. Many people do not know much about the timing of the trip to Taiga 3.0 and 2024the latest /a> upline ETH3.0
2024*太坊ETH3.0上线时间最新消息 小编据官方了解,ETH3.0空投预售结束后,2月1日晚8点同步上线MEXC抹茶交易平台和binance币安交易平台!具体详情请看交易平台2月1日公告! On February 1st, at 8 p.m., following the arrival of the ETH3.0 drop deposit, according to the editor-in-chief, the online MEXC tea deal platform and the binance currency exchange platform ! See the announcement of the trading platform of February 1st! Tb钱包*太坊链接上线 Tb Wallet */span > ETH3.0是*太坊坎昆升级的硬分叉币,建立在*太坊区块链上的*太坊ERC-20版本。经过验证的权益投资合约将按照*太坊原始区块奖励计划释放ETH3.0代币。通过一种新的权益投资(PoS)机制,抵押ETH3.0并获得这些奖励的一部分。 ETH3.0 is a hard split fork in the upgrading of Cancún in Taipan, built on * in the chain of < /span > ERC-20. A certified equity investment contract will release ETH3.0 in accordance with the Taipan original block incentive scheme. Through a new PoS mechanism, ETH3.0 will be secured and received as part of these incentives. ETH3.0为那些错过了*太坊约0.1美元购买机会的人们提供了一个新的机会,以最低可能的价格购买升级版本,并有能力质押ETH3.0代币以获取奖励。 ETH3.0 provides a new opportunity for those who have missed the opportunity to buy around US$ 0.1 at the lowest possible price and have the ability to pledge ETH3.0 in exchange for an incentive. ETH3.0是基于*太坊EVM底层框架而分叉出的更快、更安全、更便宜的L1网络。经过验证的权益投资合约将按照*太坊原始区块奖励计划释放ETH3.0代币。通过一种新的权益投资(PoS)机制,抵押ETH3.0并获得这些奖励的一部分。ETH3.0总量为120,269,517枚。市值仅为ETHW的千分之一。 ETH3.0 is based on a faster, safer, and cheaper L1 network, which is based on the bottom frame of *Team EVM. A certified equity investment contract will release ETH3.0 in accordance with the */span's
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