
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:46 评论:0
8月1日,最高人民法院发布的《人民法院在线诉讼规则》(以下简称“规则”)正式生效。On 1 August, the Rules of Procedure of the People's Court Online (hereinafter...



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On 1 August, the Rules of Procedure of the People's Court Online (hereinafter referred to as “the Rules”) issued by the Supreme People's Court entered into force.


Articles 16 to 19 of the Rules set out for the first time the scope of the validity of the block chain and the criteria for its review. Article 16 of the Rules provides that “the electronic data submitted by the parties as evidence is stored through the block chain technology and is technically verified as consistent, and the People's Court may find that the electronic data has not been tampered with after being placed in the chain, unless there is evidence to the contrary sufficient to override it.” The judicial effect of the evidence in the block chain was clarified for the first time.


The entry into force of the Rules has, on the one hand, fully recognized the technical advantages of the block chain and encouraged the adoption of block chain techniques to address the problem of “certifying difficulties” and, on the other hand, the scientific delineation of the legal boundaries of the block chain and the further orderly regulation of the development of the block chain industry.


There is no doubt that this is an important breakthrough in the judicial application of the block chain.



In recent years, the block chain industry has developed rapidly and its application has extended to a wide range of areas, such as digital finance, supply chain management, physical networking and digital asset trading, with a wide range of applications of the “Blue Sea”, and our country is speeding up on the course of technological development of the global block chain.


In December 2020, local governments in all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions adopted 463 policies to support the development of the sector chain, of which nearly half supported the physical economy.


Today, China's block chain industry has moved away from its barbarous growth and has entered the booming phase of the “coinless block chain” — one that benefits people from time to time. Technology companies compete to enter the block chain. Block chain technology is also seen as a prelude to digital economic competition.


As early as 2015, the software formally began to configure block chain technology and applications. In just a few years, the technology of block chain technology was realized from research exploration to the development of many applications.


Enterprise Application Service Platform for Building Autonomous Block Chains


For block chain companies, having a lower-level platform with greater safety and performance, and greater scalability, is the key to future initiatives in the block chain industry.

远光软件目前已自主研发出区块链企业应用服务平台BAS(Blockchain Applications & Services)。平台的定位是在产业金融、智慧能源、企业应用、社会服务等领域为政府及企业提供一站式服务,加速区块链应用落地。

Remote software is now autonomous in the development of BAS (Blockchain Applications & Services) platform for block-chain business applications. The platform is positioned to provide one-stop services to governments and businesses in the areas of industrial finance, smart energy, business applications, social services, and to accelerate the deployment of block-chain applications.


The platform uses a service-oriented distribution architecture that uses industry-led open-source technologies, core algorithms, and well-established security systems and management components, with technicians simply connecting to the platform through interfaces. On the basis of the provision of standard services, the platform can also provide different online configurations and code functions that expand custom-defined functions to meet individualized needs.


In terms of security, the platform designs efficient privacy data mechanisms, single-chain segregation mechanisms, custom authorization rules, and combines key management mechanisms with contracts on and below the chain and multiple computing; in terms of cross-chain synergies, supports trunking chains, matching gateways, isomer chain validation, Hash locking; in terms of compatibility, supports national algorithms and multi-intelligent contract engine platforms. It is committed to meeting the needs of enterprise-level applications in terms of high performance, high safety, expansion, transportability, compliance regulation.



The block chain is, after all, a technology that, in order to make use of its value, must be applied to the actual scene.


The Long-Range Block Chain has been dedicated to the application of technology in four areas: industrial finance, smart energy, business applications, and social services. Based on the Far-Ray Block Chain Enterprise Application Service platform, Far Light Software has developed multi-purpose products such as supply chain finance, data record, electronic contracting, distributed energy trade settlement, block chain record, block chain commodity traceability, charitable contributions, etc., and has been working with the National Cyber Sea Power Company, the National Networking City Electricity Company, the National Networking Province of Hunan Province, the National Networking Province Electricity Company, the National Network of Fujiang Province Electricity Company, the National Network North Power Company, the Macao University of Science and Technology, among others, to the successful landing of several projects.


In the area of industrial finance, remote-light software is based on block-chain technology to build a “wild-for-people” service platform by building a chain of alliances between upstream and downstream firms and financial institutions in the supply chain, taking full advantage of the trusted characteristics of block-chain technology, building on the credit base of the core enterprises, building up and down the industry chain and establishing a platform for financial services that is self-governing, data-autonomous and valued, to provide higher-quality financing to small and medium-sized enterprises in the supply chain. At the same time, by obtaining data on farm time and attendance, intelligently generating wage lists, directly distributing wages through a direct link between a silver company to a farmer's industrial bank card, and keeping a full-flow chain of certificates, thereby safeguarding the accuracy and timeliness of payment of farmers' wages.


In the area of smart energy, remote-light software has developed autonomous energy block chain platforms to build a trading system for digital assets within the energy Internet based on block-chain technology. The platforms not only provide credible proof of the transaction process, real-time uplink storage of data, reliable security for subsequent types of online services, but also provide multiple functions for intelligent contracts based on block-chain technologies, including customizing different types of smart contracts, distributed point-to-point transactions, etc.


In the area of enterprise applications, far-sighted software combines technologies such as block chain technology with material networking, provides services such as commodity traceability for enterprises, enables them to monitor the production, circulation and consumption of products throughout their life cycle, and allows them to be traceable, traceable and accountable in order to help enterprises to quickly build up good supply chain ecosystems and address consumption trust issues from the source.


In the area of social services, far-sighted software uses the traceability, non-frozen, data-encryption security features of block chain technology to build block-chain public goods platforms, complete process documentation and audit of information and behaviour in public good philanthropy, and a full cycle of public good philanthropy, to make the donor process open, transparent, and to build more credible public goods. In addition, distant-light software has developed products such as electronic certificates, electronic education, and has been active in providing better services to social organizations and individuals through scientific and technological means.


As the digital transition deepens, the application of block chain technology will gradually permeate the vertical industries as well. Far-sighted software will continue to facilitate the effective integration of block chains with the application landscape of industries, promoting the demonstration effect of more projects, driving innovation and contributing to the development of the country’s block chain industry.




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