是次論壇以「體育經濟新機遇」為主題,積極探索澳門發展體育經濟的重要意義,雲集澳門及內地的知名企業家、學者,就“體育科研助力大眾健康”,“元宇宙+體育運動”等話題進行熱烈探討。論壇採用線上線下相結合的方式舉辦,通過澳門本地公眾大號澳門online、澳門早晨視頻直播,吸引2000多人在線觀看。 is a forum dedicated to the theme "New opportunities for the sports economy" and actively explores the significance of the development of the sports economy in Macao, where prominent entrepreneurs and scholars from both the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom are actively exploring the topics of "Sport science and technology for the health of the general public" and "Main Universe + Sports Movement". 中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育與青年工作部副部長石書正,澳門特別行政區政府教育及青年發展局廳長張敏輝,澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局組織計劃及發展廳廳長馬裕玲,澳門大學教育學院副院長孔兆偉,數位中國科技聯盟執行主席、澳門學人發展協會榮譽會長劉金東,澳門學人發展協會名譽會長、中國設備管理協會副會長張建新等人出席本次論壇。 The Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Work of the Central People's Government Liaison Office in Macau Special Administrative Region, Mr. Yoon Jindong, Director of the Education and Youth Development Department of Macao Special Administrative Region, Mr. Zhang Min-hing, Director of the Organization Programme and Development Office of the Tourism Department of Macao Special Administrative Region, Mr. Ma Yu-Ling, Deputy Director of the School of Education at Macau University, Mr. Koon-Wiang, the President of several China Science and Technology Unions, and the Honorary President of the Macao Academy of Learning Development Association, Mr. Li Jin-dong, the President of the Macao Association of Students Development Excellence, and the Vice-President of the Chinese Association for Design and Management, who have opened the Forum with the participation of newcomers. 澳門學人發展協會第五屆架構成員就職儀式 >. . >.......................................................................................................................... 在論壇開始之前,首先進行了澳門學人發展協會第五屆架構成員就職儀式。澳門學人發展協會於2010年在澳門成立,至今已有13年的歷史,是一個愛國愛澳的非盈利組織,由澳門青年專才及澳門大專院校畢業生組成的青年團體,學人二字,旨在學有所成之後,能夠學以致用,回報社會。十多年來樹立了不少品牌活動。為澳門青年發展、學術事務工作貢獻力量。 span > started the forum with the fifth `/span' session of the Academia Development Association. The Academia Development Association was founded in Macau in 2010 and has 13 years of history to date. It is a patriotist, non-profit organization, a group of young people made up of young people specializing in and graduating from university and university in Macao, whose purpose is to learn to use and report back to society after learning. Over the last 10 years, it has developed a number of branding events. It has contributed to the development and technical work of young people in Macao. 澳門學人在過去13年發展的路途上,有很多一直大力支持協會的重要人士,他們為協會發展提供了無私支援,作出了重要貢獻。為此,特別邀請到數位中國科技聯盟執行主席劉金東主席擔任本屆的榮譽會長、中國設備管理協會副會長張建新先生擔任本屆的名譽會長。 Amanians, on their way over the past 13 years, have a number of prominent supporters of the Association, who have provided selfless support and made important contributions to the development of the Association. To this end, special invitation was extended to President Liu Jindong, the President of the Chinese Federation of Science and Technology, and Vice-President of the Chinese Association for Design and Management, to serve as President of the current session. 頒發聘書 論壇啟動儀式 Forum Launcher 本次論壇以2025年澳門作為主辦全運會城市之一作為契機,藉此推動體育經濟發展,助力澳門經濟適度多元,同時為中澳兩地的企業家,學者以及青年創業者提供一個共同學習平臺,通過主題演講與主題沙龍的形式深入探討了當今科技賦能體育的多種形式與發展方向,同時為中澳兩地的企業家,學者以及青年創業者提供一個共同的學習平臺。 The forum used Macau as one of the organizing cities of the Games in 2025 as an opportunity to promote the growth of the sports economy, to contribute to the diversification of the economy of Macao, and to provide a common learning platform for entrepreneurs, academics and young entrepreneurs in China and Australia, and to explore in depth the many forms and directions of sport today's technology in the form of a keynote address and a theme saloon. 陳青飛會長致辭 “澳門元宇宙協會”於2022年在澳門成立,是澳門首個元宇宙相關產業及行業協會,旨在以科技推動澳門經濟適度多元發展。 在中國科協科學技術傳播中心指導下,中央新影發現紀實傳媒、中關村互聯網教育創新中心、中譯出版社聯合出品大型紀錄片《中國元宇宙》,並推出了“元宇宙中國行”活動,促進數字經濟,加快元宇宙技術創新、產業發展和生態構建,推動區域社會和數位政府建設。 > > under the direction of the China Science and Technology Center of the China Association, the Central Film Discovery Media, the Middle-Kind Village Network Education Centre, the China Dollar Cosmos, a joint Chinese publisher, and the promotion of “China's” campaign to promote the digital economy, accelerate the development of mett-syze: 16px; > under the direction of the China Science and Technology Center for Scientific Technology, promote the development of local societies and several government structures > > >. 此次元宇宙中國行邀請到了中國傳媒大學新聞學碩士研究生,紀片製片人、國家三級導演,紀錄片《中國元宇宙》總導演石嵐女士為澳門元宇宙協會授牌,“元宇宙中國行”順利落地澳門,這一專案將完成思想引領、供需對接、應用落地、融合傳播等目標,總導演石嵐表示,“元宇宙中國行”專案將對澳門實現全面數位化轉型產生積極而深遠的影響。 >The China Bank of the Won-Cosmos invited Chinese Media University to a graduate student in journalism, documentary producer, third-level director of the country, documentary director of the Chinese Won-Cosmos, Ms. Ishigami, who was awarded a medal for the Macau Dollar-Cosmos Association, a project that will complete the goals of leading ideas, supply- and demand-to-supply interfaces, landing sites, and integrated distribution, while the director, Ishigami, said that the project of the China Bank of the Won-Cosmos would have a significant and profound impact on the full digital transformation of Australia’s reality. 中國電視藝術家協會電影紀錄片學術委員會會員石嵐(左)澳門元宇宙協會會長溫林鑒(右) Standard Ishigami (left) Chairman of the Chinese Association of Television Artists' Committee of Film Documentary Sciences
嘉賓主題演講 guest speaker 在主題演講環節中,澳門大學教育學院副院長孔兆偉教授發表了「體育科研助力大眾健康—HIIT 高效省時的煆煉方法」的主題演講。 In the keynote address section, Professor Koo Mu Wai, Vice-President of the Faculty of Education of the University of Macau, presented a presentation on the theme "Sports Science and Research Support for the Health of the People — HIIT Efficiently Saved Methods". 在演講中,孔教授詳細介紹了HIIT(高強度運動與低強度運動間歇交替的訓練方式)的基本概念、實現方式及訓練效率。研究表明,1分鐘劇烈運動的效果等同於30分鐘中等強度運動,足以見得HIIT是一種十分高效的運動方式。此外,孔教授也對運動訓練與虛擬空間相結合的新型運動方式進行了展望,希望在虛擬實境+體育健康的領域有更多的探索。 In his speech, Professor Kong elaborated on the basic concepts, practical ways and training efficiency of HIIT (the way high- and low-intensity sports are trained to alternate between them). Research shows that the effect of one minute of intense activity is equivalent to a 30-minute medium-intensity exercise, which is enough to see that HIIT is a very efficient way of doing it. In addition, Professor Confucius is looking at new modes of sport that combine exercise training with virtual spaces, hoping for more exploration in the realm of virtual reality + physical health. 廣州創新領軍團隊帶頭人劉卓副教授帶來了「面向元宇宙+體育運動的智慧VR交互設備的研發與產業化」的主題演講。 Associate Professor Liu, leader of Guangzhou's new military leadership, brought a presentation on "The Development and Industrialization of Smart VR Interactive Devices for the Meso-Cosmos+ Sports Movement". 劉教授表示,當前元宇宙+體育領域有很大的探索空間。如今人們的生活節奏加快,時間和空間成為了稀缺資源,如何方便快捷的進行運動也成為了企業正在解決的問題。現實中的物理空間是有限的,但元宇宙空間是無限的,希望運用體感、智慧可穿戴設備等在元宇宙空間內實現和真實運動一樣的效果。如今劉教授正在進行技術、產品上的不斷創新,給用戶帶來更暢快的運動體驗。 Professor Liu said that there was a lot of exploration space in the former meta-cosm+ sports field. Now that the rhythm of people's lives has accelerated, time and space have become scarce resources, and how to move fast is a problem for businesses. Physical space is limited in practice, but there is no limit in the meta-cosmos, hoping that the sense of motion, the wisdom to wear devices, etc. will work as well as the real movement within the meta-cosmos. Professor Liu is now working on technology, innovation in products, and bringing faster sports experience to users. 主題沙龍 theme 本次論壇的主題沙龍圍繞「體育+元宇宙、會展、教育」展開探討交流,由澳門元宇宙協會會長溫林鑒主持,邀請到了南光文創(廣東橫琴)有限公司副總經理劉岩、澳門新大陸萬博產教融合總監閻龍、紀錄片《中國元宇宙》運營負責人楊帆為大家帶來精彩分享,現場氛圍熱烈。 The theme of this forum was a discussion and exchange around the "Sport + Won cosmos, Fair, Education" and was hosted by Wenlin, President of the Australian Dollar Cosmos Association, and invited to Liu Iwa, Deputy Managing Director of South Lighting (Guang Toyo) Co. Ltd., the Director-General of the Integracist Integration of the Macao New Territories, Dragons, and the man in charge of the documentary "The Chinese Dollar Cosmos" campaign to share it. 此次青創論壇彙聚學界業界代表智慧,分享行業精英的靈感精髓,助力澳門未來發展,圓滿落下帷幕。 The creative forum brings together the intellectual representatives of the industry to share the spiritual essence of the professional elite and to contribute to the future development of Macau and the end of the curtain. 來源:澳門學人發展協會 長按識別QR CODE聯繋客服 圖文版權為原作者所有,如有侵權請後台聯繋,24小時内刪除返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑:
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