
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:48 评论:0



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& nbsp; New Year's, third parties pay giants to step up their access to virtual currency traders. In recent days, a lawyer's letter has been sent to the gunnets asking them to set up payment corridors in their OTC services and stop illegal use of their trademarks. In the context of severe regulation, Beijing merchant journalists have also found that a number of institutions are introducing a digital currency payment solution, stating that they can use integrated systems, block chain technology, etc. to resolve the settlement of virtual currency transactions, etc. .


According to analysts, this new payment channel is essentially a central currency that completes free exchange with other digital currencies. There seems to be a more compliant channel, but it is not so different from the old one, and it can easily become a hotbed for money-laundering, financial fraud, distribution, etc.



Traditional access has been “sealed”


Virtual currency transactions have been the focus of surveillance checks, and it is understood that the third-party trading channels used in the currency network OTC transactions are self-developed, with the recipient submitting its own two-dimensional collection code, payment-scanning, and not using the third-party transaction interface. On 29 January, at 10.24 a.m., a reporter from the Beijing Chamber of Commerce entered the money network and found that micro-payment, payment treasures, etc., were still listed among the key purchase information listed in the currency exchange column. In large transactions, as well as in ordinary transactions, payment methods such as micro-credit were also frequently used.


In response to this, the Beijing correspondent asked the paying agency separately to verify the fact that the payment was not supported by a transaction in the currency in question. The micro-payment icon on the OTC platform of the digital currency exchange, such as the coin, was an autonomous act on the part of the platform, for which the communication was sent. The payment treasure also stated that it was categorically refused to provide a bill service to the virtual currency website. The virtual currency trading platform currently listed did not provide a bill of receipt service. If it was found that the connected business had acted in a way that involved a virtual currency transaction, it was also found that there was one, and that there would be a legal means to deal with the illegal use of the pay-for-money LOGO.


In fact, since September 2017, the Central Bank, together with the relevant departments, has been directing local governments to clean up virtual currency trading sites and ICO activities, such as Bitcoin, within the framework of the special Internet financial risk management effort. As of May 2018, 110 websites (including the gunnet, currency net, etc.) had been blocked.


In response to the reasons why third-party payment agencies are struggling to regulate virtual currency payment channels, the senior block chain expert Ho Nanno's analysis suggests that casual transactions in virtual currency can easily trigger money-laundering, distribution, financial fraud, etc. Anti-money-laundering has been the focus of regulation in the financial sector in recent years, and that third-party payment agencies have responded to regulatory requirements. Moreover, for third-party payment agencies, it is one of their own actions to protect themselves, since in practice many virtual currency transactions are high-profile frauds and frauds, and many investors may be defrauded, and third-party payment agencies may be required to pay compensation, with the intangible having a very negative impact on the reputation of third-party payment agencies.


I'm running away from custody.


In the context of increasing efforts to address the problems of digital currency payments, which are now being implemented by a number of institutions, such as integrated systems, block-chain technologies, etc., to resolve the settlement of virtual currency transactions, such as cash and cash. A Beijing correspondent approached a trader on the grounds of purchasing a digital currency payment route. According to him, the digital currency exchange platform currently in use is mainly based on the hottest current USDT/Teda currency as the main currency in circulation. A net-sum model is used to combine off-site digital currency exchange with digital money receipts, and an API interface is being developed, using services as a plug-in scenario, mainly for IT, finance, trade, etc.


According to the traders, “after the establishment of the network, third-party payment platforms are required to be connected to the network, which is a major constraint on financial operations, while digital currency payments are made through encrypted digital access funds, through which customers can make payments through the United Nations ICT underwriters, skip third-party payments, are not monitored by the national network and are not subject to any financial transactions with the platform, effectively reducing the risk”.


This new payment channel is essentially a central currency (a credible digital currency) through which a free exchange with other digital currencies can be completed. The previous channel was a direct match between investors in different currencies through an exchange, which enabled the exchange of money by individuals.

  “无论怎么支付,最终都实现了不同数字货币与法定货币间的兑换交易,也就很容易发生洗钱、金融诈骗等行为,这是不符合监管要求的。” 何南野如是说道。

“However it is paid, the exchange transaction between different digital and legal currencies is eventually achieved, and money-laundering, financial fraud, etc., can easily occur, which does not comply with regulatory requirements.” Ho Namino said.


Risk breeds risk.


In recent years, financial crimes using virtual currency as a tool have become increasingly common and widespread. He Nanno further notes that, regardless of the payment route, it is not accepted by the regulatory authorities, that it is in violation of the relevant provisions of the law, and that both parties to the transaction face related legal risks. Moreover, the security of the centre’s currency itself is crucial in the payment process, with a process of conversion that draws on the central currency.


As early as the end of 2013, the central bank interviewed the major third-party payment agencies, demanding that they ban clearing operations for the Bitcoin trading platform. However, virtual currency features such as anonymity and ability to circulate across borders make regulation difficult to track.


Senior financial analysts Xiao Xiao explained to the Beijing newspaper reporter that it is difficult to avoid banks or third-party payment agencies with regard to the new mode of dealing, whatever technology is used, as long as it is converted from French to digital currency. The purpose of such technology is simply to make such transactions more hidden, moving from a centralized form to a more decentralized one. Such trade routes may be less regulated, but it is also difficult to produce scale effects, and there is little likelihood that they will continue to exist in the future.




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