自動識別技術(Automatic Identification and Data Capture,AIDC)
Auto awareness technology (Automatic Information and Data Capture, AIDC)
Autonomy is an important way and means to read the information automatically and enter it automatically computer , using computer technology and > computer > >
In accordance with the international automatic recognition technology classification criteria, there are two types of automatic recognition techniques: one is classified according to the application of the technology, the basic feature of which is the need for an identifiable object to have a specific identifier (e.g. , with the exception of optical characters, which can be divided into three types of optical storage units, magnetic storage units and electronic storage units; the other is classified according to the characteristics of extraction techniques, the basic feature of which is a self-assembly collection of numbers based on the behaviour of the object itself, which can be divided into static features, dynamic features and attributes.
Automatic recognition technology has the following common features:
Accuracy - Autonomous data collection to eliminate human error completely;
Efficiency - the exchange of information takes place;
Compatibility - Automatic awareness technology based on computer technology can be seamlessly linked to .
Speaking of auto-awareness technologies, it is necessary to refer to because it has an important place in auto-awareness technologies today. The process of the formation of auto-awareness technologies is inseparable from the development, use and development of codes. Given their importance, we will describe them in detail in the next section.
(2) Magnetic (card) technique
Magnetic (card) technology uses the basics of physics and magnetism. For autonomisers, magnets are a thin layer of material made of directed iron oxide particles (also called paints) that bind together with resins and on non-magnetic matrices such as paper or plastic.
Magnetic (card) technology has the advantage of reading and writing data, i.e. having the capacity to adapt data on the spot; using data reserves to meet the needs of most situations, low cost, low level of data security; and posting on base materials in many different settings and forms. These advantages make them widely available in many fields, such as , tickets, buses, (3)IC卡技術
(3) IC card technology IC卡是集成電路卡(Integrated Circuit Card)的簡稱,它是一種將集成電路晶元嵌裝於塑料等基片上而製成的卡片。IC卡出現後,國際上對它有多種叫法:Smart Card、IC Card、Memory Card、聰明卡、智慧卡、智能卡、存儲卡等。根據卡中的集成電路不同,可以把Ic卡分為存儲器卡(卡中集成電路位EEPROM)、邏輯加密卡(卡中集成電路具有加密邏輯和EEPROM)和CPU卡。嚴格地講,只有CPU卡才是真正的智能卡。CPU卡中的集成電路包括中央處理器CPU、EE.PROM、隨機存儲器RAM以及固化在只讀存儲器ROM中的卡片操作系統COS。根據卡片和讀寫設備通信方式不同,Ic卡可分為接觸式和非接觸式。公共交通卡就是一種非接觸式的IC卡。非接觸式IC卡在當前應用中主要包括邏輯加密卡和CPU卡,CPU卡與邏輯加密卡相比,具有更高的安全性,而接觸式IC卡能夠充分保證交易時的安全性,因此雙界面(即接觸式和非接觸式在一張IC卡上)CPU卡應用得越來越廣泛。
ICK is a short name for an integrated circuit card (Integrated Circuit Card), which is a card made on a base sheet such as plastic. When ICka appears, it is called: Smart Card, ICC Card/Calca = < < < < < < < < ref > > > ; 值得註意的是,不少人將非接觸式IC卡歸類到RFID卡中,這是由於市場認知的結果:接觸式Ic卡進入國內市場很多年,非接觸式IC卡是近年來才大行其道的,而此時RFID的概念開始在中國市場普及,因而造成了混亂。從通信方式看,非接觸式IC卡與RFID卡是一致的,因此我們建議將非接觸式IC卡歸類到射頻識別(RFID)卡內。
It is interesting to note that a number of people have classified non-contact ICLs into RFIDs, as a result of market recognition: the contact IcCs entered the domestic market for many years, and the non-contact ICLs were consistent with RFIDs in recent years, when the concept of RFID began to spread in the Chinese market, causing confusion from non-contact ICKs and RFIDs , and therefore we recommend that the non-contact ICLs be classed as , and therefore we recommend that the non-contact ICCLs be classified as (4)語音識別技術
The so-called voice recognition is a major breakthrough in the realization of a human conversation by using a computer system for automatic recognition of the content and pronunciation of the voice carried by the voice. Language recognition techniques are based on an analysis of the three basic attributes of speech. One is physical attributes, such as high, long, strong and sound quality; the second is physiological attributes, such as the impact of the pronunciation organ on the voice; and the third is social attributes, such as the role of the meaning of the language. 語音識別技術主要有四個方面的功能:聲紋識別、內容識別、語種識別和語音標準識別。
Voice recognition technology has four main functions: voice recognition, content recognition, language recognition and voice standard recognition. (5)視覺識別技術
(5) Visual awareness technology 視覺是人類獲取信息的最重要的手段。圖像是人類獲取信息的主要途徑。所謂“圖”,就是物體透射或者反射光的分佈;“像”是人的視覺系統接收圖的信息而在大腦中形成的印象或認識。前者是客觀存在的,而後者是人的感覺,圖像則是兩者的結合。目前圖像識別技術已經廣泛運用於工業生產、軍事國防、醫學醫療等多個方面。例如指紋鎖、交通監管、家庭防盜系統、電子閱卷系統等。
Visualization is the most important means for humans to access information. Images are the main way for humans to access information. So-called “map”, is the distribution of physical transmutation or reflective light; and “like” is the image or recognition in the brain of information that the visual system receives. The former is objective, the latter is human, and the image is a combination of the two. 自動識別技術是為各行業領域的用戶提供自動識別與數據採集技術為主的信息化產品與服務的現代高新技術,它作為信息技術的一個重要分支,已成為推動國民經濟信息化發展的重要基礎和手段之一,其產業的發展對我國國民經濟的發展和信息化建設起到了重要的作用。黨的十六大報告明確指出:“以信息化帶動工業化,優先發展信息產業,在經濟和社會領域廣泛應用信息技術”。“十五”綱要中明確指出:“加強條碼和代碼等信息標準化基礎工作”。國家“十一五”規劃中“RFID產業發展專項”、“863”計劃中“RFID專項”的確立,都充分表明在經濟全球化和我國加入WTO後的今天,自動識別技術產業的發展及技術應用的推廣將在我國的經濟建設中發揮舉足輕重的作用。
"Autonomous awareness technology" is a new technology to provide information products and services based on self-awareness and data collection technologies for users in various fields, as Technology 1.自動識別技術是國民經濟信息化的重要基礎和技術支撐
1. Automatic awareness technology is . 21世紀是信息高速發展的數字化社會,中國要縮短與發達國家的差距,成為經濟強國,必須利用現代信息技術打造數字化中國。自動識別與數據採集技術,即可以通過自動(非人工)獲取項目(實物、服務等各類事物)管理信息,並將信息數據實時輸入電腦、微處理器、邏輯控制器等信息系統的技術,已成為突破信息採集速度低、準確度差的最佳手段。
The 21st century is a digital society with a high rate of information development, and China needs to use modern information technology to digitize China if it is to narrow the gap between the developing and developing countries. Automatic and data collection techniques, i.e., manage items (physical, service, etc.) through automatic (non-manual) access to information, and post data to computers, 作為自動識別技術之一的條碼技術,從20世紀40年代進行了研究開發,70年代逐漸形成規模,近30年來取得了長足的發展。條碼識別技術具有信息採集可靠性高、成本低廉等特點,可以實現信息快速、準確的獲取與傳遞,可以把供應鏈中的製造商、批發商、分銷商、零售商以及最終客戶整合為一個整體,為實現全球貿易及電子商務提供了一個通用的語言環境。在金融、海關、社保、醫保等部門,也可以利用條碼技術對顧客的賬戶和資金往來進行實時的信息化管理,並伴隨著電子貨幣的廣泛應用逐步實現資金流電子化。同時,條碼技術的應用發展不僅使商品交易的信息傳輸電子化,也將使商品儲運配送的管理電子化,從而為建立更大規模快捷的物流儲運中心和配送網路奠定技術基礎,最終及時準確地完成電子商務的全過程。多年來,條碼技術廣泛成功地應用於我國的零售業、進出口貿易、電子商務,為國民經濟的增長奠定了重要基礎,並取得了顯著的經濟效益。
, which has evolved over the 1970s and has developed considerably over the past 30 years. =https://wik.comre.comf =https://wiki.balii > = http://www.hbali > > > > 射頻識別技術是一種非接觸式的自動識別技術。它通過射頻標簽與射頻讀寫器之間的感應、無線電波或微波能量進行非接觸雙向通信,實現數據交換,從而達到識別的目的。通過與互聯網技術結合,可以實現全球範圍內物品的跟蹤與信息的共用。RFID是繼Internet和移動/無線通訊兩大技術大潮之後的又一次技術大潮。RFID技術用於身份識別、資產管理、高速公路的收費管理、門禁管理、寵物管理等領域,可以實現快速批量的識別和定位,並根據需要進行長期的跟蹤管理;用於物流、製造與服務等行業,可以大幅度提高企業的管理和運作效率,並降低流通成本。隨著識別技術的進一步完善和應用的廣泛推進,RFID產品的成本將迅速降低,其帶動的產業鏈將成為一個新興的高技術產業群。建立在RFID技術上的支撐環境,也將在提高社會信息化水平以及加強國防安全等方面產生重要影響。
is a non-connected self-awareness technique. It can be exchanged 生物特征識別技術是利用人體所固有的生理特征或行為特征來進行個人身份鑒定的技術。隨著人們對社會安全和身份鑒別的準確性和可靠性需求的日益提高,以及生物特征識別技術裝備和應用系統的不斷完善,生物特征識別作為一門新興的高科技技術正蓬勃發展起來。在我國,指紋識別、虹膜識別、掌紋識別等產品已開始在國家安全、金融等領域中得到推廣和普及。生物特征識別技術不僅可以大大提升安全防範技術的技術層次,而且還是安全防範技術的三大主導技術之一。生物特征識別產業的發展將對我國政府的信息安全、經濟秩序以及反恐怖等方面起到重要的支撐作用。
Biocharacterization technology is being developed as a new technology for high technology. In my country, , 2.自動識別技術已成為我國信息產業的有機組成部分
2. Auto-awareness technology has become an organic part of our national information industry . 目前,自動識別技術已滲透到各個行業,擔當著不可或缺的重要角色。自動識別技術在各行業的應用有力地支持了傳統產業的升級和改造,帶動了其他行業的信息化,改變了過去“高增長、高能耗”的經濟增長方式,節約了製造成本,增加了國民經濟效益。同時,我國自動識別技術系列產品的創新和廣闊的市場需求也將成為我國國民經濟新的增長點。因此,自動識別技術產業的健康發展對於國民經濟新的增長方式的轉變和國民經濟效益的增加有著非常重要的作用。數字化巨集觀管理、政府的規化與決策,無不需要各領域數據的準確與及時。自動識別技術在國民經濟發展過程中的應用將成為我國信息產業的一個重要的有機組成部分,具有廣闊的發展前景。
At present, self-inflicted technology has reached 8 essential players. The applications of self-inflicted technology have strongly supported the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries , changing the previous 3.自動識別技術可提升企業供應鏈的整體效率
3. Auto-awareness technology enhances the overall efficiency of the corporate supply chain 從企業層面上來講,自動識別技術已經成為企業價值鏈的必要構成部分,是我國企業信息化的基石。自動識別技術具有提升傳統產業的現代化管理水平、促進企業的運作模式和流程變革的作用。
On the corporate level, automatic awareness technology has become a necessary component of the business value chain /a>, which is the cornerstone of the informationization of my country's enterprises. Autonomy technology has the effect of raising the level of modern management of traditional industries, promoting business modes of operation and process change. 自條碼技術進人物流業和零售業以後,零售企業和物流企業的傳統運作模式被打破,具有先進管理模式的現代零售企業如超級市場、大賣場等開始出現。企業可以及時獲得商品信息,實現商品管理的自動化和庫存的精確管理,最大限度地減少庫存成本和人力成本,增強企業的綜合競爭能力。
> 自動識別技術也為零售企業的規模擴張提供了技術支撐。當今企業問的競爭已經不是單一的企業層面之間的競爭,而是整體供應鏈間的競爭。而供應鏈上下游伙伴間信息的“無縫”連接,需要條碼、射頻識別等自動識別技術的支持。
Auto-awareness technology also provides technical support for the expansion of retail enterprises 近年來,EPC的提出更是為RFID射頻識別技術在物流供應鏈管理中的應用提供了廣闊的市場前景。EPC代碼作為產品信息溝通的紐帶,通過識別承載EPC代碼信息的電子標簽,利用電腦互聯網、無線數據通訊等技術,實現對整個供應鏈中物品的自動識別與信息交換和共用,進而實現對物品的透明化管理。EPC是條碼識別技術的拓展和延伸,它將成為信息技術和網路社會高速發展的一種新趨勢。EPC的發展不僅會對整個自動識別產業帶來變革,而且還將對提高現代物流供應鏈管理、電子商務和國際經濟貿易,甚至對人們的日常生活和工作帶來巨大而深遠的影響。
In recent years, the EPC initiative has provided a wider market perspective for RFID broadcasting technology applications in logistics supply chain management. The EPC code, as a new belt for product information communication, uses electronic tagging for EPC coded information, using computer networking, wireless digital communication, etc., to ensure that self-awareness and information exchange and sharing of the entire supply chain are made available and implemented. The EPC is an extension and extension of technology to the item . The EPC is an extension and extension of technology to the item 信息已經成為當代和未來社會最重要的戰略資源之一,人類認識世界和改造世界的一切有意義的活動都離不開信息資源的開發、加工和利用。信息技術的突飛猛進,使得它的應用已經滲透到社會的各行各業、科學的各門學科,極大地提高了社會的生產力水平,同時也促進了許多相關技術的飛速發展。如識別技術、感測技術、通信技術、人工智慧技術和控制技術等,都是以信息技術為平臺向深度與廣度飛速發展的。
one of the most important strategic resources of the contemporary and future society . 自動識別技術包含多個技術研究領域,由於這些技術都具有辨認或分類識別的特性,且工作過程都大同小異,故而構成為一個技術體系,正如一條大河由許多支流組成一樣。所以說,自動識別技術體系是各種技術發展到一定程度時的綜合體,這一點也從側面印證了現代科學正在由近代的“分析時代”向現代的“分析一綜合時代”轉變的特征。自動識別技術體系中各種技術的發展歷程各有不同,但其共同點都是隨著信息技術的需求與發展而發展起來的。
Self-inflicted technology encompasses several fields of technological research, since they all have the character of identifying or sorting, and the process is similar. So, the auto-infification technology system is a combination of , just as a river is made up of many branches. So, the self-inflicted technology system is a combination of technologies that have evolved to a certain extent, but it is also evidence that modern science is being transformed by the recent “analyzing times” to the “analyzing times” of the present generation. 目前,自動識別技術發展很快,相關技術的產品正向多功能、遠距離、小型化、軟硬體並舉、信息傳遞快速、安全可靠、經濟適用等方向發展,出現了許多新型技術裝備。其應用也正在向縱深方向發展,面向企業信息化管理的深層的集成應用是未來應用發展的趨勢。隨著人們對自動識別技術認識的加深,其應用領域的日益擴大、應用層次的提高以及中國市場巨大的增長潛力,為中國自動識別技術產業的發展帶來了良機。
At present, the technology of self-awareness is developing rapidly, and the products of related technology are moving in the direction of multifunctionality, distance, miniaturization, software hardware, rapid information transfer, safety and reliability, and economic suitability. Its applications are also moving in the direction of depth, and the integration of applications to the deep layers of corporate information management is a future development. As people become more aware of the technology of self-awareness, its applications are growing in size, its use levels are increasing, and the potential of China’s market to grow significantly, bringing great opportunities for the development of China’s self-awareness technology industry. 自動識別技術具有廣闊的市場前景,各項技術各有所長,面對各行業的信息化應用,自動識別技術將形成互補的局面,並將更廣泛地應用於各行各業。
Auto-awareness technology has a wide market perspective, and each has a wide range of technologies, which, in the face of the information applications of each industry, will create a mutually reinforcing situation and will be more widely used in the various industries. 1.多種識別技術的集成化應用
1. Integrating applications of multiple knowledge technologies 事物的要求往往是多樣性的,而一種技術的優勢只能滿足某一方面的需求。由於這種矛盾,必然使人們將幾種技術集成應用,以滿足事物多樣性的要求。
The demands of things are often multiple, and the advantages of a technology can only satisfy one side of the demand. This paradox leads people to combine to satisfy the requirements of diversity. 例如,使用智能卡設置的密碼較容易被破譯,這往往會造成用戶財產的損失。而新興的生物特征識別技術與條碼識別技術、射頻識別技術相集成,誕生了一種新的具有廣泛生命力的交叉技術。利用二維條碼、電子標簽數據儲存量大的特點,可將人的生物特征如指紋、虹膜、照片等信息存儲在二維條碼、電子標簽中,現場進行離線認證,既提高了效率,又節省了聯網線上查詢的成本,同時極大地提高了應用的安全性,實現了一卡多用。
Using 2D2D bar code, electronic signature numbers with a significant mass of life skills. Using , a new multi-dimensional combination of biomechanics and code to enhance the use of 又如,對一些有高度安全要求的場合,需進行必要的身份識別,防止未經授權的進出,此時可採用多種識別技術的集成來實施對不同級別的身份識別。如一般級別身份的識別可採用帶有二維條碼的證件檢查,特殊級別身份的識別可使用線上簽名的筆跡鑒定,絕密級別身份的識別則可應用虹膜識別技術(存儲在電子標簽或二維條碼中)來保證其安全性,而其中的每種識別技術,其標識載體都可以存儲大量的文字、圖像等信息。
For example, in cases where a high level of security is required, the necessary identification is required to prevent the entry and exit of 再者,RFID和EPC技術的出現及推廣應用將增進人們對自動識別技術的關註和認識,從而進一步擴大對自動識別技術的需求。而條碼識別技術作為成本低廉、應用便捷的自動識別技術,已形成了成熟的配套產品和產業鏈,它仍將是人們在多個領域採用自動識別技術的首選。國內的相關企業和專家正在研究EPC的編碼技術與二維條碼相結合的應用,將EPC代碼存儲到二維條碼中,在不需要快速、多目標同時識讀的條件下,解決單個產品的惟一標識和數據的攜帶。或將EPC編碼存儲在電子標簽中,實現快速、多目標、遠距離的同時識讀。可以預見,在未來幾年,EPC將對我國的條碼、電子標簽市場帶來更大的拉動。
Moreover, the emergence of RFID and EPC technologies and their extension will increase people’s awareness and awareness of self-inflicted technologies, increasing the demand for self-inflicted technologies. And code recognition technologies, as low-cost, easy-to-use auto-inspection technologies, have developed a mature mix of products and products, which will remain the first choice for people to use self-inflicted technologies in multiple domains. National related businesses and specialists are studying the combination of EPC coding techniques with two-dimensional codes, saving the EPC code to two-dimensional codes, solving the only labels and numbers of individual products that need to be read quickly and with equal purpose. 2.與無線通訊相結合是未來自動識別產業發展的重要趨勢
2. Combining with wireless communication is an important development not derived from the development of an awareness industry . 自動識別技術與以802.11b/g為代表的無線區域網(wireless LAN,WLAN)技術、藍牙技術和數字蜂窩移動通信系統(global system for mobile communication,GSM)、通用無線分組業務(general packet radio service,GPRS)、碼分多址(code-division multiple access,CDMA)、全球定位系統(global positioning system,GPS)以及3G無線廣域網數據通訊技術的緊密結合,將引領未來發展的潮流。在數據採集及標簽生成等設備上集成無線通訊功能的產品,將幫助企業實現在任何時間、任何地點實時採集數據,並將信息通過無線區域網、無線廣域網實時傳輸,通過企業後臺管理信息系統對信息進行高效的管理。無線技術的應用將把自動識別技術的發展推向新的高潮。
Auto-aware technologies and wireless area networks represented by 802.11b/g (wireless LAN, WLAN, 手機識讀條碼的開發和應用也成為條碼識別技術應用的一個亮點,目前在日、韓等國,手機識讀條碼識別技術已開始較大規模的應用。近兩年來,國內一些公司也開始涉足這一領域的研發和應用推廣。隨著該技術的進一步成熟,手機識讀條碼將在電子商務、物流、商品流通、身份認證、防偽、市場促銷等領域得到廣泛的應用。
In the last two years, a number of companies in the country have also become involved in the development and application of the code and application applications. As the technology matures, mobile phone reading codes will be used in electronic commerce, logistics, 此外,隨著社會和企業需要管理傳輸的數據日趨龐大,要求數據可以實現跨行業的交換。結合現代通訊技術和網路技術搭建的數據管理和增值服務通訊平臺,將成為行業、企業數據管理和自動識別技術之間的橋梁和依托,使得政府和企業在信息化應用中的有關數據傳輸、通訊、可靠性以及網路差異等一系列問題得到有效的解決。
In addition, as societies and businesses need to manage the flow of data, the data can be exchanged across the line and and Value Added Services Information Level will be used as a bridge between 3.自動識別技術將越來越多地應用於控制。智能化水平在不斷提高
3. Autonomy technology will be used more and more for control. The level of intelligence is constantly increasing 控制的基礎在信息,沒有信息就沒有從信息加工出來的控制策略,控制就會是盲目的,就不能夠達到控制的目的。信息不但是控制的基礎,而且是控制的出發點、前提和歸宿。
Control is based on information, without which there is no control strategy from . Control is blind and cannot achieve the purpose of control. Information is not only the foundation of control, but also the point of departure, premise and destination of control. 目前,自動識別的輸出結果主要用來取代人工輸入數據和支持人工決策,用於進行“實時”控制的應用還不廣泛。當然,這與識別的速度還沒有達到“實時”控制的要求有關。更重要的是,長期以來,管理方面對自動識別的要求更為迫切。隨著對控制系統智能水平的要求越來越高,僅僅依靠測試技術已經不能全面地滿足需要,所以自動識別技術與控制技術緊密結合的端倪開始顯現出來。
At present, auto-awareness output is mainly used to replace manual input data and support manual decision-making. It is not widely used for “real-time” control. Of course, it is related to the fact that the speed of recognition has not yet reached the “real-time” control requirement. More importantly, management demand for self-awareness has become more pressing in the long run. As the need to control the intelligence level of the system has grown ever more demanding, relying only on testing techniques that are no longer fully adequate, it has become apparent that auto-awareness techniques and control techniques are closely aligned. 在此基礎上,自動識別技術需要與人工智慧技術緊密結合。目前,自動識別技術還只是初步具有處理語法信息的能力,並不能理解已識別出的信息的意義。要真正實現具有較高思維能力的機器,就必須使機器不僅具備處理語法信息(僅僅涉及處理對象形式因素的信息部分)的能力,還必須具備處理語義信息(僅僅涉及處理對象含義因素的信息部分)和語用信息(僅僅涉及處理對象效用因素的信息部分)的能力,否則就談不上對信息的理解,而只能停留在感知的水平上。所以,提高對信息的理解能力,從而提高自動識別系統處理語義信息和語用信息的能力,是自動識別技術向縱深發展的一個重要趨勢。
On this basis, auto-awareness technology needs to be coupled with artificial intelligence technology. At present, auto-awareness technology has only the initial ability to process syntax information, and does not understand the significance of the information that has been identified. To truly realize a machine with more thought-promoting capabilities, it must be equipped not only to process syntax information (only the information component dealing with the information component of the visual element), but also to deal with semantic information (only the information section dealing with the information section dealing with the symmetrical element) and (only the information section dealing with the information component dealing with the symmetric factors), it must not be understood, but rather at the level of awareness. 4.自動識別技術的應用領域將繼續拓寬,並向縱深發展
4. Applications for auto-awareness technology will continue to expand and move to . 自動識別技術中的條碼技術最早應用於零售業,此後不斷向其他領域延伸和拓展。例如,目前,條碼識別技術的應用市場主要集中在物流運輸、零售和工業製造這三個領域,它們的市場份額已占到全球市場的2/3左右,並且在未來5年內,這種趨勢還將繼續。近年來,一些新興的條碼識別技術的應用市場正在悄然興起,如政府、醫療、商業服務、金融、出版業等領域的條碼應用每年均以較高的速度增長。
For example, the initial application of the cipher technology in self-initiated technology was at to extend and expand to other domains. For example, the application of the cipher technology is currently concentrated in 從條碼應用的發展趨勢來看,各國特別是發達國家把條碼識別技術的發展重點正向著生產自動化、交通運輸現代化、金融貿易國際化、醫療衛生高效化、票證金卡普及化、安全防盜防偽保密化等領域推進。雖然我國在眾多領域的應用還相對空白和薄弱,但這也正是我國條碼產業發展的大好時機。
In the light of the development of code applications, countries are particularly focusing on the development of code awareness technology, which is moving towards areas such as auto-production, modern transport, internationalization of financial trade, health efficiency, universal access to credit cards, and security against theft and secrecy. Although our country’s applications in many fields are still weak and weak, this is also the best opportunity for our industry to develop. 射頻識別技術的發展和應用市場正在開拓。13.56MHz的RFID系統在國內獲得了廣泛的應用,如居民身份證、校園一卡通、電子車票等;更低頻率的RFID系統如電子防盜(EAS),也在商場、超市得到了廣泛應用;在動物識別方面的應用已開始起步;在遠距離RFID系統應用方面,以915MHz為代表的RFID系統在機動車輛的自動識別方面得到了較好的應用,尤其是在鐵路應用中,中國具有國際上最先進、規模也是最大的鐵路車號自動識別應用系統。
The RFID system of 13.56 MHz has a wide range of applications in the country, such as resident identification cards, a school cartoon, electric bus tickets, etc.; the less frequent RFID system, such as electronic anti-piracy (EAS), is also well developed in the mall, ; the application of animal recognition has begun; and the RFID system, represented by 915MHz, has a relatively good self-awareness in the motor vehicle, especially in the case of the railways, where China has the most advanced, model and the largest self-awareness system in the world. 在我國推廣RFID技術具有重要的意義。一方面,以出口為目的的製造業必須滿足國際上關於電子標簽的強制性指令;另一方面,RFID的技術優勢使得人們有理由相信該技術在物流、資產管理、製造業、安全和出入控制等諸多領域的應用將改變上述領域信息採集手段落後、信息傳遞不及時和管理效率低下的現狀,並產牛巨大的經濟效益。
On the one hand, must satisfy the international mandatory directive on electronic signature; on the other hand, 從應用發展的趨勢來看,兩大主流自動識別技術,即條碼識別技術與射頻識別技術,將有相互融合發展的趨勢(條碼與EPC相結合)。
In terms of the trends in application development, the two main mainstream automatic awareness technologies, i.e., code recognition techniques and radio-awareness technologies, will have the effect of integrating development (the codes and the EPC). 5.新的自動識別技術標準不斷涌現,標準體系日趨完善
5. New automatic recognition technology standards are constantly emerging and standards systems are improving 近年來,條碼自動識別技術作為信息自動採集的基本手段,在物流、產品追溯、供應鏈、電子商務等開放環境中得到廣泛應用。新的應用不斷涌現,帶動了新的條碼識別技術標準不斷出現,標準體系日趨完善。目前,企業的需求成為標準制定的動力,全球已形成標準化組織與企業共同制定國際條碼識別技術標準的格局。近年來,國際標準化組織ISO/IEC的專門技術委員會發佈了多個條碼識別技術碼制標準、應用標準。
In recent years, the code-based auto-awareness technology has been used as a basic tool for information-based auto-introduction, using 標準化工作在國際上正在從紛爭逐步走向規範。其典型的標誌是EPC global體系的EPC Cl Gen2標準納入ISO/IEC18000—6,面向物品標識的RFID技術標準ISO 18000系列已經發佈。國內在RFID的標準化方面也基本上開始遠離紛爭,正在走向合作開發的道路。相關的產品標準已經制定了協會標準,並公佈實施。但從目前的現狀來看,標準的制定工作還遠不能滿足技術開發與市場應用的需求。相關標準體系的建立將是我國RFID產業面臨的重要課題。
In the meantime, C8%C's standardisation E2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%E2%E2b2%C2%E2%C2%E2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2C2%C2C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%E2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%E2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%C2%A2%A2%A2%A2%Ebbbb2%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%Ebbbbbbt.%Et.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%A.%Ebt.%Et.%Et.%Et.%Et.%Ebt.%Ebt.%Et.%E 對於生物特征識別技術,我們與國際水平還有一定的差距,市場還不是很完善,缺乏技術與市場需求的良性互動。其中,最為關鍵的是缺乏行業應用與關鍵技術的統一規範與標準,從而制約了整個行業的良性發展。目前,社會公共安全行業(GA)已先後制定了指紋專業名詞術語、指紋自動識別系統技術規範、數據交換格式、出人口控制系統技術要求以及指紋鎖、指紋採集器等36項行業標準。但這些標準主要是針對在公安行業中的指紋識別技術,而對於其他生物識別技術及產業化領域,則屬於空白。因此,生物識別技術的標準化工作迫在眉睫。
There is still a gap between us and the international level with regard to biocharacterization technology. The market is not perfect. The lack of technology and . The most important of this is the lack of a standard and standard of
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