The SEC will hold three talks! More practical and practical policy initiatives will be developed.
Recently, the CSRC held three seminars on dynamic capital markets and confidence-building among investors, each hearing advice from expert scholars and investors, and engaged in an exchange of views on topical issues of market concern. The CVM party secretary, chairman, and vice-chairpersons Li and the CVM's relevant departments held separate meetings. The talks provided suggestions on how to look at the current macroeconomic situation, active capital markets, boost investor confidence, and how to balance capital market financing, introduce more medium- and long-term funds, further regulate stock holdings, increase cash > _blank' href = http://data.eastmoney.com/yjfp/"class="infokey" /span>, optimized trading mechanisms, imposed fines on small and medium-sized investors, and protected the legitimate interests of small and medium-sized investors.
1. 完善资本市场法治供给,加大资本市场防假打假力度,依法严惩欺诈发行、虚假披露、违规减持等违法违规行为。
1. To improve the rule of law in capital markets, to increase the security of capital markets against counterfeiting and to impose severe penalties in accordance with the law for violations of the law, such as the issuance of fraud, false disclosure and reduction in the number of violations.
2. 促进投融资动态平衡,支持民营经济和中小企业发展,稳步扩大资本市场制度型开放,更好促进经济平稳健康运行。
2. Promote a balance in the dynamics of investment finance, support the private economy and small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) development, and steadily expand capital market institutional openness to better contribute to the smooth and healthy functioning of the economy.
3. 当前资本市场风险总体可控,杠杆资金等重点领域风险持续收敛。要树牢底线意识,在发挥好市场自我调节机制作用的同时,坚决防止市场大幅波动。
3. Current capital market risks are generally manageable and key areas of risk, such as leverage finance, continue to shrink. A bottom-line awareness is needed to firmly guard against large market volatility while acting as a mechanism for market self-regulation.
4. 近一段时间以来,证监会综合施策,研究确定了一揽子政策措施,政策效果正在逐步显现。
4. In recent times, the CVM has taken a comprehensive approach, and research has identified a package of policy measures, the effects of which are gradually emerging.
5. 证监会将研究出台更多务实、管用的政策举措,成熟一项、推出一项,切实维护资本市场稳定健康发展。
5. The CVM will look into more practical and practical policy initiatives to mature and roll out one that will effectively safeguard the stable and healthy development of capital markets.
6. 及时倾听广大投资者的心声,及时回应投资者关切,不断完善投资者合法权益保护的长效机制。
6. Listen to a wide range of investors in a timely manner, respond to investors'concerns in a timely manner and continuously improve the long-standing mechanisms for the protection of investors'legitimate interests.
7. 在资本市场更好服务高水平科技自立自强、中国特色估值体系建设、塑造良好投资文化等方面加强研究,及时就市场关切的重点热点问题解疑释惑,共同营造良好的资本市场舆论环境。
7. Strengthened research on better-serving high-level technology self-reliance in capital markets, the development of China's speciality valuation system, and the shaping of a good investment culture. This provided timely answers to market concerns and created a favourable public opinion environment in capital markets.
8. 树立长期投资、价值投资理念,行业机构要敢于、善于逆周期布局,加强专业能力建设,以长期稳定的投资回报赢得广大投资者信任。
8. The concept of long-term investment and value investment requires industry institutions to be bold and pro-cyclical and to strengthen professional capacity-building in order to win the confidence of a wide range of investors with a long-term and stable return on investment.
For more information, see: "Little pounds! The CVM will hold a seminar to develop more policies. These experts, public fund-raising, foreign investment... "
A share is good! Double leverage will release $370 billion in incremental funding.
In recent days, including , “对于投资者而言,在融资保证金比例降低之后,要密切关注自身仓位波动、交易风险并做好风险管控措施。”券商提醒称。中证金融披露的数据显示,截至9月6日,全市场融资余额为1.48万亿元。保证金比例下调后,理论上可释放3700亿增量资金。 “In the case of investors, following a reduction in the ratio of financing bonds, close attention should be paid to their position fluctuations, transaction risks, and risk control measures.” Credible financial disclosure data show a market-wide financing balance of $1.48 trillion as at 6 September. When the ratio of guarantees is reduced, it would theoretically release $370 billion in incremental funds. 网传所有融券10月1日前必须归还?多家券商营业部人士回应 All coupons have to be returned by October 1st? 近期,市场上关于融券T+0策略存在制度套利漏洞的争议持续发酵。最近,网络平台有一些消息称:通知要求,所有融券10月1日前必须归还。每日经济新闻记者就此向中信证券、国泰君安、安信证券等多家券商的营业部人士进行求证。这些人士均表示,截至目前尚未收到这样的通知。一券商人士表示,是否参与融券,这是客户自主选择的行为,证券公司不会主动发布这样的通知来干扰客户的决策。 More recently, there has been a continuing debate in the market over the existence of systemic loopholes in the coupon T+0 strategy. More recently, some news on the web platform says: "Notifications are required, all coupons must be returned by October 1. Daily economic journalists to 值得注意的是,9月7日下午,上市公司指南针公告称,近日收到公司控股股东广州展新出具的《关于提前终止转融通证券出借业务的告知函》。广州展新参与转融通证券出借业务计划原定于2024年3月4日到期,现该公司决定于2023年9月7日提前终止参与转融通证券出借业务。 It is worth noting that, in the afternoon of 7 September, the listed company 事关元宇宙,五部门发文! It's about the Won-Cosmos. 9月8日消息,工业和信息化部办公厅、教育部办公厅、文化和旅游部办公厅、国务院国资委办公厅、广电总局办公厅印发《元宇宙产业创新发展三年行动计划(2023-2025年)》。其中提出,到2025年,元宇宙技术、产业、应用、治理等取得突破,成为数字经济重要增长极,产业规模壮大、布局合理、技术体系完善,产业技术基础支撑能力进一步夯实,综合实力达到世界先进水平。培育3—5家有全球影响力的生态型企业和一批专精特新中小企业,打造3—5个产业发展集聚区。工业元宇宙发展初见成效,打造一批典型应用,形成一批标杆产线、工厂、园区。元宇宙典型软硬件产品实现规模应用,在生活消费和公共服务等领域形成一批新业务、新模式、新业态。 News of 8 September, Office of the Ministry of Industry and Informatization, 长期看,元宇宙关键核心技术实现重大突破,形成全球领先的元宇宙产业生态体系。打造成熟的工业元宇宙,开拓虚实互促的制造业增长新模式。建成泛在、通用、无感的元宇宙空间,推动实现人类生产生活方式的整体跃升。形成安全高效的元宇宙治理体系,营造健康可持续的产业发展环境。 In the long term, the key core technology of the meta-cosmos has made a major breakthrough in shaping the world’s leading meta-cosmos industry ecosystem. Create a mature industrial universe, opening up a new model of productive growth that is artificial and mutually reinforcing. 华为、苹果双双举行新品发布会 苹果将于美东时间9月12日召开新闻发布会。届时预计将公布新款iPhone。此次活动的亮点将是iPhone15系列,其中包括两个入门级机型和两个高端机型。入门版可能定名为iPhone15和15Plus,预计去年Pro型号的一些功能会在入门版中体现,比如A16芯片、灵动岛界面和48兆像素后置摄像头,但是当前的设计不会改动。 华为宣布将于9月14日在西班牙巴塞罗那举行发布会,届时将推出新款可穿戴设备。据推测,此次发布的新品可能是华为Watch GT4系列。 China announced that it would hold a launch in Barcelona, Spain, on 14 September, at which time it would launch a new device to wear. It is assumed that the new release could be the Watch GT4 series. 8月经济数据将公布 Economic data will be published in August 9月15日,国家统计局将公布8月工业增加值、固定资产投资、社会消费品零售总额等经济数据。此外,本周还将公布8月M2、新增贷款、社会融资规模等金融数据。 On 15 September, the National Statistical Office will publish the value added of the industry in August , 点评:华创证券预计8月工业增加值同比增速为4.5%。去库持续趋缓以及极端天气影响消退之后,8月生产出现明显的积极变化。从制造业PMI数据来看,生产增长加快。8月生产指数为51.9%,较上月上升1.7个百分点。同时,该机构预计8月社零同比为4%。回升动能来自出行继续改善、汽车新一轮促销下销售回升。预计1-8月固定资产投资累计同比为3.5%。 remarks: Chinese securities are expected to increase industrial value in August by 4.5 per cent on a year-on-year basis. Production growth accelerated in August, as shown by the continuing slowdown in banks and the retreating effects of extreme weather events. The production index in August was 51.9 per cent, an increase of 1.7 percentage points from the previous month. At the same time, the agency expected the rise in August to be no more than 4 per cent. 美股小幅上涨,热门中概股多数下跌 There's a small rise in the United States stock, and most of the hot stock falls. 美股三大指数小幅上涨,截至上周五收盘,道数收涨0.22%;纳指收涨0.09%;标普500指数收涨0.14%。大型科技股涨跌互现,微软涨超1%,谷歌、亚马逊、苹果小幅上涨;特斯拉、英伟达跌超1%,奈飞、Meta小幅下跌。“越南特斯拉”VinFast跌近5%,日线八连跌,较上周高点跌超80%,当前市值不足400亿美元。 Three major indices of the US share increased slightly by 0.22 per cent as of last Friday, and 0.09 per cent as of Friday; and 500 indexes increased by 0.14 per cent. Large science and technology shares increased by 1 per cent, 热门中概股多数下跌,纳斯达克中国金龙指数收跌0.52%,上周累计下跌超7%。哔哩哔哩跌超5%,爱奇艺跌逾2%,百度、贝壳、拼多多跌超1%;瑞幸咖啡粉单跌超6%。 Most drops in 证监会同意2家公司IPO注册 The SEC agreed to register two companies, IPO. 证监会同意1家企业主板IPO注册。证监会同意上海锦江航运(集团)股份有限公司沪市主板首次公开发行股票注册。 The CSRC agrees to the registration of a company’s headboard, IPO. 证监会同意1家企业创业板IPO注册。证监会同意深圳市核达中远通电源技术股份有限公司创业板首次公开发行股票注册。 The CSRC agrees to register a business start-up board. 提示:本周共有4只新股申购 N.B. This week there are four new stock requisitions 本周(9月11日~9月15日)共有4只新股申购。具体来看,周一2只:中研股份、飞南资源;周四2只:恒兴新材、万邦医药。 This week (11 September-15 September) there were 4 requisitions 本周超750亿市值限售股解禁,华大智造解禁市值达126.6亿 数据显示,本周(9月11日~9月15日)共有77家公司限售股陆续解禁,合计解禁量35.26亿股,按9月8日收盘价计算,解禁市值为751.06亿元。 According to the data, a total of 77 companies have renewed their sales restrictions this week (11 September-15 September), with a total of 3,526 million shares released and a market value of 7,5106 million won at the collection price on 8 September. 从解禁市值来看,解禁市值居前三位的是:华大智造(126.64亿元)、森麒麟(102.11亿元)、立昂微(58.73亿元)。 In terms of the market value of the ban, the top three are: 从解禁占比来看,解禁占比居前三位的是:盛德鑫泰(73.5%)、万胜智能(71.82%)、豪悦护理(66.2%)。 From the de-occupation ratio, the first three are: (文章来源:券商中国)
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