以太坊创始人退出 虚拟货币要完?

资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:47 评论:0
原标题:以太坊创始人退出,FBI严重警告,虚拟货币要完?Original title: Ether's founder quits, FBI seriously warns that the virtual currency is over...



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Original title: Ether's founder quits, FBI seriously warns that the virtual currency is over?

原创 雷科技互联网组 雷科技

It's original. It's mine tech Internet. It's mine technology.


The impact on the virtual currency market has become quite evident since the domestic clean-up and mining operations began, and according to information from relevant sources, after the clearing of mines in provinces like Sichuan, the full net capacity of


With the exception of Bitcoin, the full net power of the tae currency has also continued to decline, falling by almost 20 per cent in just one month, leaving only about 487 TH/s. It is expected that the next capacity of the taepan will likely fall to 300 TH/s, which is the level at the beginning of this year.


Moreover, worldwide, the virtual currency market is undergoing a major transformation, not only in the liquidation and prohibition of mainland China, but also in the investigation and restraint of virtual currency by a number of countries and relevant sectors around the world, as well as increasing fraud based on the virtual currency market, which has become a reason for many countries to control it.


With the fall of the virtual currency boom, the most obvious change is that the price of the card has finally returned to normal prices, and although there are some gaps before last year's price increase, it has fallen to 50 per cent of its peak this year.

01 以太坊创始人退出虚拟币市场

01 Exiting the virtual currency market with the founder of the Tai family


Domestically, with the sharp tightening of the regulation of the virtual currency market and a sharp drop in currency prices and volume of transactions, a number of large currency circles have begun to hush up most of the virtual currency in their hands, retaining only the high value and highest recognition of ETH, BTC and others, some of them even claiming to withdraw from the currency and switch to business or other Internet industries.

不仅仅是国内如此,国外也有不少依靠虚拟货币获得大量金钱的币圈大佬开始退圈,其中最受关注的就是以太坊的联合创始人Anthony Di Iorio。以太坊作为目前市值仅次于比特币的虚拟货币,他们的一举一动也是牵动着所有虚拟货币投资者的心。

Not only in the domestic sphere, but also in the foreign world, where there are a lot of large currency circles that rely on virtual currency for large amounts of money, most of which are focused on Anthony Di Iorio, the co-founder of Taiku’s association. As far as the market is second only to Bitcoin’s virtual currency, their actions also hold the hearts of all virtual money investors.

当Anthony Di Iorio宣布退出币圈且不打算再与币圈的任何公司有所联系时,换来的就是虚拟货币市场的又一次下跌。这个市场在过去一段时间里已经充分证明了自己的不稳定性,只需要一个稍微大一点的消息就会迎来一次市场震荡。

When Anthony Di Iorio announced his withdrawal from the currency circle and did not intend to be associated with any of the companies in the currency circle, it was another fall in the virtual currency market. The market had proved its instability well over the past time, and only a slightly larger message was needed to usher in a market shock.

根据Anthony Di Iorio的说法,他 退出币圈主要是出于个人安全方面的考虑。 Anthony Di Iorio表示,最近出现的一些问题让他不再热衷于虚拟货币,而且待在虚拟货币圈子里让他很没有安全感,但是又说如果虚拟货币市场需要自己,自己还是可能归来的。

According to Anthony Di Iorio, his ‘strong’ exits the currency ring mainly because of personal security concerns. Anthony Di Iorio says that some of the problems that have recently occurred have made him less interested in virtual money and have left him insecure in virtual money circles, but also that if the virtual money market needs himself, he may return.

不过,Anthony Di Iorio后续透露的消息则更加耐人寻味,他表示将会投身于慈善事业以及其他领域的投资,前提是该领域与虚拟货币无关。而且, 他已经决定将手上所持有的所有虚拟货币相关公司的股份出售,以后也不会再资助任何区块链项目。

However, Anthony Di Iorio's follow-up leaks are more interesting, stating that he will invest in philanthropy and other areas, provided that they are not related to virtual currency. Moreover, has decided to sell the shares of all virtual money-related companies in his possession and will not fund any block chain projects.

如此看来,“只要币圈需要自己,自己就会归来”的说法更像是一个为了不让虚拟货币市场币价暴跌而给出的托词。从后续透露的消息来看,Anthony Di Iorio大有与虚拟货币圈老死不相往来的倾向,而且更让人好奇的是,退出原因为何是基于“个人安全”方面的考虑?

In this way, the phrase “as long as the currency circle needs itself, it will come back” is more like a pretext to keep the currency of the virtual currency market from collapsing. From subsequent revelations, Anthony Di Iorio has a strong tendency not to interact with virtual money circles, and is even more curious as to why the reason for the withdrawal is based on “personal security” considerations.


Of course, as a virtual currency with deep links from birth to illicit activities such as money-laundering, black-net trading and so on, Ray also implicitly figured out some possibilities, except that it might not have been possible to over-examine the article if it had been said in its entirety.

但是从Anthony Di Iorio退出币圈这件事上,我们也能够看到虚拟货币市场下面所埋藏的许多问题,以至于已经威胁到了部分币圈顶层人物的生命安全,不得不做出退让。而且,对于拥有金融主权的国家来说,虚拟货币目前从任何一个方向来看都是弊大于利,属于需要严格管控的金融衍生品。

But with Anthony Di Iorio’s exit from the currency circle, we can also see that many of the problems buried under the virtual money market are such that they already threaten the lives of some of the top-level players in the currency that they have to yield. And, for countries with financial sovereignty, virtual money is now more harmful than good in any direction, and it is a financial derivative that needs to be strictly regulated.

除了Anthony Di Iorio,曾经的热门虚拟货币DOG币的创始人杰克逊·帕尔默也曾经公开说过,认为目前的虚拟货币暴涨是不理性的,而且将会给许多人带去灾难(过去两个月中已经有无数人爆仓),并且杰克逊·帕尔默也发誓这辈子不会再踏入币圈半步。

In addition to Anthony Di Iorio, Jackson & Middot, the founder of the once popular virtual currency DOG; Palmer has publicly stated that it is irrational to believe that the current virtual currency boom is taking many people to disaster (many people have exploded in the last two months) and that Jackson & Middot; and Palmer has vowed not to step into the currency again for the rest of his life.

02 币圈大佬退场,国家出手

02 Currency Circles Out, State Fighters


The ancient saying is that, as the mainland of China begins to fight against virtual currency transactions, virtual currency is already the largest single market lost, while markets in other countries are beginning to send bad news.


First, Mexico declared that the virtual currency was illegal and would block virtual currency transactions, including bitcoin, within the financial system, which was considered to be a response to El Salvador. El Salvador and the countries of Central America, which had voted in Congress on 9 June this year, had adopted a bill recognizing bitcoin as one of the national legal currencies.

不过,萨尔瓦多的该法案很快遭到了来自世界银行的阻止, 世界银行认为虚拟货币目前并不能够作为法定货币存在,同时拒绝了萨尔瓦多关于将比特币列为其国际贸易法定货币的要求。

However, El Salvador's bill was quickly blocked by the World Bank, which concluded that the virtual currency does not currently exist as a legal currency, while rejecting El Salvador's request to include Bitcoin as its legal currency for international trade.

同样是在6月, 英国宣布禁止全球最大的虚拟货币交易所“币安”在英国开展任何受FCA监管的金融业务,包括个人贷款业务。 随后,币安宣布暂停英镑取现服务,失去了世界核心金融圈之一的支持后,虚拟货币再次下挫,ETH跌到接近1700美元,比特币则差点跌破30000美元。

Also in June, the United Kingdom announced a ban on any FCA-regulated financial operations in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by the largest worldwide virtual currency exchange, the Currency Exchange, including individual loans. Subsequently, after announced the suspension of the pound dollar from taking out services and lost support from one of the world’s core financial circles, the virtual currency fell again, with ETH falling close to $1,700, while Bitcoin nearly fell by $30,000.

除此之外, 美国、德国等国家均启动了针对虚拟货币交易所的调查,其中美国FBI甚至发出了严重警告,警告个人用户不得参与虚拟币相关的交易。 在过去数月中,与虚拟货币有关的诈骗案数量持续上升,已有多人因此遭受了大量的金钱损失。

In addition, the United States and Germany, among others, have launched investigations against the Virtual Currency Exchange, in which the FBI has even issued serious warnings that individual users should not be involved in virtual currency-related transactions. The number of fraud cases related to virtual money has continued to rise over the past few months, with many people already suffering substantial financial losses.


Moreover, even without being deceived, many investors who have entered the market in the last two months have lost a lot of money, considering that the price of the currency that has declined in the past two months, as is the case with the flood from the reservoir. The current virtual currency market is not a good investment channel for individual users, and not only is the risk too high, but the current returns are not commensurate with the risk.


At least for some time to come, the virtual currency market should return to the calm of 2019, which, of course, is already the best result, and even more pessimistic investors believe that currency prices will continue to decline slowly for some time to come.


However, Ray felt that it would be unrealistic to see virtual currency prices fall to 2019 levels, and that future bitcoin prices would probably remain at $30,000, and that it would not be possible to allow prices in virtual currency such as Bitcoin to rebound or fall significantly until there was a new blowpoint or a new trade-off factor.


The likelihood of a fall is still greater than the prospect of an increase, after all, with the implementation of financial sector surveys and further regulatory measures in various countries, the challenge for virtual money markets is only just beginning.


For game players, the virtual currency market collapse is good news, after all, and card prices are back to normal.


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