Every man who brings smiles to others is in his heart bitter and repressed.
Obviously, I am one of those people, and although my words are dissipated, the bitterness of my heart is unknown to no one.
I've been feeling depressed lately because I don't even know what to do with myself in the mirror, and I used to hate to do it live.
To treat my depression, I went to Hangzhou and Shanghai for the best psychological consultation, where I had a brief look at the price of psychological counselling.
Looking at these figures on the price table, I found myself much better, without consulting or depression.
Money's fun, that's right.
After the path of psychological counselling was blocked by money, I thought of the beggar's way to make myself happy, which was to talk to my second aunt.
The old reader knew that my second aunt, she was an amazing investment master who, over the years, had been able to step on every one of her investments with precision and cleverly bypass all the right answers.
From the Seaview Room to P2P to distribution to health items, to television shopping, to antique auctions to stock markets to foreign currency mats to currency circles, she has stepped in more pits than you have travelled and has paid millions of dollars.
Our entire family's investment is in the direction of her investment in the opposite direction.
My uncle used to tell her not to try, and he couldn't even afford it.
My cousin begged her not to buy it every day, and he just wanted to be a quiet, rich generation who was playing with little sisters in a limo.
And despite the failure of the investment, she has always been diligent in running for the next trick and has been extremely resilient.
So when I'm not happy, I'm having fun with my second aunt, and I've been happy for half a year since last year when she lost her words about keeping Nakamoto out of Shandong.
Auntie, I need you.
Because I often expose scams, my relationship with my second aunt is more responsible.
Plus Token在我的揭露文章发布后第三天跑路,团队在第六天在国外被抓,二婶儿又一次常规操作赔的底儿掉。
Plus Token ran three days after my article was released, the team was captured abroad on the sixth day, and the second aunt routinely paid off again.
上次Plus Token资金盘那件事情后,我拉黑了二婶儿,因为她投了很多钱进去,还到处拉人头,关键是还拉到了我头上。
After the last incident with Plus Token, I hacked her because she had invested a lot of money in it and pulled her head all over my head.
So the first thing I did was to bring my aunt back.
If I told her directly that I was here to entertain her, she could have killed me.
So I came up with a good reason, and she wouldn't say no.
Looking for her to consult on investment skills, her favorite is to share her investment experience and skills, which is almost at a disadvantage.
As the man in the family who's been against her all day, she's always trying to reform me, but she's always failed, and I know she won't give up any chance to teach me to be human.
As it happens, she passes in seconds.
And then she said.
You're here.
I said yes.
Did she say that you felt a little frustrated in your life?
Did she fix the fairy? When did she get so good? She's gonna be so good to her family already.
I didn't answer, and I felt the threat, and a smart second-in-law could upset our family's IQ balance.
I panicked.
She said that I had learned a lot recently, and I realized that the success of my life depended on the accumulation of atmospheric values, and that you could only succeed if you accumulated enough atmospheric values, so I wanted to tell you that you had to be in the atmosphere, regardless of the difficulties encountered.
I'm relieved she's still so sanded.
Then she sent me a link saying that all the secrets of life were in there, and that 100 would be enough.
I don't think it's right, but to explore the mystery of life, I paid this $100, occasionally cheated, and it's a relief.
It turns out this is probably the best $100 I've spent so far.
Any shrink is less effective than 100 bucks, and I'm happy to see it for a whole year.
It's 100 bucks, and it's a bunch of online video material, and it's just as boring at first sight as the successful sculptor studies on the market.
I opened these videos with a high sense of humor, thinking about it. There's really nothing new in the world.
But when I saw the presenter, I was blinded. I've never seen such a new god!
Hold on, my friends. You're lucky. You're about to see the mystery of success.
The character of the presenter is a bit complicated, and I'd like to quote from his own blog to introduce him.
Sit tight before you read it. Really, I was completely blinded when I first read it.
他如火似冰 入骨穿魂
流淌的灵感 无法抗拒
他写的书 不能用眼睛看
他的演说 不能用耳朵听?
他的电影 不能用心看
不要优秀 不要完美 不要卓越 不要奇迹
没有尽力而为 全力以赴
他生命的词典里只有 誓死达成
让老人找回青春 让孩子找回梦想
让男人涌动血性 让女人绽放柔情
Come, my friends, you've all seen the big scene. Have you seen such a personal profile?
This is not "Breaking the Dome 2" or "The Wind of XX" -- it is a self-presentation by a successful learning lecturer.
I don't know if I'm allowed to kneel. I think I saw Superman.
This moving man, that's it.
King of punks, King of Turkore, Wizard of Atmospheric Sciences, Energy Carrier, Grand Master of the House of Bliss, Lord of Dragons!
Let's take a look at this bloody logo!
Did you feel the sulfur coming from this side of the floor?
It was the first time I ever realized my size.
In the presence of the spiritual master, the spiritual leader, I find my little discomfort not worth mentioning.
It's suggested that you take more pictures of your teacher. Let's go on.
First of all, maybe you'll wonder who the teacher is?
Some say he's just a regular training lecturer.
The position of the teacher in the field of training, as he himself called it, was that of the Grand Caesar of the training community, and it was suggested that everyone kneel first.
As Caesar, the name of his company must also be worthy of his hegemony.
Asian King-in-Chief Training Group.
The name sounds like hegemonic.
And if you want to be trained, you can see if you do.
I only bought it for $100, but it felt like I could see through the sky.
Are you afraid of the spirits of the universe?
Now that the world is under control, the ordinary curriculum is not worthy of it.
The training of the baron, it's not just a simple list of what you're going to learn.
That's the baptism of the soul, the concentration of the energy of the universe.
Up to the Cosmos carrier, down to the couple's room, there's no baron who's not good at it, for a total of 50 million.
In order to prove that the baron is truly capable of anything, I have specifically gathered evidence of what the baron calls the bulls in every field.
First of all, the Mandarin is a man of good heart who often prays for the well-being of mankind without moving, and it can be said that the Earth has not yet been destroyed, probably because the Mandamus is holding on to the energy of the universe.
You should be grateful, and you should be grateful for a nicer font, so it's more personal.
In addition to his daily prayers and work, the Brother made a man's brand called a tough man's dress.
He wears a tough man's uniform and he's the hero of the beauty of the world.
In particular, the green font was a pointer, and indeed touched my soul.
说回修行,枭哥还可以把吃喝拉撒都变成修行。 "Strong" says that once you're back in business, the baron can also turn food, drink, and so forth into a trade. 只要你充值。 as long as you're loaded. 这个能量充值后,不仅你自己能用,还能给家人用。 After this energy charge, it's not only for your own use, but also for your family. 想加入和枭哥一起争霸天下吗? Would you like to join us in the battle with the Lord? 请转账付费,枭哥带你飞。 /strang > 枭哥不仅产业丰富,自身也是一身的艺术细菌。 It's not just a rich business, it's an artistic bacteria. 在行为艺术领域,我想他是真正的亚洲巅峰。 In the field of behavioral art, I think he's really the top of Asia. 请看枭哥自己的音乐专辑《我属狼》,这英文翻译也很绝,最左边的文字也很精美,建议做成海报挂在墙上。 Look at the Mandarin's own music album, I'm Wolves. The English translation is also excellent, and the text on the left is fine, and it's recommended to hang it on the wall as a poster. 至于为什么枭哥属狼,我在他博客看到了这样一段描述,和我当年给网络小说当枪手的时候写的东西差不多。 As to why the barons are wolves, I saw this in his blog, which is similar to what I wrote when I used to write online novels as gunmen. 真的,看到了我都有一种见到老朋友的熟悉感。 It's true, seeing me as an old friend. 尤其是这个“我不管,我就属狼”,闪歪了我的腰。 Especially this one, "I don't care, I'm a wolf." 我输了。 I lost. 4 虽然枭哥多才多艺,有很多的副业,但他的主业还是通过培训来传播宇宙能量,维持世界和平。 In spite of the great variety of talents and many side jobs, his main business is training to spread the energy of the universe and maintain world peace. 枭哥的能量是无敌的,拍什么流浪地球,枭哥只要一发功,地球直接就能在宇宙中漂移,费那么大劲干嘛。 The Mandarin's energy is invincible. 我要重点介绍一下枭哥霸气四溢的演讲,我看了一夜,感觉抑郁症被彻底治愈了。 I'd like to highlight the talk of the Mandarin, which I saw all night and felt like depression had been completely cured. 枭哥演讲是喜欢边讲边在白板上写字的,而且字体非常返璞归真,和我小学负一年级的时候不分上下。 The Mandarin lecture was written on the whiteboard while speaking, and the fonts were very redacted, and did not go up or down when I was in the first grade of my primary school. 这说明枭哥已经宇宙神功大成,返老还童了。 This means that the Mandarin has achieved a great deal of cosmos and has returned to his old age as a child. 在看枭哥写字的时候,我偶然发现了枭哥发功的操作细节。 When I read the Mandarin writing, I accidentally discovered the operational details of his work. 枭哥想在白板上写一个【冤】字,但是比划了半天,放弃了。 The man wants to write a word on the whiteboard, but he's done it for half a day, and he's given up. 有人说枭哥是文化水平不高,写不出来。 Some say the baron's not very well educated and can't write it. 我说这是胡扯,明明是枭哥想写的时候,突然想到众生皆苦,众生冤枉,然后不忍落笔,顺道发了个宇宙能量。 I say this is bullshit, and when the barons want to write it, they suddenly think that life is suffering, that people are wrong, and then they write down, and they pass on a cosmos energy. 我在看视频看到这个操作细节的时候,我就感受了宇宙能量的洗礼,因为我一下子就笑了出来,要知道我可是抑郁症病人,这种快乐,只有宇宙能量,才能治愈。 When I looked at the details of the operation, I felt the baptism of the cosmic energy, because I laughed at the moment, knowing that I was a depression patient and that only cosmos energy could cure it. 除了宇宙能量外,枭哥演讲的逻辑是非常严谨的。 In addition to the cosmic energy, the logic of the Mandarin speech is very strict. 就像他讲到自己肯花钱,花钱去跟名人见面吃饭提升知名度,然后用知名度收别人的钱,换来的钱在和更多名人提升知名度,然后再收钱,再知名度,再收钱。 It's like he's talking about spending money to meet a celebrity to raise his profile, and then to collect someone else's money, in exchange for more celebrities to raise his profile, then to collect money, then to be known, and then to collect money. 永动机一样的操作,枭哥牛逼,逻辑宝才,培训界捡到鬼了。 It's the same thing as ever, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, like, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, like, when, you, you know, like, when, you like, when, you like, you know, you, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you, you, you know, you know, you, you, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, when, when, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you?, you?, you?, you know, you know, you know, you know, when when when when when when when when when when, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you like, you?, you, you?, you, you?, you?, you, you?, you?, you?, you know, you know, you know, you know 注意枭哥的表情,真的是在踏实地用心分享,讲的例子也很接地气。 Paying attention to the Mandarin's face, it is true that it is being shared with heart, and that the examples given are also telling the story. 而且枭哥的演讲过程中,明确说了虽然自己创业一次失败一次,而且演讲收钱,但是自己不为了钱,而是拯救人类,不要用钱来侮辱他。 And the Mandarin speech made it clear that although he had failed once in his own business and received money, he had saved mankind not for money, but not for money. 真的,他说自己拯救人类的时候,我感觉自己的抑郁症又一次被宇宙能量治愈了。 Really, when he said he saved humanity, I felt that my depression had been cured once again by the energy of the universe. 再看下去,枭哥还讲了文化和天机,这么牛逼的宇宙机密被枭哥讲的通透又可以理解。 If you look at it again, you're talking about culture and talent, and it's understandable that it's such a big secret about the universe. 真的,文化程度达到幼儿园大班就能听懂枭哥朴实的道理。 It is true that if you reach kindergarten level, you can understand the Mandarin's plain sense. 这段对于文化和宇宙能量的阐述,堪称醍醐灌顶。 The elaboration of culture and cosmopolitan energy can be described as the best. 说到买培训课程花钱,枭哥又有新的名言警句出来。 When it comes to buying a training course, there's a new quote from the Mandarin. 你花在培训上的钱,应该是开的车的五倍。 You should be five times the money you spend on training. 至于300万是如何五五2500万的,这不重要,化空了,化没了,化通万物,什么三百万的五倍是多少已经不需要在乎了,但是你知道什么,大气有了,你的人生也就有希望了 It doesn't matter how $525 million is, it's empty, it's gone, it's all gone, it's five times what's three million doesn't matter anymore, but you know what, with the atmosphere, there's hope in your life. 说到后面,枭哥还专门讲述了自己对于员工忠诚度的理解。 Speaking at a later stage, the Brother also dedicated himself to his understanding of the loyalty of his staff. 只要有人背叛枭哥,枭哥直接送他100万,如果忠于枭哥,则会得到几个亿。 As long as someone betrays the baron, the baron sends him 1 million, and if he is loyal to the baron, he gets hundreds of millions. 很多人算了算觉得就是世界首富也没这么多钱。 Many people think they're the richest in the world and they don't have that much money. 要我说你们还是浅薄,枭哥玩儿的可是宇宙能量,不要用地球的落后经济水平来衡量枭哥的实力! If I may say you're still shallow, you're playing with the energy of the universe. Don't use the backward economics of the Earth to measure the power of the man! 枭哥的演讲真的是通俗易懂,幼儿园都能听懂。 The Mandarin speech is so easy to understand, and kindergarten can understand. 但如果你上到小学3年级,你又会发现你听不懂枭哥到底在讲什么。 But if you go to third grade, you'll find out you don't understand what the baron is talking about. 你要知道,错的不是枭哥,是你。 You know, it's not the baron that's wrong, it's you. 如果你看了之后还是觉得没有听懂,那是你被世间的污浊所蒙蔽,天眼不开,无法接触天机,必须要循环枭哥演讲100遍才能找回真实的自我。 If you look at it and you still don't understand it, it's that you're blinded by the blemish of the world, you can't see it, you can't touch it. 经过几天的认真学习,我发现了二婶儿给我介绍的宇宙奥秘。 After a few days of careful study, I discovered the mystery of the universe introduced to me by my second aunt. 纵观枭哥在整个演讲的过程中,不断反复强调做人要大气,不关你事好人还是坏人,只要你是一个大气的人,你就能成功。 It's not your business, it's your business, it's your business, it's your business, it's your job, it's your job, it's your job, it's your job. 那么什么是大气?枭哥的解释很简单。 So what's the atmosphere? The lord's explanation is simple. 大气就是肯花钱,大气就是想买就买。 The atmosphere is money, the atmosphere is buying if you want it. 关于大气和成功,枭哥讲了一个让人深思的案例。 With regard to atmosphere and success, the Laos spoke of a thought-provoking case. 他说有一个河南的美容院老板(真正的高端群体),听了他的演讲,非常振奋,问枭哥说,自己去海宁皮革城看到了一个皮衣,8000块,但是舍不得买,问枭哥怎么办? He said there was a beauty salon owner in Henan, and he was very excited to hear his speech. He said he went to Heining Leather City and saw a leather coat for $8,000, but he couldn't buy it. 枭哥说你要抓紧买,现在就就要买,不然你的生意就完蛋了,因为你没有大气了。 Don says you're gonna buy it now, or your business is over because you don't have the atmosphere. 结果她还是不买,果然,三个月之后就倒闭了。 And she didn't buy it, so she closed down after three months. 枭哥说她一个女孩子千里迢迢从河南跑到海宁,肯定是动心了,但是东西的东西你不买,那就是不大气,不大气的人,必定失败。 The man said that a girl who ran all the way from Henan to Heining must have been moved, but if you don't buy something, it's not the atmosphere, it's the people who don't the atmosphere, it's the people who fail. 哪怕你买了转头就烧了,但你有了大气,转身就赚180万! Even if you buy it, you burn it, but if you have the atmosphere, you make 1.8 million! 感觉大气和人民币有兑换关系一样。 The atmosphere feels the same as the renminbi. 关于大气,枭哥还讲了一个自己的故事。 With regard to the atmosphere, the Brother also told a story of his own. 他说自己年轻的时候跟朋友借钱不还,朋友骂他打他,后来他成功了,给朋友一人几百万。 He said that he borrowed money from his friends when he was young and that his friends accused him of beating him, and that he succeeded by giving them millions. 因为他花钱就是大气,积累的大气最后变成了成功,而他的朋友们则一个个还是很穷。 Because he spends his money on the atmosphere, the accumulated atmosphere turns into success, and his friends are still poor. 这不禁让我怀疑枭哥给朋友的几百万是不是按照大气折算的。 It makes me wonder if the millions that the Brother gave to his friends were converted to the atmosphere. 在枭哥风味土话口音夹杂的激情中,我顿悟了宇宙能量修炼的核心奥义。 In the passion of the Mandarin accent, I learned about the core of cosmopolitan energy. 这个奥秘就是大气值系统,这是宇宙能量修炼的核心。 The secret is the atmospheric value system, which is the core of cosmos energy refining. 我们所有人想要成功,都必须积攒自己的大气值,大气值要靠花钱积攒,给枭哥花钱算3倍积分。 For all of us to succeed, we must build up our own atmospheric values, which will be built up by spending three times as much as we can for the barons. 当你的大气值积累到一定程度的时候,你会获得一个【凯子光环】,身边的人都会被你吸引过来。 When you accumulate a certain amount of atmospheric value, you'll get one of those. People around you will be attracted to you. 如果你继续努力,可能还会获得【破产光环】的加持,不破不立,大破大立,先破后立,既当又立。 If you continue to do so, you may also gain the hold of [insolvency halo], standing on its feet, standing on its feet, standing on its feet and standing on its own. 如果你此时顿悟,改成花别人的钱,则你的大气值会进行升华,变成【主角嘲讽光环】,身边所有的人都在谈论你,所有人都想找你,甚至还会有人想打你骂你。 If at this point you learn to spend other people's money, your atmospheric value will rise to the point where everyone around you is talking about you, everyone wants to find you, and someone will even want to scold you. 如果你坚持下去,持续积累大气值,不为外物所动。 If you persist, build up atmospheric values on a continuous basis, it's not touched by the outside world. 那么恭喜你,大气值最终会量变产生质变,进化为【宇宙能量】。 So, congratulations, the atmospheric values will eventually change in terms of mass, and evolve into cosmos energy. 当你有了【宇宙能量】的时候,你就应该不停买枭哥的课,学习枭哥的宇宙能量,感受枭哥的灵魂洗礼。 When you have cosmos energy, you're supposed to buy barons' classes, learn the cosmos energy of barons and feel their souls baptized. 最终,你充沛的【宇宙能量】可以呼唤【宇宙能量航母】,你就有机会和枭哥一起征战天下,横扫宇宙了。 In the end, you can call out the full amount of cosmos energy, and you'll have the chance to fight with the baron and sweep the universe. 这么一想,是不是已经觉得自己熊熊燃烧了呢少年? Do you already think you're burning, young man? 枭哥的台风和演讲,总是那么令人赏心悦目又步步惊心,他总会在不经意间透露出各种细节,各种自黑,让演讲变得各种有爆点。 The typhoons and speeches of the Mandarin are always so entertaining and shocking that he will unwittingly reveal all kinds of details, all kinds of self-deprivedness, and make speeches a source of excitement. 这种神奇的台风再配上他说high之后时常忘词,以及霸气的方言扣眼配合3句一个【听懂掌声】,往往会造就大批迷弟迷妹。 This amazing typhoon is matched by high-high words, and a heated verb with three sentences, often creating a huge crowd of enthusiasts. 真的,德云社那点东西在枭哥这边连波澜都翻不起一点。 Really, Devon's stuff can't even turn up a little bit on the side of the baron. 如果枭哥进入相声界,那将会是一场横扫。 If the barons get into each other's voices, it'll be a sweep. 枭哥如此迷人的风格,又有如此神奇的宇宙能量加持,还有快手喊麦一样的文化水平,带来的粉丝效应是惊人的。 The fan effect of this charming style of the baron, with such amazing cosmopolitan energy, and a fast-handed level of education like wheat, is amazing. 关于枭哥的神奇传说,除了宇宙能量和大气值体系之外,还有非常厉害的吸金大法。 The magic legend of the Mandarin is that, in addition to the cosmos energy and atmospheric value systems, there is a very powerful way of sucking gold. 所谓吸金大法,我也不知道是什么东西,但反正你买了课,就会脱胎换骨,一人得道,鸡你太美。 I don't know what it is, but you buy classes, you change your bones, you do it alone, you're too beautiful. 大家看下各路网友对于吸金大法的震撼描述,我贫乏的语言难以形容。 When you look at the shocking accounts of the use of gold, I can't describe my poor language. 首先这个吸金大法,是像空调一样的东西,能开能关,一开就发财,一关就省电。 First of all, it's like an air conditioner. You can turn it on, you can get rich, you can save electricity. 这暗和了宇宙能量第一守恒定律。 It's darker than the first constant law of the energy of the universe. 唯一的缺点就是能量太强,容易影响自然坏境。 The only drawback is that energy is too strong to easily affect natural hazards. 其次就是吸金大法像变形金刚一样形态多变,可以是一套方法论,更可以是一套大阵,只要大阵一开,就有人给你打钱,非常不可思议。 The second is the multiplicity of the shapes of the golden magnanimous, which can be a set of methodologies and, more importantly, a big one, and it's amazing that someone can give you money as long as it takes. 一打就是4000万。 A dozen is 40 million. 更厉害的是,这套吸金大法不仅开关自如造型百变,还可以无极化万物,自花传粉有丝分裂变成吸金家族。 Even more powerful is the fact that not only does the switch be as self-styled as it is, but it also makes everything non-polar, and it turns into a gold-smoking family with its own flowering pollen. 效果堪称毁天灭地,改变命运根本不在话下。 The effects are devastating, and there is nothing to change fate. 那么,这么牛逼的吸金大法,要积攒多少大气值才能换取呢? So, how much air do you need in exchange for such a big sucking game? 答案是,3131元。 The answer is, $3131. 是不是感动坏了?是不是吓得哭了? Are you so moved? Are you crying? 这么牛逼的东西只卖这么便宜,还不赶紧打钱? That's the cheapest thing you've ever sold. Why don't you give me the money? 不过我想了很久,为什么是3131元呢? But I've been thinking about it for a long time. Why $3131? 最后我想,可能是暗和枭哥对于文化阐述的天机,三分归元,天下归一。 Finally, I think it may be that the dark and the baron's vision of culture is three points for the dollar and one for the world. 这是31,然后枭哥讲话喜欢重复,所以是3131。 This is 31, and then the Mandarin talks like to repeat, so 3131. 细节,细节。 Details, details. 枭哥如此有力,价格又如此亲民,所以毫不意外的吸引了包括我在内的一大票粉丝。 The Mandarin is so strong and so pro-people, so it's not surprising that he attracts a lot of fans, including me. 大家心中有枭哥,心中有宇宙,日常生活积攒大气值,希望有一天可以召唤出宇宙能量航母。 We all have lords in our hearts, universes in our hearts, atmospheres in our daily lives, and hope that one day we can summon space energy carriers. 你们看我每篇文章都在抽奖,其实就是在积累大气值,等我召唤出宇宙能量航母的时候,给你们一人一个头等舱。 You see, I'm drawing prizes for every article, and it's building up atmospheric values, and when I call out the Space Energy Carrier, I'll give you a first-class cabin for each of you. 不用担心座位不够,这可以宇宙能量航母,随时往里面进,有的是大座儿。 Don't worry about the lack of seats. It's a cosmic energy carrier, and it's in there at any time, and there's plenty of seats. 不过积累大气值的核心关键,还是心里有枭哥,在这点上,作为刚入门的人,我的修炼显然不及很多优秀的师兄师姐。 At the heart of the accumulation of atmospheric values, however, there is the Brother, and at this point, as a newcomer, I am clearly not as good as many brothers and sisters. 例如这个新闻,师兄师姐们看到个抖音网红,都觉得是枭哥。 For example, in this news, the brothers and sisters saw a shivering net and thought it was the baron. 他们这种万物皆可枭哥的操作,让我羞愧的无地自容。 Such things can be handled by their lords, and I am ashamed of myself. 所以才有了这篇文章,我要让身边所有人都知道君领天下的凯撒大帝枭哥,让所有人都要感受到枭哥宇宙能量的洗礼。 That's why I have this article, and I want everyone around me to know that Caesar's Great Brother, the King of the Kings, has to feel the washing of the power of the Confederacy. 希望大家在日常生活中,也能学会积攒大气值,召唤出自己的宇宙能量航母。 It is to be hoped that in everyday life you will learn to accumulate atmospheric values and summon your space energy carrier. 到时候我们一起在宇宙中漂移,岂不快哉? We'll drift together in the universe, won't we? 别说了,快来登上大气航母,干翻宇宙吧! Stop it. Come on, get on the air carrier. Let's go to the universe. 听懂掌声! Listen to the applause! ----------- 文章首发于个人公众号【仙人JUMP】,ID:xrtiaotiao,一个斗图大师,互联网魔幻文学发源地,关注后回复【摸鱼】,感受真正的知识付费,你学知识,我付费。? The article was originally published on the individual public "JUMP", ID: xrtiaotio, a master of art, the source of Internet magic literature, and then respond to it, feel the real knowledge, learn the knowledge, and I pay? 欢迎多多关注。 Welcome to the attention.
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