
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:47 评论:0
货币对于决定历史进程的作用最大。——卡尔·马克思,《共产党宣言》摘要 - Karl Marx, Summary of the Communist Declaration 本文自上而下建立了数字货币...



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- Karl Marx, Summary of the Communist Declaration


This paper sets up, from the top down, a “three-stage” macro-strategy research system for digital currencies and the corresponding BTC-COINS-TOKNES multi-level monetary basket analysis methodology, with corresponding indices, while assessing the BTC and COIN30 basket market value ceilings based on the global central bank's foreign exchange and gold reserves, and assessing the BTC price floors based on extraction costs.



BTC currently has a current price of US$ 7355.9 at a total cost of US$ 7787.6 for mining and US$ 1858.4 for mining cash; BTC for the target central bank's gold reserve of US$ 75,000, increasing the target price of for the target private investment of US$ 164,000, and increasing the target price of for the target works of US$ 369 million.


Macro: We have established a multilayered approach to digital monetary analysis consisting of 1. Bitcoin, 2. Coin30 baskets and 3. Token500/1000 pass baskets . We have established the current anchor of 1.bitcoins as values 2.

策略方面:我们编制了数字货币综合指数(Crypto Currency Composite Index,CCCI)并结合与COIN30、BTC的超额收益关系进一步构建了数字货币多空指数(Long-Short Index,LSI)。结合NASDAQ2000年泡沫破灭及我国2008、2015年A股二级市场异常波动时期价格比例关系及LSI最新数据,当前市场依然存在下行风险。

strategy: we have developed the and further constructed the digital currency multi-space index (Long-Short Index, LSI) . In conjunction with NASDAQ 2000 and our 2008 and 2015 share ratio relationship with the abnormally volatile second-tier A market and the latest data from LSI, the current market still has downside risks.



正文 1.全球货币寻锚:数字货币新角色


text 1. Global currency anchoring: The new role of digital currency is a person's destiny, of course, but also a historical process.
- anonymous


1.1 bitcoin: 100-year rise in gold in 10 years


The global monetary system still lacks effective anchors. Since the 1816 gold standard, the 1944 Bretton Woods system[1], the 1971 Nixon declaration of the de-linking of the United States dollar from the gold Bretton Woods, and the 1976 100-year evolution of the Jamaica system[2], the currency has been re-entering the cycle of anchoring and loss of anchors, and is now in a new cycle of anchoring.


’s global currency anchoring has led to a significant increase in asset prices. , whatever the role of gold [3] in different monetary systems, the current world credit currency system still lacks an effective anchor[4]. The process of finding anchors without anchors has been accompanied by a significant increase in asset prices.


资料来源:CCCI.IO,World Gold Council,次世代经济研究所

Source: CCCI.IO, World Gold Council, Institute of Subgenerational Economics


The cycle of currency anchoring, the failure of the old “lock” to search for a new “lock”, is essentially a paradox of the gradual de-adaptation of the old monetary system in the context of the world's economic development, and the Bretton Woods system has collapsed as a result of the “Treven dilemma” [5].


has been in place since the 100-year history of French coins. Bitcoin has risen by step to about US$ 7,300 today, 55 times more than since the 2013 open trade, while gold has increased by about 37 times since the 1971 dollar was declared decoupled from it, and now stands at about US$ 1,300/ounce.


In the case of Bitcoin, which was born on 3 January 2009, the price of gold has increased by less than a decade.


Figure 2: Gold and Bitcoin in the context of global currency anchoring

资料来源:CCCI.IO,World Gold Council,次世代经济研究所

Source: CCCI.IO, World Gold Council, Institute of Subgenerational Economics


Currency anchoring is a corollary to the historical cycle, and the information age has also moved from “connection” to “consensus”, and whatever role the digital currency will play in the global monetary system, new and old things will return.


Similarly, digital money itself is mooring.


1.2 digital currency: 10 years to complete the 100-year French system

比特币本位(Bitcoin Standard)。比特币自2009年诞生以来已逐步成为特定群体和场景中的一般等价物行使货币职能,其自然形成的货币制度接近19世纪金本位(Gold Standard),我们称之为比特币本位(Bitcoin Standard)。

bitcoinstandard. bitcoin has, since its inception in 2009, gradually become a general equivalent in particular groups and scenes, with a natural monetary system close to Gold Standard, which we call Bitcoin Standard.


以太坊加密森林体系(Crypto Woods System)。随着2014年以太坊(Ethereum)的诞生及2017年首次代币发行(ICO, Initial Coin Offering)的流行,数字货币逐步形成了各种代币(COINS)与以太坊(ETH)挂钩,以太坊与比特币(BTC)挂钩的“ETH-BTC”本位

Crypto Woods System. , with the birth of Etherum in 2014 and the introduction of the first indentation (ICO, Initial Coin Offering) in 2017, digital currencies have evolved into .

类似布雷顿森林体系的美元与黄金挂钩、各国货币与美元挂钩的“美元-黄金”双挂钩本位,我们称之为以太坊加密森林体系(Crypto WoodsSystem)。

The Bretton Woods-like dollar-to-gold-to-gold-to-dollar-to-dollar-to-dollar-like “United States dollar-to-gold” system, we call it Crypto WoodsSystem.


While digital currencies have a Bretton Woods-like exchange structure, they are in fact managed floating exchange-rate regimes rather than fixed-exchange-rate regimes, with a strict “market value management” floating exchange-rate regime in the absence of effective regulation.

数字货币牙买加演进 (Crypto Jamaica Evolution)。随着大量区块链项目诞生及对应的ICO发行,区块链经济体[6](Block Chain Entity)和数字货币供给(Coin Supply)均呈爆发增长,由于链际收支[7](InterChain Balance of Payment)均衡的需要,我们认为数字货币将从加密森林体系(Crypto Woods System)进一步向数字货币牙买加(CryptoJamaica)演进并伴随激烈的市场出清。

, with the birth of a large number of block chain projects and the corresponding ICO distribution, saw an outbreak of growth in the block chain economy [6] and the digital money supply (Coin Supply) and, due to the need for balance of inter-chain payments and payments [7], we believe that the digital currency will move further from Crypto Woods System to the digital currency Jamaica, accompanied by intense market clearing.


This process will be accompanied by institutional arrangements such as 1.



Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


The digital currency of is born in a mature era of global monetary systems, capital markets, and even informationization, and is now at its second stage with the three stages of convergence. The digital currency naturally forms a similar system over a decade, compared to the 100-year history of French currency. is expected to complete Jamaica further before and after 2020.



1.3 research system: BTC-COINS-TOKNES

参照牙买加演进(Crypto Jamaica Evolution)终局。我们将数字货币分为:

refers to the final results of Jamaica's Evolution (Crypto Jamaica Evolution) . We divide the digital currency into:


1. Digital precious metals (BTC), 2. Digital currency (COINS) and 3. Digital hyphenate (TOKENS) levels. Digital precious metals only select bitcoins, so this category represents bitcoins.


As digital currencies are still moored, and the corresponding industries, currency logic and fundamentals may change significantly, we will not group them strictly from the individual digital currency functional attributes themselves, , but will focus on tiered digital currencies with early indicators of market value, liquidity, influence and other financial market developments.



We divide about 1,600 digital currencies with open transactions around the world into:


1. BTC, 2.COIN30[8], 3.Token500/1000 currency baskets. The selection of 30 public-chain digital currencies with higher market value and better liquidity and industry platforms constitutes the COIN30 currency basket. More than 1,500 digital currencies, excluding the BTC, COIN30 basket, are classified as Token500 and TOKEEN 1000 baskets.

2017年5月以太坊为核心的COIN30货币篮子市值占比首次超过比特币标志着数字货币正式从比特币本位(Bitcoin Standard)进入以太坊加密森林体系(Crypto Woods System)阶段

The market value of COIN30 basket of currency in May 2017 exceeded bitcoin for the first time, marking the official entry of digital currency from bitcoinstaddard into Crypto Woods System phase .

随着全球资产通证化(Tokenization)进程加速,预计在2020年前后TOKEN500/1000通证篮子市值占比将进一步超过COIN30货币篮子,届时数字货币也将完成牙买加演进(Crypto JamaicaEvolution)。

As the process of global asset transposition accelerates, it is expected that the market value ratio of the Token500/1000 pass basket will surpass the COIN30 currency basket further around 2020 and that the digital currency will also complete the .


Figure 7: BTC-COINS-TOKENS Market Value Ratio and System Evolution


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Bitcoin currently accounts for about 37 per cent of the global market value of digital currencies and is on a declining trend, with COIN 30 accounting for about 51 per cent and a rising trend, with TOKEN 500 accounting for about 12 per cent, while the remaining stock of over 1,000 digital currencies accounts for less than 1 per cent of the market value of TOKEN 1000.


Figure 8: Market value distribution of BTC-COIN30-TOKEEN 500/1000


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


also reflects important features of Jamaica's evolution 1. Non-monetization of gold (bitcoin) : Bitcoin will gradually become a reserve for consensus community values rather than a currency in circulation; 2. Diversity exchange rate system and international reserve system: 3. Diversification of inter-country revenue and expenditure reconciliation mechanisms will be progressively achieved once the system of self-government of digital monetary communities is perfected.


This paper will focus on top-down analysis of the BTC and COIN30 baskets, while the TOKEN 500/1000 baskets will need to be developed for bottom-up research, and we will be launching them.



2. Bitcoin local: the anchor of the digital currency arithmetic is power


Digital currencies do not have well-developed lending operations and credit expansion mechanisms, and cannot be valued solely on the basis of the economy’s volume-to-money relationship, such as M2/GDP and inflation targets. Instead, they need to be combined with multi-dimensional valuations of money and asset attributes.




Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


In conjunction with the post-cost analysis, the initial estimate of the nominal price of Bitcoin in three stages and below is as follows:


Table 1: Bitcoin three-phase valuation cap and lower valuation limit (market value: billions of United States dollars, prices: United States dollars)


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


2.1 bitcoin reserve: gold reserve and nominal price ceiling


Bitcoin, unlike gold for industrial and consumer use, would be further de-monetized as a community value reserve for official reserves and private investment if Jamaica were to evolve into bitcoin. Nor would it be excluded that bitcoin would become a work of art and consumer goods in the future.


For gold, there are four main types of use, with four categories of demand having averaged over the past decade: 1. The proportion of Chinese and Indian jewellery uses is 51 per cent, 2. Private investment in gold bars, gold coins and ETFs account for 30 per cent, 3. Central Bank official reserves account for 11 per cent, 4. Global gold supply is 69 per cent from mining and 31 per cent from recycling. notes that the proportion of demand flows here is not the same as the market value of stocks below.


Figure 10: Global distribution of gold demand: official reserves as a percentage of 11 per cent

资料来源:CCCI.IO,World GoldCouncil,次世代经济研究所

Source: CCCI.IO, World GoldCouncil, Institute of Subgenerational Economics


Figure 11: Global distribution of gold supply: 69 per cent excavated

资料来源:CCCI.IO,World GoldCouncil,次世代经济研究所

Source: CCCI.IO, World GoldCouncil, Institute of Subgenerational Economics


The market value of Bitcoin is mostly based on global gold reserves, and we believe that it would be more reliable to use the global central bank gold reserve as a one-stage match ; the gold reserve + private investment as a second phase ; and the target gold reserve + private investment + jewellery in the third phase , when Bitcoin could become an art or consumer.


Figure 12: 2018Q1 Global Central Bank gold reserves of 34,000 tons


Source: CCCI.IO, IMF, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 13: 2018Q1 Global Central Bank gold reserves market value of $1.6 trillion


Source: CCCI.IO, IMF, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


As of 2018Q1, the global central bank had a gold reserve of 3.4 million tons (1.19 billion ounces) at a market value of $1.6 trillion; we estimated the global private investment stock of gold bars, gold coins and ETFs at a market value of $1.9 trillion; the global stock of gold jewellery at $4.3 trillion; and the combined global stock of gold at a market value of $7.7 trillion.


US$ 1.6 trillion for central bank gold reserves, US$ 75,000 for Bitcoin one phase; US$ 3.4 trillion for central bank gold reserves + private investment, US$ 164,000 for phase II ; US$ 7.7 trillion for central bank gold reserves + private investment + jewellery, US$ 369 million for three phases .


2.2 bitcoin extractive industries: extractive costs and nominal price floor


The price of bitcoin supports the cost of the price. The price of has historically fallen to the full cost line of mining.


we support three-stage prices with a consensus premium for the Bitcoin community [10], the full cost of mining, and the cash cost of mining, respectively. collects $735.9 as of 26 May 2018, Bitcoin digs at a full cost of $7787.6, cash at a cost of $1858.4 and Bitcoin has fallen at a full cost for three days in a row.


Figure 14: Full cost curve of mining supported by bitcoin prices


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


In order to increase the success rate of , miners tend to concentrate their pits on co-mining to increase their capacity and distribute the proceeds in proportion to their input capacity.


Figure 15: Blocks from AntPool


Source: BTC.COM, Institute of Subgenerational Economics


ponds lead to the centralization of block-chain networks. pit concentration of fragmented miners leads to the centralization of block-chain networks. The BTC.COM, AntPool, BTC.TOP ponds now account for the third highest proportion of the entire Bitcoin network, with a share of 22.58%, 17.85%, 10.75%, respectively.


Figure 16: Bitcoin's share of the three prenetic ponds now stands at 51%


Source: BTC.COM, Institute of Subgenerational Economics


Figure 17: Bitcoin's current net full capacity 31EH/S, 4% increase in half


Source: BTC.COM, Institute of Subgenerational Economics

算力用单位时间哈希计算量表示,挖矿难度与全网算力成正比。截至UTC:2018-05-24 21:20:53、区块高度524,160,比特币全网算力30.8EH/S,较上旬环比增长4.0%,对应挖矿难度4.3T,对应消耗约4万度电挖出一个比特币,按电费0.3元计算(下同),电力成本约11869元人民币/BTC。

calculates the difficulty of mining by a unit time Hashi. as at UTC: 2018-05-24:21:20:53 at an altitude of 524,160, Bitcoin total network capacity of 30.8 EH/S, an increase of 4.0 per cent over the upper part of the ring, the difficulty of mining 4.3 T, corresponding to the consumption of about 40,000 degrees of electricity to excavate a bitcoin, at an electricity cost of 0.3 yuan (the same amount) and the electricity cost of approximately RMB 11869/BTC.


Table 2: Bitcoin full-network computing and output


Source: BTC.COM, Institute of Subgenerational Economics


At the current Bitcoin price of $735.5.9, the profit margin for mining fell to 5.87 per cent, and the Māori rate remained at 74.74 per cent. , based on the relationship between miner computing and power and the difficulty of digging across the net, currently excavated individual bitcoins at about 39563.0 degrees, while electricity costs were about $1858.4 or 22.6 per cent of the Bitcoin price; and the depreciation cost of miners at approximately $5929.2 (2-3 depreciation) or 72.1 per cent of the Bitcoin price.


currently profits from bitcoin mining $431.8/BTC. has a Māori mining rate of $5497.5 and a Māori rate of 74.7 per cent, a decrease of 4.0 per cent compared to the previous half, a decrease of 15.0 per cent compared to the previous half; mining profits of $431.8, a profit margin of 5.87 per cent, a decrease of 16.6 per cent compared to the previous half, a decrease of 62.8 per cent compared to the same period last year.


The market is better when bitcoin digs with huge excess revenues and leads to an influx of new and additional arithmetic. bitcoin's all-net capacity grew by an average of 5-10% of the quintane ring.


At the same time, it can be seen that bitcoin costs account for the vast majority of the total composition of the mine. miner manufacturers (and thus chip manufacturers) are really upstream and capture significant mineral profits.


Figure 18: Bitcoin's current cost of electricity at 23 per cent and miner's depreciation at 72 per cent


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 19: Bitcoin's current mine prices have fallen through the full cost line of mining


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 20: Bitcoin's current Māori and profit margins are 75 per cent and -6 per cent, respectively


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Table 3: Distribution of fully networked Bitcoins and mining costs


Source: BTC.COM, CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economics


Table 4: Bitcoin mining Māori and mining profits


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


2.3 Digital Monetary Extractive Industries: Looks like upstream


Bitcoin mining takes the form of typical upstream extractive industries: 1. Reserves are relatively fixed; 2. Oligopolies of mineral resources (accountable resources); 3. Minerals are sold directly as raw materials; 4. Māori are significantly affected by mineral prices and mine prices are significantly affected by liquidity (money supply). Both coal and non-ferrous metals extractive industries contain these four characteristics.


But there is another feature of the Bitcoin extractive industry (the digital money extractive industry): the cost and price of mining are inherent to each other, and the cost of mining expands with market fluctuations. is typical of middle- and middle-sized manufacturing.



The real upstream of is the miner manufacturing industry, where 80% of the full cost of bitcoin mining is taken up by the miner's depreciation fee. Arithmetic is the real primary mine, while the taste of the original mine is declining with the difficulty of digging, which is more like the process of selecting the mine for enrichment.


Figure 22: Bitcoin primary (calculus) taste declines at an alarming rate


Source: BTC.COM, CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economics


Figure 23: Depreciation of miners for bitcoin mining costs by nearly 80 per cent


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


The price of bitco’s extraction costs are determined by the full net and, in turn, by the price of the mine. This increases the price of bitco’s mining costs, reduces the cost of mining when it falls, and creates a Maori leverage because of arithmetic.

比特币毛利杠杆(BTC Gross Profit Leverage):比特币因算力周期滞后价格周期带来的采掘毛利在矿价上涨时加速扩大在矿价下跌时加速收缩的现象。

图24:比特币采掘业毛利杠杆(BTCGross Profit Leverage)


Arithmetic cyclical effects are similar to those of raw materials in manufacturing processes in the middle, such as the ferrous metal smelting and pressurization industry:

图25:黑色金属冶炼与压延加工业毛利杠杆(Iron&SteelGross Profit Leverage)

注:毛利杠杆: 因成本滞后(原材料库存周期、算力周期)于价格而带来的毛利撬动效应。

note: Māori Leveraging: The Māori Leveraging Effect on Prices due to Cost Deficit (Stowstock Cycle, Arithmetical Cycle).


is a concentrated metro sector: , i.e. steel (upstream concentration of iron ore), paper (upstream concentration of pulp), where trends in profitability have to focus not only on changes in ton Maori, but more on changes in Maori leverage. Maori leverage is more important than tons of ton.




1. Higher prices, due to the lag in costs, have a greater expansionary effect than Māori at current costs;


2. Māori contractions are also magnified when prices fall;


3. Third is the increase in the price of finished products in the current period, but the increase in the price of prior-period minerals has been faster and the current period has seen a contraction in Maori; while the price of finished products has fallen in the current period, the fall in the price of prior-period minerals has been greater than in the current period, and Maori has continued to expand in the current period.


Māori leverage tends to be significantly forward-looking to prices and even to capital markets, and the actual low point in Bitcoin price theory needs to be given further Māori leverage, which we will be following.


Figure 26: Māori leverage in capital markets


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research



> - Garbrèse
>/blockquate > monetary research is better at applying its complexity than any other field of economics, thus avoiding truth than revealing it. The process of creating money is so simple and disgusting that it is only decent to keep it secret.
> > > >


3.1 two-way system: significant appreciation with Tai Fan


has remained stable after significant exchange rate fluctuations in . has experienced significant exchange rate fluctuations in 2015 and completed a step-by-step appreciation adjustment in 2016. > > has increased significantly after the launch of the ICO wave in 2017 and has established a mainstream digital liquidity position.


In May of the same year, for the first time, the market value of the COIN30 basket exceeded Bitcoin, marking the official entry of digital currencies into the era of “COINS-ETH-BTC” encryption forests.


Figure 27: “COINS-ETH-BTC” dual-link system has been stabilized


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


The purchase of one BTC and one COIN30 [11] currency basket at the beginning of 2016 required 458.14 and 4.5 ETH, respectively, and currently only 12.5 and 0.55.


The characteristics of ETH as a base currency are beginning to appear. The exchange rate between ETH and BTC is more stable than that of COIN30, and the characteristics of BTC as a base reserve are becoming more apparent.


Table 5: Gradual increase in purchasing power in Tails


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


The COIN30 basket of currency ETH prices are more volatile and yielding excess gains than BTC under relative anchoring because many of the COIN30 component currencies are still competing for follow-on digital traffic status.


In addition to the United States dollar, the world’s main free-flow French currency includes the euro, the pound sterling, the Swiss franc, the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, the Japanese yen, the Hong Kong dollar, and the New Zealand dollar.


Figure 28: COIN30 is more volatile than BTC and digital currency continues to compete


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Taken together, digital currencies have evolved into an encrypted forest system of currency denominated on the basis of Bitcoin as a reserve, on the basis of a variety of mainstream digital fluxes, while a larger Token security basket is based on COIN30, which is made up of taupulega and mainstream digital traffic.

图29:以太坊加密森林体系(CryptoWoods System)


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


3.2 Further evolution: currency basket rebalancing


The dollar exchange rate of increased sharply in the early 1980s, resulting in a large trade deficit (in fact, the `Eta' community has also achieved an inter-linkages deficit).


In order to rebalance the exchange rate, G5 member countries met at the New York Plaza Hotel on 22 September 1985 and agreed to jointly intervene in the foreign exchange market to induce an orderly appreciation of national currencies against the United States dollar, the historic square agreement.


The process continued until the start of the export strategy in the emerging Asian countries after the millennium, and the world economic landscape was rapidly reconfigured, bringing the United States dollar into a decade of depreciation and the opening of a decade of gold-priced cattle.


Figure 30: The value of the tatai currency remains stable pending the next re-engineering

资料来源:CCCI.IO,World GoldCouncil,次世代经济研究所

Source: CCCI.IO, World GoldCouncil, Institute of Subgenerational Economics


The current emergence of emerging digital currencies, such as EOS, and the marked appreciation of the ETH have also rebalanced the exchange rate for digital currencies.


At the same time, the COIN 30 basket, which excluded the ETH, is experiencing an orderly appreciation against the bitcoin as a whole, and the COIN30 basket has achieved an overall rebalancing of the exchange rate.


Figure 31 EOS rebalancing of ETH exchange rates


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 32: COIN30 to BTC as a whole continues to appreciate in an orderly manner


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


The exchange-rate rebalancing process needs to be accompanied by monetary policy in order to achieve the goal of economic and external balance under the Trinity paradox [12]. Both the German mark and the Japanese yen appreciated considerably after the square agreement, but the economic consequences varied widely.


will not explore further the relevant elements of monetary policy related to digital monetary commodification, given that related institutions, such as digital monetary policy, are not yet mature.



Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research



Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


3.3 Next re-engineering: nominal market value cap for encrypted forests


Even if the currency’s currency exchange rate is more deflationary than inflation, economic development requires monetary inflation to adjust to and stimulate economic growth. The growth in the market value of the basket of currency COIN30 meets, to some extent, the demand for money supply.


On the other hand, the Token basket is based on COIN30, and the direct use of its own TOKEN as a currency by the relevant business and even the encryption economy eases the demand for COIN30 currency supply.


Figure 35: 90 per cent market value of BTC, COIN30 and 10 per cent of Token basket


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


The current market value of the Token basket represents only 10 per cent of the total value of the digital currency, and the future growth of the Token basket's money supply will gradually increase as the global capital market assets pass through the Tokenization process. The digital currency will also be recast for the next time: the market value share of the Token basket will be greater than the COIN30 basket as the largest component of the encrypted asset, and the digital currency will enter Jamaica's age.


A phase similar to that of bitcoin and gold reserves, we further match the market value of the CoIN30 basket with the official foreign exchange reserves of the Global Central Bank.


The global central bank’s official reserves (gold reserves and foreign exchange reserves) are now about 10 per cent of gold reserves. The current global digital currency is about 40 per cent of bitcoin reserves, up to 90 per cent by 2017. We expect the ratio to fall further to about 10 per cent in the future.


Figure 36: Global Central Bank reserve market value of 16 trillion and gold readiness rate of 10 per cent


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 37: Global value of several currencies at $3 trillion, with 40 per cent Bitcoin readiness


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


As at 26 May 2018, the market value of Bitcoin was [13] $12,546 million, compared with the market value of the global central bank's gold reserves of $1.6 trillion, or 8.0 per cent, with an expected 12.5-fold increase in bitcoin in the same volume.


The current basket of COIN 30 currencies stands at $16.41 billion, representing 1.2 per cent of the global official foreign exchange reserve market of $13.4 trillion, and the market value of COIN 30 is expected to increase by 82.2 times if it is the same size.


Table 6: BTC, COIN30 expected a multiplier increase of 12.5 times and 82.2 times (market value: billions of United States dollars)


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 38: BTC, COIN30 market capacity ratio 8.0%, 1.2%


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 39: The market value of BTC, COIN30 is expected to increase 13 times, 82 times


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Overall, market capacity at the macro scale continues to measure the market value growth space for Bitcoin, especially COIN30.


In the medium view, we need to further assess the market performance of the relevant digital currency and basket of currencies and explore the relevant hedging strategies, as well as to produce a digital monetary index.



4. Digital monetary index: prices and their cycles Nothing paralyses rationality more than easy money


4.1 baseline index: BTC-COIN30-CCCI and price cycle


prepares a base index for digital currency prices. , in order to assess global digital currency and portfolio market performance, has developed a baseline index for digital currency market prices:

数字货币综合指数(Crypto CurrencyComposite Index,简称CCCI、数币综指)与数字货币30指数(COIN30 Index,简称数币30指数),并与比特币指数(BTC Index)共同构成数字货币三大基准指数。

Digital Currency composite index (CryptoCurrenceComposite Index, CCI, DMC) and digital currency index 30 (COIN30 Index, Abbreviation 30 index) together with the `strong' bitcoin index


The base period of the index is 28 April 2013 and the base point is 10 points. Data source: ccci.io


The sum of the currencies is weighted by the market value of the prices in circulation of some 1,600 digital currencies that are publicly traded globally; the COIN30 [14] index, the COIN30 basket index, is weighted by the market value of the price in the selection of 30 digital currencies with higher market value and better liquidity, with the exception of Bitcoins.


Figure 40: Three benchmark indicators: BTC-COIN30-CCCI


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


All three indices of fell back to their historical heights and were the first to rebound from unusual volatility in the securities market. As of 26 May 2018, the bitcoin index, the currency 30 index and the currency aggregate were 548.1 points, 1711.8 points and 771.2 points, respectively, all of which continued to fall after the previous period had risen to about half of their historical heights.


Table 7: Relationship between the historical high and low of digital currency prices and the historical high and low of stock market prices


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 41: Ratio of BTC prices to abnormal fluctuations in the securities market


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 42: Relationship of the COIN30 index to the ratio of abnormal fluctuations in the securities market


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Whether NASDAQ's Internet bubble burst in 2000 or during our 2008 and 2015 A share of the second-tier market abnormally volatile period,


According to the foregoing, the price of Bitcoin has now fallen below the full cost line for mining, and the historical history of Bitcoin has not yet seen a consistent decline in the full cost of prices.


Figure 43: Relationship of the CCCI index to the ratio of abnormal fluctuations in the securities market


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


further turns. provides a forward-looking diagnosis of the turning points in the digital money market, based on the relationship between the bitcoin index, the currency 30 index, and the multi-currency index.


4.2 spatial index: LSI and excess yield cycle


The excess yield relationship between BTC, COIN30 and CCCI: BTC base attributes make it less volatile than COIN30 and CCCI, where COIN30 is larger than BTC's excess earnings, and BTC in Bears wins COIN30.


COIN30 is higher than BTC's excess earnings. foreshadows the market to the top, from the bottom of the market to the bottom of the negative switch.

我们根据三大指数上述特性,编制了数字货币多空指数(Long-Short Index,简称LSI)。

On the basis of the above-mentioned characteristics of the three indices, we have developed the digital currency multi-space index (LSI) (Long-Short Index).


The current LSI index is high and starting to shift from positive to negative, and the market still has downside risks.


Figure 44: Digital Currency Multiple Space Index (Long-ShortIndex, LSI)


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


On March 16, 2017, BTC's excess gain on CCCI was shifted from positive to negative and BTC's excess gain on


At the same time, as BTC's excess returns to CCCI fell on March 23, 2018 , the digital currency trend gradually fell and began to rebound on April 6th. would have significantly increased the probability of cattle starting if BTC's excess returns continued to fall and were reversed.


Unfortunately, the latest data do not show such a signal. The BTC excess gains are beginning to expand further, a typical feature of BTC's resilience in Bear City.


Figure 45: BTC negative excess gains foreshadow cattle market starting point, positive excess gains up and down for a rebound


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


COIN30 and BTC's excess gains on CCCI are mapd at the same time: BTC's excess gains are reversed from positive to negative. When BTC's excess gains fall, the negative gain on COIN30 is reversed.


Figure 46: Positive excess COIN30 foreshadows the starting point of the cattle market, with negative excess gains reflected a rebound in the bottom rebound lead market


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


A further comparison of the COIN30 index with the BTC shows that the COIN30 elasticity is greater than the BTC.


COIN30The excess gains of COIN30 to BTC after significant market adjustments in early 2018 were shifted from positive to negative and reached the lowest level of 19.06 per cent on March 23, with


On April 6, 2018, when the market turned back, the COIN 30 increase began to be greater than Bitcoin, with a negative shift in BTC's excess earnings. Bitcoin in the bear city was better than COIN30, and the BTC's excess returns were higher than at the bottom of the market.


The current COIN30 excess gain from BTC has failed and turned downwards since the bottom rebound, and the market has begun to feature as a bear market.


Figure 47: BTC and COIN30 map-to-map, COIN30 is more forward-looking for BTC excess returns


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


COIN30 lags BTC to the top. has won Bitcoin and several currencies since the base period of 28 April 2013. The highest increase in Bitcoins was 14527.53% on 16 December 2017, and the highest increase in COIN30 was 48150.12% on 7 January 2018 and 35872.64% of the highest excess earnings in bitcoins.


Figure 48: The CoIN30 Cows won BTC and CCCI in large numbers and lags to the top of BTC


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research

综合考虑BTC、COIN30与CCCI之间超额收益关系,便可得到数字货币多空指数(Long-Short Index,LSI)。

A combination of the excess yield relationship between BTC, COIN30 and CCCI provides a digital currency multi-space index (Long-Short Index, LSI).

4.3 COIN30成分表现:2018年初至今1成涨幅翻倍,2017全年近半涨幅百倍,最高万倍

4.3 COIN30 composition performance: 1 per cent more than doubled from the beginning of 2018 to the present, nearly a hundred times more than in the whole of 2017, up to a thousand times


Since the adjustment at the beginning of 2018, in addition to ONT, the COIN30 component has been in line for three months.


The increase in AE\BTM\BNB\VEN\TRX\EOS has been positive.


of which


AE\nt\BTM\BEN\TRX\EOS\ETH\EO\STEEM\XLM\OMG\LTC\ZEC obtained positive excess gains over COIN30.


Table 8: COIN 30 ingredient increase from the beginning of 2018 to the present


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 49: COIN 30 ingredient increase from the beginning of 2018 to the present and its excess earnings


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


All digital currencies received positive returns throughout 2017, with XVG\NANO\NEO\XRP\EM\STRAT\BTS\LM\LSK increasing more than 100 times and earning positive excess gains over the COIN30 index. XVG increasing more than 10,000 times.


Table 9: Increased COIN 30 ingredient 2017 year-round


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 50: Increased COIN 30 ingredient 2017 year-round


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Figure 51: COIN 30 ingredient overtakes 2017 year-round


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


The COIN30 basket of currency components showed strong market performance in 2017 and gradually became a more marketable and liquid digital global currency, which together with Bitcoin held 90 per cent of the market value of the global digital currency.


COIN30 and Bitcoin[strong] reflect, together and in varying ways, the overall performance of the global array of digital currencies.


5. Strategic overview of the latest market performance


(Data as at 26 May 2018)


For ease of reading, a brief overview is provided here of the digital currency-related strategic judgements covered in this paper.


bitcoin has not had a history of falling prices continuously into the full cost of mining, but multi-empty indicators suggest that the current market still has downside risks.


5.1 Multiple factors: cost support and market capacity


1. Cost supports US$ 7788: bitcoin's current price is US$ 7355.9, one-stage cost supports by falling out of bitcoin to the full cost of US$ 7787.6 and


2. 10 times the reserve space: , calculated on the basis of a global central bank gold reserve of approximately $1.6 trillion, corresponds to a price of $75,000 per item in bitcoin, which is about 10 times more than the current price increase;


3. Eighty-two times the reserve space: , estimated at about $13.4 trillion in the global central bank's foreign exchange reserves, still around 82 times the market value of the COIN30 basket;



Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


5.2 Empty factor: Multiple empty indicator shifts from multiple to empty


1. LSI multi-empty index turns around: LSI index surges and the market starts to fall at the top. 's latest data show that the LSI index begins to shift from positive to negative and the market still has downside risks.


Figure 53: LSI multi-space index shows the market or will continue down


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


BTC has expanded the anti-defeating characteristics of the bear city: would have significantly increased the probability that the cow market would continue if BTC had been able to recover and reverse CCI excess gains. Unfortunately, the latest data do not indicate that BTC excess gains have begun to expand further, a typical feature of the bear city BTC resistance.


3. COIN30 rebounds: and CoIN30's excess returns to CCCI also show that the market rebounds are very weak.


Figure 54: BTC excess gains and COIN30 excess gains show bear market characteristics and market rebounds


Source: CCCI.IO, Institute of Subgenerational Economic Research


Since the birth of Bitcoin, block chains and digital currencies have developed for almost a decade, and in recent years have grown savagely, but the evolution of the digital monetary system will continue to be accompanied by a fierce market clean-up.


We therefore believe that there is still a greater opportunity for the public and platform chains of at present , that the competition for the COIN30 basket of monetary components will continue, and that the broader token type of digital currency will soon rise as the process of global asset communisation proceeds to become a larger market for the future, and that will make a big difference.


Currency plays the greatest role in determining the course of history.




[1] Bretton Woods System: In July 1944, major Western countries established the United States dollar-to-gold peg in Bretton Woods, United States, and the United States dollar-to-gold peg in national currencies, establishing the central dominance of the United States dollar in the international monetary system;


[2] Jamaica System: In January 1976, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) met in Jamaica to agree on and develop a new international monetary system in the areas of de-monetization of gold, diversification of exchange rate regimes and international reserve systems, and diversification of balance-of-payments adjustment mechanisms;


[3] Gold is in fact losing its base as a currency of credit preparation, its futures are maturing well beyond the physical reserves of gold that can be delivered in real terms, and its reserves are gradually turning into paper gold;


[4] The term “lock” here refers not only to an item, but also to a system of currency anchoring arrangements;


[5] Trifine’s dilemma: In 1960, United States economist Triffin, in his book “The Gold and dollar Crisis: A Freely Converted Future”, argued the paradox of pegging other countries’ currencies to the United States dollar, leading to depreciation as the world economy developed to demand the export of the dollar’s deficit, while the United States dollar, as an international reserve currency, had to stabilize the currency and thus maintain a surplus;

[6]关于“区块链经济体(BlockChain Entity)”等特殊概念请参照后续研究;

[6] For specific concepts such as Block Chain Economy, please refer to the follow-up study;


[7] See the previous note;


[8] The currency basket component of COIN30 is adjusted to market conditions for a period of not less than three months, and the current composition is as follows: ETH\XRP\BCH\EOS\TC\ADA\XLM\IOTA\EO\MR\DASH\TRX\EM\ETC\QUM\OMG\B\ICX\AE\BSK\BTM\ZEC\NO\STEEM\BAVES\STRAT\ont;


[9] Price bottom line maintained by the full cost line of mining mining for stakeholders, especially miner producers;


[10] The calculation of the “community consensus premium” will be presented in a follow-up study;


[11] The COIN30 basket does not contain ETH itself because it is based on ETH;


[12] In the international economics model, open economies (open cryptography): 1. The independence of national (community) monetary policy; 2. Free movement of capital between international (community) and 2. The maintenance of a fixed exchange rate cannot be combined, known as the Trinity paradox;

[13] BTC、COIN30市值均按流通市值计算,即按已经采掘出的数字货币量计算;

[13] The market value of BTC and COIN30 is calculated on the basis of market value in circulation, i.e., the amount of digital currency extracted;

[14] 同[8] 。

[14] Same as [8].




(Preliminary from the Institute of Subgenerational Economics, which was authorized to reproduce Babbit information)




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