Hello, I am your old friend Xiaoji, who, through the first-level market content that has recently been given to you Xip, is now well known about the first-level market, but there are still a lot of smart-minded young people who have recently asked what is the first-level market. How should I participate in the first-level market? Or some friends know what is the first-level market, but they don't know what is good for the first-level market. What is better than the second-tier market?
Let us begin by repeating the first and second-tier markets of the currency circles.
I. What is the market at the currency circle level?
The currency market is divided into two main sections!
(1) Mining
(2) Pre-recognized currency
Let's start with mining. Mining is not new to everyone, buying machines or cards, etc., for mining coins, but mining is targeted, usually at higher prices. There is also a need for specialized mining machines, and of course, cards can be used, depending on later developments in Bitcoin.
We all know that later mining proceeds will continue to go low. We don't have much to say about it!
The second is the pre-purchase of the project currency.
(1) Seed wheels: early rounds of individual or agency-based initial team-building funding
(2)私募轮: 以机构为主待定投资/机构投资额度大价格优惠
(2) Private round-raising: large price discounts on investment levels to be determined, mainly by the institution
(3) Public fund-raising wheels: low level of investment by private, mainly general users
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