Copyright belongs to the author xff0c; for any form of reproduction please contact the author.
Author & #xff1a; Sokha block chain & #xff08; from bean petal & #xff09;
Source xff1a; https://www.douban.com/note/683639907/
Eth: Ether: #xff0c; Da Ether #xff0c; Tai Tai Tai Tai
Ether: Ether Classic & #xff0c; Ether, Ether
Newer contact with Eth and etc. inevitably leads to misunderstandings #xff0c; confusion between them #xff0c; what is the relationship between Eth and Etc #xff1f; and what is the problem #xff1f; this time, Coconut brings you together in a thorough analysis of the two coins.
一 :第一个智能合约项目的诞生
I & #xff1a; birth of the first smart contract project
? ?在讲eth和etc之前,币通哥先和大家讲一个术语DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization)去中心化的自治组织,DAO有三条基本定律
♪ ♪ Before eth and etc ♪ #xff0c ♪ #xff0c ♪ ♪ before
? ?1, 诚信机制。 2,不可侵犯机制。 3,自我保护,自洽性。
♪ 1xff0c; Good faith mechanisms. 2xff0c; inviolability mechanisms. 3xff0c; self-protection xff0c; propriety.
? ?既然DAO这么好,于是乎在2016年5月初有人在以太坊上建立了一个DAO应用,命名为 the dao(dao之母的意思)。这是以太坊区块链上的第 一个智能合约应用,也是当时最大的众筹项目,共募得1270万个以太币,当时价值约1.5亿美元。
♪ Now that DAO is so good #xff0c; so early in May 2016, someone set up a DAO application & #xff0c in Etheria; named after the dao (the mother of dao). This is the first smart contract application #xff0c on the Tethy block chain; it was also the largest crowd-raising project at the time #xff0c; it collected 12.7 million in tayats #xff0c; it was worth about $150 million.
?二: 以太币的分裂,etc的诞生
♪ #xff1a; #xff0c;etc's birth ♪
? ? ?至此为止事情进展的不错,但就在2016年的6月17日,一位小黑客发现了the dao项目代码中的漏洞,从the dao项目中盗走了360万枚以太币, 价值7千万美元。
♪ ♪ So far things are going well ♪ #xff0c; but just on June 17, 2016 ♪ #xff0c; a little hacker found a bug in the dao project code ♪ #xff0c; stole 3.6 million pieces of emasc from the dao project ♪ #xff0c; worth $70 million.
? ? ? 这个错误并非来自以太坊本身,而是建立在以太坊上的应用。但作为平台,以太坊要采取处理措施。
♪ The error came not from Ether's own #xff0c; it was based on Ether's application. But as a platform ♪ #xff0c; Ether's got to take care of it.
? ? ? ?以太坊创始人vitalik在微博发布文章,要回滚被盗的以太币,并且得到了大多数团队成员的支持,这条被回滚的链就是eth.
♪ ♪ Vitalik, founder of Etheria, published an article on Twitter ♪ #xff0c; the stolen Ether ♪ #xff0c; and was supported by most team members ♪ #xff0c; this rolled chain is Eth.
? ? 但以太坊团队中有少数成员,认为交易不可逆,是区块的基本特性之一,vitalik回滚交易这一做法虽然得到大多数人的同意,但已经违背了区块链的不可篡改精神而拒绝进行被盗以太坊的交易回滚。
♪ But there are a few members of the Etheraya team ♪ #xff0c; #xff0c, which considers the transaction to be irreversible; xff0c, which is one of the fundamental characteristics of the block ♪ #xff0c; xtalik rollbacks, although agreed to by the majority; xff0c; but has refused to carry out the stolen & Etheria rollback, contrary to the undisguised spirit of the block chain.
? ? 于是乎以太坊分叉成了两条链: 1回滚交易的eth,2拒绝回滚交易的etc
♪ So the Etherium splits into two chains: 1 roll-back Eth, 2 refuse-roll-back-off-tetc
三: eth和etc的区别
IIIxff1a; Eth and etc.
? 1,精神追求不同
♪ 1 #xff0c; spiritual pursuits are different
? ?eth:社区基金管理比较灵活,有v神站台,开发团队强大
♪ ♪ Eeth: Community fund management is more flexible ♪ #xff0c; there's v stand ♪ #xff0c; development team is strong ♪
? ?etc:执着,不懂变通,始终按照区块链的法则运作,但也正因如此,受到很多电脑极客的尊敬。
♪ ♪etc: Persistence #xff0c; lack of understanding of variations #xff0c; always operating according to the law of the block chain ♪ #xff0c; it's also because of this #xff0c; it's respected by a lot of computer enthusiasts.
? ?2,未来路线不同
♪ ♪ 2 #xff0c; different future routes
? ?eth已经确定计划,慢慢从pow共识转为pos
♪ ♪ Eth has set the plan ♪ #xff0c; slowly moving from pow consensus to pos
? ?etc开发者社区明确表示近期不会改用pos机制
♪ ♪ the etc developers community has made it clear that it will not be replaced with a poss mechanism in the near future
xff1a; some say that etc is the original chain xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c ; there's still a lot of room for appreciation in the future xff0c; you might want to hold some ec.
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