
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:79 评论:0
涨疯了!突破5.2万美元一枚,一年时间翻超2倍,比特币价格再次站在2021年的高位,带动加密货币上涨行情。It's crazy! Breaking 52,000 dollars a year, twice the time...



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It's crazy! Breaking 52,000 dollars a year, twice the time, and the Bitcoin price again standing at the top of 2021, driving the encrypt currency up.


Intelligent finance has learned, through APP, that recent encoded currency is hot, with bitcoin being the hottest, rising from its low position at the end of November 2022 (about $154,000) to near its original height, reaching $52,000 on 15 February of this year, up by 238 per cent, while, under Bitcoin-led, the trend of multiple mainstream currencies, such as Tetco and Bit Gold, has doubled.


There are three main reasons for the continued sharp increase in Bitcoin prices: first, the recognition of multi-country and regional recognition, particularly in the United States, where values have been recognized and institutional investment has been attracted, with the first 11 spot bitcoin ETFs approved for listing in the United States in January of this year, while the first bitcoin ETF in Hong Kong is in preparation; secondly, Bitcoins will be halved in April of this year, with incentives reduced from 6.25 to 3.125 in each block, driven by a four-year increase; and thirdly, markets have been recognized and, in a sense of risk, capital markets, such as equity, base and debt markets, are gradually flowing into encrypted currency markets.


It is worth noting that bitcoin price fluctuations bring about a high investment interest in the concept, while the port share of bitcoin does not have much in the concept, including Metto (01357), Yoon-An-Technology (011647), Oco-Yun-Technology (01499), and New Fire Technology (01611), the first three holding encrypted currency, while new fire technology, in addition to holding currency, is the most pure of concepts. Which is the most interesting one?


Bitcoin is strong. Multiple forces drive the cow.


In fact, bitcoin has remained unstopped since its birth, but valueless people have been beaten by bitcoins every year, and now Bitcoins can be held up as precious metals, such as gold, and even as national reserves. With the introduction of bitcoinsETF in the US early last year, regions have followed suit, especially Hong Kong, to allow the diaspora to participate in the investment of encrypted currency markets.

机构活跃参与是比特币价格的最大推手,根据数据显示,在美国批准的10多只现货比特币ETF,包括来自贝莱德、方舟投资(Ark Investments)、21Shares 、富达、景顺、VanEck等11家资管机构的产品。新推出的现货比特币ETF持续吸引资金流入,这也为加密货币市场带来巨额的增量资金。

The agency’s active involvement is the biggest push for bitcoin prices. According to data, more than 10 spot bitcoin ETFs have been approved in the United States, including products from 11 financial institutions such as Belet, Ark Investments, 21Shares, Fuda, Gyeong-soon, and Van Eck.


Overseas policies, investment agencies, and wholesaler tradables are tilting toward an encrypted currency market, and the impact of mining by half makes it difficult for bitcoins to keep up with cattle. Indeed, by 2020, bitcoins were halved, creating more than 10 times the rate of return, and by 2024 they are now halved, leaving room for imagination.


But, in the short and medium term, a favourable investment climate abroad is creating an encoded currency’s cattle market, which keeps Bitcoin on the rise. For the Hong Kong stock market, there will also be a connection, and confidence in the Hong Kong stock will be restored. The Bitcoin concept follows the same price of Bitcoin, capital inflows are clear, and the digital currency plate has increased by more than 10% over the last three weeks, with both new fire technologies and more than 20% of the male shore.


O'Cowin's chain is full, and the map is worth more than $400 million.

新火科技 是港股最纯正的比特币概念股,主要提供虚拟资产交易以及提供技术解决方案服务,其中虚拟资产交易包括向客户提供虚拟资产借贷资产管理以及提供场外交易平台,充当交易所功能。2023财年其场外交易产生的收益及借贷管理服务收入为28.11亿港元,占比总收入99.19%。

The new fire technology is the most pure bitcoin concept unit in the Port Unit, providing mainly virtual asset transactions and technical solutions services, in which virtual asset transactions include virtual asset-lending asset management to clients and off-site trading platforms to serve as exchange functions. Revenues from off-site transactions and lending management services in 2023 amounted to HK$ 2,811 million, or 99.19 per cent of total revenue.

该公司于2021年退出中国市场后,发展情况并不乐观,且存在较大的债务问题,截止2023年9月,该公司计息债务有4.67亿元,占比总资产及净资产分别达62.3%及219.2%。这也导致该公司于2023财年不断变卖旗下资产,出售了Win Techno Inc、Animoca Brands Corporation Limited以及品頂實、品德國際、品捷及雅沛等一起打包出售,另外在建议出售的如New Huo Solutions Limited、HBTPower Limited及HBTPower Inc。根据财报显示,该公司的非流动资产,内地、日本及美国资产清零,仅剩下香港0.77亿港元。

As of September 2023, the company's interest-bearing debt amounted to $467 million, or 62.3 per cent of total and 2192 per cent of net assets, respectively, which led to the company's constant sale of its assets under the flag in 2023, the sale of Win Techno Inc., Animoca Brands Corporation Limited and the sale of best products, virtues and internationals, delta and Yape, together with Hong Kong HK$ 0.77 billion of its non-current assets, including inland, Japanese and United States assets, according to the finance report.

新火科技有两只基金产品占比总资产在5%以上,分别是新世界先锋矿业基金及NH Investment SPC,截止2023年,面值分别为5780万港元及1.069亿港元,合计占比总资产22.03%,其持有加密货币公允价值约为0.73亿港元。从去年9月至今,比特币涨幅达92%,预计该公司加密货币公允价值将带来近0.7亿港元收益。

Two new fire technologies account for more than 5 per cent of total assets:


It is worth mentioning that, in the concept of currency-holding, the Ocowin chain is the fattest because of the digital currency that is “heavy.” The company is mainly involved in foundations, building construction and support services, construction waste treatment services and digital assets. According to the semi-annual report for the 2024 fiscal year, its digital assets amount to HK$800 million, or 75 per cent of its total assets.


According to the disclosure, the company held 1725 bitcoins, 6571 in Ethio, with a combined value of 43% of total assets, and 21.7% in stable currencies. If the number of coins held remained constant, the company held 699 million Hong Kong dollars and 150 million Hong Kong dollars in the current two-currency prices, respectively, making a total of nearly 400 million Hong Kong dollars from September last year to date, representing 201% of the net assets as of September 2023. The Ocowin chain is expected to have a good profit record in the second half of the 2024s and the first half of the 2025s.


In addition, the company is mainly involved in video design, United States industry solutions, and advertising, with revenues contributing 47.7%, 23.75% and 27.7%, respectively, and the encoded currency is an investment in idle money that is not included in the income ledger and is accounted for as a financial asset. As of June 2023, the company held 940.497 bitcoins, 31,000 in Ethio, with two combined holdings at a cost of about 10% of total assets.


At current currency prices, the company holds the amount of bitcoins and the value of Etheria at $351 million and $653 million, respectively, while, according to the cost disclosed in the semi-annual report, it currently earns $161 million in bitcoins and $288 million in Ethers, making a total of $450 million. The company’s basic profile is still good, its historical performance has not increased, its net profits are consistently lost, it has earned profits for almost two years but its net interest rates are low, and it earned more than its business performance this year.


Yon An Tsi is engaged in building and construction engineering services, as well as in digital currency operations, which, as of September 2023, had a digital currency inventory of approximately S$ 3.6998 million, equivalent to RMB 120 million, or 5.66% of the total assets. Bitcoin price fluctuations have a lesser impact on the company’s performance, have a less positive performance, have a more volatile income, and have sustained a loss for many years, which is less attractive than other concepts.


Taken together, the biggest beneficiary of the price increases in Bitcoin is clearly the Ocowin chain, where the company invests in bitcoin as its main business, with a high asset share, and has two powerful currencies – Bitcoin and Taiku – making a full profit. But it is important to note that the company’s previous business performance is poor, its revenue has been declining for many years, and its dependence on bitcoin is high, and the impact on performance will be significant if there is a negative trend.


Moreover, new fire technologies, though the most pure conceptual shares, are not sufficiently forward-looking, hold low, and are heavily indebted, while the most weak, low-value-holding concepts, and performance are difficult to sustain.


Of course, the plate investment is hot, and the short- and medium-term strength of Bitcoin still contributes to the higher share of related concepts, with a focus on map companies and the Ocowin chain.




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