
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:60 评论:0
平析 | 平定天下,深度解析 Parsing, chromium, flatten, depth.今日平说 | 独家原创 侵权必究Today Ping says, "The only thing...



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平析 | 平定天下,深度解析

Parsing, chromium, flatten, depth.

今日平说 | 独家原创 侵权必究

Today Ping says, "The only thing that's original, the violation must be punished."

投稿信箱:zg5201949 @qq.com

Mailbox: zg5201949@qq.com


Recently, the story of Bitcoin skyrocketed to $10,000 ($1,700) and began to scribble, knowing that it was only a penny a penny earlier. Many of the people around us, inspired by the news of thugs, were so worried today that they decided to tell their friends about Bitcoin and let those who were ready to enter the net calmly. These two days, many people asked me, "What is Bitcoin? Why would anyone want to buy it?" Is it a foreign Q-like virtual currency? Answer: No.


Bitcoin is a simple virtual currency symbol, and its algorithms are advanced, even more advanced. Bitcoin's developer is also an anonymous technocrat, but he was always opposed to the premature monetization of Bitcoin, and then suddenly he disappeared, so Bitcoin was finally stuck in the financial wing. But Bitcoin started by using the computer CUP in the hands of the participants (which is too complicated, perhaps) to maintain the security of the system. Perhaps the bigger the CUP you contribute, the more the system gains, then the system will give you a data reward in accordance with the established rules.


That's the charm of capital: it can speak white as black, or black as white. It can make money out of nothing, or it can make money worth nothing from nothing. Even foreign financial giants can shape people's minds and bypass laws.


In Europe, for example, minors were sexually assaulted by cheating teachers, and despite their self-recognizing admission, the teacher’s family was cleaned up because it worked for a huge financial giant in the old Europe. Although the country’s law defined sex with minors under the age of 18 as a crime, to go to jail.


All right, let's get this straight. So how does the financial giant go step by step and fire the virtual reward symbol from this tiny circle to $4,000? Of course, it's a setup.


In the first place, the baits they cast were designed to attract the public into the Bitcoin game, and how they attracted it. Of course, they spread the word that you can make money by providing your computer with free computing. As the paper begins: when you contribute your computer to the program, you accumulate your contribution, and you get a bitcoin reward when your contribution reaches a certain time value (complex competition and randomity). But in bitco’s reality, who would be willing to contribute his computer CPU in vain?

于是在比特币被插上金融翅膀之后不久,很多地方就开始有人以很低的价格大量收购比特币,或接受用比特币购买商品了。如果你问:“为什么你要收购这些一分钱不值的的东西呢?” 对方则会说:“你贡献了CPU沉余计算空间,维护了系统的稳定,所以理应得到报酬呀。” ——嗯,听起来合情合理,所以这下比特币就和现实货币以及支付挂上钩了。

So, shortly after Bitcoin was put in its financial wings, many places began to buy bitcoins at very low prices, or to accept bitcoins for goods. If you ask, "Why do you buy these worthless things?" The other side says, "You contribute CPU surplus computing space and maintain system stability, so you deserve to be paid." Well, that sounds reasonable, so the bitcoins are tied to real money and payments.

然后事情就进入了第一个阶段。这时所有网友一看,哎呀不错嘛,这东西还能赚钱?!那我家电脑也挂上这个吧,管它能得到多少比特币呢,反正弄到一点是一点,弄到就是赚到,弄不到也不会亏。(但实际上,如果总挖不到的话,还是会亏的,你开电脑不要钱啊?你上网不要钱啊?你电脑耗损不是钱啊?)不过大多数人是不会去算这个账的,比如白天公司上网的职员,家里有电脑闲着的主妇,开网吧的老板,在那段时间都喜欢没事就挂着这个可以赚到比特币的程序,大家甚至还给这种行为起了一个很有意思的名称,叫:“挖矿”。 嗯,想想,还真有点玩网游挂机挖矿的味道。

And then it's the first stage. And then all the Internet users look at it, and it's good, and it makes money? So do I have this on my computer, and I don't care how much bitcoin it gets, and I get a little bit, and I get it, and I can't get it, and I can't lose it. (But in fact, if I can't dig it, it's not worth the money.) You don't want the money. You don't want the money online. You lose the computer. But most people don't want the money.

但金融巨头进行这一步的目的,只不过是为了完成比特币的“普及”工作,最初购买比特币的钱,是金融巨头自己在掏腰包(当然也有部分玩家之间的自愿交易)。他们之所以愿意出钱收购,其实就是先利用这些小甜头,让尽可能多的人都参与到这个游戏里来,只有参与的人多了,知道的人多了,才可能开启下一步操作。这就相当于很多APP软件,一开始都喜欢通过免单、打折、大优惠来普及安装量,而后才会开始赚钱一样,是一个道理。 也和那些卖老年保健品的公司,总要先送桶菜油或一盒鸡蛋是同样道理。

But the purpose of this move by the financial giants is simply to do the bitcoin’s “universal” job, and the initial purchase of the bitcoins was to pay for the money themselves (and, of course, a voluntary deal between some of the players). The only reason why they were willing to buy the money is to use these little sweets to get as many people as possible into the game, and only if there were more people involved and more people who knew about it, would it be possible to start the next step.


By the time Bitcoin became national, the game would be upgraded to the second stage when adults and children could buy a couple of shampoo bottles of money from a hang-up. Soon, a software like a stock-breathing platform would be available in which people could trade Bitcoins. Like stock, Bitcoins owners could easily buy and sell here, with real-time big swings and the same prices as the latest transactions. This is exactly the same as the stock market, and the difference is that the stock is not a stock, but a bitcoin.

我们都知道,炒股起码还有个企业资产垫底和交易法规对不对?因为这玩意如果任由大庄家随便杀进杀出,等散户一入场我就拉盘,先让他们尝到点小甜头,而等到散户因为尝到甜头而跟进,我就砸盘的话,别的用户哪还敢来? 可是比特币交易软件嘛,谁也不管啊,随便随便啦。也就是说,大庄家完全有实力恣意操盘,当然在大庄家拉盘过程中趁机卖出的散户玩家,也能跟着赚一笔,不过这笔钱很快就必然会再输回去,这个原理卖个关子,待会儿再讲。

We all know that there's at least one firm's asset cushion and trading code, because if this thing is allowed to go in and out by the big man, when the big man comes in, I'll pull it up, then I'll give them a little taste, and then I'll kick it out, because the big man's taste is good, and the rest of the users will come. But the Bitcoin trade software, no matter what. That means that the big man has all the power to do it. Of course, when the big man pulls it, I'll make a profit, but the money will definitely go back, sell it and talk about it later.

先继续讲,随着比特币大盘的拉升,于是这玩意看起来就越来越值钱了对不对?在短时间内它从1美分一枚变成了几十美元一枚。我擦,这速度是中国房价涨幅速度的一万倍啊,有没有?!这下子之前那些卖币的人肠子都悔青了对不对?要知道它的第一笔交易是:“有人用10,000比特币在“棒约翰”叫了两块匹萨外卖。” ——这大概是人类史上最贵的披萨了。按今天的交易价格,折合17000000美元~

Let's go on, this thing looks more valuable as Bitcoins pulls up, right? In a short time it turns from a penny to a few dozen dollars. I rub it, that's 10,000 times the rate at which China's house prices are rising. Is that right? Those who sold the coins before that were repenting? The first deal was, "Someone called two pizzas in "Big John" with 10,000 bits." -- This is probably the most expensive pizza in human history. At today's trading price, it's 17,000 dollars

人类有逐利的天性,只要是转手快的东西,越是涨就越有人追,于是比特币就水涨船高,越来越多的人开始参与到比特币交易系统当中。并且由于交易需求量极大,甚至一度导致比特币供不应求,于是怎么办呢?哼哼,某老板想到了个土办法。炒比特币有风险,可我本钱大啊,我完全可以买个几千台电脑挂上网去挖矿卖啊!都几十美金一枚了,谁不挖谁傻啊。 于是一个崭新的行业:“比特币矿主”出现了。一个矿主往往拥有几十到几千台比特币矿奴(电脑),而他们一般一挖出来就卖掉,然后再把赚到的钱,投入买更多的电脑,挖更多的币,赚更多的钱。

Humans have a profit-seeking nature, as long as things move fast, the more people go after them, so bitcoin rises, and more and more people get involved in the Bitcoin trading system. And because of the high demand for trade, even at one point, bitcoin is not enough.


♪ Bigger bit mine ♪


Of course, due to the large number of specialized mine machines and absenteeism now, the chances of ordinary players contributing surplus to getting bitcoin are low and negligible. So, what if the swarms want to make money when they can't dig enough bitcoins? Cough, of course, is the only option.


This is the third stage of the game. After the consequences of the popular boom, the larger financial giant is able to keep the market price of Bitcoin stable for a certain period of time. Why not? Because so many people trade single-handedly, with hundreds of thousands of hands a day, you can sell it in minutes. So, now, it's easy. And, at the same time, Bitcoin is an anonymous country and not dependent on any platform for electronic symbols, so it can hardly be regulated. So you must think that smart enough to believe that this thing is anonymous and can be converted into money at any time, just to be used for money-laundering, tax evasion or illegal transfer of assets abroad.


So, today, this thing is likely to develop into a financial virus-like existence, and virtual props like the Queen, which must be based on QQ and the Virtual City, and which, once removed, will be worthless. At the same time, Q coins can only be used to buy and consume, and cannot in any way be retransmitted to the renminbi on any platform of the telecommunications company. So Q coins do not soar, nor fall, nor do they pose financial risks, but bitcoins are clearly extremely risky.


What is the power of the central bank? The power is: if you admit that it is a currency, then it can be exchanged between currencies. You can imagine, assuming that the points generated in the forum you open can be recognized as money, that you can keep building the forum points for money? That's not too beautiful. And if the central bank doesn't recognize you as a currency, then your forum scores can only be as much as Q-dollars to buy the virtual props of the consumer platform.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Central Bank: No harm to my flower grower


So why do you start filling that hole now? Because the rules of the deal take advantage of the greed of humanity. People never have much money, so that once they profit from something, even once, they repeat it. Generally speaking, work is the most honourable, but labour is too heavy. And if you build up raw capital and then start a business for money? Competition is too intense, and anyone who says it's not too hard to start a business, I go a lot harder than work, and there is a huge risk. And if there's an opportunity to make $10,000 a day, even tens of thousands, who doesn't want to try it?


Bitcoin offered this kind of “opportunity” even though it seemed to be a “possibility.” For example, when Bitcoin first became popular, and the country did not have a policy, one of my colleagues’ neighbors took the bait. The man was supposed to be paid 78,000 a month, the woman was paid 45,000 a month, and two had a good life, and one of the three were happy. Then the man found out about Bitcoin, and he thought he was bound to go up and apply for $1,000.


But he doesn't think it's just random data, and he thinks he's got a better hand and a better eye than anyone else. And he's long-standing in his belief that retransmitting Buffett is just a common man's share-playing backlash, and that Obama was a refugee who found talent to be president. So he's got a lot of confidence in himself, thinking he's a billionaire and talking at home. If he makes millions of dollars, he'll probably have a family that sooner or later.

不过显然好运只是暂时的,第三天他就赔掉了一半。小伙一下就变得精神萎靡,冲动易怒起来。通常旁观者会认为就算如此至少还白捡了三万啊,此时退出不就好了吗? 可是小伙不会这样想啊。他会认为:“好不容易我成为了一个日收入7万的高级人士,如今要跌回中产阶层靠工资?那种日子岂能是我这种天之骄子所应该过的?” 于是,他就决定加大投入,挽回损失。结果第四天,不仅把赚的都赔光,而且还倒赔了2万多进去。再后来,整个人就不上班了,放弃了一切扑在电脑上想要翻本,不断从储蓄卡里取钱,直到家徒四壁……

But it's obvious that luck is only temporary, and he loses half of it on the third day. So, the kid gets in a state of discomfort and gets angry. Usually, the bystanders think it's better to quit even if they've collected at least 30,000 dollars for nothing. But the guy doesn't think so. "It's not easy for me to be a high-ranking person who earns 70,000 a day, now falls back to the middle class for his salary.

没有赌博过的人,或没有经历过股灾的人很难理解这种心态,就好像没有吸过毒的人很难理解为什么毒品戒不掉一样。但这的确就是参与投机获利之后人的必然心态。因为来钱容易,所以赢了还想赢,然后随着投机行为的持续,出现亏本的几率必然越来越大。 而假设一开始就输了呢?这时人会一直耿耿于怀,心想:“刚才我买跌,结果它涨了,要是我买涨的话,现在不知翻多少倍了。” 于是越想越生气,必然会再拿钱出来试图把输掉的“赢回来”。

People who haven’t gambled, or who have not experienced equity damage, are hard to understand this mentality, as if those who have not done drugs could not understand why the drug should stop. That’s what happens when they take part in speculation for profit. Because money is easy, they want to win, and then, as speculation continues, their chances of losing will grow.


No trading platform can be a straight-up rise, and there is a high volatility in the price of transactions every day. So, no matter how big a deal goes, people lose money every day. Of course, when a big one rises, the chances are lower, while when a big one falls, the players die. But when they get addicted, it is hard to stop.


Well, it's a hard story, and if you guys feel good about it, let's give it a reward. And by the way, remind your friends not to be involved in this kind of speculation, it's Jed.

今日平说 | 独家原创 侵权必究 转载需注明

Today Ping says,,


From Cyber Easy: Comrade Zhou Xiaoping




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