
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:41 评论:0



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The Bitcoin K-line is one of the important reference points for determining the price movement of bitcoin, which can also be called the Japanese line or the cathode line, among others. In the K-line map, where many valid information about bitcoin can be found. When looking at the K-line, investors need to note that bitcoin's opening price, closing price, maximum price and lowest price, and in the K-line chart there are many lines of different colours, such as red, green, purple, and so on, and the meaning of each colour is different. In the stock market, red means rising, green means falling, so is the bitcoin red or green?


In the currency circle, bitcoin green means rising. Bitcoin is in green and red, which means that when bitcoin prices rise, investors get a return, and when bitcoin prices fall, the investor will bear the loss of green, which can also be a sign of investor optimism about bitcoin, giving investors more confidence to invest in bitcoin.


The currency circle, unlike the stock market, is green and red in the currency circle, and the vaginal line is red. The sunline means that it continues to rise, and the vaginal line means that it continues to fall. Take the example of the sunline. After a period of multi-empty struggle, the closing over the opening indicates that the wind has prevailed, and the sunline suggests that the next stage will continue to rise, at the very least to ensure that the next phase can be driven by inertia. On the other hand, the negative force is the same.


It also helps investors make investment decisions by judging the price movements of bitcoins. It is important to invest in digital currencies, predicting short-term market trends, which are often referred to in currency circles as k-line maps. Whether investors believe in technical analysis or not, it is necessary to understand k-line maps, because basic information about bitcoins’ price movements, turnover, minimums, peaks, etc. can also be found in k-line maps.


The K-line map consists mainly of three parts: the yin, the live and the line:


1. Look at the sun and the sun, representing the direction of the trend.


Most of the exchange analysis software in the currency circle is green and red for the vagina. The sun indicates that it continues to rise, and the vaginal sign that it continues to fall. Take the example of the sun. After a period of multi-empty struggle, closing over openings means that the wind has more than one head and the sunline suggests that the next phase will continue to rise, at the very least to ensure that the next phase can be driven by inertia. On the other hand, the negative force is the same.


2. Depending on the size of the entity, the size of the entity represents the underlying motive.


The bigger the entity, the more obvious the motive is up or down, the less the motive is. In the case of the sunline, the real subject is the part where the closing price is higher than the opening price. The bigger the sunline, the higher the incentive to rise.


3. Depending on the length of the line, the line represents a turning point signal.


The longer the line is in one direction, the less it will be in that direction, the more it will be in the next, the more it will be in the next, the longer it will be in the next, the more it will be in the lower, the less it will be in the currency. This is the case. After a period of emptiness, many heads have been defeated. Whether the kline is a sun or a sun, the upper line already constitutes a resistance to the next stage, and prices are more likely to be adjusted downward.


1) The K-day line is based on the movement of the stock price (indicator) over a one-day period, i.e., the opening price, the closing price, the highest price, and the lowest price.


When the closing price is higher than the opening price, the opening price is above the opening price, and the long-line between the two is drawn in red or hollow, known as the open line, with the upper limit of the upper line being the highest price and the lowest of the lower line being the lowest price.


When the closing price is lower than the opening price, the opening price is below the closing price, and the long column between the two is drawn in black or in solid form, known as the vaginal line, with the upper limit of the upper line being the highest price and the lowest of the lower line being the lowest price.


2) Based on the calculation cycle of the K Line, it may be divided into the Day K Line, the Week K Line, the Moon K Line, the Year K Line.


The K line is a K-line map drawn on Monday, Friday, week top and week bottom. The K-line is opened on the first day of the month, and the K-line on the last date of the transaction, and the K-line on the month bottom, the same reason as the K-line of the month. The K-line of the week, month-k, is often used to develop mid-term behaviour. For short-line operators, the five-minute K-line, 15-minute K-line, 30-minute K-line and 60-minute K-line are also of significant reference value.


That's whether bitcoin red or green is up or up? More details about what bitcoin green and red means.

Tag:比特币   区块链  



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