- 24H最高:¥47.78万
- 24H最低:¥1675.61亿
- 历史最高:2100.0万
- 历史最低:1.82%
- 24H成交额:¥46.42万
- 24H成交量:35.89万
- 最大市值:2100.0万
- 流通市值:2.93%
- 最大发行量:¥53.03万
- 当前发行量:¥9.8万亿
- 流通总量:1971.48万
- 流通率:54.82%
- 24H换手:¥487.69
- 24H波幅:¥9.2万亿
- 市值占比:93.88%
- 发行日期:2009-01-09
What's the difference between eth and btc? ETH and BTC are distinctly different in many ways. Bitcoin is in the direction of lending currency and wants to be an alternative to conventional currency. A lot of small partners don't know much about the difference between eth and btc. On this issue, the editor brings you the difference between eth and btc.
The main difference between ETH and Bitcoin is their purpose, technology, scalability, rationale and direction of application.
排名 | 币种 | 最新价格¥ | 24H额¥ | 24H涨幅 | 流通市值¥ | 换手率 | 美元价格 | 操作 |
1 |
¥4.11 | ¥8.07亿 | +0.33% | 20.61亿 | 9.52% | $0.57 | 查看 |
2 |
¥1217.68 | ¥3.56亿 | +0.05% | 1844.53万 | 1.58% | $169.31 | 查看 |
3 |
¥11.51 | ¥42.1亿 | +8.33% | 25.21亿 | 14.51% | $1.6 | 查看 |
4 |
¥58.83 | ¥8.01亿 | -2.45% | 4.65亿 | 2.92% | $8.18 | 查看 |
5 |
¥0.000080 | ¥58.5亿 | -3.42% | 420.69万亿 | 17.45% | $0.000011 | 查看 |