where the ticket room is over "Convergence 4" and jumps to Chinese movie history room 3
截至8月21日15:42,《哪吒之魔童降世》上映27天票房已达42.39亿,超越《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》的42.38亿元,位居中国(内地)电影票房总榜第3名!16时许,@电影哪吒之魔童降世 发布庆祝海报,官宣票房破42.4亿,并表示:“没有生来的英雄,只有成就英雄梦想的你。奇迹,属于这条路上的每一个人!”至此,中国(内地)电影票房总榜前三名均是国产电影:第一名《战狼2》,票房56.79亿元,第二名《流浪地球》票房46.56亿元。此外,《哪吒》成为中国影史首部进入“40亿俱乐部”的动画电影。
As of 21 August, at 15:42, the 27-day ticket house of "The Death of the Demons" had reached 4,239 million, surpassing the "Avengers League 4: The End of the World" by 4.23 billion yuan, 3rd in China's (in the Mainland) Film Rooms List!16pm, @The Death of the Demons of the Films" published a poster to celebrate the birth of 4.24 billion and said: "There are no heroes born, there are only you who have achieved the hero's dream." To this end, the top three in China's (in the Mainland) Film List are national films: the first Wolf 2, the Ticket Room 5.679 billion, and the second Vagrant Planet Room 4,656 million. In addition, "What became the first movie in China's history to enter the “4 billion Clubs".
State-owned commercial environment ranking in
8月21日, 21世纪经济研究院发布《2019年全国经开区营商环境指数报告》。从测算结果看,2019年营商环境指数最高的前十名,分别是广州经济技术开发区、青岛经济技术开发区、昆山经济技术开发区、西安经济技术开发区、苏州工业园区、成都经济技术开发区、上海漕河泾新兴技术开发区、长沙经济技术开发区、广州南沙经济技术开发区和南京经济技术开发区。
On 21 August, the Institute of Economics for the 21st Century published the 2019 National report on business environment indexes in the open zone. According to the results, the top 10 business environment indexes in 2019 were the Guangzhou Economic Technology Development Area, the Qingdao Economic Technology Development Area, the Kunshan Economic Technology Development Area, the Xianan Economic Development Zone, the Suzhou Industrial Park, the Chengdu Economic Technology Development Area, the Shanghai River Development Area, the Changsha Economic Technology Development Area, the Guangzhou Nansha Economic Technology Development Area and the Nanjing Economic Technology Development Area.
8月21日上午,四川省垃圾分类立法工作座谈会举行。四川生活垃圾分类已列入明年人大立法计划,立法后将正式实施。据悉,省住房和城乡建设厅将牵头起草一部专门的四川省垃圾分类地方性法规,在详实调研和充分论证的基础上争取年内完成法规的起草工作,做好明年提交省人大常委会审议的准备。四川正制定完善《四川省生活垃圾分类和处置工作方案》,目前已完成省直部门、市(州)、专家和社会公众意见建议征集工作,按照各方面意见进行再次修改完善,力争9月上旬前报省政府常务会审议通过后印发实施。四川生活垃圾分类考核标准和办法将力争于今年11月底前制定出台。 On the morning of 21 August, the Sichuan Provincial Workshop on Legislation on Waste Classification was held. Sichuan Living Waste Classification is part of next year’s Grand People’s Legislative Plan, which will be formally implemented. It is known that the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban and Rural Construction will take the lead in drafting a specific local Sichuan Waste Classification Act, which will be finalized during the year on the basis of detailed research and thorough validation, and will be submitted to the Provincial Standing Committee for consideration next year. Sichuan is preparing a work programme to improve the classification and disposal of waste in Sichuan Province. 2019世界机器人大会举行!工信部辛国斌:推动高质量发展 2019 World Robotic Congress! 在2019世界机器人大会主论坛上,工业和信息化部副部长辛国斌表示,机器人产业作为新科技、新制造、新商业的结合体,是推动新旧动能转换、打造高质量世界经济的重要动力,希望各国和各地区着眼长远发展,进一步加强合作,共同打造全球协同创新体系,共同完善全球产业链新生态,共同开拓产业发展新空间,共同应对产业发展中的潜在风险。 At the main forum of the 2019 World Robotic Congress, the Deputy Minister of Industry and Informationization, H.E. Mr. Sin Guobin, stated that the robotic industry, as a combination of new technologies, new manufacturing and new commerce, was an important engine for the transformation of new and old energy and the creation of a high-quality world economy. It was to be hoped that countries and regions would take a long-term view of development and further strengthen their cooperation in building a global system of synergy and innovation, working together to improve the new ecology of the global industrial chain, exploring new spaces for industrial development and addressing the potential risks of industrial development. 雪球12万用户数据疑被泄露,回应:不会泄露给第三方 Snowball >120,000 users suspected to have been leaked. Response: not to a third party 8月21日消息,今日网上流传称雪球网数据泄露,涉及12万人的数据只卖75美元,包含姓名,身份证,手机,账号/邮箱,密码,持股前3支,持股数,交易风格。对此雪球回应称,不会以任何方式将个人信息泄露给第三方,对此问题已进行核实。雪球网还称,会持续提升对用户信息的保护能力。 On 21 August, it was reported that today's data leaks online, involving 120,000 people, sold only $75, containing names, identity cards, mobile phones, accounts/mail boxes, passwords, three holding shares, stock holdings, trade styles. Snowball responded that personal information would not be leaked in any way to a third party, and the problem was verified. Snowball also stated that it would continue to improve the protection of user information. GfK:预计2020年全年中国市场5G手机销量将高于7500万 GfK: The Chinese market is expected to sell more than 75 million mobile phones throughout 2020 GfK发文称:目前来看,中国市场运营商5G套餐预计在2019年Q4正式上市,2019年的5G手机销量可能相对较小;同时5G模块预计将从高端产品开始搭载,预计从2020年初开始,将在各品牌高端型号上以较大规模推出。基于以上情况,GfK预计2020年全年的5G手机销量将高于7500万,超过2020年全年销量的20%。 GfK wrote that, at present, the Chinese market operator’s 5G package is expected to be officially marketed in Q4 in 2019, and that the 5G mobile phone sales in 2019 may be relatively small; and that the 5G module is expected to start with high-end products and is expected to be rolled out on high-end brand models on a larger scale from early 2020. On the basis of the above, GfK expects to sell more than 75 million mobile phones throughout 2020, or more than 20% of the total year 2020. 广州将打造首个空中交通试点城市 近日,广州市政府与亿航智能达成战略合作,广州成为亿航全球首个空中交通试点城市,双方将围绕城市空中交通(UAM)领域的载人级自动驾驶飞行器(AAV)、无人机指挥调度中心、无人机物流等应用开展深入合作。 In recent days, the Guangzhou municipality has entered into a strategic partnership with the Group of Million Air Intelligents, making Guangzhou the world's first air-traffic pilot city, with deep cooperation between the two sides around applications such as manned AAVs in the area of urban air traffic (UAMs), UACs, UAVs and UAV logistics. 南昌:到2023年打造成世界级VR中心 Nanchang: Created World Class VR Center by 2023 《南昌市虚拟现实产业发展规划(2019-2023年)》近日出炉。《规划》提出,到2023年,打造形成“南昌世界级VR中心”。围绕打造“南昌世界级VR中心”总体目标,打造国际竞争力的虚拟现实产业集群,建设“世界一流、国内领先,业内顶尖、富有特色”的南昌VR特色小镇,将南昌打造为全球虚拟现实产业中心和虚拟现实产城融合示范高地。 The Plan proposes that, by 2023, Nanchang will be a “world-class VR centre” and that a “world-class VR centre” will be built around the overall objective of building “Southchang-class” virtual real industry clusters of international competitiveness, building a “world-class, home-grown, industry-famous” town with Nanchang VR features, creating Nanchang as a global virtual real industry centre and virtual real-world city as a demonstration high ground for integration. 上交所:将增强资本市场对科创企业的包容性和适应性 上交所表示,设立科创板并试点注册制将会成为连接科技创新者和投资者的枢纽环节,补齐长期以来资本市场服务科技创新企业的短板弱项,将增强资本市场对科创企业的包容性和适应性,提高对“独角兽”“隐形冠军”等企业的吸引力,为发展潜力大、带动作用强、成长性高的科创企业注入“源头活水”。 The submission indicated that the creation of a science-starter and pilot registration system would serve as a link between STIs and investors, complement long-standing weaknesses in capital markets to service STI firms, increase the inclusiveness and adaptability of capital markets to start-ups, increase the attractiveness of firms such as the “unicorn” “invisible champions” and inject “start-up water” into start-up enterprises with high potential, catalytic and growth potential. 滴滴将有条件允许16岁以上未成年人单独乘坐网约车 will be conditional on allowing minors over the age of 16 to travel on the Internet alone 滴滴出行今日宣布,经过一周时间的公示及征求意见,滴滴将于8月22日起正式实施未成年人乘车新规则,允许16岁至18岁的未成年人单独乘坐网约车。今后这部分未成年人在乘车前必须设置紧急联系人,平台将通过“未成年人保护计划”对其进行特殊保护。滴滴表示,在未成年人乘车新规则试行后,滴滴平台还将结合司乘反馈不定期修订优化规则,并结合实际改善产品。 Today, after a week of publicity and consultation, it is announced that, as of August 22, the new rules will be implemented to allow minors between the ages of 16 and 18 to travel on the Internet alone. In the future, this group of minors will have to have emergency contact points before travelling, and the platform will provide special protection to them through the Programme for the Protection of Minors. 京东总计斥资约5576.8万美元增持唯品会 a total of approximately $557.68 million was spent on an additional trade fair 京东与唯品会向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)递交文件显示,自2018年6月13日起,京东从公开市场买入5916178股唯品会ADS(美国存托股),每股ADS交易价格为9.4264美元,总计斥资约5576.8万美元,京东对唯品会持股比例达7.6%。 According to documents submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), since 13 June 2018, Kyoto has bought 5916178 shares of ADS (United States Deposited Stock) from the open market at a transaction price of $9.4264 per share of ADS, with a total investment of approximately $5.7668 million, with a rate of 7.6 per cent. 垃圾分类回收机小黄狗公司濒临破产 Garbage Recycler Yellow Dog is on the verge of bankruptcy 今年3月份以来,小黄狗环保科技有限公司出现了财务危机,目前,更是处于破产重整的状态。小黄狗环保科技有限公司成立于2017年8月,注册资本1亿元,以“吃垃圾、返现金”的模式,迅速在全国多个城市铺开。对垃圾低价回收、高价卖出,是小黄狗智能垃圾分类回收机赚取利润的主要商业模式。 Since March of this year, Yellow Dog Environmental Technology Ltd. has experienced a financial crisis, and is now in a state of bankruptcy. Yellow Dog Environmental Technology Ltd. was established in August 2017, with a registered capital of $100 million, to be spread rapidly in several cities throughout the country, using the model of “eat and return to cash.” 三星在国内发布Galaxy Note 10系列 Three Stars launched the Galaxy Note 10 Series at home 今天下午16点,三星在国内发布Galaxy Note 10系列,推出Note 10、Note 10+ 5G两款机型,售价分别为6599元和7999元, 新机在8月21日至9月11日开始预约,9月12日开售。此次的智能旗舰机亮点包括屏幕指纹传感器,快速充电大电池,流畅处理器以及增强手势识别功能的三星标志性S Pen。Note10系列搭载的动态AMOLED屏幕,屏幕尺寸为6.3英寸/6.8英寸,屏幕分辨率达到了2280×1080。三星Note10系列采用超窄边框设计,超感官全视屏几乎没有边框的设计理念。 At 16 p.m. this afternoon, the three stars launched the Galaxy Note 10 series in the country, with note 10, Note 10 + 5G models at a cost of $6599 and $799 respectively, and the new one started on an appointment from 21 August to 11 September and opened on 12 September. The bright spots of this smart flagship include screen fingerprint sensors, fast charge large batteries, flow processors, and three-star logo S Pen, which enhances manual recognition. The Note 10 series has a dynamic AMOLED screen size of 6.3 inches and 6.8 inches, with a screen resolution of 2280 x 1080. The three-star Note10 series is designed using ultra narrow border frames, with hypersight screens with almost no bordering concepts. 苹果公司委托京东方测试最新的尖端iPhone屏幕 Apple commissioned the latest iPhone screen in Kyoto East to test the latest iPhone screen 据日经新闻报道,苹果公司委托京东方测试最新的尖端iPhone屏幕,为明年推出的新机做准备,测试屏幕为柔性OLED屏。目前该测试已进入最后阶段。苹果此举也是为了降低成本和对韩国三星的依赖。但苹果要在今年底才能决定是否使用京东方提供的屏幕。 According to the Japanese press, Apple commissioned Kyoto East to test the latest state-of-the-art iPhone screen to prepare for the launch of the new machine next year, testing the flexible OED screen. The test is now in its final stages. Apple is also aimed at reducing costs and relying on the three stars in Korea. Steam中国定名为蒸汽平台,首批上线40款游戏
At the perfect launch on August 21, Steam China was officially named "Steam Platform." The steam platform was designed for Chinese players to provide high-speed servers, high-quality localization, etc. Officially stated that it was well under way, and that it was going even further from the end. Steam China was almost completely independent of Steam, and the pool would be expanded to include VR games.
在美国旧金山举行的芯片行业顶级学术会议HOTCHIPS上,阿里巴巴达摩院发布新一代AI语音FPGA芯片技术——Ouroboros。据阿里达摩院介绍,该技术能将语音生成算法的计算效率提高百倍以上。Ouroboros 芯片技术除了语音合成之外,还将支持AI语音识别。基于Ouroboros研发完整的语音AI芯片,有望率先在天猫精灵上落地。
At HOTCHIPS, the top academic conference of the chip industry in San Francisco, United States, Ali Babadam House launched the new generation of AI voice-based FAPGA chip technology, Ouroboros. According to Aridamau, this technology can increase the computational efficiency of voice generation algorithms more than 100 times. Ouroboros chip technology, in addition to speech synthesis, will also support AI voice recognition. On the basis of Uuroboros, it is hoped that the full voice-AI chip will be the first to land on the cat elves.
据周三发布的一项声明,Mail.ru Group旗下俄罗斯最大的社交网络VKontakte,开始在其移动应用程序接入阿里巴巴的全球速卖通(AliExpress)。用户无需离开VK应用程序便可搜索商品、下单和完成支付。未来,VK计划与全球速卖通打造新的社交电商产品,包括用户购物体验,并将俄罗斯卖家和生产商加入电商平台。
According to a statement released on Wednesday, the largest Russian social network, Vkontakte, under the banner of Mail.ru Group, began accessing AliExpress on its mobile application. Users do not have to leave VK applications to search for goods, place bills, and complete payments.
小米9T Pro正式进入欧洲市场
据Gsmarena报道,小米官方宣布小米9T Pro正式进入欧洲市场。小米9T Pro在欧洲国家的小米官方网上商店和亚马逊网上商城有售,售价399欧元起(约合人民币3122元)。目前,只有红色和黑色两种配色。
According to Gsmarena, Mi's official announcement that Mi's 9T Pro is officially entering the European market. Mi' 9T Pro is sold at 399 euros (approximately RMB 3122) in the official rice stores and Amazon City in European countries. At present, only red and black colours are available.
韩国经济副总理兼企划财政部长官洪楠基周三表示,韩国政府计划明年对数字、网络(5G)、人工智能投资1.7万亿韩元,对系统半导体、生物健康、未来汽车投资3万亿韩元。具体来看,第一期加大对数据、网络、人工智能的投资力度,第二期对三大新产业——系统半导体、生物健康、未来汽车进行投资,争取全体产业实现创新。 On Wednesday, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Business and Finance of Korea said that his country’s government plans to invest 1.7 trillion won in numbers, networks (5G), artificial intelligence, and 3 trillion won in systems semiconductors, biological health, and future automobiles. Specifically, the first phase will increase investment in data, networks, and artificial intelligence, and the second phase will invest in three new industries – systems semiconductors, biohealth, and future cars – in order for all industries to innovate. 索尼官宣漫威退出蜘蛛侠:失望,但尊重迪士尼的决定 "Strong" Sony announces that Spider-Man quits: Disappointment, but respects Disney's decision
According to the foreign media, Kevin Fitch, the director of Mandarin Films, will no longer be involved in the production of future Spider-Man films. In response, Sony Films issued a statement officially announcing that the Mandarin Films and Kevin Fitch would no longer produce a new Spider-Man film, and claimed to be disappointed in Disney’s decision, but with respect.
report: 5G smartphone global sales are expected to reach 160 million by 2020
Strategy Analytics最新发布的研究报告指出,如果5G在中国可以如预期的那样腾飞,5G智能手机的全球销量将在2020年达到1.6亿。华为具有绝佳优势占据中国5G智能手机大部分的销量,并重新获得其全球智能手机的地位。Strategy Analytics高级副总裁David Kerr称,中国预计将成为最大的5G智能手机市场,2020年5G手机销量可能达到8000万。
A recently released study by Strategy Analytics states that if 5G could fly as expected in China, the global sales of 5G smartphones would reach 160 million by 2020. China has an excellent advantage in taking up the bulk of China’s 5G smartphone sales and regaining its global status. David Kerr, Senior Vice-President of Strategy Analytics, said that China is expected to become the largest 5G smartphone market, with a possible 80 million mobile phone sales in 2020.
Waymo will start auto-drive rain day testing: primary inspection sensor
According to the American media Engadget, Waymo will test its auto-drive vehicle in a heavy rain weather in Florida. The company has announced that they will deploy the Chrysler Pacifica and Jaguar I-Pace vehicles with its auto-drive system to Florida in the coming weeks. The objective of this test is to check the performance of the vehicle sensors (including laser radars, cameras and radars) in the rain.
The Block Chain Plus Financial Technology Industry Incubation Centre in Guangdong Financial Highlands is officially operational
In recent days, the “block chain +” financial industrial incubator of the Guangdong financial high-rise has been officially inaugurated as the province's first specialized incubator for the “block chain +” financial technology. The incubator is built by the Guangdong financial high-rise with an ant-control unit, with 28 enterprises contracted to operate, and is also the deputy director of the Great Bay district block chain alliance in Hong Kong. The cluster industrial cluster, including the “block chain +” financial high-technology industrial incubator in the Guangdong financial high-rise, covers a total of 120,000 square metres of buildings, and the government will invest no less than $30 million to upgrade the existing surrounding environment.
近期,百度智能云区块链团队取得新的突破,“金融级联盟链治理平台”与浦发银行进行深度合作。这是在2018年9月之后,百度智能云区块链又一次获得头部银行伙伴的认可。该项目将由百度智能云区块链引擎来支持,同时提供了私有化的联盟链平台、智能合约库、跨网跨链服务、动态组网服务等能力模块,为浦发银行提供了端到端的金融级区块链能力,支持了中国贸易金融跨行交易区块链联盟、十二行区块链联盟组网,福费廷、黑名单信息共享、零售信贷催收等业务的上线,为客户带来了实际的业务收益。 In the recent past, the 100-degree smart cloud block chain team has made a new breakthrough, with the Financial Level Alliance Chain Governance Platform working in depth with Poeuvre Bank. This is another endorsement of the 100-degree smart cloud block chain by its head banking partners after September 2018. The project will be supported by 100-degree smart cloud block chain engines, while providing capacity modules such as a privatized alliance chain platform, a smart contract bank, cross-network services, dynamic group network services, etc., which provide end-to-end financial block chain capacity to Poufay Bank, supporting the China Trade and Finance Trans-Tracking Block Chain Alliance, the 12-line block chain network network, and bringing real business gains to clients through the upper line of operations such as Forfetin, Black List Information Sharing, and retail credit facilitation. 火币Labs孵化项目——三角形区块链手机正式发布 Firearm Labs Incubation Project - Triangular block chain phone officially released
On 21 August, Firecoat Labs hosted the launch of the Signal Labs World Good Project Incubation Initiative at the China-Kiwan Software Park International Centre, where high-profile triangle cellular cell phones were shown publicly as the first project of the Signal Labs World Good Project Incubation Project. The core applications of the Triangular cellular cell phones include the application of block chains for downloads, secure transactions, etc., while at the same time providing incentives to users to use them. Compared to the previous block-chain cell phones, the triangular cellular cell phones are more focused on user needs and allow users to enjoy more chain dividends at a lower threshold, providing an entirely new option for block-chain users and even ordinary users to buy mobile phones.
The Indian Association of Software and Services Industries formed a special interest group on block chains
According to the external media, the Indian Association of Software and Services Industries has announced that it will establish a special interest group focused on block chain technology, based in Mumbai, to explore the application of block chains in the financial and non-financial fields and to promote public education services. The special interest group has now held its first meeting, which includes representatives of more than 10 member organizations, including Axis Bank, Deloitte and Nokia, to discuss the potential of emerging technologies in India's block chain, and hopes that the country will lead the technological revolution in the sector chain in South-East Asia.
Coindesk报道称,加密货币交易所INX Limited目前正计划通过传统IPO的方式募集资金,INX计划通过IPO募集的资金数量约为1.295亿美元,目前INX已经向美国SEC提交了首个STO代币销售的注册申请表格。据报道,INX的此次行为具有里程碑式意义,因为截止目前为止还有没有任何一个代币销售在美国SEC完成注册。 Coindesk reports that the crypto-currency exchange INX Limited is currently planning to raise funds through traditional IPOs, that the INX scheme has raised some $129.5 million through IPOs, and that INX has now submitted to the US SEC its first application for a SITO token sales form. It is reported that INX’s behaviour was landmark, as to date, no token sales have been registered in the US SEC. Bakkt获批于下个月推出实物比特币期货 Bakkt was approved to roll out the in-kind bitcoin futures next month 洲际交易所(ICE)子公司Bakkt的首席执行官Kelly Loeffler日前表示,该交易有所已获得美国监管机构的批准,将于9月23日提供实物结算的比特币期货交易,并将通过ICE Clear US进行结算。 Kelly Loeffler, the CEO of Bakkt, a subsidiary of the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), had recently indicated that the transaction had been approved by the United States regulatory body and that the Bitcoin futures transaction, which would provide a physical settlement on 23 September, would be settled through ICE Clear US. 1. 8月21日,据行业知情人士透露,宠物医疗企业新瑞鹏集团向宠物本地生活新零售品牌极宠家投资5亿元人民币,持续加码宠物新零售领域。 1. On 21 August, industry sources revealed that the pet medical company Nueva Spaniard Group had invested RMB 500 million in pets'new retail brands of local life and continued to add codes to the new retail areas of pets. 2. 交易型SaaS +服务的数字化营销服务商“直客通”宣布获得3亿多元人民币的C轮融资。其中,C1轮融资由红杉资本中国基金领投,现有投资人 IDG 资本、顺为资本、光速中国均跟投;C2轮融资由元璟资本领投,红杉中国跟投;C3轮由中青旅红奇基金领投。 The digitized marketing service provider of the traded SaaS+ service announced that it would receive 300 million yuan in round C financing. Of these, the C1 round was led by the Redwood Capital China Fund, and the current investor IDG capital, followed by capital, China with speed of light; the C2 round was led by Yuanji capital and China with redwood; and the C3 round was led by the China Red Chi Foundation. 3. 近期,“HOW好好搜索”宣布已完成Pre-A轮数百万美元融资,此轮融资由蓝湖、GGV资本领投,棕榈资本担任独家财务顾问。 Recently, the “HOW Search for Good” announced the completion of the Pre-A round of multi-million dollar financing, with Blue Lake, GGV capital-led and palm capital acting as sole financial adviser. 4. 路透社报道,人工智能创企“H20.ai”周二宣布,公司已获得7250万美元的D轮融资,由高盛集团的主要战略投资部门和中国平安全球领航基金领投,富国银行、英伟达以及Nexus Venture Partners等参投。Loeffler表示,Bakkt已经通过自我认证程序获得了CFTC的批准,用户验收测试已经开始。经纽约州金融服务管理局批准,Bakkt将成立信托公司,托管用于实物交割合约的比特币。 Reuters reported that on Tuesday, the artificial intelligence company H20.ai announced that the company had received $72.5 million in D-round financing, led by the Goldman Sachs Group's main strategic investment department and the China Safe Global Leadership Fund, with the participation of wealthy country banks, British Weida, and the Necus Venture Partners. Loeffler stated that Bakkt had obtained approval from CFTC through a self-certification process, and user acceptance testing had begun. With the approval of the New York State Financial Services Authority, Bakkt would establish a trust company to host Bitcoins for the physical delivery of contracts. 5. 智租出行A轮融资发布会在上海举行,在会上,快递物流服务平台智租出行宣布完成亿元级A轮融资,由联动天翼、华熠基金联合投资。 5. The launch of the Smart Leasing A Round of Finance was held in Shanghai, at which the Express Logistics Services Platform's Smart Leasing of Finance announced the completion of the billion dollar A Round of finance, which was co-financed by the Connected Sky Wings and the Huairou Foundation. 6. 工业级智能无人机研发商云圣智能完成数千万元A轮融资,蓝驰创投领投。 6. Industrial-level smart drones have completed tens of millions of A-round financing and blue-driving investments. 1. 路透社消息称,阿里巴巴据悉将中国香港IPO从8月底推迟到最早10月,阿里回应“不予置评”。 According to Reuters, Ali Baba is known to have postponed the IPO from the end of August to the earliest October in Hong Kong, China, and to have responded “without comment”. 2. 港交所披露了论客控股有限公司(下称“论客”)的IPO招股书,论客拟在港交所GEM上市。 The Hong Kong Exchange Agency disclosed an IPO offer from Insult Holdings Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Insults”) to be listed at the GEM Hong Kong Exchange. 3. 郎酒股份发布了关于辅导备案基本情况的公告。郎酒品质研究院成立暨媒体沟通会在四川省泸州市举行,郎酒品质研究院正式揭牌成立。 The Institute for the Quality of Liquor has been officially inaugurated by the Institute of Liquor Quality. 4. 腾远钴业(A17027.SZ)发布了关于公司拟首次公开发行股票接受辅导的公告,拟A股IPO,正进行辅导备案。 4. The dichotomy industry (A17027.SZ) has issued a circular on the company's proposed first public release of stocks for coaching, and the proposal for Unit A IPO is in the process of filing for mentoring. 5. 小熊电器股份有限公司人民币普通股股票将于2019年8月23日在深交所上市,拟交易3000万股。证券简称为“小熊电器”,证券代码为“002959”。 The RMB shares of Bear Electric Co. Ltd. will be marketed at the deep exchange point on 23 August 2019 and will be traded for 30 million shares. 6. 金科环境、当虹科技、优刻得、鸿泉物联科创板IPO恢复审核。 6. Rehabilitation of the Kinco Environment, Donon-Technology, Quality and Hong Quan Quantities Project IPO. 1. 上证综指收盘上涨0.33点,涨幅:0.01%,报2880.33点;深证成指收盘下跌5.98点,跌幅:0.06%,报9322.75点;沪深300指数收盘下跌5.97点,跌幅:0.16%,报3781.76点;创业板指数收盘下跌1.76点,跌幅:0.11%,报1609.83点。 1. The above table shows an increase of 0.33 points, or 1.01 per cent, or 2880.33 points; a decrease of 5.98 points, or 0.06 per cent, or 9322.75 points, or a decrease of 5.97 points, or 0.16 per cent, or 3781.76 points, or a decline of 1.76 points, or 0.11 per cent, or 1609.83 points, in the closing of the closing table. 2. 截至今日收盘,恒指大市成交额报750.94亿港元(上一交易日成交额为794.8亿港元)。恒指期货夜盘现涨0.13%,报26266点。中国香港恒生指数收盘上涨38.50点,涨幅0.15%,报26270.04点;恒生国企指数收盘上涨44.52点,涨幅0.44%,报10177.29点;恒生红筹指数收盘上涨38.94点,涨幅0.93%,报4225.79点。 2. As of today's harvest, Hong Kong, China, has recorded an increase of 38.50 points, or 0.15 per cent, or 2627.04 points, in the collection of Hong Kong, China; 44.52 points, or 0.44 per cent, or 101,77.29 points, in the collection of Hong Kong, China; and 38.94 points, or 0.93 per cent, or 4225.79 points, in the collection of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. 2. 美国股指期货均上涨,道指期货涨0.63%,纳指期货涨0.88%,标普500指数期货涨0.72%。 2. The United States shares represent an increase in futures of 0.63 per cent for futures, 0.88 per cent for futures and 0.72 per cent for futures of the 500 index. 3. 德国DAX指数8月21日(周三)开盘上涨33.02点,涨幅0.28%,报11651.18点;英国富时100指数8月21日(周三)开盘上涨18.05点,涨幅0.25%,报7125.00点;法国CAC40指数8月21日(周三)开盘上涨21.59点,涨幅0.40%,报5344.64点;西班牙IBEX35指数8月21日(周三)开盘上涨46.70点,涨幅0.54%,报8618.30点;意大利富时指数8月21日(周三)开盘上涨115.07点,涨幅0.56%,报20485.43点;欧洲斯托克50指数8月21日(周三)开盘上涨12.22点,涨幅0.36%,报3350.23点。 3. The opening of the German DAX index on 21 August (on Wednesday) rose by 33.02 points, or 0.28 per cent, or 11651.18 points; the opening of the British Fux 100 index on 21 August (on Wednesday) rose by 18.05 per cent, or 0.125 per cent, or 7125.00 points; the opening of the French CAC40 index on 21 August (on Wednesday) rose by 21.59 points, or 0.40 per cent, or 5344.64 points; the opening of the Spanish IBEX 35 index on 21 August (on Wednesday) rose by 46.70 points, or 0.54 per cent, or 8618.30 points; the opening of the Italian FC Index on 21 August (on Wednesday) rose by 115.07 points, or 0.586 per cent, or 20485.43 points; the opening of the European Stock 50 index on 21 August (on Wednesday) rose by 12.22 points, or 0.306 per cent, or 3350.23 points. 4. 德国发行了8.24亿欧元的30年期国债,目标是20亿欧元。 4. Germany issued a 30-year national debt of €824 million, with a target of €2 billion. 5. 美、布两油短线上扬,布伦特原油涨1.30%,报60.81美元/桶,WTI原油涨0.86%,报56.61美元/桶。 5. Brent crude oil rose by 1.30 per cent to $60.81 per barrel, WTI by 0.86 per cent and WTI by $56.61 per barrel. 6. 伦敦金属交易所(LME):LME铜库存减少25吨,铝库存减少7100吨,锌库存减少775吨,镍库存增加372吨,锡库存增加15吨,铅库存减少475吨。 6. London Metal Exchange (LME): LME has reduced its inventory of copper by 25 tons, aluminium by 7,100 tons, zinc by 775 tons, nickel by 372 tons, tin by 15 tons and lead by 475 tons. 7. 国内期货多数收跌,黑色系表现萎靡,铁矿石重挫逾4%,焦炭、螺纹钢跌逾1%;能化品表现亦不佳,甲醇跌近3%,橡胶跌近2%,PTA、燃油、塑料、聚丙烯跌逾1%,但沥青涨逾2%;农产品多数上涨,鸡蛋、玉米、豆二、早籼稻涨逾1%;基本金属则涨跌不一,沪铅涨逾1%,沪锡飘红,而沪铝、沪铜、沪镍、沪锌飘绿;沪金,沪银小幅上涨。 7. The majority of domestic futures fell, with poor performance in black, with iron ore retrenching by more than 4 per cent, coke and threaded steel falling by more than 1 per cent; performance was also poor, with methanol falling by almost 3 per cent, rubber falling by almost 2 per cent, PTA, fuel, plastics and polypropylene falling by more than 1 per cent, but asphalt rose by more than 2 per cent; most agricultural products rose by more than 1 per cent, with eggs, maize, beans and early rice; basic metals increased by more than 1 per cent, with lead rising by more than 1 per cent and tin red, while aluminum, bronze, nickel and zinc floating green; and gold and silver rose slightly. 摩洛哥发现最古老剑龙遗骸,可追溯至中侏罗世时期 The remains of the oldest sword dragons were discovered in Morocco, dating back to the mid-dwarf era . 日前,英国伦敦自然历史博物馆表示,在摩洛哥山区发现了已知最古老的剑龙遗骸。研究过该遗骸的古生物学家苏珊娜?梅德门特说,这种剑龙属于侏罗纪的第二个时期,即中侏罗世时期。据报道,新种剑龙被命名为Adratiklit boulahfa,在柏柏尔语中的意思是“山地蜥蜴”,从而强调了其被发现地区的特征。 Earlier, the British Natural History Museum in London stated that the remains of the oldest known sword dragons had been found in the mountains of Morocco. The ancient biologist who studied the remains, Susana Medmont, said that the dragons belonged to the second period of Jurassic, that is, the mid-jurisdiction.
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