金色财经报导,依据 CoinShares 2 月 22 日的“区块链资产基金流动性专刊”汇报,继 2 月 14 日至 2 月 18 日全新流入的 8900 万美金以后,BTC 基金本月的资金流入总额为 1.783 亿美金。比较之下,到现在为止,以太坊投资商品在 2 月份的资产排出总额为 260 万美金,过去11周中,仅有一周造成了流入量。 CoinShares 强调,虽然“价钱乏力并遭受东欧其他国家矛盾的不良影响”,但上星期数据加密财产整体仍然有资金流入。除开BTC的主导性以外,组织操盘手还买进使用价值 2500 万美金的 Avalanche 有关的投资理财产品,而多财产和 Solana 基金也各自有 940 万美金和 120 万美元的流入。
The BTC Fund's financial inflows for this month totalled $178.3 million, according to a report by CoinShares on February 22, “After the full influx of 89 million dollars from February 14 to February 18, the BTC Fund's financial inflows totalled $178.3 million. In addition to BTC's leading organization, the assets of the over-invested commodities in February totalled $2.6 million, and in the last 11 weeks, only a week of inflows were generated.
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