比特币跌上热搜、“币圈茅台”快跌没了 虚拟币炒作一地鸡毛背后

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:47 评论:0



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On 12 May Beijing time, Bitcoin experienced a round of collapse, with trade prices falling by $270 million from the previous day's high point of approximately $32,000 per square metre, reaching a new low of $1,800 since December 2020, and a new decline in the Tahrir since July 2021, which, over a long period of time, has already fallen by more than 50 per cent over the past six months.


In addition to this, Luna, known as the “low currency ring”, was bled and disturbed by the virtual currency market, where prices fell at a point close to one cent, while at the beginning of April, the Lunan dollar had reached a historic high of $119.


Analysis suggests that the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates to put encrypt currency pressure, while the current round falls or falls in a stable currency pegged to the United States dollar.


The collapse of the virtual currency augurs well for the risks in the relevant areas. Last year to date, we have also repeatedly fought against virtual currency mining, virtual currency trading and so on. In July last year, the Ministry of Operations Management of the People's Bank issued an announcement reminding consumers of the need to increase risk awareness, develop sound investment concepts, refrain from engaging in virtual currency trading campaigns, not blindly follow the speculation associated with virtual currency, and guard against the erosion of personal property and interests.


The virtual currency of


Recently, as a result of the Fed's interest hikes, Bitcoin fell into a new cycle, and yesterday, Bitcoin prices fell from $32,000 per plate at its high point on 11 May to less than $27,000.


In fact, the prices of virtual currency transactions, such as Bitcoin, have remained low since our fight against virtual currency mining and trading, and data show that the prices of the Bitcoin transactions have fallen by 34.02 per cent in the past year and by 52.65 per cent in the past six months.


Even worse than the bitcoin, Luna is now close to one cent after a sharp drop of nearly 100 per cent, whereas, according to Coingecko, Luna's trade price reached a high of $119.5, with a maximum market value of $41 billion on 5 April.


It is understood that Luna is the original PoS pledge in the Terra chain, while Terra is a network of blocks created using CosmosSDK to create a stable currency. Luna’s prices will have a direct impact on the safety of the chain, meaning that the higher the Luna price, the higher the economic value to be safely carried in the Terra chain.


The largest algorithm for stabilizing the currency in the Terra chain is the UST, which, as an algorithm, stabilizes the currency and maintains the peg to the United States dollar through a chain of casting and destruction mechanisms, which, theoretically, should ensure that traders can always replace the USST, which is worth US$ 1, with Luna, which is a “shock absorber” of US$ 1 price fluctuations.


However, from the end of last weekend, UST began to fall sharply, and on 11 May it fell to a record low of 26 cents per piece. As of noon today, UST has fallen to less than 13 cents, well below the projected $1 peg rate.


According to the third-party data service provider bcoin, as at 1200 hours on 10 May, over the past 24 hours, 2,713,000 people worldwide had exploded in a warehouse of $970 million, of which $262 million had exploded in Bitcoin and $220 million in Taiku.


The co-director of the Center for Research in Digital Economy and Financial Innovation of the United Business School of Zhejiang University, the researcher and Lin, told shell finance reporters that Bitcoin had come to a real test when the Fed entered the interest-added cycle.



The continued decline in virtual currency prices since last year has also caused Tesla to lose significantly on the relevant investments. According to Tesla's 10-K submission to the SEC, during the year up to 31 December 2021, approximately $101 million in impairment losses were recorded as a result of changes in the book value of the company's Bitcoins, and the fair market value of the company's holdings of such numerical assets was $1.99 billion as at 31 December 2021.


In 2021, the United States dollar spent $100 million on the purchase of encrypted currencies, which, according to the financial report, amounted to $397 million as of 2021. However, the value of this year’s winding-up gains or losses has not yet been revealed.


The sharp fall in the virtual currency of this round has even affected the finances of some countries.


Today, journalists note the statement made on Twitter by President Bucley of El Salvador that, since becoming the first Government in the world to make bitcoin the legal currency in September last year, his Government had spent some $105 million on purchasing bitcoins, but that, since the first purchase, bitcoins had fallen by 45 per cent, bringing the value of the 2301 bitcoins held by El Salvador to some $66 million, and that the accumulated loss now amounted to some $40 million, which was higher than the interest paid on the country's next external debt, which was known to be approximately $38.25 million on 15 June.



Since May last year, my government has issued successive documents alerting consumers to the risks of virtual currency transactions and to the fight against virtual currency mining. Since then, many mining sites have been cut off, and key words such as “money security” and “marine money” have been blocked.


The Chief Researcher of the China-Koji Village Internet Finance Institute, Dong Shijun, had previously stated to journalists that, because of the highly anonymous nature of virtual money and its decentralized distribution, it had become a vehicle for criminal offences such as money-laundering, drug trafficking, smuggling, illegal collection of funds, and that transactions were not protected by law, but had also touched the legal bottom and red line.


But the reality is that bitcoin fell when the dollar appreciated and fell even worse than the stock market, which shows that bitcoin is actually a risky asset. A risky asset is not a global reserve, a currency in circulation, which puts bitcoin’s world monetary belief at risk.


He further analyses that the current virtual currency price campaign will be at its end, with virtual currency entering its downward cycle for the long term. Virtual currency will be further lowered in the future, including head currency such as Bitcoin and Etherpau, and other mounds, private moorings, and financing-dependent virtual currency prices, which are simply stifling.

新京报贝壳财经记者 潘亦纯 编辑 岳彩周 校对 柳宝庆





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