慎入野鸡交易所,“币虎BTB”操纵三大资金盘狂割韭菜! 在币圈,交易所可以说是遍地开花的存在,而在诈骗项目充斥的当下,各种花式圈钱的野鸡交易所也是层出不穷,币虎(BTB)交易所...

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:44 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 链条比特财经,(https://xueqiu.com/5173135863/136878926)在币圈,交易所可以说是遍地开花的存在,而在诈骗项目充斥的当下,各种花式圈钱的野鸡交易所也是层出不穷,币虎(BTB)交易...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 链条比特财经,(https://xueqiu.com/5173135863/136878926)


In the currency ring, the exchange can be said to exist everywhere, while at a time of widespread fraud, the ceremonial troupe exchange of pheasant money is also a stupendous one, and the BTB exchange extremes the cutting of cabbage.


Three funding streams, one ring


The misappropriation of the user's assets has been followed by direct and unlimited currency manipulation, with the black-hearted exchange of currency acting for the frenzied cutting of vegetables through the manipulation of the “three money trays”.


1. The sickle has now appeared as a “miner legend” .


First, the legend of the miners, officially authorized by the currency tiger, launched a mining game at the beginning of this year. With the exchange endorsements behind it, coupled with strong promotions, the development went well. The model is simple, the gold standard, the currency is kept, and there is nothing special about it.


The USDT, which is deposited in an variable value, can produce BHEC (the currency slot currency), with a daily gain of 0.82%, a monthly gain of 25%, an annual gain of 300%, and a daily gain of 0.82%/year three times. As with most money-saving plates, it takes almost four months for a static return, and eight generations for a direct push.


But in June this year, the legend of the miners was suddenly suspended, what does that mean? It means that the first wave of investors entering at the earliest is likely to come back, and, if they did, almost none of them at the time of the suspension, and later on, even more likely, to be locked to death.


But why is the legend of the miners suddenly suspended? The outside world is the result of disagreements between the community and the legends of the miners over the distribution of the proceeds, which is a beautiful thing. The legend of the miners is a pool of money in itself, and the funds are cyclical, and it is clear that the plate cycle has arrived and the bubbles are too big to stop.


In order to eliminate the bubbles generated by the legends of miners, the currency tigers have moved to another stage, the infamous “Mars Project”, which was launched directly by the currency tiger, and which is not official, making it clear that they are on the stage.


2. Reinforcing the Mars Plan


The Mars project, which is a classic alternative to the legend of miners and has a good way to play, not only eliminates the bubbles created by the legends of miners, but also forcibly transfers users to secure them.


Of the three funding packages launched by the currency tiger, the legend of Mars has been rated as the most shameful, even if compared to the many projects in the world.


The Mars plan, which is a trap from the moment of entry, requires BTB's platform currency, BHEC, to be charged to the Martian wallet, and then gives you interest, static monthly rate of 6 to 8 per cent.


The practice of round money, like the legends of miners, has attracted a large number of investors to bankroll BHEC through surge effects and intensive promotion.


Thus, on 12 July, when BHEC was on the line, it broke by $14, barely half a month, and on 3 August, when the currency price was dramatically reversed, falling to $6.6 and beheading 60 per cent, which, needless to say, was a smash.


And the official answer is: Disconnected Disruption. You know, the users of the Mars project can't bring BHEC to the exchange, and how do they get what they call a user crash?


Indeed, as early as July, the coin tiger suspended the BHEC for upgrading the main network. It was only then that the announcement was deleted in vain.


First the gold, then the main network is upgraded, then it's stuck in the cash, and it hits the harvest quickly. The Mars project, for the record, is a wallet. This time, it's a complete harvest, from investors to leaders.


"BEC Super Node" .


The Martian project was naturally suspended by the coin tiger after the beheading. And in order to maintain stability, a so-called subsidy scheme, the third, the BEC super-node, was created.


The nauseous point is that when the original BHEC was upgraded to the main network, 1:25 forced BEC and BHEC went straight to zero. And the coin tiger took advantage of the Mars program, turned his back, and deleted all the announcements about the Mars program in order to get out of the relationship, and in short, he died refusing to recognize it as having anything to do with the Mars project.


The BEC supernode, which is a currency-reposit model, is a new pool of funds. It's just a bit different from the previous miners' legend, the Mars scheme, where the money needs to be set aside and the principal can only be taken when it's due, but it's not certain that the BEC will still be there.


From the legends of the miners to the Mars project to the BEC Super Node for money, the coin tigers use a ring of ropes with no lower limit for florist cutting.


If you want money, IEO's a good way to go.


And do you think that a tiger can only go around money through a money plate? No, anything can be a sickle if he wants to cut his groceries.


Just a few days ago, the two IEO projects published by the currency tiger were also exposed to cutting vegetables. The IEO's first official use of the air project to pull dishes 15 times, setting up a trap to attract pickles, and the fast harvest of the IEO's second phase was a set-up.


The second phase of the IEO project, even without the knowledge of the project party, took a wave of purchases almost 17 hours before it was self-published, and before it started, some people had already bought them and, at one point, the users began to panic.


As a result, the project leader, Leschain, had to issue a circular stating that he had never authorized the Chinese project, nor had he planned to conduct IEOs around the world. The announcement was withdrawn shortly after, according to the insiders, that Lisschain and Leschain had agreed to do more together.


In a series of operations, investors were completely irritated and began to claim their rights, vowing to seek advice, and when they found a customer service consultation, they simply responded to the words “hello” and “market factors” and ignored them.


At the same time, the founders of the world’s currency tigers have been made false, unable to find anyone at all, and have no head even on the official network. The LESS project’s research and development founders, CEOs, COOs, and CTOs, published on the official network and in the white paper, are all fakes, almost all of which come from cyber-piracy, and have not even changed their graphic background.


In response to the IEO incident, there has been no response or explanation, and the person in charge is a mystery.


Behind all the ceremonial cuttings is the blood and tears of countless chords, and as an indispensable link in the monetary ring — an exchange that, if ill-intentioned, is no different from a harvester at the top of the food chain, a group of investors can only be the fish to be slaughtered on the boards of the secondary market.


It's just a matter of time and time to run.






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