,9968,000 seconds, which translates into 13 years, which is 100 per cent of what can be discovered, that is, every calculation is taken to the end to arrive at the correct answer.


According to industry sources, if there is to be a chance of digging, it will last at least 500 days, which means that the time of digging to bitcoin varies between 1.5 and 13 years, and the probability is quite random.


If we calculate the cost of electricity and the cost of the machine, we know that it would be absolutely uneconomical to dig up one in 13 years, even at the expense of money. And one thing to show is that, as more and more of the currency is dug out, less and less of the remaining bitcoins will become less and less efficient, and it is likely to wait until the 13th year to find out that 20 years will have been saved.


At the same time, it is also important to note that the price of cards is also a big problem, and that there are many miners who invest heavily in money-digging, who collect the cards directly in the market at high prices, earn large amounts of money above market prices, and then sell them on second hand after they have run out. In an environment where not only do they have a large amount of money but rarely find things, most people buy a high-end card that requires more than performance and even appearance, and packaging that is not too low, which is certainly not wrong, but the miners, regardless of whether the boxes are deformed or scratched, pay for the new normal use, and in an environment where they want to dig for a visible card, the cost of which is high.


The legitimacy of Bitcoin.


At present, it is uncertain whether or not it is legal in our country in bitcoin, and since no one has said that it is unlawful, there are those who feel that there is no prohibition or freedom of law, but there are those who believe that, since it is currency, it must be permitted by law, i.e. that the law is unlawful without permission.


So it's a grey area that's naked in front of the public, and it's hard to judge whether it's legal, but there's a lot of people who used to make money and take it out of the market, and there's a lot of people who dig up the money but have no way to sell it, so let's be careful not to get into it. As for those brothers who want to dig money at home, look at the cost of the economy and the cost of time, and some of the cheap returns, let's get on with it.




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