After the concept was introduced in 2008, the value of Bitcoin became increasingly high, while the total number of bitcoin would be permanently limited to about 21 million, with “ halving by four years & & rdquao; the status quo, referring to halving bitcoin, many people did not understand how bitcoin would be halved, and why bitcoin would be halved, and the editor would brief you.
比特币减半又可称为比特币区块奖励减半,是指产出新区块后所获得的奖励大约每隔四年减半一次。这意味着减产后,每挖出一个区块,其对应的比特币奖励都只有减半前的奖励的一半。比特币在2009年问世后,区块奖励为50个比特币,根据出块速度,大约每4年奖励减半一次,最终总量恒定为2100万枚。 目前,比特币已经进行了两次减半,分别发生在2012年11月和2016年7月。第三次比特币减半时间预计将发生在2020年。届时,比特币产量将会由现在的12.5个减半到6.25个。
Halve the bitcoin, which can be called the bitcoin block incentive, is about halving the reward every four years after the production of the new block. This means that for every block to be dug, the bitcoin reward will be only half of the pre-half incentive. After Bitcoin was born in 2009, the block reward would be 50 bitcoins, roughly halved every four years, depending on the speed of output, with a total of 21 million.
As the founder of the virtual digital currency, Bitcoin was born with a rule that established the Bitcoin system, while miners gave incentives that were halved when block transactions were completed. The rules are as follows:
After learning that bitcoin is halved for every 210,000 blocks of trade, let's make a score:
According to the rule of halving total production by half every four years, this decline is very rapid. In fact, even more bitcoins have been produced from the birth of bitcoin to the present.
The underlying reason is demand-supply considerations.
Imagine the extreme: if large amounts of bitcoins were produced in a short period of time without restriction, that bitcoins would inevitably be rendered worthless by excessive circulation.
At the economic level, it's like printing money, printing it up and down, making money less valuable and more expensive. The same is true for bitcoin, which is an incentive to pack blocks for miners, and cannot be rewarded indefinitely, with a constant total of 21 million, half of every four years for miners, and until 21 million bitcoins are dug up, so that they do not continue to reward the new coins.
Bitcoin was so designed to control inflation.
1. 第一次减半:2012年11月28日
1. First halving: 28 November 2012
It took about 513 days for Bitcoin to rebound from the bottom of $2.01 to the top of the market cycle of $270.94, an increase of more than 13,000 per cent.
For the first time, the halving of Bitcoin was a key catalyst, driving significant growth in Bitcoin and opening a new cattle cycle.
When Bitcoin prices fell to a peak of US$ 270.94, the bear market began in 2013 and the price of Bitcoin fell by 80%. The bear market continued for about 87 days.
2. 第二次减半:2016年7月10日
2. Second halving: 10 July 2016
Bitcoin rebounded from the bottom of $164.01 to the top of the market cycle of $2074 for 1,068 days, an increase of over 12,000 per cent.
After a peak of $2074, Bitcoin entered the Cove for 51 weeks and hit the bottom in mid-December 2018.
After comparing the two parts, we came to the key conclusion:
3. 第三次减半:时间暂定
3. Third reduction by half: tentative time
1. According to statistical returns, the performance of the encoded currency that experienced the halving event was not better than that of the miner before and in the months that followed.
2. Based on regression analysis, the distribution of proceeds of an encrypted asset before and after halving is the same as the distribution of proceeds at other times and is highly visible, and there is no evidence that changes in the dynamics of supply and demand have led to abnormal pricing behaviour.
LTC performed better than the market in the months leading up to two halves, but after the first halve, performance fell to the bottom of 25 per cent.
4. BTC的表现与LTC完全相反,在减半前相对于市场整体的表现较差,减半后则有着优于市场的表现。
The performance of BTC is exactly the opposite of that of LTC, which performed less than the market as a whole before being halved and, after being halved, better than the market.
The cost of profit-and-loss balance changes dramatically by half. The cost of profit-and-loss balance is that the miner’s normal operation does not generate enough revenue to cover the cost of electricity consumed by the mine, and it is understood that the cost of digging or closing down a currency is zero. If the price falls & ldquao; the shut-off price & & rdquao; then the mine will lose.
Overall, halving bitcoin still has a mixed effect on the market, although in any case bitcoin is valuable. After all, the amount of bitcoin is fixed; and, through the process of halving, inflation in bitcoin can be contained.
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