xff0c in normal work or learning engineering; we often have the four terms Ethnet, Eth-Trunk, Trunk and E-Trunk vague xff0c; sometimes it is even easier to confuse xff0c; although they look similar xff0c; but in practice these concepts/technology are totally irrelevant.
1972 年 Bob Metcalfe 设计了一个名为 ALTO ALOHA 的网络,该网络于 1973 年 5 月投入运营。Metcalfe 正式将此网络重新命名为以太网(Ethernet),这是以太网实验的最初原型。该网络以 2.94 Mbps 的速率运行,网络运行的介质是粗同轴电缆。
Bob Metcalfe designed a network called ALTO ALOHA xff0c in 1972; the network became operational in May 1973. Metcalfe officially renamed the network with Tainet & #xff08; Ethernet) xff0c; this is the original prototype of the experiment with Tetannet. The network operates at a speed of 2.94 Mbps xff0c; the medium operating the network is a coarse cable.
1976 年 6 月,Metcalfe 和 Boggs 发表了他们著名的论文,题为“以太网:本地计算机网络的分布式分组交换”。1977 年底,梅特卡夫和他的三个合作者获得了“带碰撞检测的多点数据通信系统”的专利,这是一种称为 CSMA/CD(带碰撞检测的载波监听多路访问)的多点传输系统,从此,以太网正式诞生。
xff0c in June 1976; Metcalfe and Boggs published their famous papers xff0c; entitled “Ternet & #xff1a; Distributed Group Exchange of Local Computer Networks”. End of 1977 xff0c; Metkaf and his three collaborators received patents for “multipoint data communication systems with collision detection” xff0c; this is called CSMA/CDxff08; multi-track monitoring with collision detection xff09; multi-point transmission system xff0c; from this xff0c; officially born in Tainet.
After decades of development xff0c; the evolution of the Ethernet to today's unified LAN world xff0c; and the rate of operation from the original 2.94Mbps to today's 100Gbps even 400Gbps.
今天,以太网是最常见的共享媒体 LAN 技术,其中多个站点连接到共享媒体,并且只有一个站点可以同时发送数据。在发送设备数据之前,将探测链路的可用性,这也称为 CSMA/CD 机制。
Today xff0c; Ethernet is the most common shared medium LAN technology xff0c; several of these sites are connected to the shared media xff0c; and there is only one site where data can be sent simultaneously. xff0c; availability of detection links xff0c; also known as the CSMA/CD mechanism.
此外,以太网已经发展成为一系列标准,其中最著名的是 IEEE 802.3 标准。
In addition, xff0c; Ethernet has developed into a series of standards xff0c; the most famous of these is the standard
为了区分数据帧,它们总是由带有 VLAN 标记的交换机在内部进行处理。然而,在实际网络中,一些连接到交换机的设备不支持VLAN标记的数据帧,它们只接收和发送未标记的帧。另外,当两台交换机互连时,可能会有多个VLAN数据帧交互,这就要求设备能够通过一个接口收发不同VLAN标签的数据帧。
To distinguish between data frames & #xff0c; they are always handled internally by an exchange with VLAN tags. However, xff0c; xff0c in the actual network; data frames for VLAN tags are not supported by some equipment connected to the switchboard xff0c; they only receive and send unmarked frames. xff0c; xff0c; when two switches are connected xff0c; there may be multiple VLAN data frames interacting xff0c; this requires equipment to receive and send data frames for different VLAN labels through one interface.
To this end xff0c; China defines four interface links types xff1a; Access, Trunk, Hybrid and QinQ, depending on how the interface connects objects and transmits to and from the data frame.
Trunk is the interface type xff0c; usually xff0c; we refer to the interface of trunk as Trunk interface xff0c; for trunk interface xff0c; it allows multiple data frames with VLAN tags to pass through xff0c; it also sets PVIDxff0c; and it considers the frames received without VLAN tags as belonging to the VLAN.
Limitations based on equipment hardware xff0c; interface bandwidths for network equipment are often fixed xff0c; usually do not support changing this value. However, xff0c; sometimes users need more bandwidth to connect to other devices xff0c; this requires equipment to be able to provide variable bandwidth. xff0c; xff0c when equipment is interconnected; a chain connection often becomes a single point failure xff0c; it creates instability for network operations xff0c; xff0c; we can overcome this problem by using multiple links xff0c; but the connection between xff1f; is a new problem.
为了解决这些问题,Eth-Trunk 应运而生。
To solve these problems & #xff0c; Eth-Trunk was born.
Eth-Trunk 将多条物理链路绑定为一条虚拟链路,对于设备,Eth-Trunk的成员链路不再存在,取而代之的是一条链路带宽更大的逻辑链路。设备将数据加载到这些成员链路上,从而增加设备之间连接的带宽。此外,当一条或多条物理链路出现故障时,流量将转移到其余正常链路,从而避免单点故障的问题。
Eth-Trunk binds multiple physical links to a virtual xff0c; xff0c for equipment xff0c; xff0c for Eth-Trunk's member links; replaces it with a more extensive logical link. The device loads the data into these members'links xff0c; thereby increasing the bandwidth of the connection between the equipment. xff0c; xff0c when one or more physical links fail; traffic will be transferred to the rest of the normal links xff0c; thus avoiding a single-point problem.
Eth-Trunk solves single-point troubles of the link
To this end xff0c; a technology is needed to increase bandwidth xff0c; also to solve a single point of connection failure and a single point of equipment failure. E-Trunk is born.
The E-Trunk mechanism is primarily used for connection protection between the CE and the PE and protection of PE node failures when the CE has dual access to the network. Before using E-Trunk & #xff0c; CE can only be returned to PE only via the Eth-Trunk chain. If Eth-Trunk fails or the PE has failed xff0c; CE will not be able to continue communicating with the PE equipment. Through E-Trunk, CE can be split to PExff0c; cross-equipment protection is achieved.
The E-Trunk equipment starts with a master consultation xff0c; determines the main state of readiness of E-Trunk. In general, xff0c; one of the two devices is the main xff0c; one is the back-up. xff0c; E-Trunk's main state of readiness and chain information to end-member Eth-Trunk determines the main state of readiness for end-member Eth-Trunk. This end E-Trunk.
Briefly xff0c; Ethernet, trunk, Eth-Trunk, E-Trunk, about xff1a;
- Ethernet:定义局域网运行的 LAN 技术。
- Trunk:一种交换机接口链路类型,Trunk端口允许带有不同VLAN标签的帧通过。
- Eth-Trunk:一种链路冗余技术,通过将多条物理链路捆绑成一条逻辑链路来提高链路带宽和可靠性。
- E-Trunk:一种链路冗余技术。Eth-Trunk链路冗余升级到设备级,进一步增强了链路的可靠性。
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