
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:40 评论:0
  韭菜是什么?现实生活中,韭菜就只是简简单单的一种蔬菜,但是在股市、币圈,韭菜则是一种状态。号称韭菜和被称为韭菜的人很多,但真正达到一个韭菜标准的人很少。被称为韭菜是容易的,而做到一个韭菜是困难的。What is a pickle? In...



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What is a pickle? In real life, a pickle is a simple vegetable, but in stock markets and coins, a pickle is a state. There are many people who call it a pickle, but very few who really meet a pickle standard. It is easy to call a pickle, and it is difficult to make a pickle.

? ? ? ? 本文千氪财经专栏作者作为一个一阶一阶进击的韭菜,为大家整理了韭菜的几大段位,韭菜们,来来来~~~都看看自己现在是什么段位了!

♪ Here's a thousand kryptonium financial column author who, as a first- and first-ranked dish, has prepared a few large bits of pickles, pickles, come and see what he's got!


first stage of pickle: scrap iron bit


When you entered the market, you only had a general idea of what was in the market, but you didn't know much about how to make money, and you didn't have any idea what to buy.


Your deal is based on a variety of comments, or on a friend's advice, and you always think they're all right. And you're keen to make short lines, even futures, and you're eager to make quick money, but you're desperate to make some money, you're afraid to make some money, you're in a hurry, you're in a bad mood, you're in a bad mood, you're in a bad mood, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money, you're out of money.


Vegetable Phase II: Bronze Sector


You're starting to know what the projects are, what the main forces are, what the teams are, what they're looking at, what they're looking at, what they're looking at, what they're looking at, what they're looking at, what they're going into and out of. And you know some technical indicators, like MACD, KDJ, RSI. Sometimes they're perfect, sometimes they're not.


You also care about basics. What kind of regulation is it today? Which currency goes to Korea for an exchange? Always the first time online.


Vegetables Phase III: Silver sector


You've been trading in the market for a while, and it's not working very well, especially when you meet a bear market. You're starting to feel like it's really hard to make money in this market, and you're anxious to turn it around, but you don't know what to do.

  你看了一些关于交易的书,跟踪了一些大V和高手,可你觉得他们说的是一回事, 拿到这个市场中实际操作又不是那么回事。你觉得还是指标不够精确,于是你试着调整参数,可它们仍然是有时准有时不准。

You read some books about the deal, followed some big V and some good guys, but you think they're talking about one thing, and it's not like getting an actual operation in this market. And you think the indicators are not precise enough, so you try to adjust the parameters, but they're still, you know, sometimes they're not.

  所以,你开始上行情一类的网站APP,希望得到高手指导。可他们也是有时准有时不准。 某个老师不错,U神也行,李老师也不错,有时候牛得翻起,但好像又都不咋地,有时候是渣渣,有时候是渣渣渣……

So, you're starting to go to a sex site, APP, hoping to get a master's guide. But they're also sometimes and sometimes they're not. Some teacher is good, U God is good, Mr. Lee is good, sometimes the cow has to turn up, but sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's bad.


Vegetable Phase IV: Gold sector

  你有过大亏的经历了,被腰斩了好几回,你知道要在这个市场上生存不能听信那些个评论,再厉害的老师也只能作为参考,你开始感觉到市场可能不可预测,美国证监会主席说了也不算,币安的赵啥更加是个屌~ V神也得拉稀,BM也TM扯小鸡鸡……

You've been through a lot, you've been cut off a few times, you know you can't listen to those comments to survive in this market, and you've got a good teacher to use as a reference, and you're starting to feel that the market might be unpredictable.


So you began to think about systematic learning, and you read all the books you could find, hoping to find a way to win over the market. You also learned wave theory, Jiangan's laws, chaos theory, and so on. And you know that you're going to do well, and you're going to lose.


But you don't know how to determine where to stop the damage. You think it's too hard to know exactly when the market is going to turn. You don't believe that people in this market can make money, because smart as you think they can't make money in the face of the market.


Vegetable phase V: platinum segment


You're beginning to understand that there must be a trading system to make money in this market. But you don't know exactly what the trading system includes. You're trying to understand everything in this market, including the project side, the investor side, trying to learn the simple techniques of block chains, reading the white paper.


You try to group a few indicators into your system, so you can level the signals they provide. But they often clash with each other, so you don't know which one to believe at the moment. You try to make a long deal, but sometimes you don't know whether it's going back or back. You try to make a short line, three or five hundred dollars a day, and a lot a year. But the key is that you often earn 300 today, but you lose 500 tomorrow. Your bill is still a loss, and it's even a serious lockup.


You think it's too fucking hard to make a digital currency, and if you can't, you think about cleaning up and leaving.


Class VI: Diamond sector


You're starting to see and wear currency rings, chains, all kinds of traps, patterns.


You start to have your own trading system, you know you just have to be disciplined, and in the long run, you should be able to make money. You start thinking about the probability, every time you get in, you know the risk and the pay ratio. Wrong, you stop the damage, you start to get the profit list.


Your bills are made at a time of loss, and your profits and losses are almost equal. Sometimes you can deal with your own system, sometimes you can't. But you start to believe that someone in this market can make money. You start to be able to make a good list, and at that point you're entitled to start a circle of your own, and you can share and interact with everyone.


Vegetables Phase VII: Glorious Divisions


You're starting to make a steady profit, you have a whole set of trading systems. You've solved the problems of the trade theory, you're starting to have your own trade philosophy. You don't care about technical things, you know, if you're right, you can make a steady profit even with a simple mobile average.


You know which are the key points, and you can walk in, and you can't see what's going on. One day, you may earn 500 and 300, but you can do it right, and you know that the loss will come back sooner or later. Your mind is generally calm, but there will be some ups and downs in the face of occasional volatility, especially when there is a single moment. You start trying to ignore the ups and downs and not lose or lose on the short lines.


You're beginning to understand that a deal is a lifetime thing, you can't expect to make a lifetime of money, you can only make a lifetime of money. You know, maybe your life doesn't carry so much wealth. So you slowly start touching the nature and core of the deal.


Vegetable Phase 8: The King's Place


At this point, making money is common to you, like a driver driving a car, stopping with red lights, green lights. The deal is completely unconscious to you, one million dollars in an instant, one million dollars in an instant, and it doesn't matter to you anymore.


You don't have to worry about making money or paying for it. You just intuitively think that this place should be bought, that you'll listen to everyone's thoughts and opinions, but you'll never trust a man blindly.


If you have to trust someone, it's yourself, and you don't need to define exactly where the damage stops and calculate the ratio of risk and loss with a pen or a calculator. You don't care if the big V is a platform, or if the V God is crazy. You don't care, because it's basically useless for you. You know when to do the right thing.


You're starting to get into a deep sense of self-trading -- unconscious trading. Do the right thing.


Vegetable Phase IX: Vegetable Seal


At a time when you know the world economic situation, the currency circle, the chain of events, and all sorts of insiders, you can anticipate the next round of economic trends. You trade only a few times a year, maybe a dollar for a few years. Most of the time you're fishing in golf or on a small island in the Pacific, you may start studying how to issue a currency.


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