Source: DegameLabs Linking Laboratory
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Who are you playing around with?
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Each of these three players has characteristics, so let's see what the specific characteristics of the different types of players are.
1, Player Image
We summarized the characteristics of the three categories of players with the basic characteristics of demography: after
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In addition to the objective characteristics of player
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How did the 链游玩家 linker 不论是哪种类型的链游玩家,均有超过30%的玩家认为,网站/APP是其获取资讯的主要途径。 More than 30 per cent of all chain players, regardless of their type, consider the website/APP 通过价值和玩法的普及来转变玩家的链游认知是吸引玩家进入的重要途径。 Transforming the player's chain awareness through is an important way to attract players into it. 1、获取资讯的途径 1, access to information 头部链媒(巴比特、星球日报等)是用户获取资讯的主要渠道,朋友圈公众号等社交媒体也不可忽视。 2、对区块链的了解程度
55.4 per cent of the core players are well aware of block chains and 15 per cent of the edges play at home with no knowledge of block chains.
Seventy-seven.7 per cent of
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links into
A successful link should focus on 's rational communication of the value and philosophy of the chain as well as its profitability and fun 链游在不同渠道的宣传策略不可完全一致,应结合实际有所调整,如,应用商店可偏重玩法宣传,区块链应用数据平台可集中于赚钱效应的宣传。玩家教育(链游科普、入门引导及新手教程等)需要被高度重视。 The communication strategy, which links to different channels, is not fully consistent and should be adapted to the reality that, for example, shops can focus on games, and block data platforms can focus on information on earning effects. Player education needs to be highly valued. 1、玩链游的动机 1, motivation to play chain 认可链游价值和理念是核心玩家和次级玩家玩链游的共同动机; recognizes the value and philosophy of chain travel 核心玩家更主要的动机是希望在游戏中获得收益,而次级玩家则更容易被游戏本身吸引来玩链游。 The main motivation of the core players is the desire to profit from the game
2, access to links
Core players travel mainly through the block chain application data platform , and secondary players are more recommended to through the 3、玩链游的阻碍因素 3, barriers to play chain 对游戏内容不感兴趣是核心玩家玩链游的主要阻碍; Lack of interest in the content of the game is the main obstacle to core player chain travel; 操作复杂则是次级玩家玩游戏的主要阻碍。 点击图片查可看具体信息 Click for specific information 玩法认知 game awareness 道具资产上链情况是影响核心玩家游戏体验和留存的重要因素之一。 The situation of 点击图片查可看具体信息 Click for specific information 1、对道具资产上链的态度 相比于次级玩家,核心玩家更在意道具资产是否上链。 Core players are more interested in whether prop assets are chained than secondary players. 2、对道具资产上链的行为 2, acts against prop assets uplink 相比于次级玩家,核心玩家会特地去查询道具资产是否上链的比例更高。 The core player specifically searches for prop assets to be chained to a higher proportion than a secondary player. 一款链游要怎么做才能更持久地抓住玩家的心? What do you need to do to catch the player's heart more enduringly? 如前所述,我们根据数字货币交易行为、链游态度和链游经历将玩家分为:核心玩家、次级玩家和边缘玩家。
As mentioned earlier, we divide players into 这三类玩家有着不同的人口学特征、链游偏好(类型、画风等)和游戏行为(认知、决策、动机、享受游戏乐趣、游戏期待等)。 These three categories of players have different demographic characteristics, chain preferences 更为重要的是,报告发现,三类玩家对链游玩法期待呈现显著性差异。 More importantly, the report found that the three categories of 链游期待 chains look forward to 点击图片查可看具体信息 Click for specific information 其中,核心玩家最关注游戏收益,而次级玩家和边缘玩家更在意玩法趣味性。 Among them, core players focus on 链游市场尚处于发展阶段,满足核心玩家的痛点,并发挥核心玩家的裂变作用是当前重点。 The 点击图片查可看具体信息 Click for specific information 具体而言: Specifically: 1、核心、次级和边缘玩家基本特征和游戏偏好不同,应采取的游戏认知、进入和宣传策略也应有所调整。 The basic features and preferences of the core, secondary and peripheral players 2、要最大程度满足核心玩家需求,在游戏经济模型设计、链游玩法、游戏激励和用户裂变上投入更多精力。 Maximize 3、提升游戏对次级玩家的拉力,降低对边缘玩家的阻力,致力于促使后两类玩家完成核心化转变。 Increasing the pull of the game to secondary players, reducing resistance to marginal players, and working to to bring the latter two players to the core shift . 看完本文你有什么想法?关于企业级区块链平台,你有什么想说的?欢迎在评论区和我们一起讨论,5 月 14 日将在评论区抽取 2 位小伙伴送《区块链商业》纸质书一本哟~ What do you think? What do you want to say about the business-level block chain platform? 感兴趣的小伙伴也可以直接点击购买哦
If you're interested, you can just click and buy it. 推荐阅读 老铁们在看签个到! The old irons are looking at the sign!
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