斯坦福的这门加密考试,通过就拿9.9 ETH?

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:47 评论:0
斯坦福的这门加密考试,通过就拿9.9 ETH? Stanford's encryption exam, 9.9 ETH? 免责声明:本文旨在传递更多市场信息,不构成任何投资建议...



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斯坦福的这门加密考试,通过就拿9.9 ETH?

Stanford's encryption exam, 9.9 ETH?


This paper is intended to convey more information about the market and does not constitute an investment proposal.


Editor: Keep an eye on it.


Source: Odaily Daily Planet.


author: Azuma


Today, there is an interesting story about Stanford University in the wool ring.

据推特用户 @0x.bitwu.eth 分享,如果能够完成斯坦福大学的 CS 251(加密货币与区块链技术)课程并通过考试,即可获得一个凭证 NFT,该 NFT 当前在 OpenSea 上的地板价高达 9.9 ETH,对自个智力有信心的朋友不妨一试。

According to Twitter user 0x.bitwu.eth, if the CS 251 (encrypted currency and block chain technology) course at Stanford University is completed and passed an examination, a certificate can be obtained for NFT, which currently has a floor price of 9.9 ETH on OpenSea, a friend who has confidence in his own mind.

经 Odaily 星球日报查询,该凭证 NFT 全称为「Stanford CS 251 NFT Autumn 2021」,发行链为 Polygon,当前在 OpenSea 的地板价的确是 9.9 ETH,只不过暂时没有任何成交量。

, solicited by the Odaily Daily Planet, the certificate NFT is called "Stanford CS 251 NFT Autumn 2021 ", the distribution chain is Polygon and the floor price at OpenSea is indeed 0.9 ETH, but there is no transaction for the time being.


As can be seen from the home page of the course, “https://cs251.stanford.edu/”, a course run by Stanford University last autumn covering all aspects of block chains and encrypted currency, including distributed consensus, smart contracts, economics, scalability and applications, with a focus on Bitcoin and Ether.

完成该课程,除了需要通过最终的试题检测之外,还需要完成 3 项作业以及 4 项课业项目,包括使用 python-bitcoinlib 执行比特币交易、构建以太坊支付应用,构建 AMM DEX、使用 SNARKs 等等。

completes the course and requires, in addition to the final test, the completion of 3 operations and 4 course projects, including the use of python-bitcoinlib to carry out the Bitcoin transaction, the construction of the app for payment by the Tails, the construction of AMMDEX, the use of SNARKs, etc. .

至于试题(pdf 文档:https://cs251.stanford.edu/hw/final2021.pdf),总计有六道大题,每道大题下又细分多个小问题。问题内容涵盖理论解释类、市场实践类、bug 修复类、行业展望类等等诸多方向。比如:

With regard to the test (pdf document: https://cs251.stanford.edu/hw/final2021.pdf), there are six main issues, each of which is broken down into several minor issues. The questions cover various directions such as theoretical interpretation, market practice, bug restoration, industry outlook, etc.

Q1-A:简要解释为什么 Rollup 需要将所有交易数据存储在链上?如果交易数据被丢弃且不存储在任何地方,会出现什么问题?

Q1-A: A brief explanation of why Rollup needs to store all transaction data on the chain? What would be the problem if the transaction data were discarded and not stored anywhere?

Q3-D:在 Uniswap V2 内,假设 Bob 通过 DAI/ETH 池执行了一笔大额交易(比如卖出 DAI 换取 ETH),使得池内的资产兑换价格偏离了平衡点,套利者 Alice 发现了这个机会,并希望发起一个反向的交易,她需要如何实施套利策略?学生需要提出一种方法,该方法可使 Alice 的交易能在 Bob 的交易确认后立即执行。

Q3-D: In Uniswap V2, assuming that Bob carried out a large deal through the DAI/ETH pool (e.g. selling the DAI in exchange for ETH), the pool's asset exchange price deviated from the balance point, and Alice, the arbitrator, discovered the opportunity and wanted to launch a counter-trading deal, how does she need to implement a arbitrage strategy? Students need to propose a method that enables Alice's transactions to be executed as soon as Bob's transactions are confirmed.

Q4-C:你会在下边的 Solidity 代码中添加或更改哪一行来防止攻击?请注意,要求是单笔交易不应该创建超过 20 个 NFT。

Q4-C: What line would you add or change to the lower Solidity code to prevent an attack? Note that a single transaction should not create more than 20 NFTs.

Q5-C:如果有人发现了一种仅凭借 ECDSA 公钥即可伪造 ECDSA 签名任意消息的方法,比特币会受到怎样的影响?假设伪造一个签名需要 30 分钟的计算时间,而且不能加快速度。

Q5-C: How will Bitcoin be affected if someone finds a way to falsify any ECDSA signature by using the ECDSA public key alone? Assuming that it takes 30 minutes to compute a signature, and it does not speed up.


这套试题的要求是可以使用任何(非人力)资源来辅助作答,但不能与他人合作。感兴趣的朋友们不妨一试,检验一下自己的专业能力, 但 NFT 应该是拿不到了。之所以这么说,一是因为在该系列 NFT 的 OpenSea Deion 中已明确提及了“不可交易”(这也是当前没有交易量的原因);二是因为,该套 NFT 的发放范围仅限于 CS 251 学生,获取要求除了考试合格外还有完成整期课程,且考试最后的提交截止日期为去年的 12 月 8 日。

This set of questions requires that any (non-human) resources be used to support the answer, but not to work with others. Interested friends may try to test their professional abilities, but NFT should not be able to get

整套试题下来,可以看出斯坦福的授课高度贴合着行业最新的发展动态,Rollup、zk-SNARK、AMM、Hashmasks、Tornado cash……所有问题都在围绕着业界最新的概念及项目展开。这也与部分高等学府所谓的“区块链技术与应用”等课程的高度理论性形成了鲜明对比。

The whole set of questions shows that Stanford courses are highly relevant to the latest developments in the industry: Rollup, Zk-Snark, AMM, Hashmasks, Tornado cash, all of which are organized around the most recent concepts and projects in the industry. This is also in stark contrast to the highly theoretical nature of what some higher education institutions call “block chain technologies and applications.”

不仅是考核内容,连最终的学分奖励形式也巧借了圈内流行的 NFT(其实更像 POAP),斯坦福在前沿技术和应用领域的培养水平可见一斑。返回搜狐,查看更多

is not just a test, but even the final credit form is taken from the popular NFT (which is more like POAP), and Stanford's level of training in cutting-edge technology and applications is visible. > returned to search for more





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