新浪科技讯 北京时间1月10日晚间消息,数字加密货币以太坊(Ethereum)的价格今日再创新高,超过了1400美元。在过去的一周,以太坊的交易价格已经增长了60%多。
The news from Beijing in the evening of January 10th is that digital encryption money has been re-innovated today at a price of more than $1,400. In the past week, the price of taepan's transactions has increased by more than 60%.
According to the industry website CoinDesk, innovation was again high on Wednesdays, at a time of $1417.38. In the last week, trade prices have increased by more than 60%. In the past year, they have increased by about 130 times.
CoinDesk data show that, by market value, Taicha is the world’s second largest digital encoded currency, after Bitcoin. Today, Taicha values are as high as $13.15 billion.
与比特币一样,以太坊也采用区块链(blockchain)技术。但不同的是,以太坊专注于特定应用环境:智能合约(smart contract)。许多人认为,这是一种具有现实用途的数字加密货币,许多大企业都在研究相关应用。
As with Bitcoin, Ether also uses blockchain technology. Unlike the others, Ether focuses on specific applications: smart contract. Many believe that this is a realistic digital encryption currency, and many large firms are studying applications.
For example, an organization called the Enterprise Etherms Alliance is considering the use of the Etherm block chain technology to develop applications. The organization’s members include Microsoft Morgan Chase, among others.
加密货币交易所Gatecoin亚太地区商业开发主管托马斯·格鲁斯曼(Thomas Glucksmann)说:“以太坊价格的大幅增长表明,它作为一种去中心化应用平台,受到了越来越多人的追捧。在过去一年半的时间里,我们看到绝大多数通过ICO(首次代币发行)发行和在交易所交易的代币都运行在以太坊网络上。”
The secure currency exchange Gatecoin, Asia-Pacific Business Development Manager Thomas Glucksmann, said: "A dramatic increase in the price of Taipan suggests that it is gaining ground as a decentralised application platform. Over the past year and a half, we have seen that the vast majority of the coins that are issued through the ICO (first generation of tokens) and traded in the exchange operate on the Etheraya network."
以太坊联合创始人史蒂文·内雷奥夫(Steven Nerayoff)表示,基于以太坊区块链技术的各种项目越来越多,这可能让以太坊在今年翻身,一举超越比特币。内雷奥夫称,到今年年底以太坊的价格有望增长一倍或两倍。
According to Steven Nerayoff, the founder of the Taepan coalition, there is an increasing number of projects based on the technology of the Ether district block chain, which may allow Ether to turn around this year and go beyond bitcoin. Nereov says that at the end of this year, it is likely that the price of the taupulega will double or double.
而以太坊另一位联合创始人查尔斯·霍斯金森(Charles Hoskinson)则认为,加密货币市场将会“崩盘”,导致行业重新洗牌。
Charles Hoskinson, another co-founder of Taiku, argued that the encrypted currency market would “break down” and lead to a reshuffling of the industry.
此外,华尔街经济学家戴维斯·斯塔科曼(Davis Stockman)称,加密货币当前的繁荣将以悲剧收场。他说:“这基本上是一群愚蠢的投机者在玩,他们自认为数字加密货币会长成参天大树。”
Moreover, the Wall Street economist Davis Stockman said that the current boom in encryption would end in tragedy. He said, “This is basically a bunch of stupid speculators who think that digital encryption money will grow into trees.”
据数字货币信息网站Coinmarketcap个月公布的数据显示,当前所有数字货币的整体市值已经达到5060亿美元,创历史新高,超出了沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)旗下伯克希尔哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)公司的市值。(李明)
According to monthly data released by the Digital Currency Information website Coinmarkcap, the overall market value of all digital currencies has now reached $50.6 billion, a record high, exceeding the market value of Berkshire Hathaway, a company owned by Warren Buffett.
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