Tesla is New > ; its founder is 公司截止到2020年底的现金及等价物为193.84亿美元,占7.74%。出于职业习惯对于加密货币的会计处理还是比较关注,前期已有过一篇对此会计处理的分析《一文讲透虚拟货币的会计处理》。在此主要关注的是对于15亿美元比特币入账后的后续处理问题。 The company's and its equivalent was $19,384 million, or 7.74%, at the end of 2020. A business habit analysis of encryption Currency Accounting treatment has been more concerned. 其一、15亿比特币对特斯拉后续财务报表的损益的影响 The impact of 1.5 billion bits of it on Tesla follow-up 按以上年报表披露15亿美元的比特币是作为现金多样化并获得最大的回报,并不是作为营运资金的一部分。可以理解为一样中长期的虚拟资产的投资。可以其他资产或者无形资产,主要的问题在于现行的其他资产与无形资产的后续计量都是按历史成本进行确认,并进行减值准备处理并且不能将减值准备进行转回。 Disclosure of $1.5 billion in bitcoins as a part of the operating capital of 如果后续15亿美元购入的比特币投资的价值产生波动,有二种可能,一种公允价值高于15亿美元记入了其他资产或者无形资产在变为现金前无法进行会计处理,如果涨了一倍一样只能按15亿美元记入资产。另一种公允价值跌到15亿美元以下就需要计提减值准备,比如跌了一半就需要计提7.5亿美元的减值准备直接减少当期7.5亿美元的利润,并且如果后续涨到了15亿美元一样无法进行会计处理,就算涨到了30亿美元一样都无进行会计处理,只有变为美元才能处理。基于以上会计处理如果比特币比较大的波动,相信在会计期间内理性的管理层会对此进行现金和比特币的快速转换来达到经济收益与会计收益对公司最有利的结果。比如在涨一倍的情况下变现部分或全部。在跌一半的情况就看公司的具体情况再进行操作,等涨回原价格时再进行出售,让出售当期利润最大化等等。 more than $1.5 billion in other assets or intangible assets could not be accounted for before they became cash and only $1.5 billion in assets if they doubled. Another fair value = 当然,还有一种会计处理的可能性就是作为交易性金融资产,按比特币的公允价值计量,结果是无论比特币的市场价格的波动会计结果上都与出售比特币一致,按公允价值来计量比特币投资。 Of course, there is also the possibility of accounting treatment as a transactional gold product, measured at the fair value of Bitcoin, with the result that regardless of whether Bitcoin's market price fluctuations are consistent with the sale of bitcoin, Bitcoin investments are measured at fair value. 其二、收付比特币购买公司产品和支付货款的会计处理 其他货币资金 As stated in the annual report, the purposes for which Bitcoins are held may differ and may lead to different accounting treatments for the same bitcoin assets. For example, is bitcoins obtained from the sale of products accounted for in the same way as bitcoins purchased for long-term assets? Or is bitcoins from the sale of products a payment currency to be paid directly to suppliers? Question two: exchange rate such as 外币换算带来的会计处理问题一样。如果用比特币结算企业日常收付,公司报表是按美元作为记账本位币,就需要对比特币与美元汇率进行会计处理,是按期初汇率、月平均汇率、还是当日汇率处理?产生的汇率差异记入到哪个会计科目是直接记入收入中还是记入财务费用或者汇总损益中?还是很多不同的会计处理的选择。 Internationally operated enterprises have the same accounting treatment as . If a bitcoin is used to settle the daily payments of an enterprise, the corporate statements are accounted for in United States dollars as
总之,小小比特币带来了不少的会计处理的实务问题需要去解决。并且还带来了不小的思考,如果企业的主要收付都运用了比特币以后,是否可以用比特币作为记账本位币进行会计处理呢? All in all, little bitcoin brings with it a lot of practical problems of accounting to solve. And there's a lot of thinking. If the company's main payment is in bitcoin, 参考文章: References: 《特斯拉+比特币:狂欢派对?》 Tesla + Bitcoin: A party? 《特斯拉购入15亿美元比特币,购车可用比特币......》 Tesla buys $1.5 billion in bitcoin and buys cars for bitcoin...
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