
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:67 评论:0
第一财经从多个信源处独家获悉:比特币交易平台9月底将全线关停。The first account learned from a variety of sources that the Bitcoin trading platform was...



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The first account learned from a variety of sources that the Bitcoin trading platform was shut down completely by the end of September.


On September 14, regulators close to the local Internet Finance Agency told the first financial journalist that the regulatory level had decided on the domestic Bitcoin trading platform: &ldquao; all shut down and recently exited the market. & & rdquao;


The first financial reporter then learned from the Shanghai Financial Office sources that Shanghai had begun issuing & ldquo; oral instructions & rdquo; and closing the trading platform and withdrawing it from the market at the end of September.


For the platform’s stock business, a bitcoin platform person has indicated to the first financial journalist that the regulatory requirement is &ldquao; that the platform and the client agree to resolve &rdquao; and that the above-mentioned close to the regulatory source has also said that the regulatory requirement is fairly and properly addressed, but this time the overall level is much higher.


The announcement made by Bitcoin China in the evening of September 14 supports this information. The official Weibo announced that the Bitcoin China Digital Assets Trading Platform would cease its new user registration from that day, and that the Digital Assets Trading Platform would cease all transactions on September 30, 2017.


The first financial reporter also learned from the Beijing Internet Finance Agency that the relevant platforms within the jurisdiction had been notified. The first financial reporter then interviewed the two Beijing-based Bitcoin trading platforms on the issue.


As at 1900 hours on 14 September, Bitcoin’s Chinese offer showed a fall of more than 20% in Bitcoin and a fall in prices of RMB 20,000. Virtual currency or related investment products other than Bitcoin also suffered a major setback, as did foreign trading platforms.



Virtual money regulatory road map


Bitcoin’s earliest entry into China’s regulatory hierarchy began in 2013. In November of that year, the price of bitcoin rose from $750 to a maximum of $7589 in less than two months, followed by “ high-stage dive & rdquao; and a week later, it fell back to $2,000, with a cumulative fall of 74%.


On 5 December of that year, the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Trade and Communications, the Silver Supervisory Board, the Securities Supervisory Board and the Insurance Supervisory Board jointly issued a Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, which makes it clear that Bitcoin & ldquo is not a real currency, but a virtual commodity & rdquo; it is of a nature to prohibit Chinese banks and payment agencies from directly or indirectly participating in Bitcoin exchange transactions, but that the average Chinese citizen may still trade Bitcoin as a commodity.


However, in 2017, Bitcoin re-opened a new round of booms and busts, with three major trading platforms in China & mdash; & mdash; and Bitcoin China, the Democratic Currency Network, and OKcoin trading at one time reaching 98% of the world’s volume. So it was officially opened from the top of tight surveillance.


On 6 January 2017, the People's Bank's Department of Beijing Camps and the Central Bank's Shanghai headquarters interviewed the head of the country's main Bitcoin trading platform, and then formed a Joint Inspection Unit to conduct an on-site investigation.


On January 18, the Central Bank announced its findings that several major trading platforms had been subject to irregularities of varying degrees. Bitcoin China had problems with over-extended operations, partnering, and third-party non-repository of investors’ funds; OKcoin, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo, and the Congo.


The dramatic rise in virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, has also contributed to the madness of the ICO (the first issue of a token), the successive risk warnings issued by multinational regulators such as the United States Securities Commission and the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and the timely involvement of Chinese regulatory authorities.


On 30 August, the Chinese Internet Finance Association took the lead in issuing risk alerts. On 4 September, seven ministries and departments, including the People's Bank, jointly issued the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Money Issue Financing (hereinafter referred to as the Proclamation), which characterized ICO as an illegal financial activity and suspended all transactions in the country.


Referring to the Virtual Currency, the Proclamation states that no so-called money-financing platform shall engage in legal and currency, “ virtual currency & & rdquo; exchange operations between them, whether for sale or sale as a central counterparty or & & ldquo; virtual currency & & & & & & ldquo; virtual currency & & rdquo; provision of services such as pricing, information intermediation etc.


The Chinese Internet Finance Association issued a risk alert on 13 September, stating that various types of so-called “ currency & rdquo; trading platforms are not legally established in our country. It also stated that so-called & & & & rdquo; virtual currency & & rdquo; are increasingly used as instruments for criminal activities, such as money-laundering, drug trafficking, smuggling, illegal fund-raising, etc. Investors should be vigilant and should immediately report any leads to criminal activity.


Central bank officials have previously stated that the existing Bitcoin trading platform is not an exchange, but a website, a trading platform. In China, local approval is needed if it is characterized as a commodity-type trading platform, and in the case of an exchange, even the State Council.


Now, the guard boots finally landed.


platform to bear the investor's loss


Is the entire Bitcoin trading platform about to be shut down, and does the relevant trading platform need to bear the investor's losses?


Justice Wang Dei of Beijing's truth-seeking law firm stated to the first financial journalist that the Bitcoin trading platform was a service-contractual relationship between the investor, i.e. the website operator provided a trading platform to the investor and set trading rules for transactions between registered investors; the trading platform charged a certain percentage of the handling fee.


In the case of Bitcoin China, the site is operated by the Shanghai Satusi Network Limited. Under the Bitcoin China Services Agreement, the trading platform declared at the time of the investor’s registration that it would not be liable for: “ you know and agree that Bitcoin China would not be liable for any damages resulting from any of the following circumstances, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, etc. or other intangible loss (whether Bitcoin China is informed of the possibility of such damages): any other loss related to Bitcoin’s services in China that is not attributable to Bitcoin. & & rdquao;


Thus, it appears from the registration agreement that at the time of the user's registration, the website states, through the form clause, that the site will not be liable except for damages incurred on account of the website.


The depreciation of the bitcoin held by the investor as a result of the regulatory suspension of the Bitcoin transaction was a policy-induced economic loss, which could only be borne by the investor itself, and the lack of a contractual basis for the investor's claim to the website was difficult to obtain legal support.


In the case of regulatory stoppages, these Bitcoin trading platforms will have to reorient their main business and consider new service models, with some trading platforms likely to be out of the game from now on.


Regulatory attitudes vary from country to country


The attitude of the nations of the world, bitcoin, is not uniform at this time.


As represented by Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and Australia, the attitude of Bitcoin is more liberal; the states of the United States have different attitudes and generally adopt a model of licensing regulation; and Russia has gone through a process of tightening and easing.


Specifically, Japan’s Bitcoin regulation, which is primarily the responsibility of the Japan Financial Services Authority (FSA) and the Bank of Japan (BOJ), has now been legally certified as a legitimate form of payment. On 1 July this year, the Bitcoin transaction eliminated a consumption tax of 8%.


For example, trade platforms are required to scrutinize the details of transactions such as the identity of account holders, the source of funds, and the destination of funds. Even in the United Kingdom, which has the highest degree of acceptance of virtual currencies, such as bitcoin, sandbox regulation (a mechanism that allows financial innovation agencies to test their new products, services, etc.) within a small range of regulatory controls) has clear requirements for consumer protection, anti-money-laundering, taxation, etc.


In April this year, the state passed Act No. 5031, which required the digital currency exchange to apply for license plates, while requiring independent scrutiny by third parties. Other states also followed suit in licensing management. Recently, the CSRC issued risk alerts to possible frauds by the ICO, as well as to some of the listed companies & ldquo; the pull-up & rdquo; and the suspension of stock trading by four of the Bitco’s listed companies.


In an interview with the media recently, the Director of the People’s Bank of China’s Financial Research Institute, Sun Kuo Feng, stated that some of the United States’ experience in financial science and technology regulation, particularly penetrating regulation and functional regulation, was highly relevant to China. As for the regulation of sandboxes, as an international experience, it is not precluded from considering piloting in individual areas, but it is generally not suitable for widespread use in China.




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