
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:49 评论:0
  在食品追溯系统中,一般会关心下面几个问题:In the food retroactive system, the following issues are generally taken into account:   1、原产地溯源...



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In the food retroactive system, the following issues are generally taken into account:


1. Retroactivity of origin, prevention of counterfeiting, typical of high-quality white wine, importation of wine, etc.


2. Discovered food items can be recalled quickly and in a timely manner.


3. Supply chain visualization and, by sharing data, is readily available to know which link in the supply chain is currently in place to enhance efficiency.


In the last two years, with the heat of block chain technology, the use of block chain technology for food was given retroactive attention because of the tampering of block chains and the characteristics of real-time data sharing. For example, in July 2017, Wal-Mart, Kyung-dong, IBM, and Qinghua Universities formed a block chain alliance to improve traceability and transparency in China’s food supply chain.


According to Wal-Mart, the results of the pilot project have been satisfactory so far. Early tests in the United States and China show that block-chain technology can successfully track the flow of food from suppliers to retailers, as well as final consumers.


Difference between the use of block chains and the use of traditional techniques to achieve food traceability


There is no difference between the front end and the data collection. The main difference is at the back end. The essence of the block chain from the operational level is decentralisation, and the essence at the technical level is dedatamacization.

  传统的三层架构应用一般就是实现UI的客户端,实现业务逻辑的业务层,和存储数据的数据库层。并不断演进,如客户端从字符终端到GUI图形界面到Web浏览器到如今的移动终端。业务逻辑的实现也从开始的Tuxedo服务,J2EE的EJB,Servlet到Web service,Java Bean,REST等,但后端的数据库一直没有变化。近几年,随着并发访问的增大和改善用户体验的需要,对响应时间要求越来越高。增加了缓存层(采用memcache,Redis,Coherence等)。

The traditional three-tier architecture application is typically to achieve the UI client, the business layer for business logic, and the database layer for storing data. It evolves from the character terminal to the GUI GUI interface to the Web browser to the mobile terminal today. The business logic is also realized from the start-up Tuxedo service, J2EE EJB, Servlet to Web Service, Java Bean, REST, etc., but the back-end database has not changed. In recent years, response times have become more demanding as the user experience needs to be increased and improved.

  区块链应用同传统应用不一样的地方是它把数据保存在账本中。通过智能合约(智能合约听起来很高大上,但其实就是一段代码,它实现的功能类似传统应用中的EJB,Servlet,Web service, Java Bean等,也就是实现业务逻辑)对账本进行读写操作。而账本是一个Key-value的状态库加区块链,区块链对应的是文件,以追加的方式写入,不可更改。如下图为Hyperledger Fabric中的账本逻辑示意图:

Block chain applications differ from traditional applications in that they save data in a book. The book is read and written through a smart contract (intelligent contracts sound great, but they are actually a code that performs functions similar to those of EJB, Servlet, Webservice, Java Bean and others in the traditional application, i.e. business logic). The account book is a Key-value state library plus block chain, which corresponds to a file, which is written in an additional and unalterable manner. The following is a logical illustration of the ledger in Hyperledger Fabric:

  如上图所示,账本Ledger主要包含两块:blockchain和state。blockchain就是一系列连在一起的block,用来记录历史交易。state对应账本的当前新状态,它是一个key-value数据库,Fabric默认采用Level DB, 可以替换成其他的Key-value数据库,如Couch DB。举个例子。我们采用区块链实现一个弹珠交易的系统。我们开发了一个智能合约, 每个弹珠有以下几个属性:Name, owner, color, size. 可以定义一个JSON对象,用name做KEY, JSON对象做Value,存储在Level DB或者Couch DB中。所以区块链应用一般采用JSON数据格式,并直接存储在key-value数据库和区块链中。这样就省去了传统应用做O/R Mapping的工作。

As shown in the figure above, the account book Ledger consists mainly of two pieces: Blockchai and State. Blockchai is a series of blocks that are linked to record historical transactions. The state of the current state of the state of the state of the state-record accounts, which is a Key-value database, which Fabric defaults to use as Level DB, which can be replaced with other Key-value databases, such as the Cooch DB. So, for example, we use block chains to achieve a system of marble trading. We develop a smart contract with the following attributes for each marble: name, owner, color, size.  we can define a JSON object and use its name for KEY, JSON objects to do Value, which can be stored in Level DB or Couch DB. So the sector chain is generally based on JSON data formats and stored directly in the key-value database and block chains.


From the point of view of the deployment structure, the distinction between block chains and traditional applications is illustrated below, where the application server layer of the traditional application is easily expanded, but the data layer is more difficult. The block chain is to deploy the application (smart contract) and the data (book) distribution at each node.


So, in this case, how do we guarantee the atomic operation and consistency of the data? We know that the database guarantees the atomic operation and consistency of the data through a chain of locks, events, etc. The block chain guarantees the consistency of the data through a consensus mechanism.


A grain based on block chain technology retroactive to DEMO


In Oracle, on the block-chain cloud service BCS, we made a DeMO, which uses block-chain technology to trace food, which is described below:


Business scene


As shown in the figure below, through block chain technology, information on agricultural pastures, information on food factories, merchandise information, information on supermarkets, monitoring and inspection information on regulators can be shared among these different organizations, and consumers can access this information in real time and trace it. Of course, information on origin certification, organic food certification, production permits, etc. can also be placed in a network of block chains, using characteristics that cannot be tampered with.


Actual realization


As shown in the figure below, we use the Oracle block chain cloud service BCS at the back end, and the Oracle open-source framework JET at the front end achieves a block chain food retroactive DEMO. Smart contracts in front JET are deployed on the BCS backend via REST. Smart contracts are developed in Go languages and deployed on the BCS.


Summaries of Strengths


Retroactivity of food based on block chain technology has the following advantages:


In short, the data from the block chain cannot be tampered with and the data can be synchronized in real time and are well suited for various retroactive applications.

  NBT将物联网大数据打造成流转的数字资产。利用区块链不可篡改,去中心化的机制,将实物资产登记备案,以数字资产形式表征和度量链上的数字化经济活动。通过智能合约(Smart Contract)的方式保证贡献信息的用户都能获得NBT奖励,从而带动用户使用更多硬件设备参与区块链同步记账,终形成增加用户及设备、提高NBT流通效率、提升NBT价值的正向循环模式。

The NBT creates digital assets that flow through large data grids. Using blocks chains that cannot be tampered with, de-centralized mechanisms, physical assets are registered and digitized economic activities are presented and measured in digital asset form. Through smart contracts (Smart Contracting), users of information are guaranteed an NBT reward, thereby enabling users to use more hardware equipment to participate in block chain synchronizations, resulting in a positive circular model that increases users and equipment, improves the efficiency of NBT flows and enhances the value of NBTs.





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